

Veretennikov A., A. Yu. Veretennikov, On weak existence of solutions of degenerate McKean-Vlasov equations, Stochastics and Dynamics, World Scientific, 2024, vol. 24(5), paper no. 2450032, [WoS Q3, Scopus Q2, IF = 0,8] (preprint at arXiv:2301.01532)
Veretennikov A., Alexander Yu. Veretennikov, On Averaged Control and Iteration Improvement for a Class of Multidimensional Ergodic Diffusions, in: Kolmogorov Operators and Their Applications, Stéphane Menozzi (ed.), Andrea Pascucci (ed.), Sergio Polidoro (ed.), ser. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Springer Singapore (Singapore), 315-349.
Veretennikov A., A.Yu.Veretennikov, On Higher Order Moments and Rates of Convergence for SDEs with Switching, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 24, ¹ 1, 107-124 [Scopus Q1] (


Veretennikov A., A.A. Shchegolev, A.Yu. Veretennikov, On Convergence Rate Bounds for a Class of Nonlinear Markov Chains, Markov processes and related fields, 2023, v.29, Issue 5, 619-639. doi:10.61102/1024-2953-mprf.2023.29.5.001; the preprint at arXiv:2209.12834
Kozyakin V., Bibliography converter from BibTEX format to AMSBIB format. Information Processes. 2023. Vol. 23, no. 4. P. 455–469.
Bekmaganbetov K.A., Chechkin G.A., Chepyzhov V., Application of Fatou’s Lemma for Strong Homogenization of Attractors to Reaction–Diffusion Systems with Rapidly Oscillating Coefficients in Orthotropic Media with Periodic Obstacles. Mathematics 2023, 11, 1448.
Dragovic V., Gontsov R., Goryuchkina I., From formal to actual Puiseux series solutions of algebraic differential equations of first order, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5), 2023, V. 24(4), P. 2201-2213.
Veretennikov A., Veretennikov, A. On Positive Recurrence of the Mn/GI/1/∞ Model. Mathematics 2023, 11, 4514. [Special Issue "Probability and Stochastic Processes with Applications to Communications, Systems and Networks, 2nd Edition", Eds Prof. Dr. Gurami Tsitsiashvili and Dr. Alexander Bochkov] [Scopus Q2; WoS Q1, JCI 2022 = 2,10] The paper is available at
Gontsov R., Goryuchkina I., Generalized power series solutions of q-difference equations and the small divisors phenomenon, In: "Computer Algebra. 5th International Conference Materials. Moscow, June 26 – 28, 2023", P. 75–78.
Veretennikov A., A.Yu.Veretennikov, On averaged expected cost control for 1D controlled ergodic diffusions with switching, MPRF, 2023, 23(2), 259 - 294. [Scopus Q4, WoS? JCI 2022 = 0,15]
Veretennikov A., R.Yu.Sineokiy, A.Yu.Veretennikov, On recurrence, convergence and mixing rate for generalised Wright - Fisher"s diffusion with mutation, Markov Processes and Related Fileds (MPRF), 2023, 23(2), 241 - 258. [Scopus Q4, WoS? JCI 2022 = 0,15]
Veretennikov A., Special Issue dedicated to Nikita Vvedenskaya, Editorial, MPRF, 2023, 23(2), 145 - 150.
Veretennikov A., Veretennikov, A. Polynomial Recurrence for SDEs with a Gradient-Type Drift, Revisited. Mathematics 2023, 11, 3096. (16 pages, 30 refs) In the Special Issue "New Advances and Applications of Extreme Value Theory", ed. by Prof Dr N. Markovich [Scopus Q2; WoS Q1, JCI 2022 = 2,10]


Bekmaganbetov K.A., Chepyzhov V., Chechkin G.A., Strong convergence of attractors of reaction-diffusion system with rapidly oscillating terms in an orthotropic porous medium. Izvestiya: Mathematics, 2022, Volume 86, Issue 6, Pages 1072–1101.
Veretennikov A., A.I. Nurieva, A.Yu. Veretennikov, On consistency of Bayesian parameter estimators for a class of ergodic Markov models. Reliability: Theory & Applications. 2022, vol. 17, December 4(71): 521-529. [Scopus Q4; IF Scopus 2021 = 0,14]
Veretennikov A., A.Yu. Veretennikov, M.A. Veretennikova, On Markov–up processes and their recurrence properties, Reliability: Theory & Applications, Vol.17, No 3(69), 2022, 273-291; [Scopus Q4; IF Scopus 2021 = 0,14]
Veretennikov A., Positive recurrence of a solution of an SDE with variable switching intensities. Stoch PDE: Anal Comp, 10, 1165–1179 (2022). [Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations] (Scopus Q1; WoS Q2); SharedIt link:; [IF Scopus =1,46 (2021)]
Gontsov R., Goryuchkina I., Lastra A., On the convergence of generalized power series solutions of q-difference equations, Aequat. Math., 2022, V. 96(3), P. 579-597.
Veretennikov A., An open problem about the rate of convergence in Erlang-Sevastyanov’s model. Queueing Syst 100, 357–359 (2022), DOI, SharedIt link: [Scopus 2020 Q2; WoS Q4] IF WoS = 1.114; IF Scopus = 1.439
Kozyakin V., Non-Sturmian sequences of matrices providing the maximum growth rate of matrix products, Automatica J. IFAC (2022), Nov. Vol. 145, Paper No. 110574, 10.


Dragovic V., Gontsov R., Shramchenko V., Triangular Schlesinger systems and superelliptic curves, Physica D, 2021, V. 424, 132947.
Veretennikov A., Veretennikov A. (2021) On Positive Recurrence of One-Dimensional Diffusions with Independent Switching. In: Shiryaev A.N., Samouylov K.E., Kozyrev D.V. (eds) Recent Developments in Stochastic Methods and Applications. ICSM-5 2020. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 371, 242 - 252. Springer, Cham. [The series is indexed by Scopus]
Veretennikov A., Sineokiy, Roman and Veretennikov, Alexander. "On recurrent properties of Fisher--Wright"s diffusion on (0,1) with mutation" Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, vol. 29, no. 3, 2021, pp. 197-202 (%000010151520212061). [Scopus Q3 (2019,2020), MathSciNet, WoS Q4]
Veretennikov A., Note on local mixing techniques for stochastic differential equations, Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications 8 (1) (2021) 1–15. [Scopus 2020: Q2-Q3; Scopus 2021: Q3; MathSciNet, WoS Q4] DOI:


Veretennikov A., Yu. Mishura, A. Kukush, L. Sakhno, A. Veretennikov, Editorial. Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 102 (2020), pp. 1-4.
Veretennikov A., Yu. Mishura, L. Sakhno, A. Veretennikov, Editorial. Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 103 (2020), pp. 1-1.
Veretennikov A., Korshunov, D., Veretennikov, A. Special issue on ‘Analytical and computational methods in probability theory and its applications conference’. Queueing Syst 94, 211–212 (2020).
Bekmaganbetov K.A., Chechkin G.A., Chepyzhov V., Strong convergence of trajectory attractors for reaction-diffusion systems with random rapidly oscillating terms. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. V.19. N.5. 2020. pp.2419-2443.
Bekmaganbetov K.A., Chechkin G.A., Chepyzhov V., “Strange term” in homogenization of attractors of reaction–diffusion equation in perforated domain. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals.V.140. 2020. 110208.
Veretennikov A., Veretennikov A. On positive recurrence of 1D diffusions with switching, in: Ñáîðíèê ìàòåðèàëîâ V-é Ìåæäóíàðîäíîé êîíôåðåíöèè ïî ñòîõàñòè÷åñêèì ìåòîäàì: The 5th International Conference on Stochastic Methods (ICSM5). 23-27 November 2020, Russia, Moscow.. M. : RUDN, 2020. P. 224-228.
Veretennikov A., Yuliya Mishura and Alexander Veretennikov, Existence and uniqueness theorems for solutions of McKean–Vlasov stochastic equations, Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 103 (2020), 59-101. [Scopus 2020: Q3, WoS Q4] arXiv preprint: DOI:
Kozyakin V., On the boundedness of infinite matrix products with alternating factors from two sets of matrices. e-Print archive. 2020. October. 2010.03890
Gontsov R., Goryuchkina I., On the convergence of formal exotic series solutions of an ODE, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory, 2020, V. 20(2), P. 279-295.
Veretennikov A., Anulova, S. V., Mai, H., Veretennikov A.Yu., On Iteration Improvement for Averaged Expected Cost Control for One-Dimensional Ergodic Diffusions, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 2020. Vol. 58. No. 4. P. 2312-2331. doi 10.1137/19M1271944 [preprint:] [Scopus Q1, WoS Q1]
Veretennikov A., A.Yu. Veretennikov, On Weak Solutions of Highly Degenerate SDEs, Automation and Remote Control, 2020, 81(3), 398-410. DOI 10.1134/S0005117920030029 [Scopus Q2/2018, Q2/2019, Q2/2020, WoS Q4]
Veretennikov A., A.Yu. Veretennikov and M.A. Veretennikova, On Convergence Rates for Homogeneous Markov Chains, Doklady Mathematics, 2020, Vol. 101, No. 1, pp. 12–15. ISSN 1064-5624, DOI: 10.1134/S1064562420010081 [Scopus Q2, WoS Q4] SharedIt link:
Gontsov R., Goryuchkina I., A note on the convergence of multivariate formal power series solutions of meromorphic Pfaffian systems, J. Dyn. Control Syst., 2020, V. 26(1), P. 149-158.
Veretennikov A., On mean-field (GI/GI/1) queueing model: existence and uniqueness, Queueing Syst 2020, 94(3), 243-255. DOI 10.1007/s11134-019-09626-x preprint [Scopus Q2/2019, Q3/2018, Q2/2017, WoS Q4]


Veretennikov A., O.V. Gulinsky, A.Yu. Veretennikov, Large deviations for discrete-time processes with averaging, De Gruyter, London et al., 2nd edition: ebook, 2019. (NB: ëèíê ðàáîòàåò òîëüêî ïðè íàëè÷èè ëîãèíà â Scopus/Elsevier)
Bekmaganbetov K.A., Chechkin G.A., Chepyzhov V., Weak convergence of attractors of reaction–diffusion systems with randomly oscillating coefficients. Applicable Analysis. V.98. 2019. Nos. 1-2. P. 256-271.
Chepyzhov V., Kostianko A., Zelik S.V., Inertial manifolds for the hyperbolic relaxation of semilinear parabolic equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, V. 24, no.3, 2019. P.1115-1142.
Gontsov R., Goryuchkina I., Convergence of formal Dulac series satisfying an algebraic ordinary differential equation, Sbornik: Mathematics, 2019, V. 210(9), P. 1207-1221.
Veretennikov A., On Polynomial Recurrence for Reliability System with a Warm Reserve, Markov Processes and Related Fields. 2019. Vol. 25. P. 745-761. [Scopus Q3/2018] (DOI 10.1007/s11134-019-09626-x) [WoS Q4]
Gontsov R., Barkatou M., Linear differential systems with small coefficients: various types of solvability and their verification, SIGMA, 2019, V. 15, 058, 15p.
Martynov G., G. V. Martynov. Notes on the Cram´er–vonMises test with estimated parameters. Theory of Probability & Its Applications2019, Vol. 64, No. 1, p. 148. (In " Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Abstracts of Talks Given at the 3rd International Conference on Stochastic Methods) (Translated from Russian) DOI. 10.1137/S0040585X97T989428
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Chebotarev P., Consensus in Asynchronous Multiagent Systems. III. Constructive Stability and Stabilizability. Automation and Remote Control, 2019, Vol. 80, No. 6, pp. 989-1015.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Chebotarev P., Consensus in Asynchronous Multiagent Systems. II. Method of Joint Spectral Radius. Automation and Remote Control, 2019, Vol. 80, No. 5, pp. 791-812.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Chebotarev P., Consensus in Asynchronous Multiagent Systems. I. Asynchronous Consensus Models. Automation and Remote Control, 2019, Vol. 80, No. 4, pp. 593-623.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Chebotarev P., Consensus in asynchronous multiagent systems. II // Autom. Remote Control. 2019, Vol. 80, No. 6, pp. 989-1015
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Chebotarev P., Consensus in asynchronous multiagent systems. II // Autom. Remote Control. 2019. Vol. 80, no. 5. P. 791--812.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Chebotarev P., Consensus in asynchronous multiagent systems. I // Autom. Remote Control. 2019. Vol. 80, no. 4. P. 593–623.
Kozyakin V., Caution, DOI! Bibliographic detective story in the era of digitalization, Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2019, Vol. 64, No. 12, pp. 1523-1526.
Veretennikov A., O.A. Manita, A.Yu. Veretennikov, On convergence of 1D Markov diffusions to heavy-tailed invariant density, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 2019, no.1, 89-106. [Scopus Q2/2017, Q2/2018, Q1/2019, WoS Q3] preprint at Bielefeld Uni 18049;;
Kozyakin V., Minimax joint spectral radius and stabilizability of discrete-time linear switching control systems // Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B. 2019. Vol. 24, no. 8. P. 3537–3556. 10.3934/dcdsb.2018277


Veretennikov A., Gulinsky O.V., Veretennikov A.Yu., Large deviations for discrete-time processes with averaging, De Gruyter. (Berlin, New York, Germany) , Reprint 2018 ed. edition (August 1, 1993), 192 p. ISBN-10: 3110423499; ISBN-13: ‎978-3110423495
Chepyzhov V., Chechkin G.A., Pankratov L.S., Homogenization of trajectory attractors of Ginzburg-Landau equations with randomly oscillating terms. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B. V.23. 2018. N. 3. P. 1133-1154.
Chepyzhov V., Ilyin A.A., Zelik S.C., Vanishing viscosity limit for global attractors for the damped Navier-Stokes system with stress free boundary conditions. Physica D. V. 376-377. 2018. P. 31-38.
Veretennikov A., G. Aivaliotis, A.Yu. Veretennikov, An HJB Approach to a General Continuous-Time Mean-Variance Stochastic Control Problem, ROSE (Random Operators and Stochastic Equations), 2018, v.26, no.4, 225-234. [Scopus 2014-2018 Q4; in 2019 Q3] [WoS: ]
Gontsov R., Goryuchkina I., The Maillet--Malgrange type theorem for generalized power series, Manuscripta Math., 2018, V. 156(1), P. 171-185.
Kozyakin V., On convergence of infinite matrix products with alternating factors from two sets of matrices, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 9216760, 5 pages


Martynov G., 2018 year. G. V. Martynov. Goodness test for the Gaussianity conjecture of a random process. Theory of Probability & Its Applications, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp. 655--656, (In "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics" 2018, pp. 640–674) DOI.10.1137/S0040585X97T988861
Bekmaganbetov K.A., Chechkin G.A., Chepyzhov V., Weak convergence of attractors of reaction–diffusion systems with randomly oscillating coefficients. Applicable Analysis. 2017.
Chepyzhov V., Conti M., Pata V., Averaging of equations of viscoelasticity with singularly oscillating external forces. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. V.108. 2017. N.6. P.841-868.
Chepyzhov V., Ilyin A.A., On strong convergence of attractors of Navier–Stokes equations in the limit of vanishing viscosity. Mathematical Notes, March 2017, Volume 101, Issue 3–4, pp 746–750.
Chepyzhov V., Ilyin A.A., Zelik S.V., Strong trajectory and global W1,p -attractors for the damped-driven Euler system in R2. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B. 2017. V. 22. N.5. P.1835-1855.
Bekmaganbetov K.A., Chechkin G.A., Chepyzhov V., Goritsky A.Yu., Homogenization of Trajectory Attractors of 3D Navier--Stokes system with Randomly Oscillating Force. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A. V.37. 2017. N. 5. P. 2375-2393.
Veretennikov A., S.V. Anulova, H. Mai, A.Yu. Veretennikov, On averaged expected cost control as reliability for 1D ergodic diffusions, Reliabiity: Theory & Applications (RT&A) 2017, 4(47) Vol.12, 31-38. DOI:
Veretennikov A., On mean-field GI/GI/1 queueing model: existence and uniqueness, In: ANALYTICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN PROBABILITY THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS (ACMPT-2017), Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference 23–27 October 2017, Under the general editorship of D.Sc. A.V. Lebedev, RUDN, Moscow, Russia, 182-186 [Ìàòåðèàëû Ìåæäóíàðîäíîé íàó÷íîé êîíôåðåíöèè. Ðîññèÿ, Ìîñêâà, 23–27 îêòÿáðÿ 2017 ã. / ïîä îáù. ðåä. À. Â. Ëåáåäåâà. – Ìîñêâà : ÐÓÄÍ, 2017, ñòð. 182-186]
Gontsov R., Barkatou M., Smallness of the formal exponents of an irregular linear differential system, with an application to solvability by quadratures, In: "Computer Algebra. Materials of the International Conference. Moscow, October, 30 – November, 3, 2017", P. 11–16.
Gontsov R., On the dimension of the subspace of Liouvillian solutions of a Fuchsian system, Math. Notes, 2017, V. 102(2), P. 149-155.
Veretennikov A., A.Veretennikov. Ergodic Markov processes and Poisson equations (lecture notes). In book: Modern problems of stochastic analysis and statistics - Selected contributions in honor of Valentin Konakov (editor: V.Panov). pp. 457 - 511. Springer, 2017.
Veretennikov A., On convergence rate for Erlang--Sevastyanov type models with infinitely many servers // Theory of Stochastic Processes. 2017. No. 1, 88-102; [Scopus Q4]
Kozyakin V., Minimax theorem for the spectral radius of the product of non-negative matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 65:11, 2356-2365, 2017
Shirokov D., Method of averaging in Clifford algebras, 2014 , 15 pp., arXiv: 1412.0246


Martynov G., Martynov G. Anderson-Darling statistic and its “inverse” // Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016. Vol. 61. No. 6. P. 709-716.
Bekmaganbetov K.A., Chechkin G.A., Chepyzhov V., Homogenization of Random Attractors for Reaction-Diffusion Systems. Comptes Rendus Mecaniques. V.344. 2016. N. 11-12. P.753–758.
Chepyzhov V., Approximating the trajectory attractor of the 3D Navier-Stokes system using various $ \alpha$-models of fluid dynamics. Sbornik: Mathematics(2016),207(4):610.
Veretennikov A., On Poisson equations with a potential in the whole space for ``ergodic" generators, Òåîðiÿ Éìîâiðíîñòåé òà Ìàòåìàòè÷íà Ñòàòèñòèêà, 95, 2016, 178-188. Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 95 (2017), 195-206. [Scopus Q4][WoS] DOI:
Kochevalina M., Rodionova E., Trunov V., V. Morozova O., The role of multivariate analysis in the study of the changes in animal odor after hepatocellular carcinoma transplantation. 5th The International Conference «Social Science and Humanity» by SCIEURO in London, 23-29 September 2016. Social Science and Humanity #3, pp 61-70
Veretennikov A., Kleptsyna M.L., On robustness of discrete time optimal filters, Mathematical Methods of Statistics (ISSN: 1066-5307 (Print) 1934-8045 (Online)), 2016, 25(3), 207-218.; doi:10.3103/S1066530716030042 [Scopus Q2 (2016)][WoS]
Veretennikov A., Veretennikova E.V., On partial derivatives of multivariate Bernstein polynomials, Siberian Advances in Mathematics (ISSN 1055-1344), 2016, 26(4), 231-242. DOI 10.3103/S1055134416040039 [Scopus Q4]
Veretennikov A., On Recurrence and Availability Factor for Single–Server System With General Arrivals, Reliability: Theory and Applications (RT&A), 2016, vol.11, #3(42), 49-58. (
Veretennikov A., Zverkina G.A., On Polynomial Bounds of Convergence for the Availability Factor, Chapter in: Distributed Computer and Communication Networks, Volume 601 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, 2016, pp 358-369. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-30843-2_37
Veretennikov A., Bogachev V.I., Shaposhnikov S.V., Veretennikov A.Yu. Differentiability of solutions of stationary Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations with respect to a parameter, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, 36, 3519-3543, 2016. DOI:10.3934/dcds.2016.36.3519; [Scopus Q1][WoS]
Veretennikov A., G. Da Prato, F. Flandoli, M. Röckner, and A. Yu. Veretennikov, Strong uniqueness for SDEs in Hilbert spaces with nonregular drift, Ann. Probab. Volume 44, Number 3 (2016), 1985-2023. [Scopus Q1][WoS] doi:10.1214/15-AOP1016
Asarin E., Cervelle J., Degorre A., Dima C., Horn F., Kozyakin V., Entropy Games and Matrix Multiplication Games, 33rd Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, (STACS 2016). Ed. by N. Ollinger, H. Vollmer. Vol. 47 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs). Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2016. P. 11:1–11:14.
Gontsov R., Goryuchkina I., An analytic proof of the Malgrange theorem on the convergence of formal solutions of an ODE, J. Dyn. Control Syst., 2016, V. 22(1), P. 91-100.
Kozyakin V., Hourglass alternative and the finiteness conjecture for the spectral characteristics of sets of non-negative matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 489 (2016), 167-185.
Kozyakin V., Hardy type asymptotics for cosine series in several variables with decreasing power-like coefficients, International Journal of Advanced Research in Mathematics, 2016, Vol. 5, pp. 35-51.


Martynov G., Martynov G. A Cramer-von Mises test for Gaussian processes, in: Mathematical Statistics and Limit Theorems, Festschrift in honor of Paul Deheuvels. Springer Verlag, 2015, p 209-229 doi 10.1007/978-3-319-12442-1
Gontsov R., Vyugin I., Solvability of linear differential systems with small exponents in the Liouvillian sense, Arnold Math. J., 2015, V. 1(4), P. 445-471.
Chepyzhov V., A.A. Bedrintsev, Design Space Description by Extremal Ellipsoids in Data Representation Problems
A.A. Bedrinsev, Chepyzhov V., S.S. Shernova, Extreme ellipsoids as approximations of design space in data predictive metamodeling problems. 2015. N. 2. P. 95-104.
Chepyzhov V., S.V. Zelik, Infinite energy solutions for Dissipative Euler equations in $\R^2$. Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics. 2015. V. 17. P.513-532.
Chepyzhov V., Trajectory attractors for non-autonomous dissipative 2d Euler equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B. 2015. V. 20. N.3. P.811-832.
Chepyzhov V., Ilyin A.A., Zelik S.V., Strong trajectory and global $\mathbf{W^{1,p}}$-attractors for the damped-driven Euler system in $\mathbb R^2$. e-Print archive, 1511.0387sv1, 2015, pp. 1-26.
Kozyakin V., Constructive stability and stabilizability of positive linear discrete-time switching systems, e-Print archive, 1511.05665, 2015, pp. 1-11.
Gontsov R., Goryuchkina I., On the convergence of generalized power series satisfying an algebraic ODE, Asympt. Anal., 2015, V. 93(4), P. 311-325.
Kozyakin V., On the asymptotics of cosine series in several variables with power coefficients, Journal of Comunications Technology and Electronics, 60(12):1441-1444, December 2015
Shirokov D., Symplectic, orthogonal and linear Lie groups in Clifford algebra , 12 pp., Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras (to appear), arXiv: 1409.2452
Shirokov D., Contractions on ranks and quaternion types in Clifford algebras, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ. Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 19:1 (2015), 117–135
Shirokov D., Calculations of elements of spin groups using generalized Pauli"s theorem, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 25:1 (2015), 227–244
Kozyakin V., On asymptotics of cosine series in several variables with power-like coefficients, Information processes, 15, 2, 2015, 128-133 (in Russian)
Asarin E., Cervelle J., Degorre A., Dima C., Horn F., Kozyakin V., Entropy Games, HAL, HAL id: hal-01164086, 2015, 1-17.
Kozyakin V., Cross R., Fact and fictions in FX arbitrage processes, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 585 (2015) 012015


Martynov G., Martynov G. Durbin–Knott Components and Transformations of the Cramer-von Mises Test, in: Statistical models and methods for reliability and survival analysis. In honor of M.S. Nikulin. Ch. 8. L. : ISTE, Wiley, 2014, 111-123.
Gontsov R., Leksin V., On the reducibility of Schlesinger isomonodromic families, In: "Analytic Methods of Analysis and Differential Equations: AMADE-2012", Cambridge Scientific Publishers, Cottengham, UK, 2014. P. 21-34.
Shirokov D., Method of generalized contractions and Pauli"s theorem in Clifford algebras, 2014 , 14 pp., arXiv: 1409.8163
Shirokov D., Marchuk N., New class of gauge invariant solutions of Yang-Mills equations, 2014 , 35 pp., arXiv: 1406.6665
Chepyzhov V., Conti M., Pata V., Totally dissipative dynamical processes and their uniform global attractors. Communications on Pure and Applied Analisis. 2014. V.13, N 5, pp.1989-2004.
Zelik S.V., Chepyzhov V., Regular Attractors of Autonomous and Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. Doklady Mathematics, 2014, Vol. 89, No. 1, pp. 92–97.
Veretennikov A., A.Yu. Veretennikov and G.A. Zverkina, Simple Proof of Dynkin’s Formula for Single-Server Systems and Polynomial Convergence Rates, Markov Processes Relat. Fields 20 (2014), 479–504. [Scopus Q3][WoS]
Veretennikov A., R. Abu-Shanab, A. Yu. Veretennikov, On asymptotic Borovkov-Sakhanenko inequality with unbounded parameter set, Teor. Imovir. Ta Matem. Statyst., No 90, 2014, pp.1-12; Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 90 (2015), 1-12. [Scopus Q3-Q4]
Kozyakin V., Matrix products with constraints on the sliding block relative frequencies of different factors, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2014, Vol. 457, 244-260.
Kozyakin V., The Berger-Wang formula for the Markovian joint spectral radius, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2014, Vol. 448, 315-328.
Veretennikov A., S. Anulova, A. Veretennikov, Exponential Convergence of degenerate Hybrid Stochastic Systems with full Dependence, in: Modern Stochastics and Applications, Springer, Optimization and Its Applications 90, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014, 159-174. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03512-3_10;


Martynov G., Martynov G. V. (2013) Martynov G. V. Cramér–von Mises test for Gauss processes. Advanced Finance and Statistics. (International Conference “Advanced Finance and Stochastics” was held on June 24–28, 2013 at Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow, Russia.) pp. 65-66
Krasilov A., Lyakhov A., Ostrovsky D., Khorov E., A dynamic channel reservation method for multimedia streaming in Wi-Fi Mesh networks // Automation and Remote Control. 2013. Volume 74. Issue 9. pp. 1460-1473 (IF: 0.265)
Chepyzhov V., Uniform attractors of dynamical processes and non-autonomous equations of mathematical physics. Russian Math. Surveys, 68:2, 349–382
Veretennikov A., S. V. Anulova, A. Yu. Veretennikov, and P. S. Shcherbakov, Exponential Convergence of Multi-Dimensional Stochastic Mechanical Systems with Switching. Proc. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 10-13, Florence, Italy, 2013, 1217-1222 ( 1807.pdf). ISBN: 978-1-4673-5716-6.[WoS] DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2013.6760048;
Kozyakin V., An annotated bibliography on the convergence of matrix products and the theory of joint/generalized spectral radius. Preprint. 2013.
Veretennikov A., Butkovsky O.A., On asymptotics for Vaserstein coupling of Markov chains, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 123(9), 2013, 3518-3541. [Scopus Q1][WoS]
Vishik M., Zelik S.V., Chepyzhov V., Regular attractors and their nonautonomous perturbations // Mat. Sb., 204:1 (2013), 3–46
Kozyakin V., Algebraic Unsolvability of Problem of Absolute Stability of Desynchronized Systems Revisited, e-Print archive, Jan 2013, 8 pp.
Veretennikov A., On large deviations in the averaging principle for SDE’s with a ``full dependence’’, revisited // Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems ser. B, 2013. V. 18. No. 2. P. 523-549. (doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2013.18.523) [Scopus Q2][WoS]
Kloeden P., Krasnosel'skii A., Krejci P., Rachinskii D., Alexei V. Pokrovskii (02.06.1948 -- 01.09.2010). Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B, 18, #2, 2013, p. i-iii
Cross R., Kozyakin V., Double Exponential Instability of Triangular Arbitrage Systems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, Vol. 18, no. 2, 349-376.
Kloeden P.E., Kozyakin V., Asymptotic behaviour of random Markov chains with tridiagonal generators, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 87, 1, 26-37.
Krasnosel'skii A., Resonant forced oscillations in systems with periodic nonlinearities, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A, 2013, 33, ¹1,239-254
Krasnosel'skii A., O'Grady E., Pokrovskii A.V., Rachinskii D., Periodic canard trajectories with multiple segments following the unstable part of critical manifold, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B, 18, ¹2, 2013, 467-482
Krasnosel'skii A., Unbounded sequences of cycles in general autonomous equations with periodic nonlinearities, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series S, 2013, 6, ¹4, 999-1016
Kloeden P.E., Kozyakin V., Asymptotic behaviour of random tridiagonal Markov chains in biological applications, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, Vol. 18, no. 2, 453-466.


Vyugin I., Gontsov R., On the question of solubility of Fuchsian systems by quadratures, Russian Math. Surveys, 2012, V. 67(3), P. 585-587.
Bibilo Y., Gontsov R., Some properties of Malgrange isomonodromic deformations of linear 2x2 systems, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 2012, V. 277, P. 16-26.
Chepyzhov V., Trajectory attractors for equations of mathematical physics // Abstracts of the International Conference “Differential Equations and Applications” in Honour of Mark Vishik, Moscow, June 4-7, 2012. P.9.
Chepyzhov V., Conti M., Pata V., A minimal approach to the theory of global attractors // Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 2012. V. 32. N.6. P.2079-2088.
Lyakhov A., Ostrovsky D., Khorov E., Analytical Study of the Quality of Links Established by Neighborhood Discovery Protocol//Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2012, Vol. 57, No 12 pp. 1314-1321
Kiryanov A., Khorov E., Lyakhov A., Ostrovsky D., Analytical Study of Neighborhood Discovery and Link Management in OLSR. //IFIP Wireless Days 2012, Dublin, 2012.
Cross R., Kozyakin V., Fact and Fiction in FX Arbitrage Processes. Working Papers 1211: University of Strathclyde Business School, Department of Economics, 2012. - July, 14 p.
Cross R., Kozyakin V., O'Callaghan B., Pokrovskii A., Pokrovskiy A., Periodic Sequences of Arbitrage: A Tale of Four Currencies, Metroeconomica, 63:2 (2012), pp. 250–294.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Semi-Hyperbolicity and Bi-Shadowing, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2012, Vol. 1 of AIMS Series on Random and Computational Dynamics, xvi+217 pp., ISBN: 978-1-60133-012.


Martynov G., Martynov G. Cramér-von-Mises test for and Durbin-Knott components. Conference on Stochastic Models and Their Applications, 22-24 August, 2011, Faculty of Informatics, University Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, 2011, P. 50
Zigangirov D., Zigangirov K., Costello D.J., PARTIALLY-REGULAR LDPC CODES WITH LINEAR ENCODING COMPLEXITY AND IMPROVED THRESHOLDS IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings Ñåð. "2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings, ISIT 2011" 2011. Ñ. 528-532.
Kozyakin V., Qualitative analysis of complex dynamical systems (M.A. Krasnosel"skii and his pupils in IITP), Scientific session of the Branch of nano- and information technology of RAS «Fundamental problems of data transmission and processing» devoted to the jubilee of IITP RAS, 12 p. (in Russian)
Chepyzhov V., Attractors for Autonomous and Non-autonomous Navier-Stokes Systems. Abstracts of 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, July 18-22, 2011, Vancouver, Canada. P.88.
Chepyzhov V., Strong trajectory attractors for 2D Euler equations with dissipation. Abstracts of the International Mathematical Conference “50 Years of IPPI”, July 25-27, 2011, Moscow. P.1-3.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Trajectory attractors of equations of mathematical physics. Uspekhi Mat. Nauk V. 66. N.4. P.3–102.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., S.V.Zelik, Strong trajectory attractors for dissipative Euler equations. Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees. V.96. 2011. P.395-407.
Veretennikov A., On Sobolev Solutions of Poisson Equations in R^d with a Parameter (To 70th birthday of Professor N.V.Krylov), Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 179(1), 48-79, 2011 (Eng); Î ñîáîëåâñêèõ ðåøåíèÿõ óðàâíåíèÿ Ïóàññîíà â R^d ñ ïàðàìåòðîì (Ê 70-ëåòèþ ïðîôåññîðà Í.Â.Êðûëîâà), Ïðîáëåìû ìàòåìàòè÷åñêîãî àíàëèçà, 61, 43-68, 2011. DOI
Veretennikov A., (With O.A.Butkovsky) On asymptotics of Vaserstein"s coupling for a Markov chain. International Mathematical Conference "50 years of IPPI", July 25-29 2011 Moscow, Russia, Proceedings, ISBN 978-5-901158-15-9
Veretennikov A., (With S.V.Anulova) On ergodicity of highly degenerate hybrid stochastic control systems. International Mathematical Conference "50 years of IPPI", July 25-29 2011 Moscow, Russia, Proceedings, ISBN 978-5-901158-15-9
Kozyakin V., One Idea of Pokrovskii: How to Link Economic Problems with Asynchronous Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics Conference in Memory of Alexei Pokrovskii, Ireland, University College Cork, September 5-9, 2011, 22pp. (talk, presentation)
Dai X., Kozyakin V., Finiteness Property of a Bounded Set of Matrices with Uniformly Sub-Peripheral Spectrum, Information processes, v. 11, no. 2, p. 253-261 (in Russian).
Dai X., Kozyakin V., Finiteness Property of a Bounded Set of Matrices with Uniformly Sub-Peripheral Spectrum. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2011, Vol. 56, No. 12, pp. 1564–1569 (original Russian text published in Informatsionnye Protsessy, 2011, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 253–261).
Cross R., Kozyakin V., Lang D., O’Callaghan B., Pokrovskii A., Pokrovskiy A., Arbitrage sequences and Leijonhufvud’s corridor hypothesis, Centre d’Economie de l’Université Paris Nord , March 2011, 15pp. (submitted to Cambridge Journal of Economics)
Veretennikov A., M.L.Kleptsyna, On filtering with unspecified initial data for nonuniformly ergodic signams, in: The Oxford Handbook of nonlinear filtering, D.Crisan and B.Rozovsky (Eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011, 267-298.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Ryabykh N.G., A Pre-Encoding--Post-Decoding Technique for Stabilizing Asynchronously Operating Systems, Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011, Vol. 18, Part 1, pp. 5855-5859.
Kloeden P.E., Kozyakin V., The dynamics of epidemiological systems with nonautonomous and random coefficients, Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace, MESA -, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 105-118.
Vladimirov A.G., Grechishkina N.A., Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Pokrovskii A.V., Rachinskii D.I., Asynchronism: theory and practice, Information processes, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1-45 (in Russian).
Gontsov R., Poberezhny V.A., Helminck G.F., On deformations of linear differential systems, Russian Math. Surveys, 2011, V. 66(1), P. 63-105.
Krasnosel'skii A., System with periodic nonlinearities, Doklady mathematics, 83, ¹3, 2011, 328–331
Gontsov R., Vyugin I., Apparent singularities of Fuchsian equations and the Painlevé property for Garnier systems, J. Geom. Phys., 2011, V. 61(12), P. 2419-2435.
Kozyakin V., A Relaxation Scheme for Computation of the Joint Spectral Radius of Matrix Sets, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Volume 17 Issue 2, February 2011, 183-201 (Victor Kozyakin. (c) Taylor & Francis, 2011. This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Taylor & Francis for personal use, not for redistribution).


Martynov G., Gennadi Martynov. Multivariate version of the Cramer-von Mises statistics. 2010. Abstracts of “Workshop in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, 30 Nov.-1 Dec. 2010”, Wellington, Wellington University, New Zealand 1 p
Martynov G., G. V. Martynov, “Multivariable goodness tests and approximation of the residues of quadratic forms”, Autom. Remote Control, 71:7 (2010), 1346–1357 (isi scopus) .............................. ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ......... ....... ....
Chepyzhov V., On trajectory attractors for non-autonomous 2D Navier-Stokes system in the Nicolskij space. Modern problems in analysis and in mathematical education. Proceedings. International conference dedicated to the 105-th anniversary of academician S.M.Nicolskij, 17-19 May 2010, MSU, Moscow. P.57-58.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Trajectory attractor for a system of two reaction-diffusion equations with diffusion coefficient δ(t) → 0+ as t → + ∞. Doklady Mathematics, Vol. 81, 2010, No. 2. P.196–200.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Trajectory attractor for reaction-diffusion system with diffusion coefficient vanishing in time. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A. V.27. 2010. N.4. P.1493-1509.
Veretennikov A., (with S.V.Anulova) On ergodic properties of degenerate hybrid stochastic control systems, in: Decision and Control (CDC), 2010 49th IEEE Conference on Issue Date: 15-17 Dec. 2010 On page(s): 2292 - 2297 Location: Atlanta, GA ISSN: 0743-1546 Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-7745-6 INSPEC Accession Number: 11848709 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/CDC.2010.5717412
Cross R., Kozyakin V., O'Callaghan B., Pokrovskii A., Pokrovskiy A., Periodic Sequences of Arbitrage: A Tale of Four Currencies, University of Strathclyde Business School, Department of Economics in its series Working Papers, 2010, No. 10-19, 30 pp. (preliminary version)
Krasnosel'skii A., Hopf Bifurcations at infinity. In "Modern methods in the theory of boundary value problems", Voronezh, VSU publ., 2010, 127-128 [Russian]
Veretennikov A., Î ñêîðîñòè ïåðåìåøèâàíèÿ è ñõîäèìîñòè ê ñòàöèîíàðíîìó ðàñïðåäåëåíèþ â ñèñòåàõ òèïà Ýðëàíãà â íåïðåðûâíîì âðåìåíè, Ïðîáëåìû ïåðåäà÷è èíôîðìàöèè, 2010, ¹4, ñòð.122-129.
Gontsov R., On movable singularities of Garnier systems, Math. Notes, 2010, V. 88(6), P. 806-818.
Kozyakin V., Irreducibility measures in explicit estimation of the joint spectral radius. SciTopics (Research summaries by experts). July 15, 2010,
V'yugin V., On games of continuous and discrete randomized forecasting // Slides of Talk at GTP 2010: Third Workshop on Game-Theoretic Probability and Related Topics, 21 - 23 June 2010, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, UK
Vyugin I., Gontsov R., Construction of a system of linear differential equations from a scalar equation, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 2010, V. 271, P. 322-338.
Krasnosel'skii A., Singular Andronov-Hopf bifurcations at infinity, Automation and Remote Control, 2010, 72, 11, 2307-2319
Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., O'Callaghan B., Sequences of Arbitrages, e-Print archive, Apr. 2010, 18p.
Veretennikov A., Abourashchi N., On stochastic averaging and mixing, Theory of Stochastic Processes, 16(32)(1) (2010), 111-130. ( URL of the preprint version below.
Kozyakin V., Max-Relaxation Iteration Procedure for Building of Barabanov Norms: Convergence and Examples, e-Print archive, Feb. 2010, 21p.
Kozyakin V., Polynomial Criteria for the v-Sufficiency of Jets in Classes of Finitely Smooth Mappings, Doklady Mathematics, 2010, Vol. 81, No. 1, pp. 101–104 (original Russian text published in Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2010, Vol. 430, No. 5, pp. 596–599).
Aivaliotis G., Veretennikov A., On Bellman"s equations for mean and variance control of a Markov diffusion, Stochastics: An International J. of Probability and Stochastic Processes, Electronic version: 82 (6 Nov 2009), pages unknown. Printed version: Volume 82, Issue 1 February 2010 , pages 41 - 51 DOI: 10.1080/17442500902723567.
541, Veretennikov A., On discrete time ergodic filters with wrong initial data, 2, Stochastics: An International J. of Probability and Stochastic Processes, Electronic online version: 82 (01 Sept 2009), pages unknown. Printed version: Volume 82, Issue 1 February 2010 , pages 25 - 40; DOI: 10.1080/17442500902723559
Kozyakin V., An explicit Lipschitz constant for the joint spectral radius, Linear Algebra and Applications, Applications, 2010, 433, No. 1, 12-18.
Kozyakin V., Polynomial criteria for v-sufficiency of jets in classes of finitely smooth maps, Doklady AN, 2010, 430, ¹5, 596-599.
Kozyakin V., Polynomial reformulation of the Kuo criteria for v-sufficiency of map-germs, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 14, No. 2, September 2010, 587-602.
Kozyakin V., On Explicit A Priori Estimates of the Joint Spectral Radius by the Generalized Gelfand Formula, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Vol. 18, Nos. 1 & 2, January & April, 2010, pp. 91–103.
Kozyakin V., Iterative Building of Barabanov Norms and Computation of the Joint Spectral Radius for Matrix Sets, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 14, No. 1, July 2010, 143-158.
Krasnosel'skii A., Index at infinity and bifurcations of twice degenerate vector fields, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 35, ¹1, 2010, 99-126
O'Ceallaigh S., Krasnosel'skii A., Pimenov A., Rachinskii D., Fold bifurcations and linear stability analysis in systems with Preisach hysteresis, in ``Rate-Independent Evolutions and Material Modeling"" (Special Section of EQUADIFF 2007), T. Roubicek and U. Stefanelli (Eds.), Pubblicazione IMATI-CNR, 29PV10/27/0, Pavia, ISSN 1772-8964, 2010, 39-44


Veretennikov A., N. Abourashchi, A.Yu. Veretennikov, On Weak solutions and local Dobrushin"s mixing condition for 2D degenerate stochastic differential equations. In: Proc. Internat. Dobrushin conference, July 15-20 2009, Moscow, ISBN 978-5-901158-10-4, p. 5-11.
Veretennikov A., (with N.Abourashchi) On exponential mixing bounds and convergence rate for reciprocal Gamma diffusion processes, Mathematical Communications, 14(2) (2009), 331-339.
Groshev F., Golubtsov K., Trunov V., “Raduga 6DL” // In Proc. of the The 13-th international salon of research, innovation and technological transfer “Inventica 2009”, Yassi, Romania, 4 -6 june 2009
Vladimirov A., Shlosman S., Rybko A., Spontaneous resonances and the coherent states of the queuing networks// Proc. of Dobrushin International Conference, Moscow. July 2009. ÈÏÏÈ ÐÀÍ, Ñ. 149-156.
Vladimirov A., Shlosman S., Rybko A., Spontaneous resonances and the coherent states of the queueing networks// Journal of statistical physics. 2009. V. 134, N. 1, P. 67-104.
Gontsov R., Vyugin I., Some addition to the generalized Riemann-Hilbert problem, Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse, 2009, V. 18(3), P. 527-542.
Martynov G., Cramér-von-Mises test for the Weibull and Pareto Distributions, Abstracts of the International Conference “Probability and Statistics with Applications”, 2009, Debrecen, Hungary, 43-44.
Martynov G., Goodness-of-fit tests for the Weibull and Pareto Distributions, 6th St. Peterburg Workshop on Simulation, 2009, 765-769
Martynov G., Goodness-of-fit tests for the Weibull and Pareto Distributions,MMR 2009-Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Moscow, 2009, 327-331.
Chepyzhov V., Pata V., Vishik M., Averaging of 2D Navier-Stokes equations with singularly oscillating forces. Nonlinearity. V.22. 2009. No. 2. P.351-370.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Trajectory attractor for reaction-diffusion system with a series of zero diffusion coefficients. Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. V.16. 2009. N.2 P.208-227.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Trajectory attractors of reaction-diffusion systems with small diffusion. Sbornik: Mathematics. V.200. 2009. N.4. P.471–497.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Trajectory attractor for reaction-diffusion system containing a small diffusion coefficient. Doklady Mathematics, Vol. 79, 2009, No. 2. P.443–446.
Shen A., Algorithmic Information Theory and Foundations of Probability Reachability Problems Third International Workshop, RP 2009, Palaiseau, France, September 23-25, 2009, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 5797
Bienvenu L., Shafer G., Shen A., On the history of martingales in the study of randomness, Journal Elecronique d"Histoire des Probabilites et de la Statistique, ISSN 1773-0074.
Bienvenu L., Shen A., Algorithmic information theory and martingales. [A historic account] arxiv 0906.2614
Chernov A., Shen A., Muchnik An., Algorithmic randomness and splitting of supermartingales, arxiv 0807.3156 Ïðîáëåìû ïåðåäà÷è èíôîðìàöèè, 2009, 45:1, 60-70. English version: Problems of Information Transmission, 2009, 45:1, 54-64.
Bienvenu L., Muchnik An., Shen A., Verehshchagin N., Limit complexities revisited. Proceedings of STACS 2008 conference, p.73-84, Theory of Computing Systems, DOI 10.1007/s00224-009-9203-9, 17 March 2009.
V'yugin V., Coding-invariant Classifcation of Infnite Sequences // 4th International Conference on Logic, Computability and Randomness, June 29th - July 3rd, 2009.
V'yugin V., On games of continuous and discrete randomized forecasting // Dobrushin International Conference, July 15-20 2009, Moscow, Proceedings, p.173-178, ISBN 978-5-901158-10-4.
V'yugin V., Learning Volatility of Discrete Time Series Using Prediction with Expert Advice // O. Watanabe and T. Zeugmann (Eds.): SAGA 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5792, pp. 16–30, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
V'yugin V., The Follow Perturbed Leader Algorithm Protected from Unbounded One-Step Losses // R. Gavald`a et al. (Eds.): ALT 2009, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5809, pp. 38–52, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
Kozyakin V., On the Computational Aspects of the Theory of Joint Spectral Radius, Doklady Mathematics, 2009, Vol. 80, No. 1, pp. 487–491. (original Russian Text © V.S. Kozyakin, 2009, published in Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2009, Vol. 427, No. 2, pp. 160–164).
V'yugin V., On Calibration Error of Randomized Forecasting Algorithms // Theoretical Computer Science 410 (2009) 17811795 (extended version)
Kozyakin V., On the Computational Aspects of the Theory of Joint Spectral Radius, Doklady AN, 2009, 427, ¹2, 160–164 (in Russian).
Kozyakin V., On Accuracy of Approximation of the Spectral Radius by the Gelfand Formula, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2009, 431, No. 11, 2134–2141.
Krasnosel'skii A., Unbounded branches of periodic oscillations, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 2009, 45, 1-20 [Russian]


Groshev F., Golubtsov K., Trunov V., Aidu E., Orlov O., “A method to examine the lability of visual system” // In Proc. of the Russian-Finnish seminar “Russian advanced information technologies”, Finland, September 9, 2008, pp.32-33
Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Sakhnova T., Blinova E., Kneppo P., Electrocardiographic diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy on the basis of dipole electrocardio-topography method. – J. Electrocardiology, v. 41, 697.e1-697.e6, 2008.
541, Veretennikov A., On discrete time filtres with wrong initial data, Probability Theory and Related Fields (2008) 141:411–444.
Veretennikov A., 541, A. Yu. Veretennikov, M. L. Kleptsyna, “On Continuous Time Ergodic Filters with Wrong Initial Data”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 53:2 (2008), 240–276
Stepanov S., Orbit sums and modular vector invariants, in "Diophantine Approximation" , Festschrift for Wolfgang Schmidt ( Eds: H.P. Schlickewei, K. Schmidt, R. F. Tichy), Springer-Verlag, Wien-New York, 2008, pp. 381-412.
Gontsov R., Poberezhnyi V., Various versions of the Riemann--Hilbert problem for linear differential equations, Russian Math. Surveys, 2008, V. 63(4), P. 603-639.
Gontsov R., On solutions of the Schlesinger equation in the neighborhood of the Malgrange theta-divisor, Math. Notes, 2008, V. 83(5), P. 707-711.
Chepyzhov V., Pata V., Vishik M., Averaging of nonautonomous damped wave equations with singularly oscillating external forces. Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees. V.90. 2008. P.469-491.
Vishik M., Pata V., Chepyzhov V., Time Averaging of Global Attractors for Nonautonomous Wave Equations with Singularly Oscillating External Forces. Doklady Mathematics, 2008, Vol. 78, No. 2, pp. 689–692.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Attractors for nonautonomous Navier–Stokes system and other partial differential equations. In the book: Instability in Models Connected with Fluid Flows, I. (C.Bardos, A.Fursikov eds.), International Mathematical Series, V.6, Springer. 2008, P.135-265.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Trajectory attractors for dissipative 2d Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. V.15. 2008. N.2. P.156-170.
Vereshchagin N., Shen A., English version: N.Vereshchagin, A.Shen. Computable functions. Published by AMS, 2003. MR 2004b:03002
Vereshchagin N., Shen A., English version: N.Vereshchagin, A.Shen. Basic set theory. Published by AMS, 2002. MR 2003f:03001
Bienvenu L., Merkle W., Shen A., A simple proof of Miller--Yu theorem. Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 83, no. 1--2 (2008), p.21-24.
Vovk V., Shen A., Prequential Randomness, Algorithmic Learning Theory, 19th International Conference (ALT 2008), Budapest, Hungary, Oct. 13--16, 2008, p.~154--168.
Chernov A., Shen A., Vereshchagin N., Vovk V., On-line Probability, Complexity and Randomness. Algorithmic Learning Theory, 19th International Conference (ALT 2008), Budapest, Hungary, Oct. 13--16, 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v.~5254, p.~138--153.
V'yugin V., On Sequences with Non-Learnable Subsequences // CSR 2008 (E.. Hirsh,, A.Razborov, and A.Semenov, A.Slissenko (Eds.)) LNCS 5010, pp. 302–313, 2008.
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Bifurcations to unbounded sequence of cyclic branches of solutions, Abstracts of the Fifth International Conference on Differential and Functional Differential Equations, DFDE2008, Moscow, Russia, August 17-24, 2008, 38-39.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., The Kotelnikov Theorem is a Basis for Digital Estimation and Modeling of Continuous Processes, Radiotekhnika, 2008, 8, 8-14.
Krasnosel'skii A., I. Rachinskii D., Nontrivial bifurcations at infinity. Proceedings of the Int. conference "Differential equations and topology", Moscow, 2008, 148-149 [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D., On disconnected unbounded sets of forced oscillations, Doklady Mathematics, 2008, 78, No.2, 660-664
Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., D.I.Rachinskii, Arnold tongues for bifurcation from infinity, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 1, ¹1 (2008) 107-116 .
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Criterion of nonlinear resonance appearence in single-loop control system with saturation, Avtomatika i telemehanika, 8, 2008, 33-47 [Russian]
Bouse E., Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Rachinskii D.I., Non-local Branches of Cycles, Bi-stability, and Mixed Mode Oscillations, Chaos, 18, ¹1, 015109 (2008).
Krasnosel'skii A., Double degeneration in the problem on unbounded branches of forced oscillations, Doklady Mathematics, 77, ¹2, 2008, 170-174
Diamond P.M., Kloeden P.E., Kozyakin V., Semi-hyperbolicity and bi-shadowing in nonautonomous difference equations with Lipschitz mappings, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 14, ¹ 10-11, 2008, 1165 - 1173.
Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Asymptotics of the Arnold tongues in problems at infinity, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Series A, 2008, 20, ¹4, 989-1011.


Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Sakhnova T., Blinova E., New approaches to the diagnosis of left and right ventricular hypertrophy by means of dipolar electrocardiotopography. – Anatol. J. Cardiol. 2007, V. 7, Suppl. 1, p. 29-31.
541, Veretennikov A., On ergodic filters with wrong initial data, C.R.Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 344(2007), 727-731.
Stepanov S., Orbit sums method in the theory of modular vector invariants, International Scientific Conference "Diophantine and Analytic Problems in Number Theory" (dedicated to the 100th birthday of A.O. Gelfond), Moscow, Russia, 2007, pp. 32-33.
Vishik M., Titi E.S., Chepyzhov V., On convergence of trajectory attractors of the 3D Navier–Stokes-α model as α approaches 0. Sbornik: Mathematics V.198. 2007. N.12. P.1703–1736.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous 2D Navier-Stokes system with singularly oscillating external force and its global attractor. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations. V.19. 2007. N.3. P.655-684.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Trajectory Attractor for the 2d Dissipative Euler Equations and Its Relation to the Navier–Stokes System with Vanishing Viscosity. Doklady Mathematics, Vol. 76, 2007, No. 3, pp. 856–860.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., The Global Attractor of the Nonautonomous 2D Navier–Stokes System with Singularly Oscillating External Force. Doklady Mathematics, Vol. 75, 2007, No. 2, pp. 236–239.
Chepyzhov V., Titi E.S., Vishik M., On the convergence of solutions of the Leray-alpha model to the trajectory attractor of the 3D Navier-Stokes system. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 17. 2007. N.3. P.481-500.
Veretennikov A., On asymptotic information integral inequalities. (English) Theory Stoch. Process. 13, No. 29, Part 1-2, 294-307 (2007).
Shen A., Ïðîãðàììèðîâàíèå: òåîðåìû è çàäà÷è. Òðåòüå èçäàíèå: ÌÖÍÌÎ, 2007. English version: "Algorithms and Programming: Problems and Solutions" published by Birkhauser in 1997. 2nd ed. 2008 (Modern Classics, Birkhauser), 3rd ed. 2009 (Springer).
Alon N., Newman I., Shen A., Tardos G., Vereshchagin N., Partitioning multi-dimensional sets in a small number of ``uniform"" parts. ECCC Report, TR05-95, European Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 28, Issue 1, January 2007, p. 134--144. doi:10.1016/j.ejc.2005.08.002 MR2261810
Shen A., A.Muchnik, A.Shen, N.Vereshchagin, M.Vyugin. Non-reducible descriptions for conditional Kolmogorov complexity. ECCC Report, TR04-054, Jun 29, 2004 See also: Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 3959 (2006), p.308-317 (a talk given in Beijing conference, May 2006). MR2277252 Extended version: Andrej Muchnik, Alexander Shen, Mikhail Ustinov, Nikolai Vereshchagin, Michael Vyugin, Non-reducible descriptions for conditional Kolmogorov complexity. Theoretical Computer Science, 2007, 384 (1), 77--86.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Feasibility of Numerical Modelling: Information Aspect, Information Processes, 2007, Vol. 7, No. 3, ñ. 323-368 (in Russian)
Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Topologically stable subharmonics of large periods and amplitudes, Differential equations, 43, ¹2 (2007) 218-245
Kozyakin V., Structure of Extremal Trajectories of Discrete Linear Systems and the Finiteness Conjecture, Automat. Remote Control, 68 (2007), no. 1, 174-209
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Feasibility of Numerical Modelling: Information Aspect, Automat. Remote Control, 68 (2007), no. 12, 2228-2270


Blinova E., Sakhnova T., Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Samedova K., Chikhladze N., Litonova G., Chazova I., Mapping of repolarization by DECARTO technique in hypertensive patients with electrolyte disturbances. – J. Hypertension, v. 24, Suppl. 4, p. S58, 2006.
Stepanov S., Some new families of nonlinear codes, Tenth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Zvenigorod, Russia, pp. 252-255.
Zigangirov K., D.J.Costello, A.Pusane, Bates Stephen, A Comparison between LDPC block and convolutional codes, Information Theory and Applications Workshop, San Diego, USA, February 2006.
Martynov G., Goodness of fit test and latent distribution estimation in the mixed Rasch model. “Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods”, vol. 35, 2006, p. 921-935. (With Mesbah M.) ..................................... ..............................
Chepyzhov V., Mainini E., Pata V., Stability of abstract linear semigroups arising from heat conduction with memory. Asymptotic Analysis. V.50. 2006. P.269-291.
Chepyzhov V., Gatti S., Grasselli M., Miranville A., Pata V., Trajectory and global attractors for evolution equations with memory. Applied Mathematics Letters. 19. 2006. P.87-96.
Chepyzhov V., Pata V., Some remarks on stability of semigroups arising from linear viscoelasticity. Asymptotic Analysis. V.46. 2006, P.251-273.
Chepyzhov V., Miranville A., On trajectory and global attractors for semilinear heat equations with fading memory. Indiana University Mathematics Journal. V.55. 2006. N.1. P.119-167.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Attractors of Dissipative Hyperbolic Equations with Singularly Oscillating External Forces. Mathematical Notes, vol. 79, 2006, no. 4, pp. 483–504.
Veretennikov A., On ergodic measures for McKean--Vlasov stochastic equations, In: Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2004 Niederreiter, H; Talay, D. (Eds.), (2006), 471-486.
Veretennikov A., On lower bounds for mixing coefficients of Markov diffusions, In: From Stochastic Calculus to Mathematical Finance; The Shiryaev Festschrift. Kabanov, Yu.; Liptser, R.; Stoyanov, J. (Eds.) Springer, Berlin et al. (2006), 623--633.
Veretennikov A., Ñîâìåñòíî ñ Ñ.À.Êëîêîâûì. Mixing and convergence rates for a family of Markov processes approximating SDEs, ROSE - Random Oper. and Stoch. Equ., 14(2) (2006), 103-126.
Shen A., Multisource information theory ECCC Report, TR06-006. Also published: Dagstuhl seminar 06051, See also: Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 3959 (2006), p. 327-338. (a talk given in Beijing conference, May 2006). MR2277254
Vyugin I., Gontsov R., Additional parameters in inverse monodromy problems, Sbornik: Mathematics, 2006, V. 197(12), P. 1753-1773.
Astafyeva I., 128, Lakontsev D., Shpilev S., Adaptive dynamic polling mechanism as applied to the IP phone networks // ISBN 5-85638-111-4. International Workshop. Proc. Of Distributed Computer and Communication Networks (DCCN-2006). Moscow, 2006. P. 65 – 79
Lyubetsky V., Gorbunov K., Rusin L., V'yugin V., “Algorithms to reconstruct evolutionary events at molecular level and infer species phylogeny” An article in the book: “Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure II”, Springer Science & Business Media, Inc. 2006, pp. 189–204.
Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Dissipativity of pendulum with ferromagnetic friction, Automation and Remote Control, 67, 2 (2006) 221-232
Krasnosel'skii A., D.I.Rachinskii, Subharmonic bifurcation at infinity, Journal of Differential Equations, 226, 1, 2006, 30-53
Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Arnold Tongues in the Problem of Large-Amplitude Periodic Trajectories, Doklady Mathematics,74, 3 (2006) 821-827
Kozyakin V., Structure of Extremal Trajectories of Discrete Linear Systems and the Finiteness Conjecture, Information Processes, 6, 4 (2006), 327-363 (in Russian) (English translation in Automat. Remote Control, 68 (2007), no. 1, 174-209 )
Zigangirov D., Zigangirov K., On the Erasure Correction Capability of LDPC Codes//2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Sunday, July 9 -Friday, July 14, 2006 The Westin Seattle • Seattle, Washington


Rusin L., V'yugin V., Lyubetsky V., “Phylogenetic signal vs. informational noise: combat for resolution” Proceedings of the international conference “9th Evolutionary Biology Meeting”, Marseille, France, September 21–23 2005.
Rusin L., V'yugin V., Lyubetsky V., “A method to optimize primary sequence data for enhanced tree resolution” Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Computational Biology ECCB 2005, Madrid, Spain, September 28 – October 01 2005.
Gontsov R., Fuchs inequalities for systems of linear differential equations with regular singular points, J. Math. Sci., 2007, V. 145(5), P. 5165-5172.
Chepyzhov V., A.Yu. Goritsky , Integral manifolds for the sine-Gordon equation and their averaging. Multi Scale Problems and Asymptotic Analysis. GAKUTO International Series, Math. Sci. Appl. V.24. 2005. P.63-78.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Global attractors for non-autonomous Ginzburg-Landau equation with singularly oscillating terms. Rendiconti Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, Memorie di Matematica e Applicacioni. V.XXIX. 2005. fasc.1. P.123-148.
Chepyzhov V., Miranville A., Trajectory and global attractors of dissipative hyperbolic equations with memory. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. V.4. N.1. 2005. P.115-142.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Non-autonomous Ginzburg-Landau equation and its attractors. Sbornik Mathematics. V.196. 2005. N.6. P.791-815.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Trajectory attractor of non-autonomous Ginzburg-Landau equation. Doklady Mathematics. V.71. 2005. N.3. P.353-356.
Vishik M., Titi E.S., Chepyzhov V., Trajectory Attractor Approximation of the 3D Navier–Stokes System by a Leray-a Model. Doklady Mathematics, Vol. 71, 2005, No. 1, pp. 92–95.
Goritsky A.Yu., Chepyzhov V., Dichotomy property of solutions of quasilinear equations in problems on inertial manifolds. Sbornik: Mathematics. V.196. 2005. N.4 P.485–511.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Goritsky A.Yu., Integral manifolds and attractors with exponential rate for nonautonomous hyperbolic equations with dissipation // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. V.12. N.1. 2005. P.17-79.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Wendland W.L., On non-autonomous sine-Gordon type equations with a simple global attractor and some averaging. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. V.12. .2005. N.1. P.27-38.
Veretennikov A., Ñîâìåñòíî ñ E.Pardoux. On the Poisson equation and diffusion approximation 3. Ann. Probab. 33(3) (2005), 1111-1133. DOI: 10.1214/009117905000000062
Shen A., B.Durand, L.A.Levin, A.Shen. Local rules and global order, or Aperiodic Tilings. Mathematical Intelligencer, 2005, v. 27, no.1, p. 64-68. MR 2006c:52058
Lyubetsky V., V'yugin V., “A model for evolutionary event reconstruction” MCCMB’05, 2005, pp. 217–219.
Rusin L., V'yugin V., Lyubetsky V., “Enhancing phylogenetic inference: concentration of the signal in sequence data” MCCMB’05, 2005, pp. 342–346.
Lyubetsky V., Gorbunov K., V'yugin V., Rusin L., “Removing noise in protein multiple alignment” Information Processes, 2005, V. 5, No 5, pp. 380–391. [in Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., On the number of branches of periodic solutions, EQUADIFF 2003, World Scientific Publishing, 2005, 246-248
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., On a number of solution branches at asymptotic bifurcation point, Functional analysis and applications, 39, 3 (2005) 194-206
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Bifurcation of forced periodic oscillations for equation with Preisach hysteresis, Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 22, 2005, 93-102
Kozyakin V., Proof of a Counterexample to the Finiteness Conjecture in the Spirit of the Theory of Dynamical Systems, Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, Berlin, WIAS Preprint No. 1005, 1-46.
Kozyakin V., Sturmian sequences generated by orientation-preserving circle maps, Information Processes, 5, 4 (2005), 271-282 (in Russian).
Kozyakin V., Rotation numbers of discontinuous orientation-preserving circle maps revisited, Information Processes, 5, 4 (2005), 283-300.
Kozyakin V., Extremal Norms, Discontinuous Circle Maps and a Counterexample to the Finiteness Conjecture, Information Processes, 5 (4), 2005, 301-335
Kozyakin V., A Dynamical Systems Construction of a Counterexample to the Finiteness Conjecture, Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference 2005, Seville, Spain, December 12-15, 2005, 2338-2343.


Veretennikov A., Approximations for ergodic SDEs, Summer School 2004 Lecture notes, Helsinki University of Technology Institute of Mathematics Reports C-17 (,
Veretennikov A., (with Zhizhina, E.A.) On stochastic algorithms for the global optimization problem on a compact. In R.G. Aykroyd, S. Barber, & K.V. Mardia (Eds.), Bioinformatics, Images, and Wavelets, pp. 77-81. Department of Statistics, University of Leeds.
Gontsov R., Refined Fuchs inequalities for systems of linear differential equations, Izvestiya: Mathematics, 2004, V. 68(2), P. 259-272.
Martynov G., Weighted Cramér-von-Mises test with estimated parameters. “International Conference LAD’2004: Longevty, Aging and Degradation Models”. Òîì 2, Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã, 2004, ñòð. 207-222
Chepyzhov V., Kolmogorov epsilon-entropy for global attractors of dynamical systems. D.Sc. dissertation
Chepyzhov V., Ilyin A.A., On the fractal dimension of invariant sets; applications to Navier-Stokes equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems V.10. 2004. N.1&2. P.117-135.
Veretennikov A., With S.A.Klokov. Subexponential mixing rate for a class of Markov diffusions, J. Math. Sci. 123(1) (September 2004), 3816-3823. ( but the article is not available)
Veretennikov A., With S.A.Klokov. Sub-exponential mixing rate for a class of Markov processes, Math. Comm. 9 (2004), 9-26.
Lyubetsky V., Gorbunov K., V'yugin V., “Inferring evolutionary events, quality of COGs, measuring the dissimilarity between gene and species trees” Presentation abstracts of the EMBO World Phylogenetic Course 2004. November 1–7 2004, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Lyubetsky V., V'yugin V., “Complex phylogenetic analysis of the evolutionary history for some prokaryotes family” Biophysics (Moscow), 2004, V. 48, Suppl. 1 (2003), pp. 97–106.
Lyubetsky V., V'yugin V., “Measuring the Dissimilarity Between Gene and Species Trees, the Quality of a COG” Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Bionnformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2004), Novosibirsk, July 25–30 2004, V. 2, pp. 281–284.
Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Rachinskii D.I., A comparison of guaranteed estimates for the rate of convergence of a class of iterative procedures, Automation and Remote Control, 65, 10 (2004) 1635-1640
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Branching at infinity of solutions to equations with degeneration of multiplicity 2, Doklady Mathematics, 69, 1 (2004) 79-83
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Remark on Hopf Bifurcation Theorem, Mathematische Nachrichten, 272, 2004, 95-103
Krasnosel'skii A., McInerney J., Pokrovskii A.V., Sinchronized double frequency oscillations in a class of weakly resonant systems, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 57, 7-8, 2004, 929-949
Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Large subharmonics of pendulum-like equations, In `The first 60 years of NONLINEAR ANALYSIS of JEAN MAWHIN`, Eds. M. Delgado, J.Lopez-Gomez, R.Ortega, A.Suarez, World Scientific Publishing, 2004, 103-116
Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Uniform nonautonomous attractors under discretization. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 10, 1-2 (2004), 423-433.
Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., The inflation and perturbation of nonautonomous difference equations and their pullback attractors, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Difference Equations Augsburg, Germany 2001: New Progress in Difference Equations (B. Aulbach, S. Elaydi, and G. Ladas, eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2004, 139-152
Kozyakin V., A short introduction to asynchronous systems, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Difference Equations Augsburg, Germany 2001: New Progress in Difference Equations (B. Aulbach, S. Elaydi, and G. Ladas, eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2004, 153-166.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Stability of linear asynchronous systems, Proceedings of the VIII-th International workshop "Stability and oscillations of nonlinear control systems" (Moscow, ICP RAS, June 2-4 2004), Moscow, ICP RAS and "Altima standard", 89-90.


Stepanov S., Orbit sums and modular vector invariants, International Symposium on Diophantine Problems, Wien, Austria, 2003, pp. 101-103.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Approximation of trajectories lying on a global attractor of a hyperbolic equation with exterior force rapidly oscillating in time. Sbornik: Mathematics 194. 2003. N.9. P.1273–1300.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Kolmogorov Epsilon-Entropy in the Problems on Global Attractors for Evolution Equations of Mathematical Physics. Problems of Information Transmission, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2003, pp. 2-20.
Martynov G., Deheuvels, P., Martynov G. Karhunen-Loève expansions for weighted Wiener processes and Brownian bridges via Bessel functions. Progress in Probability, 2003, V. 55, pp. 57-93. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel/Switzerland.
Martynov G., One defect of the goodness-of-fit tests based on the empirical process. "Kolmogorov and contemporary mathematics. Abstracts" , Moscow, 2003, Moscow State University, pp. 495-496
Veretennikov A., On large deviations for approximations of SDEs, Probab. Theory Rel. Fields, 125(1) (2003), 135-152.
Veretennikov A., On approximate large deviations for 1D diffusion. Dedicated to the memory of Professor Revaz Chitashvili. Georgian Math. J. 10(2) (2003), 381--399.
Veretennikov A., Ñîâìåñòíî ñ E.Pardoux. On Poisson equation and diffusion approximation 2, Annals of Probability, 31(3) (2003), 1166--1192. DOI: 10.1214/aop/1055425774
Titomir L.I., Trunov V., Aidu E.A.I., Titomir L.I., Trunov V.G., Aidu E.A.I., Sakhnova T.A., Mikhnev A.A. Recognition of myocardial ischemic lesion on the basis of ECG-mapping data. – Int. J. Bioelectromagn., v. 5, No 1, p. 246-247, 2003.
Lyubetsky V., V'yugin V., “Complex phylogenetic analysis of evolutionary history for prokaryotes families” MCCMB’03, 2003, pp. 146–147.
V'yugin V., Gelfand M., Lyubetsky V., “Identification of Horizontal Gene Transfer from Phylogenetic Gene Trees” Molecular biology, V. 37, No 4, 2003, p. 571-584. PMID 12942641
Lyubetsky V., V'yugin V., “Methods of horizontal gene transfer determination using phylogenetic data” In Silico Biology, V. 3, No 1,2, 2003, pp. 17–31. PMID 12762843
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., On global branches of cycles and Hopf byfurcations, Proceedings of international conference "Modern problems on functional analysis and differential equations", Voronezh, 2003, 159-161 [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Nonlocal theorems on Hopf bifurcations, Abstracts of international conference Kolmogorov and contemporary mathematics, Moscow, 2003, 67-68
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., On a nonlocal condition for the existence of cycles of hysteresis systems, Automation and Remote Control, 64, 2 (2003) 231-251
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Schneider K., Hopf bifurcations in resonans 2:1, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications, 52, 3, 2003, 943-960
Krasnosel'skii A., A.V. Pokrovskii , Remark on Rotation of Bilinear Vector Fields, Preprint No. 04/2003 of the School of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, National University of Ireland, University College, Cork, 2003, 1-9
Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Subharmonics of large amplitudes in a semilinear Duffing oscillator, Doklady Mathematics, 68, 1 (2003) 84-88
Krasnosel'skii A., D.I.Rachinskii, On continuous branches of cycles in systems with nonlinearizable nonlinearities, Doklady Mathematics, 67, 2 (2003) 153-157
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Continua of cycles of higher-order equations, Differential Equations, 39, 12 1690-1702 (2003)
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., On continuous branches of twice periodic solutions of some PDE, Functional Differential Equations, 10, 1-2, 2003, 291-301
Kozyakin V., Indefinability in o-Minimal Structures of Finite Sets of Matrices Whose Infinite Products Converge and Are Bounded or Unbounded. Automat. Remote Control, 64 (2003), no. 9, 1386-1400 (Russian original in Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 9 (2003), 24-41).
Kozyakin V., Indefinability in o-Minimal Structures of Finite Sets of Matrices Whose Infinite Products Converge and Are Bounded or Unbounded. Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 9 (2003), 24-41 (in Russian; English translation in Automat. Remote Control, 64 (2003), no. 9, 1386-1400).
Kozyakin V., Undefinability in o-minimal structures of the problem on existence of bounded invariant sets for a finite collection of matrices, Abstracts of the International conference "Kolmogorov and Contemporary Mathematics (Moscow, June 16-21, 2003)", Moscow, Moscow State University, 2003, 65-66.
Kozyakin V., Sturmian sequences generated by order preserving circle maps, Preprint No. 11/2003, May 2003, Boole Centre for Research in Informatics, University College Cork - National University of Ireland, Cork, 2003, 16pp.
Kozyakin V., Discontinuous order preserving circle maps versus circle homeomorphisms, Preprint No. 12/2003, May 2003, Boole Centre for Research in Informatics, University College Cork - National University of Ireland, Cork, 2003, 17pp.
Kozyakin V., Asynchronous systems: a short survey and problems, Preprint No. 13/2003, May 2003, Boole Centre for Research in Informatics, University College Cork - National University of Ireland, Cork, 2003, 19pp.
Kozyakin V., Asynchronous systems (a survey and unresolved problems), Proceedings of the conference «Contemporary problems of functional analysis and differential equations (Voronezh, June 30 - July 4, 2003)», Voronezh State University, Voronezh, 2003, 151-152 (in Russian).


Vishik M., Fiedler B., Quantitative homogenization of global attractors for hyperbolic wave equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients. Russian Mathematical Surveys (2002),57(4):709-728.
Chepyzhov V., ε-entropy pour des équations non autonomes de la physique mathématique.— Université de Poitiers, Département de Mathématiques, Preprint N.165, 2002. P.1—7.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Trajectory and Global Attractors of Three-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Systems. Mathematical Notes, vol. 71, 2002, no. 2, pp. 177–193.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous 2D Navier-Stokes system with a simple global attractor and some averaging problems. ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. V.8. 2002. P.467-487.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Attractors for Equations of Mathematical Physics. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2002, 363 p.
Martynov G., Testing for mixed Rasch model and estimation of its latent distribution. "Rapport technique - ISRN: UBS-SABRES (Statistique Appliquue Brutagne - Sud)" , Mars 2002. (With M. Mesbach)Testing for mixed Rasch model and estimation of its latent distribution. "Rapport technique - ISRN: UBS-SABRES (Statistique Appliquue Brutagne - Sud)" , Mars 2002. (With M. Mesbach)
Veretennikov A., With A.B.Varakin. On parameter estimation for ``polynomial ergodic"" Markov chains with polynomial growth loss functions, Markov Processes and Related Fields, 8(1) (2002), 127-144.
Veretennikov A., With R.Liptser and V.Spokoiny. Freidlin--Wentzell type large deviations for smooth processes, Markov Processes Rel. Fields, 8 (2002), 611-636.
Veretennikov A., Coupling method for Markov chains under integral Doeblin type condition. Theory Stoch. Process. 8(24) (2002), no.3-4, 383-390.
Shen A., Vereshchagin N., Logical operations and Kolmogorov complexity ECCC-088, 2001; Theoretical Computer Science, 271 (1--2), p. 125--129 (2002) MR 2002k:68080
Shen A., A. Romashchenko, A. Shen, N. Vereshchagin, Combinatorial interpretation of Kolmogorov complexity, ECCC 7(26):2000; 15th Annual IEEE conference on Computational Complexity (Florence, 2000), 131-137, IEEE Computer Soc., Los Alamitos, CA, 2000; MR1823533. TCS 271 (1--2): p. 111--123 (2002). MR 2003d:68104
V'yugin V., Gelfand M., Lyubetsky V., “Tree Reconciliation: Reconstruction of Species Phylogeny by Phylogenetic Gene Trees” Molecular biology, 2002, V. 36, No 5, p. 650-658. PMID 12391844
Lyubetsky V., V'yugin V., “Method of Horizontal Gene Transfer Determination Using Phylogenetic Data” Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2002), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 14–20, 2002, V. 2, pp. 61–63.
V'yugin V., Lyubetsky V., Some approaches to detect HGTs with phylogenetic data. Information processes, 2002, V. 2, No 1, p. 120-140. [in Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Mennicken R., Small periodic solutions generated by sublinear terms, Journal of Differential Equations, 179, 2002, 97-132
Krasnosel'skii A., Mennicken R., Rachinskii D.I., Cycle stability for Hopf bifurcation, generated by sublinear terms, Mathematische Nachrichten, 235, 2002, 171-195
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., On a bifurcation governed by hysteresis nonlinearity, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, 9, 2002, 93-115
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Kuznetsov N.A., On resonant differential equations with unbounded nonlinearities, Journal for Analysis and Applications, 21, 3, 2002, 639-668
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., On existence of cycles in autonomous systems, Doklady Mathematics, 65, 3, (2002) 344-349


Ekstrand N., Rathonnyi B., Shtarkov Y., Smeets B., The qualitative modeling and compression of the request sequences in ARQ protocols. Proc. of Data Compression Conference 2001 (USA, Utah, Snowbird, March 27--29). IEEE Cjmputer Society Press, 2001, p. 494.
Fiedler B., Vishik M., Quantitative homogenization of analytic semigroups and reaction-diffusion equations with diophantine spatial frequencies. Adv. Diff. Eq. V.6. N.11. 2001. P.1377—1408.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Averaging of trajectory attractors of evolution equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients. Funct. Diff. Equations. V.8. 2001. N.1-2. P.123-140.
Chepyzhov V., A.A.Ilyin, A note on the fractal dimension of attractors of dissipative dynamical systems. Nonlinear Analysis. V.44. 2001. N.6. P.811-819.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Global attractor and its perturbations for a dissipative hyperbolic equation. Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. V.8. 2001. N3. P.311-330.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Averaging of trajectory attractors of evolution equations with rapidly oscillating terms. Sbornik: Mathematics. V.192. 2002. N.1. P.11–47.
Chepyzhov V., Johansson T., Smeets B., A simple algorithm for fast correlation attacks on stream ciphers. Fast software encryption. 7th international workshop, FSE 2000, New York, NY, USA, April 10-12, 2000. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 1978, 181-195 (2001).
Veretennikov A., With E.Pardoux. On the Poisson equation and diffusion approximation. I. Ann. Probab. 29(3) (2001), 1061--1085. DOI: 10.1214/aop/1015345596
V'yugin V., Lyubetsky V., An algorithm to detect horizontal gene transfer events with multiple gene trees. Information processes, V. 1, No 2, 2001, p. 167-177. [in Russian]
Gelfand M., V'yugin V., Lyubetsky V., An approach to infer evolutionary species tree from multiple gene data. Information processes, V. 1, No 1, 2001, p. 64-77. [in Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Continua of Cycles in Hamiltonian Control Systems, Automation and Remote Control, 62, 2 (2001) 227-235
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., On continua of cycles in systems with hysteresis, Doklady Mathematics, 63, 3, 243-248 (2001)
Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., On subharmonics bifurcation in equations with homogeneous nonlinearities, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 7, 7, 2001, 100-114
Krasnosel'skii A., Cross R., Pokrovskii A.V., Time-dependent Preisach nonlinearities and their properties, Doklady Mathematics, 64, 3 (2001) 435-438
Bliman P.-A., Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., On strong resonances for Hopf bifurcations in control systems, Automation and Remote Control, 62 2 (2001) 1783-1802
Krasnosel'skii A., Cross R., Pokrovskii A.V., A time-dependent Preisach model, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 306, 2001, 1-4, 206-210
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Hopf bifurcations in systems with Preisach hysteresis, Abstracts of the 1st SIAM-EMS conference "Applied Mathematics in our Changing World", Berlin, 2001, p. 29
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., On existence of cycles for quasilinear ODE of higher order, Izvestija RAEN, ser. MMMIU, 5, 1-2, 143-151 (2001)
Kozyakin V., A. Pokrovskii , The asymptotic behavior of elementary symmetric functions on a probability distribution. Journal of Appl. Math. and Stoch. Anal., 14, 3 (2001), 237-248.
Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., The perturbation of attractors of skew-product flows with a shadowing driving system. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 7, 4 (2001), 883-893.
Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Single parameter dissipativity and attractors in discrete time asynchronous systems. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 7 (2001), 873-894.


Willems F.M.J., Shtarkov Y., Tjalkens Tj.J., Context--Tree Maximizing. Proc. of 2000 Conf. on Inform. Sciences and Systems (Princeton Univ., March 15--17). Princeton, NJ, pp. TP6--TP12.
Shtarkov Y., Universal coding of non--prefix context tree sources. In: "Numbers, information and complexity", Kluves academical publishers, The Netherlands, 2000, pp. 391--402.
Fiedler B., Vishik M., Quantitative homogenization of global attractors for reaction-diffusion systems with rapidly oscillating terms. Preprint 32/00. Freie Universitat. Berlin. 2000. P.1-36.
Vishik M., Attractors for differential equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients. Colloque. Actes des journées “Jeunes numériciens” en l’honneur du 60eme anniversaire du professeur Roger Temam. 9 et 10 Mars 2000. P.119-130.
Vishik M., Non-autonomous evolution equations and their attractors. In the book: International Conference on Differential Equations, Berlin, 1999, V.1. Edited by B.Fiedler, K.Groger and J.Sprekels, World Scientific. 2000. P.690—702.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Averaging of trajectory attractors of evolution equations with rapidly oscillating terms. Max-Plank-Institut fur Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften. Preprint N 49. Lepzig. 2000. P.1-38.
Chepyzhov V., Efendiev M.A., Hausdorff dimension estimation for attractors of nonautonomous dynamical systems in unbounded domains: an example. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. V.53. 2000. N.5. P.647-665.
Chepyzhov V., Kolmogorov epsilon-entropy of attractors of non-autonomous evolution equations. In the book: International Conference on Differential Equations. V.1. Edited by B.Fiedler, K.Gröger, and J.Sprekels. World Scientific. 2000, P.659-664.
Martynov G., Cramér-von Mises test for the Gauss process on [0,1]. " International Workshop GOF2000 on Goodness-of-fit Test and Validity of Models" , Paris, 2000, p. 102
Veretennikov A., On large deviations for SDEs with small diffusion and averaging. Stochastic Process. Appl. 89(1) (2000), 69-79
Veretennikov A., With G.N.Milstein. On deterministic and stochastic sliding modes via small diffusion approximation. Markov Process. Related Fields 6(3) (2000), 371-395
V'yugin V., Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., Algorithms of detecting regulatory signal and constructing evolutionary trees. Proceedings of II international conference of the RAS «Issues in control and modeling in complex systems», Samara, 2000, RAS Press, p. 130-137. [in Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., McInerney J., Pokrovskii A.V., Weak resonances in Hopf bifurcations for control systems with nonpolynomial nonlinearities, Doklady Mathematics, 62, 3, 432-437 (2000)
Krasnosel'skii A., Mawhin J., Periodic solutions of equations with oscillating nonlinearities, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 32, 2000, 1445-1455
Krasnosel'skii A., Kuznetsov N.A., Rachinskii D.I., Nonlinear Hopf bifurcations, Doklady Mathematics, 61, 3, 389-392 (2000)
Krasnosel'skii A., Kuznetsov N.A., Rachinskii D.I., On resonant equations with unbounded nonlinearities, Doklady Mathematics, 62, 1, 44-48 (2000)
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., On Hamiltonian Lurie systems, Automation and Remote Control, 61, 8, p.1, 1259-1262 (2000)
Bliman P.-A., Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Sector estimates of nonlinearities and self-oscillation existence in control systems, Automation and Remote Control, 61, #6, p.1, 889-903 (2000)
Krasnosel'skii A., Kloeden P., Oscillations in systems with asymptotically even nonlinearities, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, 13, 2000, 41-50
Krasnosel'skii A., Mawhin J., The index at infinity for some vector fields with oscillating nonlinearities, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 6, 1, 2000, 165-174
Krasnosel'skii A., Mennicken R., Rachinskii D.I., Hopf bifurcation generated by small nonlinear terms, Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM), 80, 2000, S2, 289-290
Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., The inflation of nonautonomous systems and their pullback attractors. DANSE preprint, 14/2000 (2000), FU Berlin, 21pp.
Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., The inflation of nonautonomous systems and their pullback attractors. Transactions of RANS, series MMMIC, 4, 1-2 (2000), 144-169.
Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., The inflation of attractors and discretization: the autonomous case. Nonlinear Anal., TMA, 40 (2000), 333-343.
Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Single parameter dissipativity and attractors in discrete time asynchronous systems. DANSE preprint, 30/2000 (2000), FU Berlin, 16pp.
Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Uniform nonautonomous attractors under discretization. DANSE preprint, 36/2000 (2000), FU Berlin, 17pp.
Kozyakin V., Lecture about the method of parameter functionalization. Mark Aleksandrovich Krasnosel"skii. To the 80th birthday. Moscow, Editorial URSS, 2000, 58-70 (in Russian).
Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., The perturbation of attractors of skew-product flows with a shadowing driving system. DANSE preprint, 37/2000 (2000), FU Berlin, 12pp.


Martynov G., Bi-dimensional normal distribution. In "Probability and Mathematical Statistics: Encyclopaedia", ed. Yu. V. Prokhorov, Moscow, 1999. (In Russian).
Veretennikov A., On KPP equations with various wave front speeds, the Larson result via large deviations, in: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics: Proceedings of the 7th Vilnius Conference (1998) Vilnius, Lithuania (12-18 August, 1998), TEV, Vilnius, Lithuania, and VSP, Utrecht, the Netherlands & Tokyo, Japan, 1999, 707-714
Balkenhol B., Kurts S., Shtarkov Y., Modifications of the Barrow and Wheeler Data Compression Algorithm. Proc. of Data Compression Conference 1999 (USA, Utah, Snowbird, March 29--31). IEEE Computer Society Press, 1999, pp. 188--197.
Stepanov S., Y. Yildirim Cem, Åds, "Number Theory and its Applications", Lect. Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1999, 343 pages.
Stepanov S., "Codes on Algebraic Curves" , Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, New York -Boston-Dordrecht-London-Moscow, 1999, 362 pages.
Vishik M., Zelik S.V., Regular attractor for a non-linear elliptic system in a cylindrical domain. Sbornik: Mathematics (1999),190(6):803-834.
Schulze B.-W., Witt I., Vishik M., Zelik S.V., The trajectory attractor for a nonlinear elliptic system in a cylindrical domain with piecewise smooth boundary.— Rendiconti Academia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, Memorie di Matematica e Applicazioni. 115, Vol.XXIII, 1999, p. 3—37.
Veretennikov A., On Castellana--Leadbetter"s Condition for Diffusion Density Estimation, Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 2(1), 1-9
Veretennikov A., On large deviations in the averaging principle for SDE"s with a "full dependence", Ann. Probab. 1999, 27(1), 284-296
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Perturbation of trajectory attractors for dissipative hyperbolic equations. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. V.110. 1999. P.33-54.
Chepyzhov V., Goritsky A.Yu., Explicit construction of integral manifolds with exponential tracking. Applicable Analysis. V.71. 1999. N.1-4. P.237-252.
Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N., Noninvasive mapping of the quasiepicardium potential using symmetry of the multipole fields. - In: Electrocardiology"98. World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1999, p . 31-34.
T.Sakhnova, Romanchuk P., Blinova E., Aidu E., Trunov V., Barinova N., Titomir L., DECARTO technique in differential diagnosis of inferior myocardial infraction and left anterior fascicular block. - In: Electrocardiology"98. World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1999, p . 113-116.
Krasnosel'skii A., On oscillations in resonant equations with complex nonlinearities, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED99), Israel, 1999, 1231-1243
Krasnosel'skii A., Unbounded sequences of cycles in autonomous control systems, Automation and Remote Control, 60, #8, p.1, 1117-1125 (1999)
Krasnosel'skii A., Chernorutskii V.V., Hopf bifurcations from equilibrium, generated by small nonlinear terms, Automation and Remote Control, 60, #9, p.1, 1237-1242 (1999)
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Hopf bifurcations from infinity, generated by bounded nonlinear terms, Functional Differential Equations, 6, 3-4, 1999, 357-374
Krasnosel'skii A., Bliman P.-A., Popov absolute stability criterion for time-varying multivariable nonlinear systems, Proceedings of European Conference, Germany, Karlsruhe, F888, 1999, 1-6
Kozyakin V., Bhaya A., Kaszkurewicz E., A global asymptotic stability result for a class of totally asynchronous discrete nonlinear systems. Math. Control Signals Systems, 12, 2 (1999), 143-166.
Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., The inflation of attractors and their discretization: the autonomous case. DANSE preprint, 22/99 (1999), FU Berlin, 12pp.


Aberg J., Shtarkov Y., Smeets B.J.M., Multialphabet coding with separate alphabet description. Proc. of "Compression and Complexity of Sequences 1997" (Italy, Positano, June 11--13). IEEE Computer Sosiety Press, 1998, pp. 56--65.
Aberg J., Shtarkov Y., Smeets B.J.M., Non-uniform PPM and context tree models. Proc. od Data Compression Conference 1998 (USA, Utah, Snowbird, March 30 -- April 1). IEEE Society Press, 1998, pp. 279--288.
Shtarkov Y., Fuzzy estimation of unknown source model for universal coding. Proc. of IEEE Information Theory Workshop (Ireland, Killarney, June 1998). IEEE Press, 1998, pp. 17--18.
Justesen J., Shtarkov Y., Simple Models of Two--Dimensional Information Sources and Codes. Proc. of Internat. Symposium. on Information Theory (USA, Boston, August 1998), IEEE Press, 1998.
Fiedler B., Scheel A., Vishik M., Large patterns of elliptic systems in infinite cylinders. J.Math.Pures Appl., v.77. 1998, p.879—907.
Pata V., Prouse G., Vishik M., Traveling waves of dissipative nonautonomous hyperbolic equations in a strip. Advances in Differential Equations, v.3, N2, 1998, p.249—270.
Veretennikov A., On parameter estimation for ergodic Markov chains with unbounded loss functions. WIAS, Berlin, 1998, preprint 448. (Version of the paper in MPRF 2002.)
Veretennikov A., (with Anulova, S.V., Krylov, N.V., Liptser, R.S., Shyriaev, A.N.) Probability III. Stochastic Calculus. Berlin: Springer.
Veretennikov A., (with P.Priouret) A remark on the stability of the l.m.s. tracking algorithm, Stoch. Anal. Appl. 16(1) (1998), 118-128
Zigangirov D., Popov S.A., Chepyzhov V., Implementation of Convolutional Decoding Algorithms in CDMA Systems. Problems of Information Transmission. V.34. 1998. N.1. P.25–38.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Kolmogorov epsilon-entropy estimates for the uniform attractors of non-autonomous reaction-di usion systems. Sbornik: Mathematics V.189. 1998. N.2. P.235-263.
Szathmary V., Regecova V., Trunov V., Barinova N., Titomir L., Anthropometric substantiation of a technique for noninvasive mapping of the quasiepicardium potential. - In: Biomedical Measurement and Instrumentation (BMI"98). KOREMA, Zagreb, Croatia, 1998, p. 6.18-6.21.
Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N., Poljakova I., Revishvili A., Spherical-quasiepicardium potential mapping in estimation of surgical treatment for Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. - In: Electrocardiology"97. World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1998, p. 149-152.
Sakhnova T.A., Kozhemyakina E., Barinova N., Trunov V., Aidu E., Titomir L., Decarto technique in recognition of inferior myocardial infarction and localized LVH indistinguishable by standard criteria. - In: Electrocardiology"97. World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1998, p . 297-300.
Kozyakin V., Su Yangfeng, Bhaya A., Kaszkurewicz E., Further results on convergence of linear asynchronous iterations. Linear Algebra Appl., 281, 1-3 (1998), 11-24.
Bliman P.-A., Krasnosel'skii A., Periodic solutions of linear systems coupled with relay, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications, 30, 2, 1998, 687-696
Bliman P.-A., Krasnosel'skii A., Popov criterion and forced periodic oscillations, Automation and Remote Control, 59, #4, p.1, 457-466 (1998)
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Numerical sequence limit, student manual, State Jewish Academy, 1998, 1-24 [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Numerical series, student manual, State Jewish Academy, 1998, 1-22 [Russian]
Kloeden P., Krasnosel'skii A., Twice degenerate equations in the spaces of vector-valued functions, Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 4, 1, 1998, 1-28
Bliman P.-A., Krasnosel'skii A., Popov-like frequency criterion for existence of forced periodic oscillations, Proceedins of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, Florida, TM 12-7, 1998, 2467-2472
Krasnosel'skii A., Mawhin J., Equations with sequences of solutions. Modern methods in BVP, proceedings of the 10th Pontryagin conference, Voronezh, 1988, p.112 [Russian]
Bliman P.-A., Krasnosel'skii A., An extension of Popov criterion to multivariable time-varying nonlinear systems. Application to criterion for existence of stable limit cycles, Res. Raport INRIA no. 3512, 1998, 1-19
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Boundedness and dissipativity of truncated rotations on uniform planar lattices. Math. Nachr., 191 (1998), 59-81.
Kozyakin V., N.A. Kuznetsov , A.V. Pokrovskii , Quasi-controllability and estimates of amplitudes of transient regimes in discrete systems. Proceedings of CESA"98 IMACS-IEEE Multiconference, Hammamet, Tunisia, April 1-4, 1998, edited by P.Borne, M.Ksouri, A.El Kamel, CD-ROM ISBN 2-9512309-0-7, 1 (1998), 266-271.
Kozyakin V., N.A. Kuznetsov , Vladimirov A., Matrix methods in Skorokhod problems. Proceedings of CESA"98 IMACS-IEEE Multiconference, Hammamet, Tunisia, April 1-4, 1998, edited by P.Borne, M.Ksouri and A.El Kamel, CD-ROM ISBN 2-9512309-0-7, 2 (1998), 323-328.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Monotonic dynamical systems under spatial discretization. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 126, 7 (1998), 2169-2174.


Martynov G., Cramér-von Mises goodness-of-fit test for logistic distribution. "XXIXe JournVes de Statistique" , Carcassonne, 26-30 mai 1997, 456-459. ( With Hosine M.E., in French)
Vishik M., Nonautonomous Evolution Equations and Their Trajectory Attractors. Differential Equations, Asymptotic Analysis and Mathematical Physics, edited by M.Demuth and B.-W.Schulze, Mathemat.Research. Vol.100, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1997, pp.392—400.
Goritsky A.Yu., Vishik M., Integral Manifolds for Nonautonomous Equations. Rendiconti Academia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, Memorie di Matematica e Applicazioni. 115, Vol.XXI, fasc.1, 1997, p. 109—146.
Veretennikov A., (with E.Pardoux) Averaging for backward stochastic differential equations, with applications to semi-linear PDE"s, Stoch. Stoch. Rep. 60 (1997), 255-270.
Veretennikov A., On polynomial mixing bounds for stochastic differential equations, Stoch. Processes Appl. 70 (1997), 115-127.
Veretennikov A., (with M.Kelbert) On the estimation of mixing coefficients for a multiphase service systems, Queueing Systems and Applications (QUESTA), 25, 325-337
Chepyzhov V., Goritsky A.Yu., Global integral manifolds with exponential tracking for nonautonomous equations. Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. V.5. 1997. N.1. P.9-28.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Evolution equations and their trajectory attractors. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. V.76. 1997, P.913-964.
Titomir L., Muromtseva G., Trunov V., Zemtsova N., Barinova N., Electrocardiographic visualization of left ventricular hypertrophy undetectable by standard criteria. - In: Electrocardiology"96 - "From the Cell to the Body Surface". World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1997, p. 507-510.
Titomir L., Sakhnova T., Aidu E., Trunov V., Barinova N., Danilushkin M., Decarto technique in observation of heart state evolution after the onset of myocardiaal infarction. - In: Electrocardiology"96 - "From the Cell to the Body Surface". World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1997, p. 531-534.
Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N., A telemetering system for noninvasive measurement and intelligible-pictorial imaging of the cardiac electrophysiological function. - In: Int. Conf. on Informatics and Control. St.Petersburg, June 1997, p. 874-880.
Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N., Dipole-quadrupole electrocardiotopography: A new approach to practical ECG-mapping. - In: Measurements"97. Polygraphy of SAS, Bratislava, 1997, p. 213-216.
Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N., Functional imaging of the cardioelectric generator on the basis of Frank lead system. - Biomedizinische Technik, v. 42, No. 1, p.155-158, 1997.
Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Hysteresis. Hysteron. Non-ideal relay. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supplement Volume I, Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. M. Hazewinkel, Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1997, p. 310, p. 384
Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Vector fields in a product of spaces and applications to differential equations, Differential equations, 33, #1, 59-66 (1997)
Krasnosel'skii A., On forced oscillations in systems with even functional unbounded characteristics, Automation and Remote Control, 58 2, p.1, 27-36 (1997)
Diamond P., Êëîäåí Ï., Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Bifurcations at infinity for equations in the spaces of vector-valued functions, Journal of Australian Mathematical Society, Series A, 63, 1997, 263-280
Kozyakin V., On Finiteness of Trajectories for One Mapping Associated with Quasi-inversion of Rotation. Proceedings of the 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, August 24-29, 1997, Berlin, Germany, Volume I: Computational Mathematics, Berlin, Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, 39-44.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., A model for roundoff and collapse in computation of chaotic dynamical systems. Math. Comput. Simulation, 44, 2 (1997), 163-185.
Bobylev N.A., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Sadovskii B.N., In Memoriam Mark A.Krasnosel"skii. Moscow: April 27, 1920 — February 13, 1997. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Math. and Mech., 20, 1 (1997), 13-14.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Pokrovskii A.V., Vladimirov I.G., Some problems in analysis of discretizations of continuous dynamical systems. Proceedings of the Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Part 2 (Athens, 1996). Nonlinear Analysis, TMA. 30, 2 (1997), 767-778.
Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Quasi-controllability and Estimation of the Amplitudes of Transient Regimes in Discrete Systems. Transactions of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, series MMMIC, 1, 3 (1997), 128-150.
Kozyakin V., Asarin E.A., Bakhtin I.A., al. at, Mark Alexandrovich Krasnosel"skii (April 27, 1920 — February 13, 1997). J. Appl. Math. Stochastic Anal. 10, 2 (1997), 119-126.


Vishik M., Zelik S.V., The trajectory attractor of a non-linear elliptic system in a cylindrical domain. Sbornik: Mathematics (1996),187(12):1755-1789.
Veretennikov A., On polynomial mixing bounds for stochastic differential equations, IRISA, publication interne no 1026. (Extended version of the paper in SPA 1997)
Veretennikov A., On large deviations for SDE systems without bounded coefficient derivatives, Stoch. Anal. and Appl., Proc. 5th Gregynog Symp., Gregynog, Powys, 9-14 July 1995, Publ.Co. World Sci. Press, 1996, 471-478
Veretennikov A., On large deviations for stationary processes under local ratio-mixing conditions, Uspehi Teorii Veroyatnostej i ee Primenenij, Proc. 4th Russian-Finnish Symp. on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (3-8 oct. 1993, Moscow), ed. by A.N.Shiryaev et al., TVP, Moscow, 1996, 217-222
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Trajectory attractors of evolutionary equations without unique solvability of Cauchy problem. Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin. V.51. 1996. N.6. P.16-18.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Trajectory attractors for 2D Navier-Stokes system and some generalizations. Max-Plank-Institute fur Mathematics, Bonn, 1996, Preprint MPI 96-134 P. 1-27.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Trajectory attractors for 2D Navier-Stokes systems and some generalizations. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, Journal of the Juliusz Schauder Center. V.8. 1996. P.217-243.
Titomir L., Blatov I.V., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N., Telemetering equipment and optimal lead system for electrocardiographic mapping. - Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., v. 34, Suppl. 1, Part 2, p. 99-100, 1996.
Bliman P.-A., Vladimirov A.A., Krasnosel'skii A., Sorine M., Nonlinear resonance in systems with hysteresis, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 27, 5, 1996, 561-577
Bliman P.-A., Vladimirov A.A., Krasnosel'skii A., Sorine M., Forced oscillations in control systems with hysteresis, Doklady Mathematics, 53, #2, 312-315 (1996)
Krasnosel'skii A., Asymptotic homogeneity of hysteresis operators, Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) , 76, 2, 1996, 313-316
Al-Nayef A., Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Bi-shadowing and delay equations. Dynamics and Stability of Systems, 11, 2 (1996), 121-134.
Kozyakin V., Bhaya A., Kaszkurewicz E., Existence and stability of a unique equilibrium in continuous-valued discrete-time asynchronous Hopfield neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 7, 3 (1996), 620-628.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii M., Pokrovskii A., Robustness of dynamical systems to a class of nonsmooth perturbations. Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 26, 2 (1996), 351-361.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Monotonic Dynamical Systems Under Spatial Discretization. Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, CADSEM Report 96-001 (1996), 1-7.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., A Phenomenological Model for Discretizations of a Class of Chaotic Dynamical Systems. Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, CADSEM Report 96-002 (1996), 1-35.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Pokrovskii A., A New Model For Statistics of the First Recurrent Moments and Cycle Lengths in Discretizations of Dynamical Systems. Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, CADSEM Report 96-006 (1996), 1-9.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Pokrovskii A., Vladimirov I., Some Problems in Analysis of Discretizations of Continuous Dynamical Systems. Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, CADSEM Report 96-019 (1996), 1-9.
Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., The Asymptotic Behavior of Elementary Symmetric Functions on a Probability Distribution. Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, CADSEM Report 96-004 (1996), 1-12.
Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Estimates of Amplitudes of Transient Regimes in Quasi-controllable Discrete Systems. Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, CADSEM Report 96-005 (1996), 1-21.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Pokrovskii A.V., A phenomenological model of the statistics of cycle lengths and the first recurrence moments in discretizations of dynamic systems. Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 349, 2 (1996), 165-168 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Math. Dokl., 54, 1, 524-527 (1996)).


Veretennikov A., On backward filtering equations for SDE systems (direct approach). In: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, ed. by A.Etheridge. London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes Series, Cambridge Univ. Press, vol. 216 (1995), 304-311
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Attractors of periodic processes and estimates of their dimension. Math. Notes. V.57. 1995. N.2. P.127-140.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Trajectory attractors for evolution equations. C.R.Acad.Sci. Paris. Série I. V.321. 1995. P.1309-1314.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous evolutionary equations with translation-compact symbols and their attractors. C.R.Acad.Sci. Paris. Série I. V.321. 1995. P.153-158.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Attractors of non-autonomous evolution equations with translation-compact symbols. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. V.78. 1995. Bikhäuseer Verlag Basel/Switzerland. P.49-60.
Chepyzhov V., Popov A., Zigangirov K., Implementation and some applications of the algebraic-sequential decoder. Seventh Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory, Proceedings, June 17-22, 1995, St.-Petersburg, P.60-67.
Zigangirov K., Popov A.S., Chepyzhov V., Nonbinary convolutional coding in channels with jamming. Problems of Information Transmission. V.31. 1995. N.2. P.169–183
Bliman P.-A., Krasnosel'skii A., Sorine M., Dither in systems with hysteresis, Res. Raport INRIA, n 2690, 1995, 1-40
Krasnosel'skii A., Sorine M., Discrete asinchronous iterations, Automation and Remote Control, 56, #11, 1557-1564 (1995)
Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Mawhin J., Differential inequalities in problems on forced nonlinear oscillations, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 25, 9-10, 1995, 1029-1036
Eirola T., Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Kuznetsov N.A., Nevanlinna O., Stability of systems with incomplete corrections, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 25, 7, 1995, 717-728
Krasnosel'skii A., Mawhin J., On some higher order boundary value problems at resonance, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 24, 8, 1995, 1141-1148
Krasnosel'skii A., On nonlinear resonance in systems with delays, Automation and Remote Control, 56, #2 (1995) 160-166
Krasnosel'skii A., Mawhin J., The index at infinity of some twice degenerate compact vector fields, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 1, 2, 1995, 207-216
Eirola T., Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Kuznetsov N.A., Nevanlinna O., Incomplete corrections for linear systems with self-adjoint operators, Sov. Phys. Dokl., 39, #11 (1994)
Krasnosel'skii A., Nonlinear resonance in systems with hysteresis, Proc. Int. Conf. on Functional Differential Equ. and Appl., Moscow, August 1994, 49-50
Krasnosel'skii A., Asymptotics of nonlinearities and operator equations, ìîíîãðàôèÿ, series "Operator Theory", 76, Basel -- Boston, Birkh"auser, 1995, 1-278
Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Functional Analysis Pioneer Turns 75. SIAM News, 28, 6 (1995), 3.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., A Model for Roundoff and Collapse of Chaotic Dynamical Systems. Deakin University, School of Computing and Mathematics. Technical Reports, Mathematics Series, TR M95/07 (1995), 1-19.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Boundedness of Truncated Rotations of Uniform Planar Lattices. Deakin University, School of Computing and Mathematics. Technical Reports, Mathematics Series, TR M95/06 (1995), 1-26.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., On the fragmentary complexity of symbolic sequences. Theoretical Computer Science, 148, 1 (1995), 1-17.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Expansivity of semi-hyperbolic Lipschitz mappings. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 51, 2 (1995), 301-308.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Semihyperbolic mappings. J. Nonlinear Science, 5, 5 (1995), 419-431.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Computer robustness of semi-hyperbolic mappings. Random and Computational Dynamics, 3, 1-2 (1995), 57-70.
Al-Nayef A., Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Bi-shadowing and delay equations. Deakin University, School of Computing and Mathematics. Technical Reports, Mathematics Series, TR M95/11 (1995), 1-17.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A.V., Robustness of observable behavior of semihyperbolic dynamic systems. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 11 (1995), 148-159 (in Russian; English translation in Automat. Remote Control, 56 (1995), no. 11, part 2, 1627-1636 (1996)).
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M.A., Pokrovskii A.V., Roughness of trajectories of dynamical systems with respect to hysteresis disturbances. Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 343, 1 (1995), 25-27 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Math. Dokl., 52, 1, 138-140 (1995)).
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M.A., Pokrovskii A.V., Periodic trajectories of nonsmooth perturbations of systems with chaotic behavior. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 5 (1995), 34-41 (in Russian; English translation in Automat. Remote Control, 56 (1995), no. 5, part 1, 637-643).


Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., A. Pokrovskii , Transients in Quasi-controllable systems. Overshooting, stability and instability, Control Engineering Practice, 2, 6 (1994), 871-874.
Stepanov S., "Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves", Plenum Publ. Co., New York-London, 434 pages.
Veretennikov A., On large deviations in averaging principle for systems of stochastic differential equations with unbounded coefficients. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Proc. Sixth Vilnius Conf. (28 June - 3 July, 1993). Ed. B.Grigelionis et al. VSP, Utrecht, The Netherlands and Tokyo, Japan
Veretennikov A., On large deviations for diffusion processes under minimal smoothness conditions. C.R.Acad.Sci Paris, ser. Matem, vol. 319, Ser. A, N 7, Oct. 1994, 727-732
Veretennikov A., Large deviations in averaging principle for stochastic differential equation systems (noncompact case). Stochastics and Stochastics Reports, 1994, 48, 83-96.
Veretennikov A., On large deviations and averaging principle for stochastic - difference equation on a torus. Proc. Steklov Inst. of Math., (1994), Issue 4, 27--33.
Veretennikov A., On large deviations in averaging principle for systems of stochastic differential equations with unbounded coefficients. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Proc. Sixth Vilnius Conf. (28 June - 3 July, 1993). Ed. B.Grigelionis et al. VSP, Utrecht, The Netherlands and Tokyo, Japan, 1994, 735-742
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Periodic processes and non-autonomous evolution equations with time-periodic terms. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, Journal of the Juliusz Schauder Center. V.4. 1994. P.1-17.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Attractors of non-autonomous dynamical systems and their dimension. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. V.73. 1994. N.3. P.279-333.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous evolutionary equations with translation-compact symbols and their attractors. Centre de Recerca Matematica, Insitut d"Eestudis Catelans, Spain, Preprint N 275, 1994. P.1-6.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Attractors of non-autonomous partial differential equations and their dimension. Equadiff 8 (Bratislava, 1993). Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. V.4. 1994, P.221-234.
Veretennikov A., On weak Bernoulli, mixing rate and large deviations for SDE"s and stochastic difference systems with averaging. Proc. Internat. Workshop on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, June 19-21, 1994), part 2, 5 pages (non-refereed extended abstract).
Titomir L., Barinova N., Nagornov V., Grigoryev K.G., Trunov V., Spherical-quasiepicardium potential mapping: Theory and application. - Jap. Heart J., v. 35, Suppl.I., p. 523-524, 1994.
Titomir L., Barinova N., Nagornov V.S., Raptanova T.A., Trunov V., Spherical- quasiepicardium potential mapping for clinical diagnostics based on the CARDIAG system. -In: Cardiag"94 (Int. Conf.). Praha, Czechia, 1994, p. 151-152.
Bobylev N.A., Dementieva A.M., Krasnosel'skii A., On Poincare index in problems of optimization and control, Automation and Remote Control, 55, #2, 172-177 (1994)
Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Mawhin J., Pokrovskii A.V., Generalized guiding functions in a problem on high frequency forced oscillations, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 22, 2, 1994, 1357-1372
Krasnosel'skii A., Nonresonance sectoral estimates in problems of forced oscillations in control systems, Automation and Remote Control, 55, #12, 1740-1744 (1994)
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Properties of Semi-hyperbolic Mappings. Deakin University, School of Computing and Mathematics, Technical Reports. Mathematics Series. TR M94/05 (1994), 1-8.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Robustness of Observed Behavior of Semi-hyperbolic Dynamical Systems. Deakin University, School of Computing and Mathematics, Technical Reports. Mathematics Series. TR M94/04 (1994), 1-14.
Asarin E.A., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M.A., Kuznetsov N.A., Mathematical models of stability of desynchronized systems. Intelligent processes and their modeling. Information networks. Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (1994), 3-17 (in Russian).


Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Vladimirov A., The Skorokhod problem study via desynchronized systems techniques, Proceedings of the European Control Conference ECC’93, June 28 – July 1, 1993. Vol. 2, ed. by J. W. Nieuwenhius, C. Praagman, H. L. Trentelman. — Groningen, Netherlands : European Control Association, 1993, 760–763.
Kozyakin V., Mandelbaum A., Vladimirov A., Absolute Stability and Dynamic Complementarity, Technical report, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 24p.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous dynamical systems and their kernels. Preprint, ISSN 0347-8475, ISRN LUNFD6/NFMA-5003-SE, University of Lund, Sweden, 1993. P.1-20.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., A Hausdorff dimension estimate for kernel sections of non-autonomous evolution equations. Indiana University Mathematical Journal, V.42. 1993. N.3. P.1058-1076.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous evolution equations and there attractors. Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. V.1. 1993. N2. P.165-190.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Attractors for nonautonomous evolution equations with almost periodic symbols. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, Math. V.316. 1993. N.4. P.357-361.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Families of semiprocesses and their attractors. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, Math. V.316. 1993. N.5. P.441-445.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Dimension estimates for attractors and for kernel sections of nonautonomous evolution equations. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I. Math. V.317. 1993. N.4. P.365-370.
Chepyzhov V., Zigangirov K., A Gilbert-Varshamov bound for Quasi-Twisted codes of rate 1/n. Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory, Proceedings, August 22-27, 1993, Molle, Sweden, P.214-218.
Chepyzhov V., Popov S.A., Zigangirov K., Performance of q-ary convolutional codes on jamming channels. Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory, Proceedings, August 22-27, 1993, Molle, Sweden, P.38-41.
Veretennikov A., Ñîâìåñòíî ñ Î.Â.Ãóëèíñêèì (O.V.Gulinsky), Large deviations for discrete - time processes with averaging. VSP, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Krasnosel'skii A., On algebraic number of solutions of systems with Landesman-Lazer type nonlinearities, Adv. Math. Sci. & Appl., 2, 2, 1993, 391-395
Krasnosel'skii A., On nonlinear resonance in systems with hysteresis, ``Models in Hysteresis"", ed. A.Visintin, Pitman Res. Notes in Math. Ser., 286, Longman Sci. & Tech., 1993, 71-76
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Pokrovskii A., Transients in Quasi-controllable Systems. Overshooting, Stability and Instability. 12th World Congress IFAC, Sydney, Australia, 18-23 July 1993. Preprint of papers, 8, 465-468.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Stability of discrete desynchronized systems (problem, methods and state). Anniversary collection of proceedings of the Branch of Computer Science and Automation of Russian Academy of Sciences. Vol. I. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (1993), 94-114 (in Russian).
Vladimirov A., Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Mandelbaum A., An investigation of the dynamic complementarity problem by methods of the theory of desynchronized systems. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 329, 1 (1993), 5-8 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Math. Dokl., 47, 2, 169-173 (1993)).


Martynov G., G. V. Martynov, “Statistical tests based on empirical processes and related questions”, J. Soviet Math., 61:4 (1992), 2195–2271
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Pokrovskii A.V., Influence of Controllability-Type Properties on Reliability and Stability of Desynchronized Systems,IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 25 (8), June 1992, 392-399.
Vishik M., Skvortsov V.Yu., Stabilized asymptotics of solutions to reaction-diffusion type system equations with small parameter. In: Partial differential equations and related subjects.— Pitman research notes in mathematics series, N 269, p. 244—256.
Vishik M., Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of evolutionary equations. Cambridge University Press, p. 1—155, 1992.
Vishik M., Skvortsov V.Yu., The asymptotics of solutions of reaction-diffusion equations with small parameter. Advances in Soviet mathematics, 1992, 10, p. 149—172.
Vishik M., Skvortsov M.Yu., Attractors of singularly perturbed parabolic equations and asymptotic behaviour of their elements. Advances in Soviet mathematics, 1992, 10, p. 129—148.
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Attractors of evolutionary partial differential equations. North-Holland, Amsterdam, London, NewYork, Tokyo, p. 1—532, 1992.
Veretennikov A., On large deviations for ergodic process empirical measures. Advances in Soviet Math. Vol. 12, 125-133 (this Journal exists only in English).
Veretennikov A., On asymptotic properties of stationary processes: large deviations and exponential mixing. Proc. VI Soviet - Japan Symp. on Probab. Theory and Mathem. Stat. (Kiev, 1991). World Scientific, Singapore et al. 1992, 403-413
Veretennikov A., On large deviations for stochastic iterative procedures in Hilbert space. Numerical Methods and Optimization, Vol.3. Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences, 1992, 88-96
Chepyzhov V., Smeets B., Zigangirov K., The free distance of fixed convolutional rate 2/4 codes meets the Costello bound. Trans. IEEE on Inf. Theory. V.IT-38. 1992. N.4. P.1360-1366.
Chepyzhov V., New lower bounds for minimum distance of linear quasi-cyclic and almost linear cyclic codes. Problems of Information Transmission. V.28. 1992. N.1. P.33–44.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous dynamical systems and there attractors. In: M.I.Vishik. Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Evolutionary Equations, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous evolution equations with almost periodic symbols. Rendiconti del Seminario mathematico e fisco di Milano. V. LXII. 1992, P.185-213.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Attractors of nonautonomous dynamical systems and an estimation of their dimension. Math. Notes V.51. 1992. No.6. P.622-624.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous infinite-dimensional dynamical systems and there attractors. Preprint, LiTH-MAT-R-92-16, Linkoping University, Sweden,1992, P.1-24.
Chepyzhov V., Goritsky A.Yu., Unbounded attractors of evolution equations. In: Properties of Global Attractors of Partial Differential Equations. In Series: Advances of Soviet Mathematics. New York, 1992, pp. 85-128.
Shen A., IP=PSPACE: simplified proof. Journal of the ACM, 39, no.4 (Oct. 1992), p. 878--880. MR 94j:68270
Asarin E., Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Krasnosel'skii M., Analysis of the stability of asynchronous discrete systems, Moscow, Nauka, 1992, 408 pp.
Appell J., Krasnosel'skii A., New theorems on asymptotic bifurcation points, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 18, 2, 1992, 269-276
Krasnosel'skii A., On bifurcation points of equations with Landesman-Lazer type nonlinearities, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 18, 12, 1992, 1187-1199
Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Mawhin J., On some conditions of existence of forced periodic oscillations, Differential and Integral Equations, 5, 6, 1992, 1267-1273
Krasnosel'skii A., Mawhin J., Remark on some type of bifurcation at infinity, Bull. de la Classe des Sci, Ac. Roy. de Belgique, 6e s"erie, Tome III, 12, 1992, 293-297
Krasnosel'skii A., Asymptotics of nonlinearities and operator equations, ìîíîãðàôèÿ, series "Operator Theory", 76, Basel -- Boston, Birkh"auser, 1995, 1-278
Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., The role of controllability-type properties in the study of the stability of desynchronized dynamical systems. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 324, 1 (1992), 60-64 (in Russian; English translation in Soviet Phys. Dokl., 37 (1992), no. 5, 213-215).
Asarin E., Vladimirov A., Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Mandelbaum A., Pokrovskii A., Use of methods of a theory of a desynchronization in investigation of dynamics of information networks. Perspective means of telecommunications and integrated systems of communication. The project "Development of methods of synthesis of integrated communication systems”. Part I. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (1992), 1-31 (in Russian).


Vishik M., Skvortsov M.Yu., The asymptotic behaviour of trajectories of singularly perturbed dynamical systems. In: Proceedings of Collquium on differential equations and applications.— Budapest, 1991, p. 289—306.
Vishik M., Uniform finite-parameter asymptotics of solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. In: Frontiers in pure and applied mathematics. A collection of papers dedicated to Jaques-Louis Lions on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday.— North-Holland, Amsterdam, NewYork, Oxford, Tokyo, 1991, p. 21—30
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous infinite-dimensional dynamical systems and there attractors. Proceedings of the Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations and their Applications. Linkoping University, 1991.
Chepyzhov V., Smeets B., On A Fast Correlation Attack on Certain Stream Ciphers. Advances in Criptology, EUROCRYPT"91, Lectures Notes in Computer Sciences, V.547, Springer-Verlag, 1991, P.176-195.
Zigangirov K., Chepyzhov V., Existence of time-invariant convolutional codes with transmission rate $2/c$ for $c geq{}4$ attaining the Costello bound. Probl. Inf. Transm. V.27. 1991. No.3. P.199-211.
Chepyzhov V., New lower bounds for minimal distance of quasi-cyclic and almost linear cyclic codes rate 1/n. Fifth Joint Swedish-Soviet International Workshop on Informational Theory. Convolutional Codes; Multi-Users Communication. January 13-19, 1991, Moscow, USSR, P. 42-45.
Krasnosel'skii A., Large-amplitude oscillations in systems with saturation, Sov. Phys. Dokl., 32, 6, 419-421 (1992)
Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Kuznetsov N.A., Nonlinear systems with incomplete corrections and their stability, Sov. Phys. Dokl., 36, 5, 356-357 (1992)
Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., On some class of equations with potential operators, Note di Mat., XI, 1991, 237-245
Krasnosel'skii A., On a method of analysis of resonance problems, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 16, 4, 1991, 321-345
Krasnosel'skii A., On approximated methods for periodic oscillation constructing,Proceedings of simposium "Modelling, Inverse Problems and Numerical Methods", Tallinn, 1991
Kozyakin V., Methods of research of stability of desynchronized impulse systems. Doctor of Physical & Mathematical Sciences Dissertation, Moscow, Institute of Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences (1991), 277 p.
Kozyakin V., Methods of research of stability of desynchronized impulse systems. Abstract of the Doctor of Physical & Mathematical Sciences Dissertation, Moscow, Institute of Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences (1991), 35 p.
Kozyakin V., Equivalent norms technique for stability analysis of linear discrete event systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes. 1991. Vol. 24, no. 14. P. 290–295. IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event System Theory and Applications in Manufacturing and Social Phenomena, Shenyang, China, June 25-27, 1991.
Kozyakin V., On the stability of linear desynchronized systems with asymmetric matrices. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 7 (1991), 33-41 (in Russian; English translation in Automat. Remote Control, 52 (1991), no. 7, part 1, 928-933).
Kozyakin V., Perturbation of linear desynchronized systems. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 316, 1 (1991), 54-57 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Phys., Dokl., 36, 1, 16-17 (1991)).


Asarin E., Krasnoselskii M., Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Stability analysis of desynchronized systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes. 1990. Vol. 23, no. 8, Part 1. P. 117–121.
Asarin E., Kozyakin V., Krasnoselskii M., Kuznetsov N., On modelling systems with non-synchronously operating impulse elements, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 14, Issue C, 70-73.
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Attractors of partial differential evolution equations in an unbounded domain. In: New directions in differential equations and dynamical systems. Volume dedicated to J.K.Hale of the occasion of his 60-th Birthday.— Published by the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 116a, 1991, p. 39—61.
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Semigroups depending on a parameter, their attractors and asymptotic behaviour. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1453, Springer-Verlag, 1990, p 1—19.
Veretennikov A., (with O.V.Gulinskii) Rate of mixing and the averaging principle for stochastic recursive procedures. Aut. Remote Control. 51(6), 779-788
Veretennikov A., On large deviations in averaging principle for stochastic differential equations with periodic coefficients. 1. - Probab. Theory and Math. Statistics. Proc. Fifth Vilnius Conf. (1989). Ed. by B.Grigelionis et. al.Vilnius, Lithuania: Mokslas and Utrecht, The Netherlands: VSP, Vol. 2, 542-551
Shen A., Translation: V.A.Uspensky, A.L.Semenov, A.Shen. Can a single sequence of zeros and ones be random? Russian Math. Surveys, 45:1 (1990), 121--189. MR 91f:03043
Titomir L., P. Kneppo, Aidu E., Trunov V., Barinova N., A practical system for non-invasive mapping of the heart electrophysiological states. - In: XVII Int. Congr. Electrocardiol., Abstracts. O.I.C. Medical Press, Florence, 1990, p. 227.
G.Muromtseva, Trunov V., Barinova N., Titomir L., Decarto technique in diagnostics of left ventricular hypertrophies, using orthogonal ECG leads. - In: Advances in Electrocardiology. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam etc., 1990, p. 47-50.
Bobylev N.A., Chernorutskii V.V., Fomenko I., Krasnosel'skii A., M.A. Krasnosel'skii , Pokrovskii A.V., Semenov M.E., Vainikko E.G., The new results in the theory of periodic oscillation in nonlinear control systems, Proc. XI World Congr. IFAC, Tallinn, 6, 50-55 (1990)
Krasnosel'skii A., Dementieva A.M., Yumagulov M.G., On approximate construction of periodic solutions of first order nonlinear equation, Dokl. Acad. Nauk Tajik SSR, 3, 712-715 (1990) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Joint norm of operators and the study of nonlinear problems, Ukrainian Math. J., 42, 12, 1442-1452 (1990)
Kozyakin V., Absolute stability of discrete desynchronized systems. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 312, 5 (1990), 1066-1070 (in Russian; English translation in Soviet Phys. Dokl., 35 (1990), no. 6, 518-519).
Kozyakin V., Absolute stability of systems with asynchronous sampled-data elements. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 10 (1990), 56-63 (in Russian; English translation in Automat. Remote Control, 51 (1990), no. 10, part 1, 1349-1355 (1991)).
Kozyakin V., Stability analysis of asynchronous systems by methods of symbolic dynamics. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 311, 3 (1990), 549-552 (in Russian; English translation in Soviet Phys. Dokl., 35 (1990), no. 3, 218-220).
Kozyakin V., Stability of phase-frequency desynchronized systems under a perturbation of the switching instants of the components. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 8 (1990), 35-41 (in Russian; English translation in Automat. Remote Control, 51 (1990), no. 8, part 1, 1034-1040 (1991)).
Kozyakin V., Algebraic unsolvability of problem of absolute stability of desynchronized systems. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 6 (1990), 41-47 (in Russian; English translation in Automat. Remote Control, 51 (1990), no. 6, part 1, 754-759).
Asarin E., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., Kuznetsov N., On modelling systems with non-synchronously operating impulse elements. Math. Comput. Modelling, 14 (1990), 70-73.


Martynov G., The generalization of omega square goodness-of-fit tests. "XXXIII Semester on Robustness and Nonparametric Statistics" , March 1-May 31, 1989, Stefan Banach International Center, Warsaw, Part II , pp. 144-146
Vishik M., Some unsolved problems in the theory of differential equations and mathematical physics. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1989),44(4):157-171.
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Uniform finite-parameter asymptotics of solutions f nonlinear evolutionary equations. J. Math, pures et appl., 1989, 68:4, p. 399—455.
Chepyzhov V., Zigangirov K., Study of decoding tail biting convolutional codes. Fourth Joint Swedish-Soviet International Workshop on Informational Theory, August 27 - September 1, 1989, Gotland, Sweden, P.52-55.
Veretennikov A., Optimal stabilization of controllable random processes with fast oscillating noise. Aut. Remote Control, 50(8), 1061-1065
Veretennikov A., Probability density of stochastic differential equations. In: Statistics and Control of Stochastic Processes. Steklov seminar 1985-1986. Vol. 2. Ed. by A.N.Shiryaev et al. N.Y. Optimization Software, Inc. Publ. Divizion. 233-237
Bobylev N.A., Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Pokrovskii A.V., On some new ideas in nonlinear analysis, ``Nonlinear boundary problems"", Kiev, 1, 22-26 (1989)
Dementieva A.M., Krasnosel'skii A., Yumagulov M.G., Periodic problem operator for a first order equation, Dokl. Acad. Nauk Tajik SSR, 12, 802-805 (1989) [Russian]
Bobylev N.A., Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Stability of periodic oscillations and the possibility of obtaining them by the method of harmonic balance, Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 5, 179-181 (1989) [Russian]
Asarin E., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., Kuznetsov N., Pokrovskii A., On some new types of mathematical models of complex systems. Modelling and adaptive control, Proc. IIASA Conf., Sopron/Hung. 1986, Lecture Notes in Control and Inform. Sci., 105 (1988), 10-26.


Martynov G., Practice on probability theory and mathematical statistics. 1988, "Moscow State University" , 5-22
Martynov G., 1990. G. V. Martynov, “Probabilistic-statistical programs from “Applied Statistics””, J. Soviet Math., 50:3 (1990), 1643–1684
Vishik M., Attractors and global behaviour of solutions of a dissipative hyperbolic equation depending on a parameter. Proceedings of the Conference in the honour of J.-L. Lions, Paris, 1988.
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Uniform finite-parameter asymptotics of solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. In: Contribution of the Conference in the honour of J.-L. Lions, Paris, 1988, p. 1—10.
Fursikov A.V., Vishik M., Mathematical problems of statistical hydromechanics. Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1988, ñ. 1—473.
Chepyzhov V., Unbounded attractors of some parabolic systems of differential equations and estimates of their dimension. Sov. Math., Dokl. V.38. 1989 No.1, P.39-42.
Veretennikov A., Rate of convergence of stochastic iteration procedures in ill - posed problems. Aut. Remote Control. 49(1), 56-60
Krasnosel'skii A., Conditions of applicability of Fredholm theorems in analysis of forced oscillations in nonlinear control systems, Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 3, 162-164 (1988) [Russian]


Martynov G., Algorithms for the computing of probability distributions. "Reliability and Effectiveness in Technique. Handbook" , V. II , Chapter 6, 1987, "Mashinostroenie", pp. 251-273
Martynov G., Algorithms for the computing of probability distributions. "Reliability and Effectiveness in Technique. Handbook" , V. II , Chapter 6, 1987, "Mashinostroenie", pp. 251-273
Chepyzhov V., On unbounded invariant sets and attractors of some quasilinear equations and systems of parabolic type. Russian Mathematical Surveys. V.42.1987. N.5. P.167-168.
Veretennikov A., Malliavin calculus and its applications to some limit theorems. Proc. 1 - st World Congress Bernoully Soc., Tashkent, 1986. Vol. 1. Utrecht: VNU Sci. Press. 557-566
Veretennikov A., Lower bound for large deviations for an averaged SDE with a small diffusion, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1997, 5(1), 99-104.
Krasnosel'skii A., Directional corrections in harmonic balance method, Sov. Phys. Dokl., 32, 6, 441-443 (1988)
Krasnosel'skii A., Forced oscillations in system with hysteresis nonlinearities, Dokl. Acad. Nauk SSSR, 292, 5, 1078-1082 (1987) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Boundary problems for equations at resonance, Proc. 3d International Conf. on Diff. Equ., Ruse, Bulgaria, 1, 207-210 (1987) [Russian]
Bobylev N.A., Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Pokrovskii A.V., Vladimirov A., Functional analysis and dynamics of nonlinear control systems, Proc. X World congr. IFAC, Munich, Germany, 112-117 (1987). Selected Papers from 10th Triennal World Congress of the IFAC-1987, Munich, West Germany. Oxford, UK: Pergamon, 8, 11-15 (1988)
Dementieva A.M., Grachev N.I., Krasnosel'skii A., Petrov D.I., Remarks on harmonic balance method in problem of forced oscillations in multilinked systems, ``Heterogeneous system dynamics"", Moscow, Inst. for System Study, 6, 68-71 (1987) [Russian]
Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., The method of parameter functionalization in the Hopf bifurcation problem. Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 11, 2 (1987), 149-161.


Martynov G., On the evaluation of the multivariate normal integral. "The first international Bernoully congress on mathematical statistics and probability theory" , V. 2 , 1986, Moscow, "Nauka", p. 521
Martynov G., Computing of the distribution for the ratio of two quadratic forms in normal variates. "Statistical Methods for Estimation and hypotheses testing" , 1986, Perm, "Permian University"
Martynov G., The transforming of the multivariate normal integral to finite sum of the repeating integrals. "XIX Colloquium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Bakuriani" , Tbilisi, "Mezniereba", 1986
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Unstable invariant sets of semigroups of non-linear operators and their perturbations. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1986),41(4):1-41.
Vishik M., Kuksin S.B., PERTURBATIONS OF QUASILINEAR ELLIPTIC EQUATIONS AND FREDHOLM MANIFOLDS. Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik (1987),58(1):223-243.
Fursikov A.V., Vishik M., Mathematische problème der statistishen hydromechanik. Leipzig, Akademiche Verlagsgesellschalt Jeest & Portig K.-J., 1986. ñ.1-428 (ñîâì. ñ À.Â. Ôóðñèêîâûì).
Chepyzhov V., Unbounded attractor of a quasilinear parabolic equation. Mosc. Univ. Math. Bull. V.41. 1986. No.6. P.38-40.
Veretennikov A., Regularization of ill-posed problems by stochastic iteration procedures in the mean. Aut. Remote Control. 47(10), 1367-1372
Krasnosel'skii A., On some class of linear links with rational fractional transfer functions, Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 11, 166-170 (1986) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., New theorems on forced periodic oscillations in nonlinear control systems, Appl. Math. & Mech., 50, 2, 165-170 (1987)
Bobylev N.A., Boltyanskii V.G., Vsehsvyatskii S.Yu., Kalashnikov V.V., Kozyakin V., Kolmanovskii V.B., Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Mathematical systems theory, Moscow, Nauka, 1986, 166 pp. (in Russian)


Martynov G., Computing of the normal, F-, T- and Chi- square distributions and their quantiles. "III Sci. and Tech. Conf. on Applications of the Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Econ. and Quality Prod.Estimation" , V. II , 1985, Tartu
Martynov G., The Gaussity test for random processes with estimated parameters. "Fourth international Vilnius conference on probability theory and mathematical statistics" , V. II , 1985, Vilnius, pp. 149-150
Veretennikov A., (with M.L.Kleptsina) On filtering and properties of conditional laws of Ito-Volterra processes, Statistics and Control of Stochastic Processes, 1985. Steklov seminar, 1984. Ed. by N.V.Krylov et al. Optimiz. Software, Publ. divizion, N.Y. 179-196
Shen A., Algorithmic variants of the notion of entropy. Ph.D. thesis.
Krasnosel'skii A., On stability of desynchronized multicomponent systems, Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 11, 170-171 (1985) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., One-side estimates in problems on forced periodic oscillations in multicontour systems, ``Heterogeneous system dynamics"", Moscow, Inst. for System Study, 27-32 (1985) [Russian]
Dementieva A.M., Krasnosel'skii A., On approximate solutions of some class of linear systems, ``Heterogeneous system dynamics"", Moscow, Inst. for System Study, 146-148 (1985) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Nonlocal theorems on forced oscillations in control systems, Proc. X International conf. on nonlinear oscillation (ICNO), Varna-Sofia, Bulg. Acad. Nauk, Bulgaria, 340-343 (1985) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., One-side estimates in the problem of forced oscillations in nonlinear control systems, Soviet Math. Dokl., 32, 1, 74-77 (1985)
Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Large-amplitude cycles in autonomous systems with hysteresis, Soviet Math. Dokl., 32, 1, 14-17 (1985)
Vladimirov A., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Absolute dissipativity of systems with a hysteresis. Applied methods of the functional analysis, Inter-university collection of works, Voronezh State University, Voronezh (1985), 33-39 (in Russian).
Blank M., Gukovskii D., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Markovskaya T., Ruda M., Sobolev A., Romanov M.Yu., System engineering of automatic diagnostics of infringements of heart rhythm in real time scale. Reports of the National Cardiology Research Center of Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, VNTICentr, 81024272 (1985), 123 p. (in Russian).
Kozyakin V., Positsel’skii E., Yarovaya E., Metel’skaya V., A model of influence of haemosorption on exchange of lipoproteids of plasma of blood. Mathematical and computing methods in biology, Theses of the Reports of an All-Union Seminar, Pushchino (1985), 1 p. (in Russian).
Kozyakin V., Observability of periodic modes caused by loss of stability of sampled- data systems. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 9 (1985), 42-48 (in Russian; English translation Autom. Remote Control, 46, 1098-1104 (1985)).


Martynov G., Estimating of an error arising in functionals with using the empirical distribution. "Random Analysis and Asymptotic Problems in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics" , 1984, Tbilisi,"Mezniereba"
Martynov G., Computing of the distribution for the ratio of two quadratic forms. "XVIII Colloquium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Bakuriani" , Tbilisi, "Tbilisian University", 1984
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Attracteurs maximaux dans les equations aux dérivées partielles. Notes de cours au Collège de France, Séminaire Bresiz-Lions, 1984, rédigées par A.Haraux.
Veretennikov A., Iterative methods in ill-posed problems with random errors. Aut. Remote Control. 45(12), 1564-1569
Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Pokovskii A.V., On application of guiding potential method to systems with hysteresis, ``Heterogeneous system dynamics"", Moscow, Inst. for System Study, 162-167 (1984) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., On periodic regimes in systems, described by equations of second order with delay, ``Heterogeneous system dynamics"", Moscow, Inst. for System Study, 156-162 (1984) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Petrov D.I., On periodic oscillations in regulation systems with delays, Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 6, 169-171 (1984) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Forced periodic oscillations in nonlinear systems, Soviet Phys. Dokl., 29, 6, 438-440 (1984)
Krasnosel'skii A., On problem on forced oscillations in nonlinear control systems, Engnrg Cybernetics, 22, 5, 92-99 (1984)
Kleptsyn A., Krasnosel’skii M., Kuznetsov N., Kozyakin V., Desynchronization of linear systems. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 26, 5 (1984), 423-431.
Kozyakin V., On neglecting small terms in the study of nonlinear systems. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 10 (1984), 38-43 (in Russian; English translation Autom. Remote Control, 45, 1275-1280 (1984)).
Kleptsyn A., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., Kuznetsov N., Stability of desynchronized systems. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 274, 5 (1984), 1053-1056 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Phys. Dokl., 29, 92-94 (1984)).
Kleptsyn A., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., Kuznetsov N., Effect of small synchronization errors on stability of complex systems. III. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 8 (1984), 63-67 (in Russian; English translation Autom. Remote Control, 45, 8, 1014-1018 (1984)).
Kleptsyn A., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., Kuznetsov N., Effect of small synchronization errors on stability of complex systems. II. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 3 (1984), 42-47 (in Russian; English translation Autom. Remote Control, 45, 309-314 (1984)).


Martynov G., The compound goodness-of-fit tests. "Researches in Probability and Statistics" , 1983, "Moscow State University", 61-75
Martynov G., Programs for computing of the multivariate normal distribution. "Proc. of II School "Programs and Algorithms for the Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Zachkadzor" , 1983, Yerewan. (With coautor)
Martynov G., The program package on the queuing theory. "Proc. of II School "Programs and Algorithms for the Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Zachkadzor" , 1983, Yerewan. (With coauthors)
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Regular attractors of semigroups and evolution equations. J. Math, pures et appl., 1983, 62:4, p. 441—491.
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Attractors of partial differential evolution equations and estimates of their dimension. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1983),38(4):151-213.
Veretennikov A., On the criteria for the existence of a strong solution of a stochastic equation. Theory Probab. Appl. 27(3), 441-449
Veretennikov A., (with I.V.Emelin and M.A.Krasnosel"skii) On regularization of ill-posed problems by stop-rules of iterative procedures with random errors. Numer. Funct. Anal. and Optimiz. 1983, 5(2), 199-215.
Krasnosel'skii A., Yumagulov M.G., Bifurcation values of parameters in problem on forced oscillations in automated regulation systems, Dokl. Acad. Nauk Tajik SSR, 11, 679-682 (1983) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Forced periodic oscillations in complex nonlinear system, Automation and Remote Control, 44, 10, 1301-1306 (1984)
Kleptsyn A., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., Kuznetsov N., Effect of small synchronization errors on stability of complex systems. I. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 7 (1983), 44-50 (in Russian; English translation Autom. Remote Control, 44, 7, 861-867 (1983)).


Martynov G., Gaussity test for random processes. "IV Soviet-Japan Symposium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics" , Tbilisi, 1982
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Existence of and an estimate for the dimension of attractors in quasilinear parabolic equations, and Navier-Stokes systems. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1982),37(3):195-197.
Blank M., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Markovskaya T., Merkulova I., Ruda M., Sobolev A., Automatic tracking of cardiac rhythm. Theses of the reports of the 1st Soviet-Finnish Symposium on use the minicomputers and microprocessors in medicine, Finland, Helsinki (1982), 1 p.
Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., Some remarks on the method of minimal residues. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 4, 3 (1982), 211-239.
Kozyakin V., About the book of J.Karr "Applications of a theory of central manifold". New books abroad, 10 (1982), 16-19 (in Russian)
Krasnosel’skii M., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovski A., About dynamics of control systems with many nonlinearities. The Differential Equations and Applications (I), Proceedings of the 2nd Conference Russe"81, Bulgaria, Russe (1982), 366-376 (in Russian).


Martynov G., Gaussity test for random processes. "III Vilnius Conf. on Probability Theory and athematical Statistics" , Vilnius, 1981
Veretennikov A., On strong and weak solutions of one - dimensional stochastic equations with boundary conditions. Theory Probab. Appl. 26(4), 670-686
Veretennikov A., Ergodicity and invariance principle for multiphase queuing systems. Aut. Remote Control. 42(7), 906-909
Krasnosel'skii A., Frequency criteria and harmonic linearisation method, Ph. D.
Blank M., Gukovskii D., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Ruda M., Sobolev A., About automation of monitor tracking of ills by cardiac rhythm. Theory and practice of automation electrocardiological and clinical researches, Theses of the 2nd All-Union Conference, Kaunas (1981), 1 p. (in Russian).
Krasnosel’skii M., Vladimirov A., Kleptsyn A., Kozyakin V., Lifshits E., Pokrovskii A., Vector hysteresis nonlinearities of the von Mizes-Tresca type. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 257, 3 (1981), 581-584 (in Russian).


Vishik M., LAZAR" ARONOVICH LYUSTERNIK (on his eightieth birthday) Russian Mathematical Surveys (1980),35(6):1-9.
Veretennikov A., On the existence of the optimal policy for a multidimensional quasidiffusion controlled process. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sci., Springer, vol. 25, 80-90
Krasnosel'skii A., Special esimates of solutions of differential equations, In "Qualitative and approximative methods of operator equation analysis", Yaroslavl State Unuversity, Yaroslavl,, 1980, 86-89
Krasnosel'skii A., Frequency principles in the problems on forced periodic oscillations and harmonic linearisation method, Proceedings of the 8-th All-Union workshop on control theory problems, 1, Tallinn, 1980, 21-23
Krasnosel'skii A., Frequency criteria in the problem on forced oscillations in control systems, Automation and Remote Control, 41, 9, 1203-1209 (1981)
Krasnosel'skii A., New a priori estimates of two-point boundary problem solutions and its applications, Sibirskii Math. Journal, 21, 1, 115-124 (1980) [Russian]
Blank M., Gukovskii D., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Markovskaya T., Sobolev A., Experimental system of the automatic analysis of cardiac rhythm. Reports of the National Cardiology Research Center of Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, 2 (1980), 81-84 (in Russian).
Krasnosel’skii M., Kozyakin V., The method of parameter functionalization in the problem of bifurcation points. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 254, 5 (1980), 1061-1064 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Math. Dokl., 22, 513-517 (1980)).


Martynov G., 1981. G. V. Martynov, “Evaluation of the multivariate normal distribution function”, J. Soviet Math., 17:3 (1981), 1857–1875 ..............................
Kozyakin V., Some problems of the theory of bifurcations of periodic motions (phenomenon of subfurcation). Candidate of Physical & Mathematical Sciences Dissertation, Moscow, Institute of Electronic Technology (1979), 114 p. (in Russian).
Krasnosel’skii M., Emelin I., Kozyakin V., Aboute iterative procedures in linear problems. Preprint of the Institute of Control Problems. Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow (1979), 62 p. (in Russian). 1980.
Agaronyan O., Blank M., Gukovskii D., Davidenko A., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Markovskaya T., Merkulova I., Ruda M., Sobolev A., A system of the automated analysis of rhythm diseases by a monitor lead of ECG in intensive care units. 3-rd All-Union congress of cardiologists, Theses of the reports, Moscow (1979), 1 p. (in Russian).
Krasnosel’skii M., Kozyakin V., Some problems connected with the method of minimal residuals. Zh. Vychisl. Mat. i Mat. Fiz., 19 (1979), 508-510 (in Russian; English translation U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 19, 2, 244-247 (1979)).
Krasnosel’skii M., Kozyakin V., Influence of small delays on dynamic behavior of nonlinear systems. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 1 (1979), 5-8 (in Russian; English translation Automat. Remote Control, 40 (1979), no. 1, part 1, 1-4).


Martynov G., . Generalization of the omega square test. "Theory of Probability and its Applications" , 1978, V. 23 , N 2
Martynov G., Ìàðòûíîâ Ã.Â. Êðèòåðèè îìåãà-êâàäðàò, "Íàóêà", Ìîñêâà, 1978, 80 ñòð. (Martynov G. Omega Square Test. Nauka, 1978, Moscow, 80pp. (In Russian)
Veretennikov A., On the existence of the optimal strategy in a diffusion process control problem. Internat. Symp. Stoch. Diff. Equations, Vilnius, 1978. Abstr. comm., 174-177
Krasnosel'skii A., A priori estimates of the norms of solutions of scalar inequalities, Soviet Math. Dokl., 19, 6, 1481-1485 (1978)
Kozyakin V., Some problems of the theory of bifurcations of periodic motions (phenomenon of subfurcation). Abstract of the Candidate of Physical & Mathematical Sciences Dissertation, Moscow, Institute of Electronic Technology (1978), 16 p. (in Russian).


Martynov G., 1978. G. V. Martynov, “A generalization of Smirnov"s formula for the distribution functions of quadratic forms”, Theory Probab. Appl., 22:3 (1978), 602–607
Martynov G., 1978. E. N. Krivyakov, G. V. Martynov, and Yu. N. Tyurin. On the Distribution of the $\omega ^2 $ Statistics in the Multi-Dimensional Case. Theory Probab. Appl., 22:2 (1978), 406–410
Kozyakin V., Subfurcation in loss of stability of equilibrium position for a system of differential equations with lag, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 18:3 (1977), 414-425.\%2FBF00967033
Vishik M., "YA NESTOROVICH VEKUA (on his seventieth birthday) Russian Mathematical Surveys (1977),32(2):1-21.
Vishik M., Fursikov A.V., L"équation de Hopf, les solutions statistiques, les moments correspondantes aux systèmes des équations paraboliques quasilinéaires. J. Math, pures et appl., 1977, 56, p. 85—122.
Vishik M., Fursikov A.V., Homogene statistische Lösungen eines Navier-Stokesschen Systems. Usp. Mat. Nauk 32, No.5(197), 179-180 (1977).
Krasnosel'skii A., Integral curve convexity criterion, "Differential equations", Interuniversity collection of papers, Kuibyshev (now Samara), 1977, 54-57 [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Remarks on fixed points of monotonous operators, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 32, 6, 257-258 (1977) [Russian]
Blank M., Gukovskii D., Davidenko A., Kozyakin V., Markovskaya T., Merkulova I., Ruda M., Sobolev A., About the continuous automatic analysis of cardiac rhythm. A theory and practice of automation of electrocardiological researches, Theses of All-Union meeting, Kaunas (1977), 1 p. (in Russian).
Kozyakin V., The generation of periodic points from an equilibrium position. Uspehi Mat. Nauk, 32, 4 (1977), 255-256 (in Russian).
Kozyakin V., The occurrence of subfurcation when there is loss of stability of the equilibrium state of a system of differential equations with lag. Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 18, 3 (1977), 580-594 (in Russian; English translation Sib. Math. J., 18, 414-425 (1978)).
Kozyakin V., Subfurcation of periodic oscillations. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 232, 1 (1977), 24-27 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Math., Dokl., 18, 18-21 (1977)).


Martynov G., G. V. Martynov, “Computation of the limiting distributions of statistics for the ω2-test of normality”, Theory Probab. Appl., 21:1 (1976), 1–13 (Translation from Russian)
Kozyakin V., The breaking of invariant tori. Differential Equations, Inter-university collection of works, Kuybyshev Gos. Univ., Kuybyshev (1976), 45-50 (in Russian).
Kozyakin V., A second necessary condition for the bifurcation of N-periodic points. Differential Equations, Inter-university collection of works, Kuybyshev Gos. Univ., Kuybyshev (1976), 39-44 (in Russian).


Martynov G., Computing the distributions of quadratic forms in normal variables. "Proceedings of the III Soviet-Japan Symposium on Prob. Theory" , 1975, Tashkent
Martynov G., G. V. Martynov, "Computation of distribution functions of quadratic forms of normally distributed random variables", Theory Probab. Appl., 20:4 (1976), 782-793 (Translation from Russian)
Vishik M., Fursikov A.V., Sessions of the I. G. Petrovskiĭ Seminar on Differential Equations and Mathematical Problems of Physics. (Russian) Uspehi Mat. Nauk 30 (1975), no. 2(182), 261--269.
Vishik M., Fursikov A.V., THE CAUCHY PROBLEM FOR NONLINEAR SCHRÖDINGER-TYPE EQUATIONS Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik (1975),25(3):429-440.
Vishik M., Intégrales premières analytiques des équations différentielles paraboliques nonlinéaires et du système des équations de Navier — Stokes. Application à la théorie des solutions statistiques et à d"autres problèmes. Séminaire Jean Leray, 1974—1975.— Collège de France, p. 1—33.


Vishik M., Fursikov A.V., SOME QUESTIONS IN THE THEORY OF NONLINEAR ELLIPTIC AND PARABOLIC EQUATIONS. Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik (1974),23(2):287-318.
Akhmerov R., Kamenskii M., Kozyakin V., Sobolev A., Periodic solutions of systems of autonomous functional-differential equations of neutral type with small delays. Differencial"nye Uravnenija, 10 (1974), 1923-1931 (in Russian; English translation Differ. Equations, 10 (1974), 1479-1485 (1976)).


Martynov G., Computation of the limiting distribution for the Cramér-von Mises normality tests. "Theory of Probability and its Applications" , 1973, V. 18 , N 3, 671-673
Vishik M., Les opérateurs différentiels et pseudodifférentiels à une infinité de variable. Les problèmes elliptiques et paraboliques. Astérisque, 1973, 2—3, p. 342—362.


Krasnosel’skii M., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Vibrationally stable hysterons. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 206, 4 (1972), 800-803 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Math., Dokl., 13, 1305-1309 (1972)).
Kozyakin V., The vibrostability of second order differential equations. Uspehi Mat. Nauk, 27, 5 (1972), 241-242 (in Russian).
Kozyakin V., The inverse Minkowski inequality for monotone functions. Voronezh. Gos. Univ. Trudy Naucn.-Issled. Inst. Mat. VGU Vyp. 5 Sb. Statei Teor. Operator. i Differencial. Uravnenii, 5 (1972), Voronezh State University, Voronezh, 59-64 (in Russian).


Kozyakin V., A certain functional equation. Mat. Zametki, 9, 26 (1971), 161-170 (in Russian; English translation Math. Notes, 9, 95-100 (1971)).


Vishik M., Grushin V.V., DEGENERATING ELLIPTIC DIFFERENTIAL AND PSEUDO-DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1970),25(4):21-50.
Vishik M., LAZAR" ARONOVICH LYUSTERNIK (on the occasion of his seventieth birthday). Russian Mathematical Surveys (1970),25(4):3-10.
Kozyakin V., On condensing and contracting operators. Proceedings of the Mathematical Faculty of the Voronezh State University, 1 (1970), Voronezh State University, Voronezh, 60-70 (in Russian).


Martynov G., G. V. Martynov, “Linear binary two-sample tests for shift alternatives”, Theory Probab. Appl., 14:1 (1969), 158–163 (Translation from Russian)
Vishik M., Grushin V.V., ON A CLASS OF HIGHER ORDER DEGENERATE ELLIPTIC EQUATIONS. Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik (1969),8(1):1-32.


Martynov G., One generalization of sign and Wilcoxon tests. "Theory of Probability and its Applications" , 1967, V. 12 , N 2
Vishik M., Eskin G.I., ELLIPTIC EQUATIONS IN CONVOLUTION IN A BOUNDED DOMAIN AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1967),22(1):13-75.


Vishik M., Eskin G.I., Convolution equations in a bounded region in spaces with weight norms. Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 69 (111) 1966 65--110.
Vishik M., Eskin G.I., Parabolic convolution equations in a bounded region. Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 71 (113) 1966 162--190.


Vishik M., Eskin G.I., EQUATIONS IN CONVOLUTIONS IN A BOUNDED REGION. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1965),20(3):85-151.


Agranovich M.S., Vishik M., ELLIPTIC PROBLEMS WITH A PARAMETER AND PARABOLIC PROBLEMS OF GENERAL TYPE. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1964),19(3):53-157.


Vishik M., Sur les problemes aux limites pour les equations quasilineaires elliptiques et paraboliques d"ordre superieur.— Colloques Intern, du Centre Nat. Rech. Scient., 117 (1963), p.213—218.


Vishik M., Solubility of boundary-value problems for quasi-linear parabolic equations of higher orders. (Russian) Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 59 (101) 1962 suppl., 289--325.




Vishik M., Lusternik L.A., Regular degeneration and boundary layer for linear differential equations with small parameter. Usp. Mat. Nauk 12, No. 5(77), 3-122 (1957).


Vishik M., Ladyzhenskaya O.A., Boundary value problems for partial differential equations and certain classes of operator equations. Uspehi Mat. Nauk (N.S.) 11 1956 no. 6(72), 41--97.
Vishik M., The probelm of Cauchy with operators as coefficients, the mixed boundary problem for systems of differential equations and an approximate method of their solution. Mat. Sb. N.S. 39(81) (1956), 51--148.


Vishik M., Boundary problems for elliptic equations degenerating on the boundary of a region. Mat. Sb. N.S. 35(77), (1954). 513--568.


Vishik M., On systems of elliptic differential equations and their general boundary problems. Uspehi Matem. Nauk (N.S.) 8, (1953). no. 1(53), 181--187.


Vishik M., On an inequality for the boundary values of harmonic functions in a sphere. Uspehi Matem. Nauk (N.S.) 6, (1951). no. 2(42), 165--166.
Vishik M., On strongly elliptic systems of differential equations. Mat. Sbornik N.S. 29(71), (1951). 615--676.


Vishik M., The method of orthogonal and direct decomposition in the theory of elliptic differential equations. Mat. Sbornik N.S. 25(67), (1949). 189--234.