2023 |
Puhalskii A., Large deviation limits of invariant measures, Stochastics and Dynamics, v.23, No. 7 (2023) 2350052 (28 pages) (available upon request) http://iitp.ru/ https:///dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0219493723500521
2022 |
Puhalskii A., Moderate deviation asymptotics of the GI/G/n queue in the Halfin-Whitt regime, Queueing systems, v.100, 341-343
Puhalskii A., On the metastabiltiy of a loss network with diminishing rates, Markov Processes Relat. Fields, 28, 365-398
2021 |
Puhalskii A., Large deviation limits of invariant measures. A talk at the Chebyshev 200 international conference
2019 |
Puhalskii A., Large deviations of the long term distribution of a non Markov process,
Electron. Commun. Probab. 24(35), 1–11.
Puhalskii A., On long term investment optimality,
Applied Mathematics & Optimization,
80(1), 1–62
2015 |
Gontsov R., Vyugin I., Solvability of linear differential systems with small exponents in the Liouvillian sense, Arnold Math. J., 2015, V. 1(4), P. 445-471.
2012 |
Vyugin I., Gontsov R., On the question of solubility of Fuchsian systems by quadratures, Russian Math. Surveys, 2012, V. 67(3), P. 585-587. http://mi.mathnet.ru/umn9438
2011 |
Vyugin I., Shkredov I.D., On additive shifts of multiplicative subgroups, 2011, arXiv:1102.1172.
Vyugin I., Ïðîáëåìà Ðèìàíà–Ãèëüáåðòà äëÿ ñêàëÿðíûõ ôóêñîâûõ óðàâíåíèé è ðîäñòâåííûå çàäà÷è, ÓÌÍ, 2011, Ò. 66, Â. 1(397), ñòðàíèöû 37–64. http://www.mathnet.ru/php/archive.phtml?wshow=paper&jrnid=rm&paperid=9405&option_lang=rus
Gontsov R., Vyugin I., Apparent singularities of Fuchsian equations and the Painlevé property for Garnier systems,
J. Geom. Phys., 2011, V. 61(12), P. 2419-2435.
2010 |
Vyugin I., Gontsov R., Construction of a system of linear differential equations from a scalar equation, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 2010, V. 271, P. 322-338. http://mi.mathnet.ru/tm3246
Volk D., Kleptsyn V., Thin attractors. Topology, Geometry and Dynamics: Rokhlin Memorial, Abstracts, 2010, 70–72
Volk D., Ilyashenko Yu., Cascades of e-invisibility. Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2010, 7, 161–188 [arXiv:0906.3567] http://arxiv.org/abs/0906.3567
Kulikova M., Jermyn I., Descombes X., Zerubia J., Zhizhina E., Extraction of arbitrarily shaped objects using stochastic multiple birth-and-death dynamics and active contours, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2010 meeting, 17-21 January 2010, San Jose, California, USA.
Berestycki H., Hamel F., Nadirashvili N., The speed of propagation for KPP type problems. II: General domains J. Amer. Math. Soc., (2010) (to appear)
Girouard A., Nadirashvili N., Polterovich I., Maximization of the second positive Neumann eigenvalue for planar domains, J. Diff. Geom. (to appear)
Hamel F., Nadirashvili N., Extinction Versus Persistence in Strong Oscillating Flows, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., (to appear)
Borodin Alexei, Shlosman S., Gibbs Ensembles of Nonintersecting Paths, http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.0564, Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 293, Number 1 / January, 2010 http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.0564
2009 |
Zhizhina E., Minlos R., Descombes X., Object extraction using stochastic birth-and-death dynamics in continuum, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol.33 (3), p. 347, 2009.
Lukashevich P., Kravchonok A., Descombes X., Durou J.-D., Zalesky B., Zhizhina E., 3D reconstruction using multiple birth and death algorithm, 22 Colloque GRETSI, Dijon 8-11 September 2009.
Kulikova M., Jermyn I., Descombes X., Zerubia J., Zhizhina E., A marked point process model with strong prior shape information for the extraction of multiple, arbitrarily-shaped objects, SITIS, The 5-th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-based Systems, November 29- December 4, 2009, Marrakech.
Zhizhina E., Descombes X., Gibbs point field models for extraction problems in image analysis, Proceedings of Dobrushin International Conference, Moscow, Russia, July 15-20 2009, ISBN 978-5-901158-10-4.
Prelov V., van der Meulen E.C., Bounds on Mutual Information Functions via Variational Distance
// Proc. 30-th Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Eindhoven,
May 28--29, 2009, P. 153--159.
Prelov V., Information and Variation: Recent and New
Results // Proc. XII Intern. Symp. on Problem Redundancy in
Information and Control Systems. St.-Petersburg, May 26--30, 2009.
Prelov V., On Estimating Special Type of Divergences via
Kolmogorov Distance // Proc. Dobrushin Intern. Conference.
Moscow, July 15--20, 2009, P. 143--148.
Vleduts S., Nadirashvili N., Singular Solution to Special Lagrangian Equations ,arXiv:0902.1436,submitted. http://arxiv.org/abs/0902.1436
Yashkov S., On busy period and sojourn time distributions in the M/G/1---EPS queue with catastrophes. Automation and Remote Control, 2009, vol. 70, No. 12. ISSN (print) 0005--1179, ISSN (online) 1608--3032.
Yashkov S., Foreword to the special issue Queueing theory centennial. Automation and Remote Control, 2009, vol. 70, No. 12. ISSN (print) 0005--1179, ISSN (online) 1608--3032.
Yashkov S., The M/D/1—EPS queue revisited. Information Processes, 2009, vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 216--223. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/) http://www.jip.ru/2009/9-3-2009.htm
Yashkov S., The M/D/1—EPS queue revisited. In: Dobrushin Int. Conf (Moscow, Yuly 15—20, 2009). Moscow: IITP, 2009, pp. 179--185. ISBN 978--5—90115—10--4. (Full paper in pdf--format is available on CD--ROM.)
Koch G., Nadirashvili N., Seregin G., Sverak V., Liouville theorems for the Navier-Stokes equations and applications Acta Math., 203 (2009) 83-105.
Bellissard, Charles Radin Jean, Shlosman S., The characterization of ground states, http://arxiv.org/abs/0907.5393. http://arxiv.org/abs/0907.5393
Kopylova E., Weighted energy decay for 3D wave equation, Asymptotic Analysis, 65 (2009), n.1-2, p.1-16
Kopylova E., On asymptotic stability of kink for relativistic Ginsburg-Landau equation. XVI International Congress on Mathematical Physics. Abstracts, Prague (2009) p.30. Co-authored by A.Komech.
Kopylova E., Dispersive estimates for discrete Schr"odinger and Klein-Gordon equation. The international conference "Modern problems of mathematics, mechanics and their applications" dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of rector MSU acad. V.A.Sadovnichy. Abstracts, Moscow, MSU, 2009, p.250.
Kopylova E., On Asymptoic Stability of Solitary Waves in Discrete Schr"odinger Equation
Coupled to Nonlinear Oscillator.
Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods and Applications
71, (2009), no.7-8, 3031-3046.
Vladimirov A., Shlosman S., Rybko A., Spontaneous resonances and the coherent states of the queuing networks// Proc. of Dobrushin International Conference, Moscow. July 2009. ÈÏÏÈ ÐÀÍ, Ñ. 149-156.
Vladimirov A., Shlosman S., Rybko A., Spontaneous resonances and the coherent states of the queueing networks// Journal of statistical physics. 2009. V. 134, N. 1, P. 67-104.
Gontsov R., Vyugin I., Some addition to the generalized Riemann-Hilbert problem, Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse, 2009, V. 18(3), P. 527-542.
Minlos R., Kondratiev Yu., Kutoviy O., Ergodicity of non-equilibrium Glauber dynamics for interacting systems in continuum
// submitted in Functional analysis.
Blank M., Exclusion type processes in continuum, Dobrushin International Conference(Moscow) Proc., 2009, 21-26.
Blank M., Ergodic properties of exclusion type discrete time processes in continuum, Modern problems of mathematics, mechanics and their applications, 2009, 243.
Barg A., Purkayastha P., Bounds on ordered codes and orthogonal arrays, Moscow Mathematical Journal vol. 9, no. 2, 2009, pp. 211-243. http://arxiv.org/abs/cs/0702033
Pechersky E., Yambartsev A., Percolation properties of the non-ideal gas, Journal of Statistical Physics, 2009, 137, 501-520 http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0903/0903.0841v2.pdf
Lyubetsky V., Zhizhina E., Rubanov L., “Gibbs Field for Evolutionary Analysis of Regulatory Signal of Gene Expression under Constraints on Secondary Structure” The 18th IMACS World Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics & Applications in Science and Engineering, August 3-5, 2009, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-7404, USA, ð. 54.
2008 |
Zhizhina E., Descombes X., The Gibbs fields approach and related dynamics in image processing, Condensed Matter Physics, 2008, Vol. 11, No.2, p. 1-20.
Yashkov S., On differential equations arising in the theory of processor sharing queues. Automation and Remote Control, 2008, vol. 69, No. 12, pp. 2156--2160. ISSN (print) 0005--1179, ISSN (online) 1608--3032.
Yashkov S., A note on application of the method of supplementary variables to the analysis of a processor sharing system. Automation and Remote Control, 2008, vol. 69, No. 9, pp. 1622--1629. ISSN (print) 0005--1179, ISSN (online) 1608--3032
Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A., On asymptotics of the emptiness probability in the M/GI/1 queue. Automation and Remote Control, 2008, vol. 69, No. 3, pp. 525--528. ISSN (print) 0005--
1179, ISSN (online) 1608--3032
Shlosman S., Rybko, A. N.; Shlosman, S.B.: Phase transitions in the queuing networks and the violation of the Poisson hypothesis. Mosc. Math. J. 8 (2008), no. 1, 159--180.
Shlosman S., Ioffe, D. and Shlosman, S.: Ising model fog drip: the first two droplets, In: "In and Out of Equilibrium 2", Progress in Probability 60, 365-382, eds. M.E. Vares, V. Sidoravicius, Birkhauser, 2008.
Shlosman S., Rybko, A. N.; Shlosman, S.B. and Vladimirov A.: Spontaneous Resonances and the Coherent States of the Queuing Networks, J. Stat Phys (2008) 134: 67--104.
Vladimirov À., Shlosman S., Rybko A., Absence of Breakdown of the Poisson Hypothesis I. Closed Networks at Low Load, 2008 http://arxiv.org/abs/0811.3577, submitted to Queueing Systems. http://arxiv.org/abs/0811.3577
Minlos R., Boldrighini C., Pellegrinotti A., Random walks in random environment with Markov dependece on time.// Condensed Matter Physics 2008, vol.11, N 2, pp.209-221.
Minlos R., Zhizhina E., Decombes X., Object extraction using a stochastic birth-and death dynamic in continuum.// Journal of mathematical imaging and vision. DOI10.1007/s 10851-008-0117-y 2008
Minlos R., Kondratiev Yu., Kutovoj O., On non-equilibrium stochastic dynamics in interacting particle systems in continuum.// Journal of Functional Analysis 255, 2008, pp. 200-227.
Minlos R., Angelescu N., Ruiz J., Zagrebnov V., Lower spectral branches of a spin-bozon model// J. Math. Phys, vol 49, N 10, 2008.
Minlos R., Boldrighini C., Nardy F., Pellegrinotti A., Asymptotic decay of correlation for a random walk on the lattice Z^d in interacting with Markov field // MMJ, vol.8, n. 3, 2008, pp. 419-431.
Minlos R., Kondratiev Yu., Selforganizing birth-and-death stochastic systems in continuum.// Rev. Math. Phys. Vol. 20, 4 (2008), pp.451-492.
Minlos R., Boldrighini C., Kondratiev Yu., Pellegrinotti A., Zhizhina E., Jumps of particle in continuum random enviroment .//Markov process and related fields. 2008.
Minlos R., Lakshtanov E., Spectrum of two-particle bounded state of transfer-matrix for Gibbsian fields (fields on 3-D lattice) //Trudy Mosk. Mat.Ob-va v69, 2008.
Minlos R., Lower branch spectrum of Hamiltonian of spinless model of Pauli-Firza // Trudy Mosk. Mat Ob-va v.69 2008.
Blank M., Finite rank approximations of expanding maps with neutral singularities, Discrete and Continuous Dyn. Systems, Ser A, 21:3(2008),749-762. [arXiv:0709.2564 math.DS]
Prelov V., Asymptotic Investigation of Mutual Information and Capacity
of Certain Communication Channels // Aspects of Network and
Information Security, IOS Press. 2008. P. 283--291.
Barg A., Mazumdar A., Zemor G., Weight distribution and decoding of codes on hypergraphs, Advances in Math. of Communications, vol. 2, no. 4, 2008, pp. 433-450. http://arxiv.org/abs/0808.3453
Anthapadmanabhan N.P., Barg A., Dumer I., Fingerprinting capacity under the marking assumption, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, June 2008. http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.IT/0612073
Kondratiev Y.G., Pechersky E., Pirogov S., Markov Process of Muscle Motors, Nonlinearity, 8, August, 2008. http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0706/0706.2931v1.pdf
Barg A., Nogin D., A Functional View of Upper Bounds on Codes, in: Y. Li, S. Zhang, S. Ling, H. Wang, C. Xing, H. Niederreiter (Eds.), Coding and Cryptology (Proc. 1st Int. Workshop, Wuyi Mountain, Fujian, China, June 11–15, 2007), Series on Coding Theory and Cryptology, vol. 4, Singapore: World Sci., 2008, pp. 15–24.
Lyubetsky V., Zhizhina E., Rubanov L., “A model of regulatory signal evolution”
Abstracts of The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2008), Novosibirsk, June 22–28, p. 148. http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/meeting/bgrs2008/BGRS2008_Proceedings.pdf
Lyubetsky V., Zhizhina E., Rubanov L., “Gibbs Field Approach for Evolutionary Analysis of Regulatory Signal of Gene Expression” Problems of Information Transmission, 2008, V. 44, No 4, pp. 333–351.
2007 |
Duffy K., Pechersky E., Suhov Y., Vvedenskaya N., " Using estimated entropy in a queueing system with dynamic routing".Markov Processes and Related Fields, 2007, v.13, N 1, pp 57-84.
Prelov V., On Relationship between Mutual Information
and Variation // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp . Inform. Theory. Nice,
France, June 24 -- 29, 2007.
Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A., Processor sharing: A survey of the mathematical theory. Automation and Remote Control, 2007, vol. 68, No. 9, pp. 1662--1731. ISSN (print) 0005--1179, ISSN (online) 1608--3032
Hamel F., Nadirashvili N., Russ E., Quelques problmes isoprimtriques pour la premire valeur propre d"operateurs elliptiques d"ordre deux sous forme divergence , C. R. A. S. Paris, 344 (2007), 169-174
Nadirashvili N., Yuan Y., Improving Pogorelovs isometric embedding counterexample, Calc. Var. Part. Diff. Eq., 17, 1283-1296 (2007)
Eremenko A., Jakobson D., Nadirashvili N., On nodal sets and nodal domains on S2 and R2 Ann. de l"institut Fourier, 57 (2007) , 2345-2360
Martin F., Meeks W., Nadirashvili N., Bounded domains which are universal for minimal surfaces, Amer. Journal of Mathematics,129, (2007)
Alarcon A., Nadirashvili N., Limit sets for complete minimal immersions, Math. Z., 258, 107-113 (2007)
Shlosman S., A.C.D. van Enter, S.B.Shlosman: First-order transitions for very nonlinear sigma models. John Lewis memorial volume: Markov Processes Relat. Fields 13, 239--249 (2007)
Shlosman S., Senya Shlosman and Yvon Vignaud: Dobrushin Interfaces via Reflection Positivity, CMP Volume 276, Number 3, pp. 827-861, 2007.
Barg A., Musin O., Codes in spherical caps, Advances in Math. of Communications vol. 1, 2007, pp. 131-149. http://arxiv.org/abs/math.MG/0606734
2006 |
Volk D., The density of separatrix connections in the space of polynomial foliations in CP^2. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics. Volume 254, Number 1 / September, 2006, pp. 169–179. MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC
Yashkov S., On asymptotic property of the sojourn time in the M/G/1---EPS queue. Information Processes, 2006, vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 256--257. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at
Yashkov S., Two special cases of the M/G/1---EPS queue. Information Processes, 2006, vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 250--255. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).
Yashkov S., The moments of the sojourn time in the M/G/1 processor sharing system. Information Processes, 2006, vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 237--249. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).
Yashkov S., On random order of service and processor sharing. Information Processes, 2006, vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 160--163. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).
Jakobson D., Nadirashvili N., Polterovich I., Homogeneous solutions to fully nonlinear elliptic equations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 134, 6, 1647-1649, (2006)
Nadirashvili N., Yuan Y., Homogeneous solutions to fully nonlinear elliptic equations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 134, 6, 1647-1649, (2006)
Martin F., Nadirashvili N., A Jordan curve spanned by a complete minimal surface, Arch. Rat. Mech. An., 184, 285-301 (2006)
Jakobson D., Levitin M., Nadirashvili N., Polterovich I., Spectral problems with mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions: isospectrality and beyond, J. Comp. Appl. Math. 194 no. 1 (2006), 141-155.
Likhanov N., C. D"Apice, R. Manzo, N. Likhanov, S. Salerno; Network traffic modelling and packet loss
probability approximation. Stability Problems for Stochastic Models,
series of the Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Kluwer-Plenum, New York-London),
Part II, Vol. 132, No. 5, 590-601, 2006.
Shlosman S., Rybko, A. N.; Shlosman, S.B. and Vladimirov A. Self-averaging property of queuing systems, http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/math.PR/0510046, Problems of Information Transmission, 42 , Issue 4 (December 2006) Pages: 344 - 355.
Shlosman S., Senya Shlosman. Large Deviations in Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, in: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, eds. J.-P. Françoise, G.L. Naber and Tsou S.T. Oxford: Elsevier, 2006 (ISBN 978-0-1251-2666-3), volume 3, page 261-263.
Shlosman S., Senya Shlosman. Metastable States, in: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, eds. J.-P. Françoise, G.L. Naber and Tsou S.T. Oxford: Elsevier, 2006 (ISBN 978-0-1251-2666-3), volume 3, page 417-420.
Shlosman S., Senya Shlosman. Wulff Droplets, in: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, eds. J.-P. Françoise, G.L. Naber and Tsou S.T. Oxford: Elsevier, 2006 (ISBN 978-0-1251-2666-3), volume 5, page 462-464.
Minlos R., Angelescu N., Zagrebnov V., Lower spectral branches of a particle coupled to a bose field //Rev Math. Phys.
Minlos R., Boldrighini C., Pelligrinnoti A., Directed polymers uo to L_2 threshold.// Markov Process. Relat. Fields, 12, N.3, 2006, pp. 474-508.
Prelov V., Dumer I.I., Pinsker M.S., On the Thinnest Coverings of Spheres and Ellipsoids with
Balls in Hamming and Euclidean Spaces // Lecture Notes
in Computer Sciences. 2006. V. 4123. P. 883--910.
Vyugin I., Gontsov R., Additional parameters in inverse monodromy problems, Sbornik: Mathematics, 2006, V. 197(12), P. 1753-1773. http://mi.mathnet.ru/rus/msb/v197/i12/p43
Barg A., Nogin D., Spectral Approach to Linear Programming Bounds on Codes, Probl. Inf. Transm., 2006, vol. 42, no. 2 , pp. 77–89.
Barg A., Nogin D., A Bound on Grassmannian Codes, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. A (J. Van Lint memorial issue), 2006, vol. 113, pp. 1629–1635.
2005 |
Yashkov S., Explicit formulas for the moments of the sojourn time in the M/G/1 processor sharing queue with permanent jobs. ArXiv:math. PR/0512281 (13 Dec. 2005), 10 pages (available at http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/).
Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A., Some insight into the time--dependent properties of the queue length process in the M/G/1--EPS and LCFS--P queues. Information Processes, 2005, vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 173--176. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).
Berestycki H., Hamel F., Nadirashvili N., Elliptic eigenvalue problems with large drift and application to nonlinear propagation phenomena, Comm. Math. Phys., 253, 451-480, (2005)
Berestycki H., Hamel F., Nadirashvili N., The speed of propagation for KPP type problems, I Periodic framework, J. European Math. Soc., 7, 173-213, (2005)
Jakobson D., Levitin M., Nigam N., Nadirashvili N., Polterovich I., How large can the first eigenvalue be on a surface of genus two, Intern. Math. Res. Not., 63, 3967-3985, (2005)
Nadirashvili N., Une ingalit isoprimtrique pour la valeur propre principale du laplacien avec transport, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I 340 (2005), pp 347-352.
Likhanov N., Mazumdar R., Theberge F., Providing Qo in large networks: statistical multiplexing and admission control. In “Analysis, Control and Optimization
of Complex Dynamic Systems”, Boukas E. and Malhame R. eds., pp. 137-167, Springer, 2005.
Shlosman S., A.C.D. van Enter, S.B.Shlosman: Provable first-order transitions for liquid crystal and lattice gauge models with continuous symmetries, http://fr.arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/0306362, Communications in Math. Physics, v. 255, n. 1, pp. 21 - 32, 2005.
Shlosman S., A.N. Rybko, S.B. Shlosman: Poisson Hypothesis for Information Networks. I. http://fr.arxiv.org/PS_cache/math/pdf/0406/0406110.pdf. Sinai"s Festschrift, Moscow Math. J., v.5, 679-704, 2005, Tsfasman"s Festschrift, Moscow Math. J., v.5, 927-959, 2005.
Shlosman S., A.N. Rybko, S.B. Shlosman: Poisson Hypothesis: combinatorial aspect. Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 2005, V41, N3, pp. 51-57. Problems of Information Transmission, Volume 41, Number 3 Pages: 230 - 236, 2005
Shlosman S., Thierry Bodineau, Roberto H. Schonmann, Senya Shlosman. 3D crystal: how flat its flat facets are? http://fr.arxiv.org/pdf/math-ph/0401010, Communications in Math. Physics. v. 255, n. 3, pp. 747 - 766, 2005.
Barg A., Nogin D., Correction to: "Bounds on Packings of Spheres in the Grassmann Manifold" [IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 48 (2002), no. 9, 2450–2454], IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 2005, vol. 51, no. 7, p. 2732.
2004 |
Volk D., The density of separatrix connections in C^2. International conference ``Differential equations and related topics’’ dedicated to I. G. Petrovskii, 2004. Book of Abstracts, p. 241 (Russian)
Shlosman S., S.B. Shlosman, V.A. Zagrebnov: Magnetostriction Transition, http://arXiv.org/abs/math-ph/0305026, Journal of Statistical Physics, 2004, vol. 114, no. 3/4, pp. 563-574.
Prelov V., On the Entropy and Optimal Covering of Ellipsoids // Proc.
Ninth Intern. Workshop Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding
Theory. Kranevo, Bulgaria, June 19--25, 2004, P. 338--344.
Prelov V., Dumer, M. Pinsker I., On the Thinnest Coverings Ellipsoids // Proc. IEEE Intern.
Symp. Inform. Theory. Chicago, USA, June 27—July 2, 2004,
P. 521.
Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A., Some extension of the heavy traffic limit theorem for the M/G/1—EPS queue. Information Processes, 2004, vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 269--274. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).
Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A., A note on asymptotics associated with limit theorem for terminating renewal process in processor sharing queue. Information Processes, 2004, vol. 4, No.3, pp. 256--260. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).
Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A., A note on a heavy traffic limit theorem for the M/D/1--- FBPS queue. Information Processes, 2004, vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 251--255. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).
Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A., Time--dependent distribution of attained service times for the M/G/1 foreground--background processor--sharing queue. Transactions of XXIV Int. Seminar on
Stability Problems for Stochastic Models (Jurmala, Latvia, Sept. 10--17, 2004). Riga: Transport and Telecommunication Inst., 2004, pp. 156--162. ISBN 9984-668-74-6.
Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A., The time--dependent solution of the M/G/1--FBPS queue. Information Processes, 2004, vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 175--187. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).
Berestycki H., Hamel F., Nadirashvili N., Vitesse de propagation pour des equations de reaction - diffusion dans des domaines generaux
C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I , 163-168 (2004)
Likhanov N., Ozturk, O., Mazumdar, R. and Likhanov, N.; Many sources asymptotics
for networks with small buffers. Queueing Systems 46, pp. 129-147, 2004.
Minlos R., Kondratiev Yu., Zhizhina E., One–particle subspace of the Glauber dynamics generator for continuous particle systems. // Rev. Math.Phys., Vol.19, N9, 2004, p.1073-1114.
Prelov V., Dumer I.I., Pinsker M.S., On Coverings of Ellipsoids in Euclidean Spaces // IEEE
Trans. Inform. Theory. 2004. V. 50. N 10. P. 2348—2356.
Prelov V., Verdu S., Second-order Asymptotics of Mutual Information // IEEE
Trans. Inform. Theory. 2004. V. 50. N 8. P. 1567--1580
Barg A., Kabatiansky G., Class of i.p.p codes with effective tracing algorithm./ Journal of Complexity, vol. 20, no 2-3, pp.137-147, 2004.
2003 |
Prelov V., van der Meulen E.C., Asymptotic Expansions of Mutual Information for a General
Class of Additive Noise Channels with Small Signal-to-Noise
Ratio // Proc. 24-th Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux.
Veldhoven, May 22--23, 2003. P. 165—170.
Prelov V., van der Meulen E.C., Higher Order Asymptotics of Mutual Information for
Nonlinear Channels with Non-Gaussian // Proc. IEEE Intern.
Symp. Inform. Theory. Yokohama, Japan, June 29—July 4, 2003,
P. 83 .
Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A., Distribution of the virtual sojourn time in the M/G/1 processor sharing queue. Information Processes, 2003, vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 128--137. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).
Yashkov S., On sojourn time problem in processor sharing queue. In: Int. Conf. “Kolmogorov and Contemporary Mathematics”. Abstracts (Moscow, June 16--21). Moscow: Moscow State Univ., Mekhmath, 2003, pp. 594--595.
Han Q., Nadirashvili N., Yuan Y., Linearity of homogeneous order one solutions to elliptic equations in dimension three, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 56(2003), 425-432
Likhanov N., Guillemin, F.M., Likhanov, N., Mazumdar, R.R., Rosenberg, C. P., and Ying, Y.;
Buffer overflow bounds for multiplexed regulated traffic streams, in Providing QoS
in Heterogeneous Environments, International Teletraffic Congress 18, Elsevier science,
July 2003.
Likhanov N., Likhanov, N., Mazumdar, R., and Ozturk, O.; Large buffer asymptotics
for fluid queues with heterogeneous weibullian inputs. Queueing Systems 45,
pp. 333-356, 2003.
Barg A., G.R.Blakley, Kabatiansky G., Digital fingerprinting codes: problem statements, constructions, identification of traitors./ IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, v.49, pp. 852--865, 2003.
2002 |
Prelov V., van der Meulen E.C., Epsilon-Entropy of a Special Class of Ellipsoids in a
Hamming Space // Proc. 23-th Symp. Inform. Theory in the
Benelux. Louvain-la-Neuve, May 29--31, 2002. P. 37--44.
Prelov V., Dumer, M.Pinsker I., On the Epsilon-Entropy of an Ellipsoid in a Hamming
Space // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp . Inform. Theory. Lausanne,
Switzerland, June 30 -- July 5, 2002. P. 463.
Prelov V., van der Meulen E.C., .Asymptotics of the Epsilon-Entropy for a Certain Class
of Ellipsoids in a Hamming Space // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp .
Inform. Theory. Lausanne, Switzerland, June 30 -- July 5,
2002. P. 464.
Helffer B., Nadirashvili N., Hoffmann-Ostenhof Ò., Periodic Schrodinger operators and Aharonov Bohm Hamiltonians, Moscow Math. J. (2002)
Helffer, B., Hoffmann-Ostenhof M., Hoffmann-Ostenhof T., Nadirashvili N., Spectral theory for the Dihedral group, Geom. Funct. Anal., 12 (2002)
B. Kuksin S., Nadirashvili N., L. Piatnitski A., Hoelder estimates for solutions of parabolic SPDEs, Theory Probab. Appl., 47:1 (2002), 152-159
Minlos R., Zhizhina E., Leading Branches of the transfer-matrix spectrum for lattice spin systems (quasi-particles of different species)
// J. St. Phys., vol.108, n 5/6, 2002, pp. 885-904.
Barg A., Nogin D., Bounds on Packings of Spheres in the Grassmann Manifolds, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 2002, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 2450–2454.
2001 |
Prelov V., van der Meulen E.C., Asymptotic Investigation of the Optimal Filtering Error
and Information Rates in Certain Models of Observations and
Channels // Proc. 22-th Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux.
Enschede, May 15--16, 2001. P. 93—100.
Prelov V., Pinsker M., On Possibility of Error-Free Filtering under Nonstationary
Distortions // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp . Inform. Theory.
Washington, USA, June 24--29, 2001.
Vleduts S., Barg A., Ashikhmin A., Linear codes with exponentially many light vectors. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 96, no. 2, 396--399, 2001.
Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A., On the law of large numbers for the processor--sharing queue. Computer Sci. and Info. Technologies (CSIT"01). Proc. 3nd Int. Conf. (Yerevan, Sept. 17--21, 2001). Yerevan: Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Armenia, 2001, pp. 141--144.
E. Kenig C., Nadirashvili N., On optimal estimates for some oblique derivative problems, J. Funct. Anal. 187 (2001), 70-93
Hansen W., Nadirashvili N., Harmonic functions and averages on shells, J. Anal. Math. 84 (2001), 70-93
Hamel F., Nadirashvili N., Travelling fronts and entire solutions of the Fisher-KPP equations in RN, Arch. Ration.Mech.Anal. 157 (2001), 91-163.
Prelov V., Pinsker M.S., van der Meulen E., Asymptotic Investigation of the Information Rates in
Certain Stationary Channels with and without Memory
// American J. Math. and Management Sci. 2001. V 21. N 1-2 .
P. 29--42.
2000 |
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., Information Transmission of Slowly Varying Input Signals
over Discrete Memoryless Stationary Channels // Proc. 21-th
Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Wassenaar, May 25--26,
2000. P. 277--283.
Prelov V., On the Entropy of Ellipsoids in the Hamming Space // Proc.
Seventh Intern. Workshop Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding
Theory, Bansko, Bulgaria, June 18--24, 2000, P. 269--272.
Prelov V., Pinsker M., On Error-Free Filtering under Dependent Distortions // Proc.
IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Sorrento, Italy, June 25--30,
2000. P. 359.
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., Transmission of a Slowly Varying Markov Signal over
Memoryless Channels // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform.
Theory. Sorrento, Italy, June 25--30, 2000. P. 488.
Yashkov S., Modelling processor sharing queue. Proceedings of the 16th IMACS World Congress on Sci. Computation, Appl. Math. and Simulation. (Lausanne, Aug. 21--25, 2000), M.Deville and R.Owens (Eds.). New Brunswick: Rutgers Univ. (USA), 2000. Full paper (4 pages) in pdf format on CD--ROM. ISBN 3-9522075-1-9.
Yashkov S., Modelling processor sharing queue. 16th IMACS World Congress on Sci. Computation, Appl. Math. and Simulation. Book of abstracts (Lausanne, Aug. 21--25, 2000), M.Deville and R.Owens (Eds.). Lausanne: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 2000, pp.532--532. ISBN 3-9522075-0-0.
Jerison D., Nadirashvili N., The hot spot conjecture for domains with two axes of symmetry, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 13 (2000), 741-772
E. Kenig C., Nadirashvili N., A counterexample in unique continuation, Math. Res. Lett. 7 (2000), 625-630
1999 |
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., On Certain Channels with a Random Parameter // Proc.
20-th Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Haasrode, May 27--28,
1999. P. 165--172.
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., Information Rates and its Asymptotics for a General
Class of Channels with a Random Parameter // Proc. Intern.
Conf. Computer Science and Inform. Technologies. Yerevan,
August 17--22, 1999. P. 146--148.
1998 |
Prelov V., Pinsker M., On the Error of the Optimal Filtering of Stationary Processes
with a Small Information Rate // Proc.IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform.
Theory. MIT, Cambridge, August 16--21, 1998. P.332.
Prelov V., Pinsker M., Information-Theoretic Methods in Filtering Problems // Trans.
13-th Prague Conf. Inform. Theory, Statist. Decision Funct.
Random Processes. Prague. 1998. P. 465—468.
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., Information Transmission over Channels with
Additive-Multiplicative Noise // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp.
Inform. Theory. MIT, Cambridge, August 16--21, 1998. P. 239.
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., Information Transmission over Stationary Channels with
Additive Non-Gaussian Noise by means of Weak Input Signals
// Proc. 19-th Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Veldhoven,
May 28--29, 1998. P. 143--147.
1997 |
Prelov V., Pinsker M., Error-Free Filtering of Entropy-Regular Process against a
Background of Entropy-Singular Noise // Proc. IEEE
Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Ulm, June 22--July 4, 1997. P. 72.
Prelov V., Pinsker, S. Verdu M., Sensitivity of the Rate-Distortion Function of Stationary
Continuous-Time Gaussian Processes to Non-Gaussian Contamination
// Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Ulm, June 29--July 4,
1997. P. 73.
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., Weak Signal Transmission over Certain Stationary Non-Gaussian
Channels // Proc.IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Ulm,
June 29--July 1, 1997. P. 371.
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., Asymptotic Behavior of the Information Rates in Certain
Stationary Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Channels // Proc. Intern.
Conf. Computer Science and Inform. Technologies. Yerevan,
September 25--29, 1997. P. 233—235.
Blank M., Discreteness and continuity in problems of chaotic dynamics, Amer. Math. Soc., 1997.
1996 |
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., Information Rates in Certain Stationary Non-Gaussian
Channels // Proc. Fifth Intern. Workshop
Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory. Sozopol, June 1--7,
1996. P. 297—238 .
1995 |
Prelov V., Pinsker, S. Verdu M., Sensitivity of Channel Capacity // IEEE Trans. Inform.
Theory. 1995. V. 41. N 6. P. 1827--1883 .
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., On the Fisher Information of the Sum of Two Independent
Random Variables One of which is Small, and an Asymptotic
Generalization of De Bruijn"s Identity // Proc. 16-th Symp.
Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Nieuwerkerk a/d IJssel,
May 18--19, 1995. P. 25--31.
Prelov V., Pinsker M., Sensitivity of Optimal Filtering to a Weak Non-Gaussian
Noise // Proc. Seventh Joint Swedish-Russian Intern.
Workshop Inform. Theory. St.-Petersburg, June 17--28, 1995.
P. 161--146.
Prelov V., Pinsker, S. Verdu M., Sensitivity of Gaussian Channel Capacity and
Rate-Distortion Function to Non-Gaussian Contamination
// Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Whistler,
September 17--22, 1995. P. 60.
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., Asymptotics of Fisher Information under Weak Perturbation
// Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Whistler, September
17--28, 1995. P. 70 .
1994 |
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., Asymptotic Expressions for Information and Capacity of
Continuous Channels when Certain Transmission
Parameters are Small // Trans. 12-th Prague Conf. Inform.
Theory, Statist. Decision Function, and Random Processes.
Prague, August 29 -- September 2, 1994. P. 185--191.
Prelov V., Pinsker, S. Verdu M., Asymptotics of the Epsilon-Entropy of Stationary Almost
Gaussian Processes // Proc. IEEE Intern. Workshop Inform.
Theory. Moscow, Russia. July 3--8, 1994. P. 79—87.
1993 |
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., An Asymptotic Expression for the Information and Capacity
of a Multidimensional Channel with Weak Input Signals // IEEE
Trans. Inform. Theory. 1993. V. 39. N 10. P. 1728--1735.
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., Asymptotic Behavior of the Information and Capacity of
Continuous Alphabet Channels with Weak Vector-Valued Inputs
// Proc. Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian Intern. Workshop
Inform. Theory. Molle, August 22--27, 1993. P. 420--424.
Prelov V., Verdu, M. Honig S., On the Sensitivity of the Capacity of Nominally Gaussian
Channels // Proc. Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian
Intern. Workshop Inform. Theory. Molle, August 27--27, 1993.
P. 844—446 .
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., The Capacity of a Continuous Alphabet Memoryless Channel
with Vector-Valued Inputs Satisfying Small Mean Energy and
Peak Power Constraints // Proc. Fourteenth Symp. Inform.
Theory in the Benelux. Veldhoven, May 17--18, 1993. P. 48--53.
1992 |
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., The Capacity Region of the Two-Way Channel with Additive
Almost Gaussian Noise under Moment Constraints
// Trans. Eleventh Prague Conf. Inform. Theory, Statist.
Decision Funct., Random Processes, held in Prague,
August 27--31, 1990. Acad. Publ. House Czech. Acad. Sci.,
Prague, 1992. P. 295--309.
1991 |
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., Asymptotic Expansion for the Capacity Region of the
Multiple-Access Channel with Common Information and
Almost Gaussian Noise // Proc. Fifth Joint Soviet-Swedish
Intern. Workshop Inform. Theory. Moscow, January 13--13,
1991. P. 169—172 .
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., The Capacity Region of the Compound Interference Channel
with Additive Almost Gaussian Noise // Proc. Twelfth Symp.
Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Veldhoven, May 22--24, 1991.
P. 103—106.
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., An Asymptotic Expression for the Capacity Region of
the Two-Way Communication Channel with Additive Almost
Gaussian Noise // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory.
Budapest, June 24--28, 1991. P. 331.
1990 |
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., Some Results on Multi-User Channels with Almost Gaussian
Noise // Eleventh Prague Conf. Inform. Theory, Statist.
Decision Funct., Random Processes. Prague. August 27--31,
1990 .
1989 |
Prelov V., Asymptotic Expansions for the Mutual Information and for
the Capacity of Continuous Memoryless Channels with
Weak Input Signal //Probl. Control Inform. Theory. 1989.
V. 18. N 2. P. 91--106.
1987 |
Prelov V., de Bruyn, E. van der Meulen K., Reliable Transmission of Two Correlated Sources over
an Asymmetric Multiple-Access Channel // IEEE Trans. Inform.
Theory. 1987. V. 33. N 5. P. 716—718
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., On the Slepian and Wolf Multiple-Access Channel with
Gaussian Noise // Proc. Fighth Symp. Inform. Theory in the
Benelux. Deventer, 1987. P. 132—139 .
1985 |
Prelov V., de Bruyn, E.C. van der Meulen K., The Capacity Region of the Discrete Memoryless Asymmetric
Multiple Access Channel with Arbitrarily Correlated Sources
// Proc. Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Brighton, 1985.
P. 153.
Prelov V., de Bruyn, E. van der Meulen K., Two Results on the Discrete Memoryless Asymmetric Multiple
Access Channel with Arbitrarily Correlated Sources // Proc.
Sixth Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Mierlo, 1985.
P. 183—191.
Blank M., Gukovskii D., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Markovskaya T., Ruda M., Sobolev A., Romanov M.Yu., System engineering of automatic diagnostics of infringements of heart rhythm in real time scale. Reports of the National Cardiology Research Center of Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, VNTICentr, 81024272 (1985), 123 p. (in Russian).
1984 |
Prelov V., The Asymptotic Behavior of the Capacity and
the Zero-Error Capacity of a Continuous Channel with Large
Noise // Mededelingen uit het Wiskundig Instituut. Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven. 1984. N 179. 27 pages.
Prelov V., The Zero-Error Capacity of Certain Continuous Channels
with Small Input Signal // Proc. Fifth Symp. Inform. Theory
in the Benelux. Aalten, May 24--25, 1984. P. 203--205.
1982 |
Prelov V., On the Capacity and Zero-Error Capacity of Certain
Multiple Access Channels // Ninth Prague Conf. Inform. Theory,
Statist. Decision Funct., Random Processes. Prague.
June 28--July 2, 1982. P. 205.
Blank M., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Markovskaya T., Merkulova I., Ruda M., Sobolev A., Automatic tracking of cardiac rhythm. Theses of the reports of the 1st Soviet-Finnish Symposium on use the minicomputers and microprocessors in medicine, Finland, Helsinki (1982), 1 p.
1981 |
Blank M., Gukovskii D., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Ruda M., Sobolev A., About automation of monitor tracking of ills by cardiac rhythm. Theory and practice of automation electrocardiological and clinical researches, Theses of the 2nd All-Union Conference, Kaunas (1981), 1 p. (in Russian).
1980 |
Blank M., Gukovskii D., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Markovskaya T., Sobolev A., Experimental system of the automatic analysis of cardiac rhythm. Reports of the National Cardiology Research Center of Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, 2 (1980), 81-84 (in Russian).
1979 |
Agaronyan O., Blank M., Gukovskii D., Davidenko A., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Markovskaya T., Merkulova I., Ruda M., Sobolev A., A system of the automated analysis of rhythm diseases by a monitor lead of ECG in intensive care units. 3-rd All-Union congress of cardiologists, Theses of the reports, Moscow (1979), 1 p. (in Russian).
1977 |
Blank M., Gukovskii D., Davidenko A., Kozyakin V., Markovskaya T., Merkulova I., Ruda M., Sobolev A., About the continuous automatic analysis of cardiac rhythm. A theory and practice of automation of electrocardiological researches, Theses of All-Union meeting, Kaunas (1977), 1 p. (in Russian).