

Miller B., Rubinovich E.Ya., Optimization of Dynamical Systems with Impulse Controls and Shocks // Cham: Springer. 2024. 624 p. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-64124-4. Softcover ISBN: 978-3-031-64126-8. eBook ISBN: 978-3-031-64124-4.
Shilovsky G., Sorokina E., Lyubetskaya E., Ferubko E., New methods of induction of antioxidant defense based on exercise mimetics in the elderly. Clinical Gerontology, 2024, Vol. 30, No. 3-4, P. 52–56, (in Russian). DOI: 10.26347/1607-2499202403-04052-056
Shilovsky G., p62: Intersection of antioxidant defense and autophagy pathways. Molecular Biology, Oct 2024, Vol. 58, No. 5, P. 822–835. DOI: 10.1134/S0026893324700390
Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., On systems of several equations modulo three. XIV Belarusian Mathematical Conference dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics October 28 – November 1, 2024, Minsk
Malaschonok G., Seliverstov A., MathPartner: An Artificial Intelligence Cloud Service. In: Arai K. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Applications. IntelliSys 2024, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Cham, 2024, Vol. 1068, P. 182–194.
Shilovsky G., Sorokina E., Akhaev D., Anti-aging medicine: Mitochondria-targeted antioxidants and physical activity. Biology Bulletin Reviews, Aug 2024, Vol. 14, No. 4, P. 426–433. DOI: 10.1134/S2079086424600188
Shilovsky G., Calculating aging: Analysis of survival curves in the norm and pathology, fluctuations in mortality dynamics, characteristics of lifespan distribution, and indicators of lifespan variation. Biochemistry (Moscow), Feb 2024, Vol. 89, No. 2, P. 371–376. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924020159
Shilovsky G., Putyatina T., Markov A., Evolution of longevity in tetrapods: Safety is more important than metabolism level. Biochemistry (Moscow), Feb 2024, Vol. 89, No. 2, P. 322–340. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297924020111
Wijayawardene N., Hyde K., Mikhailov K., Peter G., Aptroot A., Pires-Zottarelli C., Goto B., Tokarev Y., Haelewaters D., Karunarathna S., Kirk P., de Santiago A., Saxena R., Schoutteten N., Wimalasena M., Aleoshin V., . . ., Zverkóv O., Thines M., Karpov S.A., Classes and phyla of the kingdom Fungi. Fungal Diversity, 2024,
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., On the uniform projection and covering problems in descriptive set theory under the axiom of constructibility. Preprints 2024, 2024101379.
Levin M., owards cluster edge editing problems (literature survey, models; preliminary material). Preprint, Research Gate 16 p. Oct. 7, 2024. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32967.71849
Lyubetsky V., Shilovsky G., Yang J.-R., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., The change rate of the Fbxl21 gene and the amino acid composition of its protein correlate with the species-specific lifespan in placental mammals. Biology, 2024, Vol. 13, No. 10, Art. 792. DOI: 10.3390/biology13100792 (WoS Q1)
Veretennikov A., A. Yu. Veretennikov, On weak existence of solutions of degenerate McKean-Vlasov equations, Stochastics and Dynamics (2024) (paper no. 2450032), World Scientific, vol. 24 (online ready) [WoS Q3, Scopus Q2, IF = 0,8] (ïîêà ÷òî full access)
Miller A., Miller B., Popov A., Stepanyan K., Control of autonomous vehicles on the basis of the observation of surrounding landscape // Proceedings of 8th International school-seminar "Nonlinear Analysis and Extremal Problems" (NLA-2024), 24-28 June 2024. IDSTU SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia. P. 180-181.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., On the significance of parameters and the projective level in the Choice and Collection axioms. arXiv: 2407.20098 [math.LO], August 2024, 127 pp. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2407.20098
Levin M., Capacitated Clustering Problem. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2024, pp. 1–10. DOI: 10.1134/S1064226924700086 [WoS, Scopus]
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., Algorithms for the reconstruction of genomic structures with proofs of their low polynomial complexity and high exactness. Mathematics, Mar 11 2024, Vol. 12, No. 6, Art. 817. DOI: 10.3390/math12060817 (WoS Q1)
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Jensen Δ1n reals by means of ZFC and second-order Peano arithmetic. Axioms, Jan 30 2024, Vol. 13, No. 2, Art. 96. DOI: 10.3390/axioms13020096 (WoS Q1)
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., A good lightface Δ1n well-ordering of the reals does not imply the existence of boldface Δ1n-1 well-orderings. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Jun 2024, Vol. 175, Iss. 6, Art. 103426. DOI: 10.1016/j.apal.2024.103426 (WoS Q2)
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Parameterfree comprehension does not imply full comprehension in second order Peano arithmetic. Studia Logica, Apr 2024. DOI: 10.1007/s11225-024-10108-2 (WoS Q2)
Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Lower bounds for the rank of a matrix with zeros and ones outside the leading diagonal. Programming and Computer Software, 2024, vol. 50, pp. 202–207. DOI: 10.1134/S0361768824020142
Seliverstov A., On the length of an unsatisfiable conjunction. International Conference Polynomial Computer Algebra 2024, St. Petersburg, Russia, Apr 15–20 2024, pp. 140–143.
Seliverstov A., On polynomial-time computable structures. Proceedings of the international conference Algebra and mathematical logic: theory and applications. June 27-July 1, 2024, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, pp. 190-192 (in Russian).
Veretennikov A., Alexander Yu. Veretennikov, On Averaged Control and Iteration Improvement for a Class of Multidimensional Ergodic Diffusions, in: Kolmogorov Operators and Their Applications, Stéphane Menozzi (ed.), Andrea Pascucci (ed.), Sergio Polidoro (ed.), ser. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Springer Singapore (Singapore), 315-349.
Veretennikov A., A.Yu.Veretennikov, On Higher Order Moments and Rates of Convergence for SDEs with Switching, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 24, ¹ 1, 107-124 [Scopus Q1]


Morgunova G., Shilovsky G., Khokhlov A., Influence of AMPK on the functioning of the circadian clock and its possible role in the development of age-related metabolic disorders. Advances in Gerontology, Jun 2023, Vol. 13, P. 54–61, published on Feb 15 2024. DOI: 10.1134/S207905702460006X
Khavinson V., Linkova N., Ashapkin V., Shilovsky G., Borushko N., Petukhov M., Vanyushin B., KE peptide regulates SIRT1, PARP1, PARP2 gene expression and protein synthesis in human mesenchymal stem cells aging. Advances in Gerontology, 2023, Vol. 36, No. 3, P. 302–312, (in Russian). DOI: 10.34922/AE.2023.36.3.003
Shilovsky G., Seliverstov A., Demographic Indicators of Probability Models. Advances in Gerontology, Sep 2023, Vol. 13, No. 3, P. 164–177. DOI: 10.1134/S2079057024600307
Sevastianov Nikita, Neretina Tatiana, Vedenina V., Evolution of calling songs in the grasshopper subfamily Gomphocerinae (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Zoologica Scripta, 52: 154–175. 10.1111/zsc.12579
Veretennikov A., A.A. Shchegolev, A.Yu. Veretennikov, On Convergence Rate Bounds for a Class of Nonlinear Markov Chains, Markov processes and related fields, 2023, v.29, Issue 5, 619-639. doi:10.61102/1024-2953-mprf.2023.29.5.001; the preprint at arXiv:2209.12834
Puhalskii A., Large deviation limits of invariant measures, Stochastics and Dynamics, v.23, No. 7 (2023) 2350052 (28 pages) (available upon request) https:///
Shilovsky G., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Demographic indicators, models, and testing. Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2023. V. 31. No. 4. P. 359–374.
Kozyakin V., Bibliography converter from BibTEX format to AMSBIB format. Information Processes. 2023. Vol. 23, no. 4. P. 455–469.
Bekmaganbetov K.A., Chechkin G.A., Chepyzhov V., Application of Fatou’s Lemma for Strong Homogenization of Attractors to Reaction–Diffusion Systems with Rapidly Oscillating Coefficients in Orthotropic Media with Periodic Obstacles. Mathematics 2023, 11, 1448.
Positselski L., Resolutions as directed colimits. Electronic preprint arXiv:2312.07197 [math.AC], 37 pp.
Dragovic V., Gontsov R., Goryuchkina I., From formal to actual Puiseux series solutions of algebraic differential equations of first order, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5), 2023, V. 24(4), P. 2201-2213.
Seliverstov A., On the length of an unsatisfiable subformula. International Conference Mal"tsev meeting November 13-17, 2023. Novosibirsk, 2023, p. 132.
Levin M., On capacitated clustering problem. Preprint (ResearchGate). 14 p. Nov. 21, 2023. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33224.70401
Maximova E., The Contribution of Adaptive Optics to Our Understanding of the Mechanisms of Color Vision in Humans. Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 2023. V. 53. PP. 1025–1035. Translated from Sensornye Sistemy, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 17–34, January–March, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s11055-023-01496-4
Veretennikov A., Veretennikov, A. On Positive Recurrence of the Mn/GI/1/∞ Model. Mathematics 2023, 11, 4514. [Special Issue "Probability and Stochastic Processes with Applications to Communications, Systems and Networks, 2nd Edition", Eds Prof. Dr. Gurami Tsitsiashvili and Dr. Alexander Bochkov] [Scopus Q2; WoS Q1, JCI 2022 = 2,10] The paper is available at
Gontsov R., Goryuchkina I., Generalized power series solutions of q-difference equations and the small divisors phenomenon, In: "Computer Algebra. 5th International Conference Materials. Moscow, June 26 – 28, 2023", P. 75–78.
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., New bounds for covering codes of radius 3 and codimension 3t+1. Advances in Mathematics of Communications. 14 pages, doi: 10.3934/amc.2023042
Positselski L., Notes on limits of accessible categories. Electronic preprint arXiv:2310.16773 [math.CT], 35 pp.
Gracheva M., Kazakova A.A., Manko O.M., “Study of vascular density and retinal thickness by optical coherence tomography in experiments with anti-orthostatic hypokinesia (21 day head-down tilt bed rest study),” Hum Physiol 49, 625–634 (2023).
Rusin L., Evolution of homology: From archetype towards a holistic concept of cell type. Journal of Morphology, 284(4), e21569. DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21569, WOS: 000939793400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85150724886 (JCR Q1)
Shilovsky G., Dibrova D., Regulation of cell proliferation and Nrf2-mediated antioxidant defense: Conservation of Keap1 cysteines and Nrf2 binding site in the context of the evolution of KLHL family. Life, Apr 19 2023, Vol. 13, No. 4, Art. 1045. DOI: 10.3390/life13041045
Skulachev V., Vyssokikh M., Chernyak B., Mulkidjanian A., Skulachev M., Shilovsky G., Lyamzaev K., Borisov V., Severin F., Sadovnichii V., Six functions of respiration: Isn’t it time to take control over ROS production in mitochondria, and aging along with it? International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Aug 8 2023, Vol. 24, Iss. 16, Art. 12540. DOI: 10.3390/ijms241612540 (WoS Q1)
Tchesunov A., Nikolaeva O., Rusin L., Sanamyan N., Panina E., Miljutin D., Gorelysheva D., Pegova A., Khromova M., Mardashova M., Mikhailov K., Yushin V., Petrov N., Nikitin M., Lyubetsky V., Aleoshin V., Paraphyly of Marimermithida refines primary routes of transition to parasitism in roundworms. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, April 2023, Vol. 197, Iss. 4, P. 909–923. DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlac070 (WoS Q1)
Cheng H., Guo Z., Zhang X., Wang X.-J., Li Z., Huo W.-W., Zhong H.-C., Li X.-J., Wu X.-W., Li W.-H., Chen Z.-W., Wu T.-C., Gan X.-F., Zhong B.-L., Lyubetsky V., Rusin L., Yang J., Zhao Q., Cao Q.-D., Yang J.-R., Lack of evolutionary convergence in multiple primary lung cancer suggests insufficient specificity of personalized therapy. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, May 2023, Vol. 50, Iss. 5, P. 330–340. DOI: 10.1016/j.jgg.2022.11.005 (WoS Q1)
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., Constructing an evolutionary tree and path–cycle graph evolution along it. Mathematics, Apr 24 2023, Vol. 11, No. 9, Art. 2024. DOI: 10.3390/math11092024 (WoS Q1)
Gracheva M., Alexander B., Timofeev V., Basova O., Maximov P., Nikolaev D., Assessment of color discrimination thresholds by the strict substitution method, IEEE SPCN 2022, Yuri Shelepin, Ed., VVM Publishing llc, ISBN 978-59-65114-83-2, pp. 162-175, 2023.
Boykov A., Seliverstov A., On a cube and subspace projections. Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp"yuternye Nauki, 2023, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 402-415.
Positselski L., Semialgebras associated with nonunital algebras and k-linear subcategories. Electronic preprint arXiv:2310.05550 [math.CT], 60 pp.
Veretennikov A., A.Yu.Veretennikov, On averaged expected cost control for 1D controlled ergodic diffusions with switching, MPRF, 2023, 23(2), 259 - 294. [Scopus Q4, WoS? JCI 2022 = 0,15]
Veretennikov A., R.Yu.Sineokiy, A.Yu.Veretennikov, On recurrence, convergence and mixing rate for generalised Wright - Fisher"s diffusion with mutation, Markov Processes and Related Fileds (MPRF), 2023, 23(2), 241 - 258. [Scopus Q4, WoS? JCI 2022 = 0,15]
Veretennikov A., Special Issue dedicated to Nikita Vvedenskaya, Editorial, MPRF, 2023, 23(2), 145 - 150.
Seliverstov A., On binary solutions to a system of several linear equations modulo three. Algebra, Number Theory, Discrete Geometry and Multiscale Modeling: modern problems and applications, applications and problems of history. XXII International Conference dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Academician A. N. Kolmogorov and 60th anniversary of the opening of boarding school ¹18 at Moscow University. Tula, TSPU of Leo Tolstoy, 2023, pp. 242–244.
Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Effective lover bounds on the matrix rank and their applications, Programming and Computer Software, 2023, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 441–447. DOI: 10.1134/S0361768823020160
Positselski L., Tensor-Hom formalism for modules over nonunital rings. Electronic preprint arXiv:2308.16090 [math.RA], 41 pp.
Lyubetsky V., Rubanov L., Tereshina M., Ivanova A., Araslanova K., Uroshlev L., Goremykina G., Yang J., Kanovei V., Zverkóv O., Shitikov A., Korotkova D., Zaraisky A., Wide-scale identification of novel/eliminated genes responsible for evolutionary transformations. Biology Direct, 2023, Vol. 18, Art. 45. DOI: 10.1186/s13062-023-00405-6 (WoS Q1)
Positselski L., Comodules and contramodules over coalgebras associated with locally finite categories. Electronic preprint arXiv:2307.13358 [math.CT], 35 pp.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., A model in which well-orderings of the reals first appear at a given projective level, part III, the case of second-order PA. Mathematics, 2023, 11(15), Article no. 3294. DOI 10.3390/math11153294 (WoS Q1)
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Incidence matrices for the class O_6 of lines external to the twisted cubic in PG(3,q), Journal of Geometry, 2023, vol. 114, no. 2, article number 21,
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Orbits of the class O_6 of lines external to the twisted cubic in PG(3, q), Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, vol. 20, No. 3, article number 160 (2023) ,
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Orbits of lines for a twisted cubic in PG(3,q). Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. vol. 20, No. 3, article number 132 (2023),
Seliverstov A., Generalization of the subset sum problem and cubic forms. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2023, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 48-56. DOI: 10.1134/S0965542523010116
Seliverstov A., On a simple lower bound for the matrix rank. In: S.A. Abramov, A.B. Batkhin, L.A. Sevastyanov (eds.) Computer algebra: 5th International Conference Materials, Moscow, Russia, June 26-28 2023, Moscow: KIAM, 2023, P. 126-128. ISBN: 978-5-98354-067-5
Seliverstov A., Dimensionality reduction to solve problems on the arrangement of a subspace and cube vertices. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference SCIENTIST, TEACHER, MENTOR dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of Professor A. R. Esayan, Tula, 2023, pp. 66-69.
Seliverstov A., Notes on obstacles to dimensionality reduction. International Conference Polynomial Computer Algebra "2023, Apr 17, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2023, pp. 104-107.
Veretennikov A., Veretennikov, A. Polynomial Recurrence for SDEs with a Gradient-Type Drift, Revisited. Mathematics 2023, 11, 3096. (16 pages, 30 refs) In the Special Issue "New Advances and Applications of Extreme Value Theory", ed. by Prof Dr N. Markovich [Scopus Q2; WoS Q1, JCI 2022 = 2,10]
Positselski L., Flat comodules and contramodules as directed colimits, and cotorsion periodicity. Electronic preprint arXiv:2306.02734 [math.RA], 44 pp.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., A model in which well-orderings of the reals first appear at a given projective level, part II. Mathematics, 2023, 11(11), Article no. 2517. DOI: 10.3390/math11112517 . (WoS Q1)
Panyushev D., Combinatorial and geometric constructions associated with the Kostant cascade, J. Lie Theory, 33, no. 2 (2023), 497--526
Nurmuhametov A.L., Sidorchuk D.S., Konovalenko I., Nikonorov A.V., Gracheva M., Spectral Harmonization of UAV and Satellite Data for the Needs of Precision Agriculture. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. y, 2022, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 335–346. 10.1134/S1064226922140054
Panyushev D., Yakimova O., Automorphisms of finite order, periodic contractions, and Poisson-commutative subalgebras of S(g), Math. Zeitschrift, 303, no. 2 (2023), Article 51.
Maximova E., What did adaptive optics give us for understanding the mechanisms of human color vision. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2023. V. 37 (1). P. 17–34 (In Russian). DOI: 10.31857/S0235009223010055
Damjanović I., Aliper A., Maximov P., Zaichikova A., Gačić Z., Maximova E., Direction selectivity of the retinotectal system of fish: Findings based on microelectrode extracellular recordings of the tectum opticum. Archives of Biological Sciences. 2023. V. 75(1). P. 27-45. DOI: 10.2298/ABS221216003D
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., On the Significance of Parameters in the Choice and Collection Schemata in the 2nd Order Peano Arithmetic. Mathematics, 2023, 11 (3), Article no. 726. DOI: 10.3390/math11030726 (WoS Q1)
Positselski L., Homological full-and-faithfulness of comodule inclusion and contramodule forgetful functors. Electronic preprint arXiv:2301.09561 [math.RA], 43 pp.
Positselski L., Šťovíček J., Flat quasi-coherent sheaves as directed colimits, and quasi-coherent cotorsion periodicity. Electronic preprint arXiv:2212.09639 [math.AG], 28 pp.
Bazzoni S., Hrbek M., Positselski L., Fp-projective periodicity. Journ. of Pure and Appl. Algebra 228 #3 (2024), 107497, 24 pp.
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Upper bounds on the length function for covering codes with covering radius R and codimension tR+1, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, vol. 17, No. 1, February 2023, pp. 98-18, doi: 10.3934/amc.2021074
Positselski L., Differential graded Koszul duality: An introductory survey. Bulletin of the London Math. Society 55 (2023), #4, p.1551-1640.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., On Russell typicality in Set Theory. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2023, 151, no 5, pp. 2201–2210. (WoS Q2)
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., On the weight distribution of the cosets of MDS codes, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Vol. 17, No. 5, October 2023, pp. 1115-1138, doi: 10.3934/amc.2021042
Positselski L., Semi-infinite algebraic geometry of quasi-coherent sheaves on ind-schemes: Quasi-coherent torsion sheaves, the semiderived category, and the semitensor product. Birkhäuser/Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. xix+216 ñòð.
Positselski L., Exact categories of topological vector spaces with linear topology. Electronic preprint arXiv:2012.15431 [math.CT], 71 pp. Accepted by Moscow Math. Journal.
Positselski L., Flat commutative ring epimorphisms of almost Krull dimension zero. Journ. of Algebra and its Appl. 22 #3 (2023), 2350060, 18 pp.
Positselski L., An explicit self-dual construction of complete cotorsion pairs in the relative context. Rendiconti Seminario Matematico Univ. Padova 149 (2023), p.191-253.
Positselski L., Remarks on derived complete modules and complexes. Mathematische Nachrichten 296 (2023), #2, p.811-839.


Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., On the significance of parameters in the choice and collection schemata in the 2nd order Peano arithmetic. Preprints, Dec 26 2022, Art. 2022120255. DOI: 10.20944/preprints202212.0255.v2
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., The parameterfree Comprehension does not imply the full Comprehension in the 2nd order Peano arithmetic. Eprint, arXiv:2209.07599 [math.LO], Sep 15 2022. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2209.07599
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., A model in which the Separation principle holds for a given effective projective Sigma-class. Eprint, arXiv:2204.03915 [math.LO], Apr 8 2022. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2204.03915
Tchesunov A., Nikolaeva O., Rusin L., Sanamyan N., Panina E., Miljutin D., Gorelysheva D., Pegova A., Khromova M., Mardashova M., Mikhailov K., Yushin V., Petrov N., Lyubetsky V., Nikitin M., Aleshin S., Demise of Marimermithida refines primary routes of transition to parasitism in roundworms. bioRxiv, 2022.02.15.480519, Feb 19 2022. DOI: 10.1101/2022.02.15.480519
Kozhina G., Levik Y., Popov A., Smetanin B., Kozhina, G.V., Levik, Y.S., Popov, A.K. et al. Maintaining an Upright Posture with Different Sizes of the Object Providing Visual Feedback on Rigid and Compliant Supports. Hum Physiol 48, 1–12 (2022).
Kozhina G., Levik Y., Popov A., Smetanin B., Kozhina, G.V., Levik, Y.S., Popov, A.K. et al. Influence of Fixed Point Marks on Maintaining a Vertical Posture when Observing a Virtual Three-Dimensional Object Linked to Body Oscillations. Hum Physiol 48, 687–695 (2022).
Maximov P., Sarycheva A., Bozhkova V., Grigoryev A., Povolotskiy M., Tñhobanou M., Nikolaev D., Trichromatic image enhancement for dichromats via achromatic watermark blending. 26th Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society. 2022. Abstract Book. Editor: Thanasis Panorgias. P. 142.
Bekmaganbetov K.A., Chepyzhov V., Chechkin G.A., Strong convergence of attractors of reaction-diffusion system with rapidly oscillating terms in an orthotropic porous medium. Izvestiya: Mathematics, 2022, Volume 86, Issue 6, Pages 1072–1101.
Shilovsky G., Sorokina E., Putyatina T., Assessment of the human metabolome as a method for molecular diagnostics of colorectal cancer: Prevention and therapy. Biology Bulletin Reviews, Aug 2022, Vol. 12, P. 422–427. DOI: 10.1134/S2079086422040089
Shilovsky G., Putyatina T., Markov A., Evolution of longevity as a species-specific trait in mammals. Biochemistry (Moscow), 2022, Vol. 87, Iss. 12-13, P. 1579–1599. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297922120148
Shilovsky G., Ashapkin V., Transcription factor Nrf2 and mitochondria – friends or foes in the regulation of aging rate. Biochemistry (Moscow), 2022, Vol. 87, Iss. 12-13, P. 1477–1486. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297922120057
Seliverstov A., On binary solutions to a system of linear equations over a computable field. International Conference Mal"tsev Meeting. Collection of Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, November 14-19 2022, Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University, 2022, P. 78.
Latkin I.V., Seliverstov A., International Conference Mal"tsev Meeting. Collection of Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, November 14-19 2022, Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University, 2022, P. 72.
Latkin I.V., Seliverstov A., International Scientific Conference on Mathematical Logic and Computer Science, Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan, Astana, October 7-8, 2022, pp. 36-40.
Adlaj S.F., Malaschonok G.I., Malyshev K.Yu., Seliverstov A., Uskov F.G., On algorithms for calculating complete elliptic integrals. Representation theory, dynamical systems, combinatorial methods. Part XXXIV, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 517, POMI, St. Petersburg, 2022, 5-16.
Latkin I.V., Seliverstov A., On computations over ordered rings. Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 2022, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 1054–1076 (in Russian).
Shilovsky G., Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Evolution of protein regulators of circadian rhythm in mammals. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure/Systems Biology (BGRS/SB-2022), The Thirteenth International Multiconference Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, 4-8 July 2022, Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2022, P. 173.
Seliverstov A., Generic-case complexity of the multiple subset sum problem. International Conference Polynomial Computer Algebra "2022, May 2-7, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2022, pp. 96-99.
Panyushev D., Yakimova O., Reductive subalgebras of semisimple Lie algebras and Poisson commutativity, J. Symplectic Geom., 20 no. 4 (2022), 911--926
Miller A., Miller B., Miller G., Navigation of Underwater Autonomous Vehicle by Observation of the Seabad Relief // Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in Aerospace Industry (AMMAI"2022) / 4-13 September, Alushta. Ìoscow.: MAI Publisher, 2022. pp. 408–410. ÐÈÍÖ:
Levin M., On the Clique Partitioning of a Graph. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2022, Vol. 67, Suppl. 2, pp. S267–274. DOI: 10.1134/S1064226922140042 [WoS, Scopus]
Puhalskii A., Moderate deviation asymptotics of the GI/G/n queue in the Halfin-Whitt regime, Queueing systems, v.100, 341-343
Veretennikov A., A.I. Nurieva, A.Yu. Veretennikov, On consistency of Bayesian parameter estimators for a class of ergodic Markov models. Reliability: Theory & Applications. 2022, vol. 17, December 4(71): 521-529. [Scopus Q4; IF Scopus 2021 = 0,14]
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., On the Significance of Parameters in the Choice and Collection Schemata in the 2nd Order Peano Arithmetic. Preprints, 2022, no 2022120255. DOI: 10.20944/preprints202212.0255.v2
Levin M., Clustering Models Based on Graph Edge Coloring. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2022, Vol. 67, No. 12, pp. 1570–1577. DOI: 10.1134/S1064226922120130 [WoS, Scopus]
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Orbits of the class O_6 of lines external with respect to the twisted cubic in PG(3,q), electronic preprint, arXiv:2209.04910 [math.CO], [math.AG], 27 pages, 23 references. September 2022
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Incidence matrices for the class O_6 of lines external to the twisted cubic in PG(3,q), electronic preprint, arXiv:2210.12821 [math.CO], 27 pages, 32 references, 11 tables. October 2022
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Twisted cubic and plane-line incidence matrix in PG(3,q), Journal of Geometry, 2022, vol. 113, no. 2, article 29,, 29 pages
Positselski L., Coderived and contraderived categories of locally presentable abelian DG-categories. Electronic preprint arXiv:2210.08237 [math.CT], 68 pp.
Chernova U.M., Gracheva M., MacInnes J., IOR in two oculomotor suppression conditions: with antisaccades and with delay condition. Neurolinguistic school, HSE, Nizhniy Novgorod, 7-8 of October, 2022. [in Russian]
Veretennikov A., A.Yu. Veretennikov, M.A. Veretennikova, On Markov–up processes and their recurrence properties, Reliability: Theory & Applications, Vol.17, No 3(69), 2022, 273-291; [Scopus Q4; IF Scopus 2021 = 0,14]
Kanovei V., On sets that hereditarily belong to countable OD sets.
European Set Theory Conference 2022.
Department of Mathematics of the University of Turin and the European Set Theory Society,
August 29 - September 2, 2022, Turin, Italy.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., The parameterfree Comprehension does not imply the full Comprehension in the 2nd order Peano arithmetic. arXiv: 2209.07599 [math.LO], September 2022.
Puhalskii A., On the metastabiltiy of a loss network with diminishing rates, Markov Processes Relat. Fields, 28, 365-398
Nikolaev P., Rozhkova G., Gracheva M., L.N.Mogilev"s contribution to the research of the spatial vision mechanisms (to the 100th anniversary of the birth). Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2022, V. 36(4). P. 291–321. DOI: 10.31857/S0235009222040047
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., A model in which wellorderings of the reals appear at a given projective level. Axioms, 2022, 11(8), Article no 354. DOI: 10.3390/axioms11080354 (WoS Q2)
Veretennikov A., Positive recurrence of a solution of an SDE with variable switching intensities. Stoch PDE: Anal Comp, 10, 1165–1179 (2022). [Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations] (Scopus Q1; WoS Q2); SharedIt link:; [IF Scopus =1,46 (2021)]
Rozhkova G., Alexeenko S.V., Bolshakov A., Nadezhda V., Vatolin D.S., Gracheva M., Kovalets(Zabalueva) N.P., Kruttsova E.N., Nikolaev D., Nikolaev P., Rozhkov S.N., Fedorov A.A., Human stereovision and stereotechnologies / Ed. G. I. Rozhkova, OOO "Kuna". 2022. 200 p. ISBN 978-5-00088-023-4.
Gontsov R., Goryuchkina I., Lastra A., On the convergence of generalized power series solutions of q-difference equations, Aequat. Math., 2022, V. 96(3), P. 579-597.
Nadezhda V., Rozhkova G., Gracheva M., Bolshakov A., Dependence of the results of the assessment of fusion reserves on the measurement method, tools and parameters of test stimuli. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2022, V. 36(3). In print.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., A model in which the Separation principle holds for a given effective projective Sigma-class. arXiv: 2204.03915 [math.LO], April 2022.
Veretennikov A., An open problem about the rate of convergence in Erlang-Sevastyanov’s model. Queueing Syst 100, 357–359 (2022), DOI, SharedIt link: [Scopus 2020 Q2; WoS Q4] IF WoS = 1.114; IF Scopus = 1.439
Kolosov K.S., Miller A., Miller B., Popov A., Stepanyan K., Video Navigation and its Integration with the Onboard Inertial Navigation System // IACAS 2022, Proceedings of the 61st Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, 9-10 March, 2022, Haifa, Israel (ThL2T3.1)
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., On the ‘definability of definable’ problem of Alfred Tarski, Part II. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2022, Vol. 375, No. 12, P. 8651–8686. DOI: 10.1090/tran/8710 (WoS Q2)
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., A model in which the separation principle holds for a given effective projective Sigma-class. Axioms, 2022, 11, Issue 3, Paper no. 122. DOI 10.3390/axioms11030122 (WoS Q2)
Kudina L., Andreeva R., Human motoneuron firing behavior and single motor unit F-wave. J Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2022, 63, 102641. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2022.102641
Shilovsky G., Lability of the Nrf2/Keap/ARE cell defense system in different models of cell aging and age-related pathologies. Biochemistry (Moscow), 2022, Vol. 87, Iss. 1, P. 70–85. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297922010060
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., A generic model in which the Russell-nontypical sets satisfy ZFC strictly between HOD and the universe. Mathematics, 2022, 10, Issue 3, Paper no. 491, DOI 10.3390/math10030491 (WoS Q1)
Rozhkova G., Alexander B., Gracheva M., Ershov E., Nikolaev P., A simple method for comparing peripheral and central color vision by means of two smartphones. Behavior Research Methods. 2022. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-021-01783-3
Gracheva M., Kazakova A.A., Manko O.M., Smoleevsky A.E., Bubeev Yu.A., Eye accommodation and refraction in experiments with artificial gravity. Proc. of "Korolev Readings. XLVI Academic Space Readings". Moscow, January 25–28, 2022. (in print)
Kozyakin V., Non-Sturmian sequences of matrices providing the maximum growth rate of matrix products, Automatica J. IFAC (2022), Nov. Vol. 145, Paper No. 110574, 10.
Alexander B., Rozhkova G., Gracheva M., Assessment of peripheral visual acuity in various conditions of testing. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2022. V. 36(1). P. 30-43. DOI: 10.31857/S0235009222010024
Rozhkova G., Gracheva M., Kazakova A., An overview of the visual acuity assessment. 2. Theoretical and clinical requirements to the optotypes and chart designs. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2022. V. 36(1). P. 3-29. DOI: 10.31857/S0235009222010073
Kudina L., Andreeva R., The response to professor K.S. Tűrker on his “an opinion on the "delayed spikes" in human motoneurons” Exp Brain Res 2022 v240:p.5-7. doi: 10.1007/s00221-021-06262-x
Positselski L., Příhoda P., Trlifaj J., Closure properties of \varinjlim \mathcal C. Journ. of Algebra 606 (2022), p.30-103.
Positselski L., Exact DG-categories and fully faithful triangulated inclusion functors. Electronic preprint arXiv:2110.08237 [math.CT], 151 pp.
Bazzoni S., Positselski L., Šťovíček J., Projective covers of flat contramodules. Internat. Math. Research Notices 2022, #24, p.19527-19564.
Positselski L., Relative nonhomogeneous Koszul duality. Frontiers in Mathematics, Birkhäuser/Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. xxix+278 pp.
Positselski L., Šťovíček J., Topologically semisimple and topologically perfect topological rings. Publicacions Matemàtiques 66 (2022), #2, p.457-540.
Positselski L., Pseudo-dualizing complexes of bicomodules and pairs of t-structures. Appl. Categor. Struct. 30 (2022), #2, p.379-416.
Hrbek M., Positselski L., Slávik A., Countably generated flat modules are quite flat. Journ. of Commutative Algebra 14 (2022), #1, p.37-54.
Positselski L., Contramodules over pro-perfect topological rings. Forum Mathematicum 34 (2022), #1, p.1-39.
Positselski L., Contramodules. Confluentes Math. 13 (2021), #2, p.93-182.


Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., Reconstruction of evolution of genome structures with paralogs. The proceedings of International congress «Biotechnology: state of the art and perspectives», Moscow, Russia, October 26–29 2021, Iss. 19, P. 208–209. DOI: 10.37747/2312-640X-2021-19-207-209
Malaschonok G.I., Seliverstov A., New features in MathPartner 2021. Computer Tools in Education, 2021, No. 3, P. 29–40.
Kanovei V., On the ‘Definability of definable’ problem of Alfred Tarski.
Logic Colloquium 2021. European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic. Book of abstracts.
S.Chlebowski, D.Ratajczyk, P.Lupkowski (eds.)
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, 19-24 July 2021. Page 195.
Levin M., Interval Balanced Multiprocessor Scheduling of Modular Jobs. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2021, Vol. 66, Suppl. 1, pp. S35–S52. DOI: 10.1134/S1064226921130064 [WoS, Scopus]
Levin M., Balanced Clustering with a Tree over Clusters. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2021, Vol. 66, Suppl. 1, pp. S23–S34. DOI: 10.1134/S1064226921130052 [WoS, Scopus]
Levin M., Note on Dominating Set Problems. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2021, Vol. 66, Suppl. 1, pp. S8–S22. DOI: 10.1134/S1064226921130040 [WoS, Scopus]
Panyushev D., Yakimova O., Poisson-commutative subalgebras of S(g) associated with involutions, Intern. Math. Res. Notices, 2021, no. 23, 18367--18406.
Groot Astrid, Vedenina V., Burdfield-Steel Emily, Editorial: Multimodal Mating Signals: Evolution, Genetics and Physiological Background. Front. Ecol. Evol. 8:630957
Tarasova Tatiana, Tishechkin Dmitry, Vedenina V., Songs and morphology in three species of the Chorthippus biguttulus group (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Gomphocerinae) in Russia and adjacent countries. ZooKeys 1073: 21–53
Tarasova Tatiana, Sevastianov Nikita, Vedenina V., Songs and morphology in grasshoppers of the Stenobothrus eurasius group (Orthoptera: Acrdidae: Gomphocerinae) from Russia and adjacent countries: clarifying of taxonomic status. Zootaxa 4965 (2): 244–260
Shilovsky G., Putyatina T., Markov A., Altruism and phenoptosis as programs supported by evolution. Biochemistry (Moscow), 2021, Vol. 86, Iss. 12-13, P. 1540–1552. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297921120038
Maximov P., New estimates of human cone fundamentals based on the CIE XYZ 1931 2-degree standard observer’s colour matching functions. 43rd European Conference on Visual Perception 2021. 22nd - 27th of August (online). 2021. Perception. V. 50(1S). P. 186
Shilovsky G., Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Complex evolution of Fbxl21 gene in mammals. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’21, Moscow, Russia, July 30 — August 2 2021.
Levin M., Trajectory decision making framework. Information Processes, 21(4), 265-280, 2021.
Seliverstov A., On some quasipolynomial-time algorithms. Computer Tools in Education. 2021, no. 2, pp. 5–12. DOI: 10.32603/2071-2340-2021-2-5-12
Morgunova G., Shilovsky G., Khokhlov A., Effect of Caloric Restriction on Aging: Fixing the Problems of Nutrient Sensing in Postmitotic Cells? Biochemistry (Moscow), Oct 2021, Vol. 86, Iss. 10, P. 1352–1367. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297921100151
Oleskin A., Sorokina E., Shilovsky G., Interaction of catecholamines with microorganisms, neurons, and immune cells. Biology Bulletin Reviews, 2021, Vol. 11, No. 4, P. 358–367. DOI: 10.1134/S2079086421040058
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Upper bounds on the length function for covering codes with covering radius R and codimension tR+1, electronic preprint, arXiv:2108.13609v2 [cs.IT], 31 pages, 55 references, 1 table, 1 fig., November 2021
Neroev V.V., Zueva M.V., Tsapenko I.V., Bubeev Ju.A., Manko O.M., Smoleevsky A.E., Aleskerov A.M., Gracheva M., Functional Activity of the Retina and Visual Evoked Cortical Potentials in Simulation the Factors of Space Flight in Conditions of Four Month Isolation in a Hermetic Object with Artificial Habitat. Annals of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. 2021;76(5):488–496. (In Russ). doi:
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., On Russell typicality in Set Theory. arXiv: 2111.07654 [math.LO], November 2021. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2111.07654
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., A product forcing model in which the Russell-nontypical sets satisfy ZFC strictly between HOD and the universe. arXiv: 2111.13491 [math.LO], November 2021. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2111.13491
Panyushev D., Yakimova O., Periodic automorphisms, compatible Poisson brackets, and Gaudin subalgebras, Transform. Groups, 26, no. 2 (2021), 641--670
Zaichikova A., Damjanović I., Maximov P., Aliper A., Maximova E., Neurons in the Optic Tectum of Fish: Electrical Activity and Selection of Appropriate Stimulation. Neuroscience and Behavioural Physiolory 51(7), pp. 993–1001 (2021). Published online 11 November 2021. Translated from Sensornye Sistemy, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 11–22, January–March, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s11055-021-01157-4
Malaschonok G.I., Seliverstov A., Calculation of integrals in MathPartner. Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science, 2021, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 337-346. DOI:10.22363/2658-4670-2021-29-4-337-346
Dragovic V., Gontsov R., Shramchenko V., Triangular Schlesinger systems and superelliptic curves, Physica D, 2021, V. 424, 132947.
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., Multiplicatively exact algorithms for transformation and reconstruction of directed path-cycle graphs with repeated edges. Mathematics, Oct 14 2021, Vol. 9, No. 20, Art. 2576. DOI: 10.3390/math9202576 (WoS Q1)
Seliverstov A., On the absence of any (0,1)-solution to a system of equations. International Conference Mal"tsev meeting, September 20-24, 2021. Collection of Abstracts. Novosibirsk, 2021. P. 73 (in Russian).
Aliper A., Damjanović I., Zaichikova A., Maximova E., Maximov P., Fine Structure of the Receptive Fields of Orientation-Selective Ganglion Cells in the Fish Retina // Neurosci Behav Physi 51(6), pp. 816–819 (2021). Published online 09 September 2021. Translated from Sensornye Sistemy, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 19–24, January–March, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s11055-021-01138-7
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., On Cosets Weight Distribution of Doubly-Extended Reed-Solomon Codes of Codimension 4, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol.: 67 (8), Aug. 2021, pp. 5088 - 5096
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Twisted cubic and point-line incidence matrix in PG(3,q), Designs, Codes and Cryptography (2021), 23 pages
Veretennikov A., Veretennikov A. (2021) On Positive Recurrence of One-Dimensional Diffusions with Independent Switching. In: Shiryaev A.N., Samouylov K.E., Kozyrev D.V. (eds) Recent Developments in Stochastic Methods and Applications. ICSM-5 2020. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 371, 242 - 252. Springer, Cham. [The series is indexed by Scopus]
Veretennikov A., Sineokiy, Roman and Veretennikov, Alexander. "On recurrent properties of Fisher--Wright"s diffusion on (0,1) with mutation" Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, vol. 29, no. 3, 2021, pp. 197-202 (%000010151520212061). [Scopus Q3 (2019,2020), MathSciNet, WoS Q4]
Rozhkova G., Gracheva M., Paramei G.V., Primary measures and secondary notations in visual acuity assessment. Abstracts of the 43rd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), August 22-27, 2021 (online). Perception, 50(1S). P. 111. DOI: 10.1177/03010066211059887
Gracheva M., Kazakova A., Pokrovskiy D., Medevedev I.B., Grating, letter, and picture optotype visual acuity in healthy young observers. Abstracts of the 43rd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), August 22-27, 2021 (online). Perception, 50(1S). P. 185. DOI: 10.1177/03010066211059887
Kazakova A., Gracheva M., Pokrovskiy D., Medevedev I.B., Visual acuity assessment with 3-bar optotypes: benefits and shortages. Abstracts of the 43rd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), August 22-27, 2021 (online). Perception, 50(1S). P. 150. DOI: 10.1177/03010066211059887
Alexander B., Rozhkova G., Gracheva M., Peripheral visual acuity measured with two optotypes in various viewing conditions. Abstracts of the 43rd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), August 22-27, 2021 (online). Perception, 50(1S). P. 184. DOI: 10.1177/03010066211059887
Kanovei V., Paradoxical partitions of the reals by Robert Solovay.
International Conference "Adian 90: Conference on Mathematical Logic, Algebra and Computation" 7 July 2021, 12:45–13:30, Steklov Math. Inst. (Moscow).
Enayat A., Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., On effectively indiscernible projective sets and the Leibniz-Mycielski axiom. Mathematics, 2021, Vol. 9, No. 14, Art. 1670. DOI: 10.3390/math9141670 (WoS Q1)
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Twisted cubic and point-line incidence matrix in PG(3,q), electronic preprint, arXiv:2104.12254v2 [math.CO], 30 pages, 28 references, 5 tables, July 2021
Rozhkova G., Gracheva M., Paramei G.V., An overview of the visual acuity assessment. 1. Primary measures and various notations. Sensory systems. V. 35 (3), P. 179-198. DOI: 10.31857/S0235009221030033
Manko O.M., Oseckij N.Yu., Gracheva M., Koskin S.A., Golubev S.Ju., Dynamics of visual acute and contrast sensitivity in winter conditions at the «Vostok» antarctic station. XXIII International Symposium HUMANS IN SPACE (April 5-9, Moscow, Russia). Aerospace and Environmental Medicine. 2021. V. 55 ¹ 1/1 special issue, p. 91.
Seliverstov A., Binary solutions to large systems of linear equations. Prikl. Diskr. Mat. 2021, no. 52, pp. 5-15. DOI: 10.17223/20710410/52/1
Seliverstov A., A plain note on binary solutions to large systems of linear equations. In: S.A. Abramov, L.A. Sevastyanov (eds) Computer algebra: 4th International Conference Materials, Moscow, Russia, June 28-29 2021. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2021, pp. 100-103. DOI: 10.29003/m2019.978-5-317-06623-9
Veretennikov A., Note on local mixing techniques for stochastic differential equations, Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications 8 (1) (2021) 1–15. [Scopus 2020: Q2-Q3; Scopus 2021: Q3; MathSciNet, WoS Q4] DOI:
Panyushev D., Yakimova O., Compatible Poisson brackets associated with 2-splittings and Poisson commutative subalgebras of S(g), J. London Math. Soc., 103, no. 4 (2021), 1577--1595.
Seliverstov A., A gap between small and large systems of linear equations. The 22nd Workshop on Computer Algebra in memory of Professor Vladimir Gerdt, Dubna, Russia, 2021. P. 26.
Shapirovsky I., Ilya B. Shapirovsky. Satisfiability problems on sums of Kripke frames.
Puhalskii A., Large deviation limits of invariant measures. A talk at the Chebyshev 200 international conference
Shilovsky G., Putyatina T.S., Morgunova G.V., Seliverstov A., Ashapkin V.V., Sorokina E.V., Markov A.V., Skulachev V.P., A crosstalk between the biorhythms and gatekeepers of longevity: dual role of glycogen synthase kinase-3. Biochemistry Moscow, 2021, vol. 86, pp. 433-448. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297921040052
Manko O.M., Gracheva M., Rozhkova G., Smoleevsky A.E., Nadezhda V., Assessment of visual functions during a 4-month isolation in the SIRIUS-19 project. XXIII International Symposium HUMANS IN SPACE (April 5-9, Moscow, Russia). Aerospace and Environmental Medicine. 2021. V. 55 ¹ 1/1 special issue, p. 90.
Panyushev D., Nilpotent orbits and mixed gradings of semisimple Lie algebras, Indagationes Mathematicae, 32, no. 5 (2021), 1095-1114
Levin M., Combinatorial planning framework for geological exploration. Information Processes, 21(1), 65-81, 2021.
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Twisted cubic and plane-line incidence matrix in PG(3,q), electronic preprint, arXiv:2103.11248v3 [math.CO], 29 pages, 2 tables, 24 references, Mar. 2021
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Twisted cubic and orbits of lines in PG(3,q), electronic preprint, arXiv:2103.12655v2 [math.CO], 27 pages, 19 references, Mar. 2021
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., On cosets weight distributions of the doubly-extended Reed-Solomon codes of codimension 4, electronic preprint, arXiv:2007.08798v2 [cs.IT], 20 pages, 2 tables, 37 references, Feb. 2021
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., On the weight distribution of the cosets of MDS codes, electronic preprint, arXiv:2101.12722 [cs.IT], 32 pages, 45 references, June. 2021
Positselski L., Šťovíček J., Derived, coderived, and contraderived categories of locally presentable abelian categories. Journ. of Pure and Appl. Algebra 226 #4 (2022), 106883, 39 pp.
Rozhkova G., Alexander B., Gracheva M., Ershov E., Nikolaev P., A simple method for comparing peripheral and central color vision by means of two smartphones. bioRxiv 2021.01.12.426150; doi:
Zaichikova A., Damjanović I., Maximov P., Aliper A., Maximova E., Visual neurons of fish tectum opticum, their extracellular spike activity and search for their adequate stimulation. // Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2021. V. 35(1). P. 11–22 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009221010108
Maximova E., Aliper A., Damjanović I., Zaichikova A., Maximov P., Ganglion Cells with Sustained Activity in the Fish Retina and Their Possible Function in Evaluation of Visual Scenes. Neurosci Behav Physi 51(1), 123–133 (2021). Translated from Rossiiskii Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal imeni I. M. Sechenova, Vol. 106, No. 4, pp. 486–503 (2020). doi: 10.1007/s11055-020-01047-1
Full text (for online reading)
Kudina L., Andreeva R., Evidence of two modes of spiking evoked in human firing motoneurones by Ia afferent electrical stimulation. Exp Brain Res (2021) 239: 719-730. doi: 10.1007/s00221-020-05998-2.
Seliverstov A., Heuristic algorithms for recognition of some cubic hypersurfaces. Programming and Computer Software, 2021, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 50-55. DOI: 10.1134/S0361768821010096
Enayat A., Kanovei V., An unpublished theorem of Solovay, on OD partitions of reals into two non-OD parts, revisited.
Journal of Mathematical Logic, 2021, vol. 21, Issue 03, Article No. 2150014
DOI: 10.1142/S0219061321500148
WoS Q1.
Positselski L., Schnürer O., Unbounded derived categories of small and big modules: Is the natural functor fully faithful? Journ. of Pure and Appl. Algebra 225 #11 (2021), 106722, 23 pp.
Bazzoni S., Positselski L., Covers and direct limits: a contramodule-based approach. Math. Zeitschrift 299 (2021), #1-2, p.1-52.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Models of set theory in which separation theorem fails. Izvestiya: Mathematics, 2021, Vol. 85, No 6,1181-1219. DOI: (WoS Q2)
Kanovei V., Schindler R., Definable Hamel bases and ACω(R).
Fundamenta Mathematicae, 2021, 253, 3, p. 239-256.
DOI 10.4064/fm909-6-2020
WoS Q3
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Factoring Solovay-random extensions, with application to the Reduction property. Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 2021, 194, 1, pp. 105–117. DOI: 10.1007/s00605-020-01482-9 (WoS Q2)
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., The full basis theorem does not imply analytic wellordering, Annals of pure and applied logic, 2021, volume 172, issue 4, paper no 102929. DOI: 10.1016/j.apal.2020.102929 (WoS Q1)
Positselski L., Šťovíček J., The tilting-cotilting correspondence. Internat. Math. Research Notices 2021, #1, p.189-274.


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Veretennikov A., Yu. Mishura, A. Kukush, L. Sakhno, A. Veretennikov, Editorial. Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 102 (2020), pp. 1-4.
Veretennikov A., Yu. Mishura, L. Sakhno, A. Veretennikov, Editorial. Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 103 (2020), pp. 1-1.
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Bekmaganbetov K.A., Chechkin G.A., Chepyzhov V., Strong convergence of trajectory attractors for reaction-diffusion systems with random rapidly oscillating terms. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. V.19. N.5. 2020. pp.2419-2443.
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Veretennikov A., Veretennikov A. On positive recurrence of 1D diffusions with switching, in: Ñáîðíèê ìàòåðèàëîâ V-é Ìåæäóíàðîäíîé êîíôåðåíöèè ïî ñòîõàñòè÷åñêèì ìåòîäàì: The 5th International Conference on Stochastic Methods (ICSM5). 23-27 November 2020, Russia, Moscow.. M. : RUDN, 2020. P. 224-228.
Enayat A., Kanovei V., An unpublished theorem of Solovay, revisited. arXiv:2001.11058 [math.LO], January 2020.
Veretennikov A., Yuliya Mishura and Alexander Veretennikov, Existence and uniqueness theorems for solutions of McKean–Vlasov stochastic equations, Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 103 (2020), 59-101. [Scopus 2020: Q3, WoS Q4] arXiv preprint: DOI:
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Seliverstov A., On circular sections of a second-order surface. Computer tools in education, 2020, no. 4, pp. 59-68. DOI: 10.32603/2071-2340-2020-4-59-68
Vedenina V., N. Sevastianov, T. Tarasova, Contributions to the study of the grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Gomphocerinae) courtship songs from Kazakhstan and adjacent territories. Zootaxa. 4895 (4): 505-527.
K.-G. Heller, M. Volleth, Vedenina V., A. Maryañska-Nadachowska, E. Warchałowska-Šliwa, A perfect duet? The acoustic behaviour of Anaulacomera almadaenis sp. nov., a species with an unusual chromosome complement, discovered in the footsteps of the explorers Spix and Martius in Brazil (Orthoptera, Tettigonioidea, Phaneropterinae). Spixiana, 43 (1): 105-118.
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Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., Evolution of mitochondrial genomic structures in metazoans: algorithm and software. The proceedings of International forum «Biotechnology: state of the art and perspectives», Moscow, Russia, October 28–30 2020, Iss. 18, P. 261–262. DOI: 10.37747/2312-640X-2020-18-260-262
Rubanov L., Shilovsky G., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Lyubetsky V., Gene loss prediction based on genomic structure. The proceedings of International forum «Biotechnology: state of the art and perspectives», Moscow, Russia, October 28–30 2020, Iss. 18, P. 259–260. DOI: 10.37747/2312-640X-2020-18-258-260
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Lyubetsky V., Shilovsky G., Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Rubanov L., New bioinformatics methods for identification of lost genes and protein isoforms. Homo sapiens liberatus, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference in celebration of the 85th birthday of professor V.P. Skulachev, Moscow, Russia, February 20–21 2020, Abstract Book. Moscow: Torus Press, 2020, P. 41–42. DOI: 10.30826/HomoSapiens-2020-30
Lyubetsky V., Shilovsky G., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., Evolution of proteins involved in response to ROS. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure/Systems Biology (BGRS/SB-2020), The Twelfth International Multiconference Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, 6–10 July 2020. Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2020, P. 652–653. DOI: 10.18699/BGRS/SB-2020-398
Seliverstov A., Fast enumeration of rational numbers and bioinformatics problems. XVIII International conference Algebra, number theory and discrete geometry modern problems, applications and problems of history dedicated to the centenary of the birth of professors B. M. Bredikhin, V. I. Nechaev and S. B. Stechkin, Tula, September 23–26 2020, Tula: TSPU, 2020, pp. 196-198. eLIBRARY ID: 44367872
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Lyubetsky V., Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Optimal growth temperature and intergenic distances in bacteria, archaea, and plastids of rhodophytic branch. BioMed Research International, 2020, Vol. 2020, Art. 3465380. DOI: 10.1155/2020/3465380, PMID: 32025518
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Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Canonization of smooth equivalence relations on infinite-dimensional E0-large products. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 1, P. 117–128. DOI: 10.1215/00294527-2019-0034 (WoS Q1)
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Zverkóv O., Mikhailov K., Isaev S., Rusin L., Logacheva M., Penin A., Moroz L., Panchin Y., Lyubetsky V., Aleoshin V., Dicyemida and Orthonectida: Two stories of body plan simplification. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’19, Moscow, Russia, July 27–30 2019.
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., Linear algorithm for reconstruction of chromosome structures. The proceedings of International congress «Biotechnology: state of the art and perspectives», Moscow, Russia, February 25–27 2019, Iss. 17, P. 350–351.
Rubanov L., Shilovsky G., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Lyubetsky V., Mouse genes lost in rodent and primate species with long lifespan. The proceedings of International congress «Biotechnology: state of the art and perspectives», Moscow, Russia, February 25–27 2019, Iss. 17, P. 342.
Shilovsky G., Putyatina T., Ashapkin V., Yamskova O., Lyubetsky V., Sorokina E., Shram S., Markov A., Vyssokikh M., Biological diversity and remodeling of cardiolipin in oxidative stress and age-related pathologies. Biochemistry (Moscow), 2019, Vol. 84, No. 12, P. 1469–1483. DOI: 10.1134/S000629791912006X
Seliverstov A., On binary solutions to systems of equations. Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika, 2019, No. 45, P. 26–32 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17223/20710410/45/3
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Zaichikova A., Aliper A., Damjanović I., Maximov P., Maximova E., Spot detectors in fish tectum: properties of their receptive fields, comparison with other animals // The European Retina Meeting 2019. 12th - 14th of September, Helsinki, Finland. Book of abstracts. P.197.
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Panyushev D., Yakimova O., Semi-direct products involving Sp_{2n} or Spin_n with free algebras of symmetric invariants, In: M. Gorelik, V. Hinich, A. Melnikov (Eds.): ``Representations and Nilpotent Orbits of Lie Algebraic Systems: In Honour of the 75th Birthday of Tony Joseph"", Progress in Math. 330, Basel Birkhäuser 2019, 441-470.
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Shilovsky G., Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Ashapkin V., Putyatina T., Rubanov L., Lyubetsky V., New C-terminal conserved regions of tafazzin, a catalyst of cardiolipin remodeling. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Vol. 2019, Art. 2901057. DOI: 10.1155/2019/2901057, PMID: 31781330
Korotkova D., Lyubetsky V., Ivanova A., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Martynova N., Nesterenko A., Tereshina M., Peshkin L., Zaraisky A., Bioinformatics screening of genes specific for well-regenerating vertebrates reveals c-answer, a regulator of brain development and regeneration. Cell Reports, Vol. 29, Iss. 4, P. 1027–1040. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.09.038, PMID: 31644900 (WoS Q1, IF 10)
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Seliverstov A., Hessian matrices of reducible third degree polynomials. XVII International conference algebra, number theory and discrete geometry modern problems, applications and problems of history dedicated to the centenary of the birth of professor N. I. Feldman and the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of professors A. I. Vinogradov, A. V. Malyshev and B. F. Skubenko Tula, 2019. P. 294-296 (in Russian).
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Gontsov R., Barkatou M., Linear differential systems with small coefficients: various types of solvability and their verification, SIGMA, 2019, V. 15, 058, 15p.
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Gracheva M., Bozhkova V., Kazakova A., Rozhkova G., Subjective image and video quality assessment: methodology review // Sensory systems. 2019. V. 33(4). P. 287-304. DOI: 10.1134/S0235009219040036.
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Iomdina E., Selina O., Rozhkova G., Alexander B., Ershov E., Nikolaev I.P., Nikolaev P., Advantages and shortcomings of using a contact lens with an implanted occluder in the assessment of peripheral color vision. Proc. of The 25th Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Riga, Latvia, July 5-9 2019. 2019. P. 90.
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Kazakova A., Medevedev I.B., Gracheva M., Pokrovskiy D.F., Rychkova S., New visual acuity charts: preliminary study on children with ophthalmopathology // Proc. of 37th Congress of the ESCRS (Paris, France, 14-18 Sept., 2019).
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Rozhkova G., LogMAR is not a proper measure for visual acuity assessment // 42nd European Conference on Visual Perception 2019. Leuven, Belgium. 25th - 29th of August. 2019. Perception. V. 48(2S). P. 171. (WOS:000486182000523)
Alexander B., Iomdina E., Selina O., Rozhkova G., Spectral difference between the ambient light flows reaching the extreme peripheral retina through the pupil and through the exposed scleral surface // 42nd European Conference on Visual Perception 2019. Leuven, Belgium. 25th - 29th of August. 2019. Perception. V. 48(2S). P. 127.
Rychkova S., Sandimirov R.I., Kosobutskaya L.V., The study of the illusion of phosphenes in pupils with partial atrophy of the optic nerve and with amblyopia // 42nd European Conference on Visual Perception 2019. Leuven, Belgium. 25th - 29th of August. 2019. Perception. V. 48(2S). P. 172.
Kazakova A., Tahchidi H., Rychkova S., Gracheva M., Senko I., Strizhebok A., Visual acuity and visual performance in children with ophthalmopathology // 42nd European Conference on Visual Perception 2019. Leuven, Belgium. 25th - 29th of August. 2019. Perception. V. 48(2S). P. 206. (WOS:000486182000633)
Maximov P., Gracheva M., Kazakova A., Kulagin A., The screening program for detecting colour vision deficiencies based on a colour blindness simulator: preliminary study // 42nd European Conference on Visual Perception 2019. Leuven, Belgium. 25th - 29th of August. 2019. Perception. V. 48(2S). P. 128. (WOS:000486182000386)
Dmitryeva S.V., Manko O., Gracheva M., Nadezhda V., Smoleevsky A., Bubeev O., Does microgravitation influence the optical apparatus of the eye? // 42nd European Conference on Visual Perception 2019. Leuven, Belgium. 25th - 29th of August. 2019. Perception. V. 48(2S). P. 171. (WOS:000486182000521)
Gracheva M., Kazakova A., Medvedev I., Rychkova S., Pokrovskiy D., Visual acuity charts: comparison study // 42nd European Conference on Visual Perception 2019. Leuven, Belgium. 25th - 29th of August. 2019. Perception. V. 48(2S). P. 171. (WOS:000486182000522)
Zverkóv O., Mikhailov K., Isaev S., Rusin L., Popova O., Logacheva M., Penin A., Moroz L., Panchin Y., Lyubetsky V., Aleoshin V., Dicyemida and Orthonectida: Two stories of body plan simplification. Frontiers in Genetics Vol. 10, Article 443. DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2019.00443, PMID: 31178892 (WoS Q1, IF 5)
Seliverstov A., On the geometric brigade of the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR until 1941. XVI International Conference "Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Geometry: modern problems, applications and problems of history" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Professor Michel Desa. Tula, the Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy, 2019. P. 378–380. (In Russian)
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Chebotarev P., Consensus in asynchronous multiagent systems. I // Autom. Remote Control. 2019. Vol. 80, no. 4. P. 593–623.
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Miller B., Miller A., Popov A., Stepanyan K., UAV Landing Based on the Optical Flow Videonavigation // Sensors 2019, 19(6), 1351;
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Gracheva M., Rychkova S., Rozhkova G., Local diascleral light stimulation of the peripheral retina: Influence on contrast sensitivity in the foveal area // 41st European Conference on Visual Perception 2018. Trieste, Italy. 26-30 of August. Perception. 2019. V. 48, Suppl. P. 130. (WOS:000468288300488)
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WoS Q1 (Ranked 1st overall in the category of Logic)
Panyushev D., Yakimova O., Nilpotent subspaces and nilpotent orbits, J. Austral. Math. Soc., 106 (2019), 104-126
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Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Non-uniformizable sets with countable cross-sections on a given level of the projective hierarchy. Fundamenta mathematicae, 2019, 245, 2, pp. 175--216. DOI: 10.4064/fm517-7-2018 (WoS Q3)
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Definable elements of definable Borel sets. Mathematical Notes, 2019, 105, no 5, pp. 684-693. DOI: 10.1134/S0001434619050055 (WoS Q3)
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Borel OD sets of reals are OD-Borel in some simple models. Proceedings of the American mathematical society, 2019, 147, no 3, pp. 1277–1282. DOI 10.1090/proc/14286 (WoS Q2)
Bazzoni S., Positselski L., S-almost perfect commutative rings. Journ. of Algebra 532 (2019), p.323-356.
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Positselski L., Šťovíček J., Infinity-tilting theory. Pacific Journ. of Math. 301 (2019), #1, p.297-334.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Definable minimal collapse functions at arbitrary projective levels. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2019, vol. 84, no 1, pp. 266-289. DOI:10.1017/jsl.2018.77 (WoS Q2)
Positselski L., Slávik A., On strongly flat and weakly cotorsion modules. Math. Zeitschrift 291 (2019), #3-4, p.831-875.
Positselski L., Weakly curved A-infinity algebras over a topological local ring. Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France 159 (2018), vi+206 pp.


Veretennikov A., Gulinsky O.V., Veretennikov A.Yu., Large deviations for discrete-time processes with averaging, De Gruyter. (Berlin, New York, Germany) , Reprint 2018 ed. edition (August 1, 1993), 192 p. ISBN-10: 3110423499; ISBN-13: ‎978-3110423495
Vedenina V., Schestacov L., Loser in Fight but Winner in Love: How Does Inter-Male Competition Determine the Pattern and Outcome of Courtship in Cricket Gryllus bimaculatus? Front. Ecol. Evol. 6:197.
E.G. Belkina, Vedenina V., S.Y. Sorokina, O.E. Lazebny, Courtship Behavior Analysis in Three Sibling Species of the Drosophila virilis Group. Entomological Review, 98, 1023–1037.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Non-uniformizable sets with countable cross-sections on a given level of the projective hierarchy. arXiv:1712.00769v3 [math.LO], January 2018.
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Maximova E., Maximov P., Damjanović I., Aliper A., Zaichikova A., Ganglion cells – local edge detectors (spot detectors) in rabbit, fish and frog retinas // Symposium “Visionarium XVII”, 13-16 October, 2018, Tvarminne, University of Helsinki, Finland. Book of Abstracts, PP. 28-29.
Maximov P., The program simulating dichromacy as a possible tool for detecting colour deficiencies // 41st European Conference on Visual Perception 2018. Trieste, Italy. 26th - 30th of August. Perception. V. 48(S1). P. 46.
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Miller B., Stepanyan K., Miller A., Popov A., Towards one nonconvex connected Markov chain control problem. An approach to numerical solution // // 2018 Australian New Zealand Control Conference (ANZCC), Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, Dec 7-8, 2018, pp.172-177. DOI: 10.1109/ANZCC.2018.8606576
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Manko O., Rozhkova G., Smoleevskiy A., Nadezhda V., Gracheva M., Rychkova S., Psychophysiological assessment of vision in conditions of prolonged isolation in a mock-up spacecraft. Proc. of Moscow International Aerospace Congress IAC’18, 28-31 of August 2018, Moscow, Russia. P.213-215.
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Alekseevsky D., D.V.Alekseevsky, I. Chrysikos, Spin structures on ciompact homogeneous pseudo-Riemannian manifolds, Transformation Groups, 2018 , DOI 10.1007/s00031-018-9498-1
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Rozhkova G., Rychkova S., Gracheva M., Alexander B., Iomdina E.N., The effect of local diascleral stimulation of the extreme peripheral and middle part of the retina on foveal contrast sensitivity and color discrimination // Sensornie systemy [Sensory systems]. 2018. V.32 (4). P. 310-320. 10.1134/S0235009218040108
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Bartoli D., Davydov A., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete cap in PG(3, q) and PG(4, q), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, vol. 57, Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, pp. 21–26, 2017
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Bartoli D., Davydov A., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Upper bounds on the smallest size of a saturating set in projective planes and spaces of even dimension, electronic publication, arXiv:1702.07939 [math.CO], 14 pages, 34 references, 1 figure, February 2017
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Rozhkova G., LogMAR for visual acuity is worse than horsepower for electric lamp // Sensory Systems. V. 31 (1). P. 30-43.
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Kanovei V., Katz M., A positive function with vanishing Lebesgue integral in Zermelo -- Fraenkel set theory.
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Blaszczyk P., Kanovei V., Katz M., et al., Toward a history of mathematics focused on procedures,
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Kozyakin V., Minimax theorem for the spectral radius of the product of non-negative matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 65:11, 2356-2365, 2017
Blaszczyk Piotr, Kanovei V., U. Katz Karin, G. Katz Mikhail, et al., Is Leibnizian calculus embeddable in first order logic?
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Positselski L., Rosický J., Covers, envelopes, and cotorsion theories in locally presentable abelian categories and contramodule categories. Journ. of Algebra 483 (2017), p.83-128.
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Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., A countable definable set containing no definable elements. Mathematical Notes, 2017, Vol. 102, Iss. 3–4, P. 338–349. doi:10.1134/S0001434617090048
Blazczyk P., Kanovei V., Katz M., Sherry D., Controversies on foundations of analysis: comments on Schubring’s conflicts.
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Shirokov D., Method of averaging in Clifford algebras, 2014 , 15 pp., arXiv: 1412.0246
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Positselski L., Contraherent cosheaves. Electronic preprint arXiv:1209.2995 [math.CT], 257 pp.


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Korolev S., Gorbunov K., Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Degenerate inverted repeats in the genomes of mycobacterium. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, Selected Papers of the First International Scientific Conference Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies (Convergent 2016), Moscow, Russia, November 25–26 2016, vol. 1763, p. 182–187, in Russian.
Lyubetsky V., Piel W., Stadler P., Molecular Phylogenetics 2016. BioMed Research International, 2016, vol. 2016, Article ID 9029306. DOI: 10.1155/2016/9029306, PMID: 28127550
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., A modified algorithm for transformation of chromosomal structures: a condition of absolute exactness. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, Selected Papers of the First International Scientific Conference Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies (Convergent 2016), Moscow, Russia, November 25–26 2016, vol. 1763, p. 162–172, in Russian.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., A Novel Algorithm for Solution of a Combinatory Set Partitioning Problem. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2016, vol. 61, no. 6, p. 705–708. DOI: 10.1134/S1064226916060152
Veretennikov A., On Poisson equations with a potential in the whole space for ``ergodic" generators, Òåîðiÿ Éìîâiðíîñòåé òà Ìàòåìàòè÷íà Ñòàòèñòèêà, 95, 2016, 178-188. Theor. Probability and Math. Statist. 95 (2017), 195-206. [Scopus Q4][WoS] DOI:
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Bartoli D., Davydov A., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete cap in PG(3; q) and PG(4; q), in Proceedings XV Int. Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT2016, Albena, Bulgaria, June 18--24, 2016, pp. 19--26.
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Shapirovsky I., Shehtman V., I. Shapirovsky and V. Shehtman. Local tabularity without transitivity. In Advances in Modal Logic, volume 11, pages 520–534. College Publications, 2016. ISBN 978-1-84890-201-5.
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Bartoli D., Davydov A., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Tables, bounds and graphics of the smallest known sizes of complete caps in the spaces PG(3,q) and PG(4,q), electronic publication, arXiv:1610.09656[math.CO], 26 pages, October 2016
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Veretennikov A., Veretennikova E.V., On partial derivatives of multivariate Bernstein polynomials, Siberian Advances in Mathematics (ISSN 1055-1344), 2016, 26(4), 231-242. DOI 10.3103/S1055134416040039 [Scopus Q4]
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Gracheva M., Rychkova S., Senko I.V., Tahchidi H.P., Interactive computer trainings for improvement of binocular functions // 1st International Symposium on Visual Physiology, Environment, and Perception. Riga, Latvia. 6-8 october, 2016. Book of abstracts. P. 46-47.
Rozhkova G., Lebedev D., Gracheva M., Rychkova S., Optimal optotype structure for monitoring visual acuity // 1st International Symposium on Visual Physiology, Environment, and Perception. Riga, Latvia. 6-8 october, 2016. Book of abstracts. P. 45.
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Bartoli D., Davydov A., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., New Upper Bounds on the Smallest Size of a Saturating Set in a Projective Plane, Proceedings of 2016 XV International Symposium "Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems" (REDUNDANCY), 26-29 September 2016, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. pp. 18-22.
Popov A., Miller A., Miller B., Stepanyan K., Konovalenko I., Sidorchuk D., Koptelov I., UAV navigation on the basis of video sequences registered by onboard camera // The 40th Interdisciplinary Conference & School "Information Technology and Systems 2016", September, 25-30, Repino, St. Petersburg, Russia
Stepanyan K., Miller B., Miller A., Popov A., Further development of numerical procedure for control of connected Markov chains // Information Technology and Systems 2016 The 40th Interdisciplinary Conference & School September, 25-30, Repino, St. Petersburg, Russia
Veretennikov A., On Recurrence and Availability Factor for Single–Server System With General Arrivals, Reliability: Theory and Applications (RT&A), 2016, vol.11, #3(42), 49-58. (
Veretennikov A., Zverkina G.A., On Polynomial Bounds of Convergence for the Availability Factor, Chapter in: Distributed Computer and Communication Networks, Volume 601 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, 2016, pp 358-369. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-30843-2_37
Panyushev D., Weight posets associated with gradings of simple Lie algebras, Weyl groups, and arrangements of hyperplanes, J. Algebraic Combinatorics, 44, no. 2 (2016), 325--344.
Lyubetsky V., Gershgorin R., Seliverstov A., Gorbunov K., Algorithms for Reconstruction of Chromosomal Structures. BMC Bioinformatics, 2016, vol. 17, art. 40, 23 pp. DOI: 10.1186/s12859-016-0878-z, PMID: 26780836
Seliverstov A., On smoothness recognition of the hypersurface. Proceedings of the twelfth International Conference "Belarusian Mathematical Conference", Minsk, September 5-10, 2016, ed. by S.G. Krasovskii, part 4. Minsk: Institute of Mathematics of the Belarusian National Academy of Sciences, 2016, pp. 64-65 (in Russian).
Senko I.V., Rychkova S., Gracheva M., Tahchidi H.P., Binocular Functions Developing in Patients With Strabismus by Means of Computerized Treatment of the Functional Suppression Scotoma // Sensory systems. 2016, 30(4), P. 319–325.
Rychkova S., Gracheva M., Senko I.V., Tahchidi H.P., Comprehensive Assessment of the Functional Suppression Scotoma in Patients With Strabismus // Sensory systems. 2016, 30(4), P. 312–318.
Rychkova S., Gracheva M., Zhmurov M., Alternation frequency ranges for stereopsis in patients with strabismus // 39th European Conference on Visual Perception 2016. Barcelona, Spain. 28th of August - 1st of September. Perception. 2016. V. 45, Suppl. P. 300.
Bolshakov A., Gracheva M., Rychkova S., Rozhkova G., Amblyopia treatment: Advantages of virtual occlusion based on a contemporary 3D technique // 39th European Conference on Visual Perception 2016. Barcelona, Spain. 28th of August - 1st of September. Perception. 2016. V. 45, Suppl. P. 301-302.
Belokopytov A.V., Rozhkova G., Assessment of the blind retina margins by means of perimetry // 39th European Conference on Visual Perception 2016. Barcelona, Spain. 28th of August - 1st of September. Perception. 2016. V. , Suppl. P.45, Suppl. P. 301.
Rozhkova G., Kruttsova E.N., Peripheral eye optics, blind retina and potential extent of nasal and temporal visual fields // 39th European Conference on Visual Perception 2016. Barcelona, Spain. 28th of August - 1st of September. Perception. 2016. V. 45, Suppl. P. 300-301.
Rozhkova G., Theoretical estimation of the stereo movie deficiency and real visual discomfort // Proc. VII International research and application conference "Recording and playback of 3D images in cinema and other spheres". Moscow, April 25-26, 2016. P. 85-98.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Countable OD sets of reals belong to the ground model. arXiv:1609.01032 [math.LO], September 2016, 12 pp.
Rozhkova G., Belokopytov A.V., Gracheva M., Mysteries of the blind zone and cone-enriched rim at the periphery of the human retina // Sensory systems. 2016, 30(4), P. 263–281.
Rozhkov S.N., Rozhkova G., Gracheva M., Stereoscopic vision: Basic terms // World of Technique of Cinema. 2016 V. 2 (10). P. 26-32
Levin M., Hierarchical morphological approach to modular systems and combinatorial modeling. In: Abstracts of Int. Symp. on General Morphological Analysis ISGMA 2016, Bilbao, Spain, June 2016.
Levin M., Towards restructuring approach in combinatorial optimization. In: Abstracts of Israeli Conf. on Operations Research ORSIS 2016, Jerusalem, May-June 2016.
Levin M., Towards bin packing problem with multiset estimates. In: Abstracts of Israeli Conf. on Operations Research ORSIS 2016, Jerusalem, May-June 2016.
Bartoli D., Davydov A., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Further results on multiple coverings of the farthest-off points, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, doi:10.3934/amc.2016030, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 613-632, 2016
Veretennikov A., Bogachev V.I., Shaposhnikov S.V., Veretennikov A.Yu. Differentiability of solutions of stationary Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations with respect to a parameter, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, 36, 3519-3543, 2016. DOI:10.3934/dcds.2016.36.3519; [Scopus Q1][WoS]
Veretennikov A., G. Da Prato, F. Flandoli, M. Röckner, and A. Yu. Veretennikov, Strong uniqueness for SDEs in Hilbert spaces with nonregular drift, Ann. Probab. Volume 44, Number 3 (2016), 1985-2023. [Scopus Q1][WoS] doi:10.1214/15-AOP1016
Panyushev D., Normalisers of abelian ideals of Borel subalgebras and Z-gradings of a simple Lie algebra, J. Lie Theory, 26 (2016), 659-672.
Panyushev D., Minimal inversion complete sets and maximal abelian ideals, J. Algebra, 445 (2016), 163-180.
Błaszczyk P., Borovik A., Kanovei V., Katz M., et al., A Non-Standard Analysis of a Cultural Icon: The Case of Paul Halmos.
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Positselski L., Noncommutative Kummer theory. Electronic preprint arXiv:1606.03880 [math.KT], 7 pp.
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Korolev S., Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Ribosome reinitiation at leader peptides increases translation of bacterial proteins. Biology Direct, 2016, vol. 11, art. 20. DOI: 10.1186/s13062-016-0123-8, PMID: 27084079 (WoS Q1, IF 7)
Kanovei V., Katz K., Katz M., Nowik T., Small oscillations of the pendulum, Euler’s method, and adequality,
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Kanovei V., OD elements of countable OD sets in the Solovay model.
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Rychkova S., Gracheva M., Tachchidi H.P., Individual data on visual acuity and accommodation after training of accommodation under control of convergence in patients with myopia and hypermetropia // Sensory systems, 2016, V. 30(1), P. 42-52
Kanovei V., Some applications of finite-support products of Jensen"s minimal forcing.
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Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Regulation of expression and evolution of genes in plastids of rhodophytic branch. Life, 2016, vol. 6, art. 7. DOI: 10.3390/life6010007, PMID: 26840333
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Kudina L., Andreeva R., Motor unit firing pattern: evidence for motoneuronal or axonal discharge origin? Neurol Sci, 2016, 37: 37-43. doi 10.1007/s10072-015-2354-3
Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete arc in a finite Desarguesian projective plane based on computer search, DOI: 10.1007/s00022-015-0277-z, Journal of Geometry, vol. 107, no. 1, pp. 89-117, 2016
Kozyakin V., Hourglass alternative and the finiteness conjecture for the spectral characteristics of sets of non-negative matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 489 (2016), 167-185.
Davydov A., Faina G., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., On constructions and parameters of symmetric configurations v_k, Designs Codes Cryptography, DOI 10.1007/s10623-015-0070-x, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 125-147, 2016
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Counterexamples to countable-section Π12 uniformization and Π13 separation.
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Gershgorin R., Gorbunov K., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Evolution of chromosome structures. Proceedings of the 39th IITP RAS Interdisciplinary Conference & School “Information Technology and Systems 2015” (ITaS’15), Sochi, Russia, Sep 7–11 2005, Moscow: IITP, 2015, P. 105–120.
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© World Scientific Publishing Co.
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An electronic version of an article published as JIN 14(4): 441-454 DOI: 10.1142/S0219635215500272
© World Scientific Publishing Co.
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Miller A., Miller B., Popov A., Stepanyan K., Towards the Development of Numerical Procedure for Control of Connected Markov Chains // Proceedings of 2015 5th Australian Control Conference (AUCC) November 5-6, 2015. Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 336-341. ISBN: 978-1-4673-9552-6
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Rozhkova G., Sobolevski A., Scientific Activity of Alfred Yarbus: The Stages of Research Work, Senior and Younger Colleagues, Conditions of Investigations // Perception, 2015, 44(8-9), P. 837-850.
Nikolaev P., Rozhkova G., Yarbus’s Conceptions on the General Mechanisms of Color Perception // Perception, 2015, 44(8-9), P. 952-972.
Rozhkova G., Nikolaev P., Visual Percepts in the Cases of Binocular and Monocular Viewing Stabilized Test Objects, Ganzfeld Stimuli, and Prolonged Afterimages // Perception, 2015, 44(8-9), P. 934-951.
Seliverstov A., A note on implicitly given hypergraphs, Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences, 2015, vol. 20, no. 5, p. 1422–1425 (in Russian).
Rozhkova G., Rychkova S., Gracheva M., Optimal parameters of the treatment procedures for rehabilitation and development of binocular functions in different cases// 38th European Conference on Visual Perception 2015. Liverpool, UK. 24-27 August. Perception. 2015. V. 44, Suppl. P.301.
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492, Global Attraction to Solitary Waves, chapter in the book Quantization, PDEs, and Geometry. The Interplay of Analysis and Mathematical Physics. Advances in Partial Differential Equations 251, 117--152. Birkhäuser, Berlin, 2015. ISBN 978-3-319-22407-7
Berkolaiko G., 492, Sukhtayev A., Vakhitov-Kolokolov and energy vanishing conditions for linear instability of solitary waves in models of classical self-interacting spinor fields Nonlinearity 28 (2015), 577--592 DOI:10.1088/0951-7715/28/3/577 MR3311594
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Seliverstov A., On the computational complexity of singular points, Discrete mathematics, algebra and their applications (DIMA-2015). - Minsk, 2015. P. 135-137 (in Russian).
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Shirokov D., Symplectic, orthogonal and linear Lie groups in Clifford algebra , 12 pp., Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras (to appear), arXiv: 1409.2452
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Kozyakin V., On asymptotics of cosine series in several variables with power-like coefficients, Information processes, 15, 2, 2015, 128-133 (in Russian)
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Seliverstov A., Note on complex cubic forms with vanishing hessian, All-Russian Conference with International Participation "Control Theory and Mathematical Modeling", dedicated to the memory of professor N. V. Azbelev and professor E. L. Tonkov (Izhevsk, Russia, June 08–12, 2015). - Izhevsk: Udmurt State University, 2015. P. 333-334 (in Russian).
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Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Istomina S., Pirogov S., Kitsis P., Comparative analysis of apicoplast-targeted protein extension lengths in Apicomplexan parasites. BioMed Research International, 2015, Vol. 2015, Article ID 452958. DOI: 10.1155/2015/452958, PMID: 26114107
Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., A database of plastid protein families from red algae and Apicomplexa and expression regulation of the moeB gene. BioMed Research International, 2015, Vol. 2015, Article ID 510598. DOI: 10.1155/2015/510598, PMID: 26114108
Gorbunov K., Gershgorin R., Lyubetsky V., “Rearrangement and Inference of Chromosome Structures” Molecular Biology, 2015, Vol. 49, No. 3, P. 327–338.
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Bartoli D., Davydov A., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Multiple coverings of the farthest-off points with small density from projective geometry, Advances in Mathematics for Communications, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 63-85, 2015.
Latkin I.V., Seliverstov A., "Computational complexity of fragments of the theory of complex numbers", Bulletin of the Karaganda University - Mathematics, 2015, vol. 77, no. 1, p. 47-55 (in Russian). WOS:000410367200007
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An electronic version of an article published as J.CBPA 184: 150-155 DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2015.03.002
© Elsevier Inc.
Maximov V., Maximova E., Damjanović I., Aliper A., Maximov P., Color properties of the motion detectors projecting to the goldfish tectum: II. Selective stimulation of different chromatic types of cones // Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 30 December 2014 (online ready), Vol. 14, No. 01 (2015), 31-52
An electronic version of an article published as JIN 14(1): 31-52 DOI: 10.1142/S0219635215500053
© World Scientific Publishing Co.
Panyushev D., The Dynkin index and sl2-subalgebras of simple Lie algebras, J. Algebra, 430 (2015), 15-25.
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An electronic version of an article published as JIN 14(1): 53-72 DOI: 10.1142/S0219635215500077
© World Scientific Publishing Co.
Lukashevich I., Stepanyan K., Popov A., R . Sh . Balugyan, Automated Inference of the Conclusions out of the Blood Test Values // Information Technologies for the Physician. The scientific journal. vol.2, 2015. p. 6-11
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Kanovei V., Katz K., Katz M., Sherry D., Euler"s lute and Edward"s oud. Mathematical Intelligencer, 2015, 37, 4, pp. 48--51.
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Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Generalization of one construction by Solovay. Siberian Mathematical Journal, 2015, 56, no. 6, pp. 1072–1079. DOI: 10.1134/S0037446615060117
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Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., New types of estimates for the smallest size of complete arcs in a finite Desarguesian projective plane, Journal of Geometry, 2015, vol. 106, no. 1, pp. 1-17
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Shirokov D., Marchuk N., New class of gauge invariant solutions of Yang-Mills equations, 2014 , 35 pp., arXiv: 1406.6665
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An electronic version of an article published as FPB 40: 1899-1906 DOI: 10.1007/s10695-014-9977-9
© Springer
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Panyushev D., Abelian ideals of a Borel subalgebra and root systems, J. European Math. Soc., 16, no.12 (2014), 2693-2708.
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Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., On countable cofinality and decomposition of definable thin orderings, arXiv:1412.0195 [math.LO], Dec. 2014, 21 p.
Maximova E., Functional asymmetry of a particular type of retinal neurons in apparent symmetry of its morphology // Paleontological Journal. 2014. V. 48. No. 12. P. 1303–1308.
Guseva A., Sukhova G., Maximova E., Kuzmin V., Abramochkin D., Practical exercises on the physiology of sensory systems: the manual. - Edited by AA Kamensky. M .: MSU. 2014. 65 pp. (in Russian)
Kikot S., Shapirovsky I., Zolin Evgeny, Filtration safe operations on frames. In Advances in Modal Logic 10, invited and contributed papers from the tenth conference on "Advances in Modal Logic," held in Groningen, The Netherlands, August 5-8, 2014, pages 333-352, 2014.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Counterexamples to countable-section Π12 uniformization and Π13 separation, arXiv:1410.2537 [math.LO], Oct. 2014, 18 p.
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Bolshakov A., Gracheva M., Rozhkova G., The benefits of applying modern 3D technologies in computer-aided diagnostics and functional treatment of amblyopia and binocular disorders // 37th European Conference on Visual Perception 2014. Belgrad, Serbia. 24-28 August. Perception. 2014. V. 43, Suppl. P.165.
Rozhkova G., Lebedev D., Gracheva M., Rychkova S., Advantages of employing specially modified 3-bar stimuli for visual acuity monitoring in adults and children: Test-retest reliability// 37th European Conference on Visual Perception 2014. Belgrad, Serbia. 24-28 August. Perception. 2014. V. 43, Suppl. P.34.
Davydov A., Faina G., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Tables of parameters of symmetric configurations v_k, electronic publication, arXiv:1312.3837v2 [math.CO], 38 pages, September 2014
Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Tkachenko I., Upper bounds on the smallest sizes of a complete arc in PG(2,q) based on computer search, in Proceedings XIV International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT2014, Svetlogorsk , Russia, 2014,32-40
Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Conjectural upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete arc in PG(2,q) based on an analysis of step-by-step greedy algorithms, in Proceedings XIV International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT2014, Svetlogorsk , Russia, 2014, 24-31
Afanassiev V., Davydov A., Incremental calculation of decoding failure probability for iterative decoding of Reed-Solomon product code, in Proceedings XIV International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT2014, Svetlogorsk , Russia, 2014, 7-13
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Akhiezer D., Cupit-Foutou S., On the canonical real structure on wonderful varieties, Journal f. die reine u. angew. Mathematik 693(2014), 231 - 244
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Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Linearization of partial quasi-orderings in the Solovay model revisited, arXiv:1408.1202 [math.LO], Aug. 2014, 13 p.
Pigarev I., Pigareva M., Partial sleep in the context of augmentation of brain function. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 2014. Volume 8. Article 75. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2014.00075
Pigarev I., The visceral theory of sleep. Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 2014. Vol. 44, No. 4. 421- 434.
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An electronic version of an article published as JIN 13(3): 465-484 DOI: 10.1142/S0219635214500113
© World Scientific Publishing Co.
Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Tables of sizes of small complete arcs in the plane PG(2, q), q ≤ 410009, electronic publication, arXiv:1312.2155v2 [math.CO], 89 pages, August 2014
Kanovei V., Bounding and decomposing thin analytic partial orderings, arXiv:1407.0929v2 [math.LO], Jul 2014, 12 p.
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Dikonov V., A virtual russian sense tagged corpus and catching errors in a Russian ↔ semantic pivot dictionary, Moscow, Proceedings of the international conference Dialog 2014
Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “A database of Rhodophyte plastid protein families and regulation of moeB genes” Abstracts of the Ninth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and StructureSystems Biology (BGRSSB"2012), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 23–28 2014, p. 176.
Seliverstov A., “Polytopes and Connected Subgraphs”, Discrete Anal. Oper. Res., 2014, Vol. 21, No. 3, P. 82–86, in Russian
Panyushev D., Wide subalgebras of semisimple Lie algebras, Algebras and Representation Theory, 17, no.3 (2014), 931-944.
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Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Tables of sizes of small complete arcs in the plane PG(2,q), q ≤ 190027, obtained by an algorithm with fixed order of points (FOP), electronic publication, arXiv:1404.0469v1 [math.CO], 66 pages, April 2014
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Kudina L., Andreeva R., Excitability properties of single human motor axons: are all axons identical? Front. Cell. Neurosci. (2014)8:85. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2014.00085
Kozyakin V., Matrix products with constraints on the sliding block relative frequencies of different factors, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2014, Vol. 457, 244-260.
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Veretennikov A., S. Anulova, A. Veretennikov, Exponential Convergence of degenerate Hybrid Stochastic Systems with full Dependence, in: Modern Stochastics and Applications, Springer, Optimization and Its Applications 90, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014, 159-174. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03512-3_10;
Belushkin A.A., Vinogradov D., Gelfand M., Osterman A.L., Cieplak P., Kazanov M., Sequence-derived structural features driving proteolytic processing, Proteomics, 14(1), pp. 42-50, 2014.
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Kanovei V., On the automorphisms behind the Gitik -- Koepke model. In: Infinity, Computability, and Metamathematics: Festschrift celebrating the 60th birthdays of Peter Koepke and Philip Welch. College publications, London, 2014, SeriesTributes, Vol. 23, pp. 229--253
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Maximova E., Functional asymmetry of one of the types of retina neurons during its visible morphological symmetry // Morphogenesis in the individual and historical development: symmetry and asymmetry - conference proceedings. Moscow, PIN RAS, 2013, ISBN 978-5-903825-37-0, pp. 293-303 (in Russian)
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Dikonov V., Experimental generator of WSD rules based on semantic classes of Russian words (Eksperiment po avtomatizirovannomu nakhozhdeniyu pravil dlya razresheniya neodnoznachnosti na osnove semanticheskikh klassov znacheniy slov) // Proceedings of the 36-th conference "Information technologies and systems" (ITiS’13).. Svetlogorsk, 1-6 sentyabrya 2013
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Kreshchuk A., Potapov V., Statistical demodulators for frequency shift keying with fast frequency hopping. Automation and Remote Control Volume: 74 Issue: 10 Pages: 1688-1695
Ivanov F., Zyablov V., Low-density parity-check codes based on steiner systems and permutation matrices PROBLEMS OF INFORMATION TRANSMISSION Volume: 49 Issue: 4 Pages: 333-347
Davydov A., Faina G., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Tables of parameters of symmetric configurations v_k, electronic publication, arXiv:1312.3837v1 [math.CO], 36 pages, December 2013
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Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., New upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete cap in the space PG(3,q), in Proceedings VII International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, OC2013, Albena, Bulgaria, 2013, pp. 26–-32
Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Two types of upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete arc in the plane PG(2,q), in Proceedings VII International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, OC2013, Albena, Bulgaria, 2013, pp. 19–-25
Afanassiev V., Davydov A., Potapov V., Generalized concatenated coding and Fourier transform, in Proceedings VII International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, OC2013, Albena, Bulgaria, 2013, pp. 7-12
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Burnaev E., Prikhodko P., Struzik A., Surrogate Models for Helicopter Loads. Proceedings of the 39th European Rotorcraft Forum, Moscow, Russia, 3-6 September. 2013. 9 P.
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Veretennikov A., S. V. Anulova, A. Yu. Veretennikov, and P. S. Shcherbakov, Exponential Convergence of Multi-Dimensional Stochastic Mechanical Systems with Switching. Proc. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 10-13, Florence, Italy, 2013, 1217-1222 ( 1807.pdf). ISBN: 978-1-4673-5716-6.[WoS] DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2013.6760048;
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Vedenina V., Ivanova T.I., Lazebny O.E., Analysis of courtship behavior in closely related species of Drosophila virilis group: a new approach arises new questions. Journal of Insect Behavior, 26: 402-415.
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Panyushev D., Commuting involutions of Lie algebras, commuting varieties, and simple Jordan algebras, Algebra and Number Theory, 7, no.6 (2013), 1505-1534.
Lyubetsky V., Korolev S., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., “Rho-dependent attenuation of sulfur metabolism in mycobacteria” Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’13, Moscow, Russia, July 25–28 2013.
Kobets N., Goncharov D., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Lyubetsky V., “Comparative analysis of apicoplast-targeted proteins in Toxoplasma gondii and other Apicomplexa species” Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’13, Moscow, Russia, July 25–28 2013.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., “Elaboration of the Homologous Plastid-Encoded Protein Families that Separate Paralogs in Magnoliophytes” Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics, 2013, Vol. 8, No. 1, P. 225–233, (in Russian).
Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Averaged entropy as conservativity measure of genome regions. Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences. 2013, Vol. 18, Iss. 5 (part 2), P. 2529–2531 (in Russian).
Seliverstov A., On connected subgraph cone. Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences. 2013. Vol. 18, Issue 5, (Part 2). P. 2668-2670. (In Russian.)
Akhiezer D., Real group orbits on flag manifolds, pp. 1 - 23 in: Lie groups - Structure, Actions, and Representations (in honor of J.A.Wolf), A.Huckleberry, I.Penkov, G.Zuckerman eds., Progress in Math., vol. 306, Birkh"auser, Basel, 2013
Kanovei V., Surreal numbers from the point of view of nonstandard analysis, Sy David Friedman"s 60th-Birthday Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 2013.
Felgner U., Kanovei V., Koepke P., Purkert W., editors ., Felix Hausdorff. Gesammelte Werke, Band IA: Allgemeine Mengenlehre. Berlin: Springer, 2013, xxvi+538 pp., Monograph ISBN: 978-3-642-25598-4.
Hausdorff F., Gesammelte Werke, Band IA: Allgemeine Mengenlehre. Edited by U. Felgner, V. Kanovei, P. Koepke, W. Purkert. Berlin: Springer, 2013, xxvi+538 pp., ISBN: 978-3-642-25598-4.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Transcription Regulation of Plastid Genes Involved in Sulfate Transport in Viridiplantae. BioMed Research International. 2013, Vol. 2013, Article ID 413450. DOI: 10.1155/2013/413450, PMID: 24073405
Cialabrini L., Ruggieri S., Kazanov M., Sorci L., Mazzola F., Orsomando G., Osterman A.L., Raffaelli N., Genomics-guided analysis of NAD recycling yields functional elucidation of COG1058 as a new family of pyrophosphatases, PLoS One. 2013 Jun 12;8(6):e65595.
Gordienko E.N., Kazanov M., Gelfand M., Evolution of pan-genomes of Escherichia coli, Shigella spp., and Salmonella enterica, J Bacteriol. 2013 Jun;195(12):2786-92.
Leyn S., Kazanov M., Sernova N.V., Ermakova E., Novichkov P.S., Rodionov D., Genomic reconstruction of the transcriptional regulatory network in Bacillus subtilis, J Bacteriol. 2013 Jun;195(11):2463-73.
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Kasparson A., Badridze J., Maximov V., Colour cues proved to be more informative for dogs than brightness // Proc. R. Soc. B., vol. 280 (2013), no. 1766. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2013.1356
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Bartoli D., Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., A 3-cycle construction of complete arcs sharing (q+3)/2 points with a conic, Advances in Mathematics for Communications, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 319–334, 2013.
Panyushev D., Yakimova O.S., Parabolic contractions of semisimple Lie algebras and their invariants, Selecta Math. (New Series), 19, no.3 (2013), 699-717.
Bair J., Blazczyk P., Ely R., Henry V., Kanovei V., et al., Is mathematical history written by the victors? Notices of the AMS, 2013, 60, no 7, pp. 886-904.
DOI: 10.1090/noti1026
Kanovei V., Sabok M., Zapletal J., Canonical Ramsey Theory on Polish Spaces. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2013, viii+269 pp., Monograph ISBN 978-1-107-02685-8
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Maximova E., Damjanović I., Maximov P., Maximov V., Detection and resolution of drifting gratings by motion detectors in the fish retina // Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2013) 117-143
An electronic version of an article published as JIN 12(1): 117-143 DOI: 10.1142/S0219635213500015
© World Scientific Publishing Co.
Kanovei V., Kommentar zu [H 1936b], Summen von $aleph_1$ Mengen. In: Felix Hausdorff, Gesammelte Werke. Band Ia: Allgemeine Mengenlehre, Berlin: Springer, 2013, pp. 364-366.
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Kanovei V., Gaps in partially ordered sets and related problems, In: Felix Hausdorff, Gesammelte Werke. Band Ia: Allgemeine Mengenlehre, Berlin: Springer, 2013, pp. 367-405.
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Kozyakin V., Algebraic Unsolvability of Problem of Absolute Stability of Desynchronized Systems Revisited, e-Print archive, Jan 2013, 8 pp.
Zverkóv O., Rusin L., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Study of Direct Repeats in Micro Evolution of Plant Mitochondria and Plastids Based on Protein Clustering. Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin. 2013, Vol. 68, No. 2, P. 58–62. DOI: 10.3103/S0096392513020119
Veretennikov A., On large deviations in the averaging principle for SDE’s with a ``full dependence’’, revisited // Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems ser. B, 2013. V. 18. No. 2. P. 523-549. (doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2013.18.523) [Scopus Q2][WoS]
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Krasnosel'skii A., Unbounded sequences of cycles in general autonomous equations with periodic nonlinearities, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series S, 2013, 6, ¹4, 999-1016
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An electronic version of an article published as JIN 11(2):169-182 DOI: 10.1142/S0219635212500124
© World Scientific Publishing Co.
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An electronic version of an article published as JIN 11(2):183-191 DOI: 10.1142/S0219635212500136
© World Scientific Publishing Co.
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Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., “Fast Algorithm to Reconstruct a Species Supertree from a Set of Protein Trees” Molecular Biology, 2012, Vol. 46, No. 1, P. 161–167.
Cross R., Kozyakin V., O'Callaghan B., Pokrovskii A., Pokrovskiy A., Periodic Sequences of Arbitrage: A Tale of Four Currencies, Metroeconomica, 63:2 (2012), pp. 250–294.
Polishchuk A., Positselski L., Hochschild (co)homology of the second kind I. Transactions of the Amer. Math. Soc. 364 (2012), #10, p.5311-5368.
Positselski L., The algebra of closed forms in a disk is Koszul. Funct. Anal. Appl. 46 (2012), #3, p.218-224.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Semi-Hyperbolicity and Bi-Shadowing, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2012, Vol. 1 of AIMS Series on Random and Computational Dynamics, xvi+217 pp., ISBN: 978-1-60133-012.


Martynov G., Martynov G. Cramér-von-Mises test for and Durbin-Knott components. Conference on Stochastic Models and Their Applications, 22-24 August, 2011, Faculty of Informatics, University Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, 2011, P. 50
Maximov P., Physiologically plausible model of the McCollough effect and correction of optical distortions // International Congress "Neuroscience for Medicine and Psychology”. Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine, June 3-13, 2011. Book of abstracts / Edied by Loseva E.V., Loginova N.A. - M.: MAKS Press, 2011, p. 277 - 278
Panov M., Maxim Panov, Alexander Tatarchuk, Vadim Mottl, David Windridge "A Modified Neutral Point Method for Kernel-Based Fusion of Pattern-Recognition Modalities with Incomplete Data Sets". Multiple Classifier Systems. Volume 6713 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp. 126-136.
Rychkova S., N.V. Holmogorova, Interhemispheric asymmetry in children with ophthalmopathologiy // Perception, Abstracts of 34td European conference on visual perception, Toulouse, France, 27 august -1september 2011. Vol.40, P.121.
Holmogorova N.V., Rychkova S., Feoktistova S.V., Illusory rotation of ambiguous figures in children with ophthalmopathologiy // Perception, Abstracts of 34td European conference on visual perception, Toulouse, France, 27 august -1september 2011. Vol. 40, P.123.
Rychkova S., Ninio J., Alternation frequency thresholds for stereopsis as a technique for exploring stereoscopic difficulties // i-Perception, 2011. Vol. 2, P 1-17.
1625, 1529, Nikolaev D., "Determination of Axle Count for Vehicle Recognition and Classification". Proceedings of the 8-th Open German-Russian workshop on pattern recognition and image understanding, 2011 — pp. 89-91.
Orlov O., Podgorny O., Kovalskaya Yu., Routovskaya M., Retinal cone populations in voles, Microtus and Lasiopodomys // The International conference “The theriofauna of the Russia and neighbouring countries”, Moscow.
Pigarev I., Visceral theory of sleep. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop "Sleep – a window to the world of wakefulness". 2011. October 6-7, Moscow, Russia. P. 28 – 34.
Pigarev I., Levichkina E., Distance modulated neuronal activity in the cortical visual areas of cats. Experimental Brain Research, 2011.Volume 214, Number 1, 105-111, DOI: 10.1007/s00221-011-2810-0
Pigarev I., Fedorov G., Levichkina E., Marimon J., Pigareva M., Almirall H., Visually triggered K-complexes: a study in New Zealand rabbits. Experimental Brain Research, 2011. Volume 210, Number 1, 131-142, DOI: 10.1007/s00221-011-2606-2
A. Kirpichnikov, Rozhkova G., Classification of visual illusions treated as normal percepts evoked in specific conditions // Abstracts of the 34th European Conference on Visual Perception. Toulouse, France. August 28th – September 1st 2011. Perception. 2011. V. 40. Suppl. P. 201.
A. Belozerov, Lebedev D., Rozhkova G., A slight modification can significantly improve a quality of the 3-bar resolution targets as the optotypes for measuring visual acuity // Abstracts of the 34th European Conference on Visual Perception. Toulouse, France. August 28th – September 1st 2011. Perception. 2011. V. 40. Suppl. P. 121.
Rozhkova G., Lebedev D., A. Belozerov, Unexpected drawback of the 3-bar resolution targets as the optotypes for the expert assessment of visual acuity // Abstracts of the 34th European Conference on Visual Perception. Toulouse, France. August 28th – September 1st 2011. Perception. 2011. V. 40. Suppl. P. 122-123.
Ognivov V., A.A Batvinionak, A.E. Belozerov, Rozhkova G., Illusory depth changes and their reflection in eye movements // Abstracts of the 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 21-25 2011, Marseille, France. Journal of Eye Movement Research, V. 4, No 3. P. 159.
A.E. Belozerov, Rozhkova G., Visual acuity measurements and eye movements: Changes in fixation parameters in the course of approaching the threshold // Abstracts of the 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 21-25 2011, Marseille, France. Journal of Eye Movement Research, V. 4, No 3. P. 90.
Rozhkova G., A.E. Belozerov, A.P. Kirpichnikov, Sensory and oculomotor components of fusion capabilities at various distances: Inter-subject variability // Abstracts of the 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 21-25 2011, Marseille, France. Journal of Eye Movement Research. V. 4. No 3. P. 92.
Ivanov F., Shlyk V.A., Null-sets for the extremal lengths. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2011. Volume 178, Issue 2, pages: 163-169
Zigangirov D., Zigangirov K., Costello D.J., PARTIALLY-REGULAR LDPC CODES WITH LINEAR ENCODING COMPLEXITY AND IMPROVED THRESHOLDS IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings Ñåð. "2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings, ISIT 2011" 2011. Ñ. 528-532.
Kanovei V., On effective compactness and sigma-compactness. arXiv:1103.1060 [math.LO]. Sat, 5 Mar 2011
Kanovei V., On effective sigma-boundedness and sigma-compactness. arXiv:1110.0919 [math.LO]. Wed, 5 Oct 2011.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.A., An infinity which needs the axiom of choice, Logic Colloquium 2011, Barcelona, 2011, Contributed Talks.
Kanovei V., On e ffective compactness and sigma-compactness, Third European Set Theory Conference, 3 - 8 July 2011, ICMS, Edinburgh, UK.
Rybin P., Zyablov V., "Asymptotic Estimation of Error Fraction Corrected by Binary LDPC Code" // Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2011), July 31 - August 5, 2011, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, pp. 351-355
Karnaukhov V., Methods and Tools for Watermark Digital Processing, Archiving and Dating // Eikonopoiia, Digital Imaging of Ancient Textual Heritage. Ed. Vahtikari V. The Finish Society of Sciences and Letters. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum. 2011, Vol. 129, pp. 143-159.
Milyukova O., Kober V., Karnaukhov V., Ovseevich I.A., Iterative global and local methods of image restoration. Pattern recognition and image analysis. 2011, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 309-311.
Kozyakin V., Qualitative analysis of complex dynamical systems (M.A. Krasnosel"skii and his pupils in IITP), Scientific session of the Branch of nano- and information technology of RAS «Fundamental problems of data transmission and processing» devoted to the jubilee of IITP RAS, 12 p. (in Russian)
Chepyzhov V., Attractors for Autonomous and Non-autonomous Navier-Stokes Systems. Abstracts of 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, July 18-22, 2011, Vancouver, Canada. P.88.
Chepyzhov V., Strong trajectory attractors for 2D Euler equations with dissipation. Abstracts of the International Mathematical Conference “50 Years of IPPI”, July 25-27, 2011, Moscow. P.1-3.
Bazykin G., Bazykin GA, Kondrashov AS. Detecting past positive selection through ongoing negative selection. Genome Biology and Evolution 2011;3:1006-13. Epub 2011 Aug 22.
Bazykin G., Kryazhimskiy S, Dushoff J, Bazykin G, Plotkin J. Prevalence of epistasis in the evolution of influenza A surface proteins. PLoS Genetics, 2011 Feb;7(2):e1001301. Epub 2011 Feb 17.
Kreshchuk A., Davydov A., Zyablov V., A.A. Kreshchuk, A.A. Davydov, and V.V. Zyablov, Codes for MIMO transmission based on orthogonal sequences, Problems of Information Transmission, vol. 47 (2011) 305--326.
Bartoli D., Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., The minimum order of complete caps in PG(4,4), Advances in Mathematics of Communications, vol. 5, pp. 37-40 (2011).
Davydov A., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Linear nonbinary covering codes and saturating sets in projective spaces, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, vol. 5, pp. 119-147 (2011)
Smetanin B., Kozhina G., Popov A., B. N. Smetanin, G. V. Kozhina, A. K. Popov. Effects of Manipulations with Visual Feedback on Postural Responses in Humans Maintaining an Upright Stance // Neurophysiology July 2011, Volume 43, Issue 1, pp 30-37.
Komech A., 492, On global attraction to quantum stationary states. Dirac equation with mean field interaction. Commun. Math. Anal. (2011), Conference 3, 131--136.
Chochia P., Application of Image Frequency Filtering to Elimination of the Noise Caused by the Embossing of the Photographic Paper // Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2011, V.56, No.12, pp.1518-1521.
Podlesskaja O., Measurement-Contents Constructions in Russian // Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory (ÌÒÒ’2011). Barcelona, September 8 – 9, 2011. Ð. 216-223. ISBN 978-84-615-1716-9.
Podlesskaja O., Sizov V., Reflecting accentuation in the Russian morphological dictionary of the multifunctional linguistic processor ETAP-3 // Ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ êîíôåðåíöèÿ ïî êîìïüþòåðíîé ëèíãâèñòèêå è èíòåëëåêòóàëüíûì òåõíîëîãèÿì «Äèàëîã’2011». Ì.: Èçä-âî ÐÃÃÓ, 2011. Âûï. 10(17). Ñ. 605-618.
Podlesskaja O., Frolova T., Tagging lexical functions in Russian texts of SynTagRus // Ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ êîíôåðåíöèÿ ïî êîìïüþòåðíîé ëèíãâèñòèêå è èíòåëëåêòóàëüíûì òåõíîëîãèÿì «Äèàëîã’2011». Ì.: Èçä-âî ÐÃÃÓ, 2011. Âûï. 10(17). Ñ. 207-218.
Dikonov V., English/Russian UNL Enconverter // Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory (ÌÒÒ’2011). Barcelona, September 8 – 9, 2011. Ð. 48-58. ISBN 978-84-615-1716-9.
Iomdin L., Iomdin B., Valency Ambiguity Interpretation: What Can and What Cannot be Done // Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory (ÌÒÒ’2011). Barcelona, September 8 – 9, 2011. Ð. 108-119. ISBN 978-84-615-1716-9.
Boguslavsky I., Semantic Analysis based on linguistic and ontological resources // Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory (ÌÒÒ’2011). Barcelona, September 8 – 9, 2011. Ð. 25-36. ISBN 978-84-615-1716-9.
Boguslavsky I., Iomdin L., Tsinman L., Sizov V., Petrochenkov V., Rule-Based Dependency Parser Refined by Empirical and Corpus Statistics // Proceedings of the International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling’2011). Barcelona, September 5-7, 2011. P. 318-327. ISBN 978-84-615-1834-0.
492, Komech A., Well-posedness, energy and charge conservation for nonlinear wave equations in discrete space-time, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 18 (2011), no. 4, 410--419. DOI:10.1134/S1061920811040030
Kazennikov O., Lipshits M., Participation of Primary Motor Cortex in the Programming of Muscle Activity during Catching of a Falling Object, Human Physiology, 2011, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 610–614.
Leonov A., Sorokin V., Unique Determination of Vocal Tract Resonance Frequencies from a Speech Signal. Doklady Mathematics, v. 84, N2, 671–673.
Krasilov A., Lyakhov A., Safonov A., A. Krasilov, A. Lyakhov, A. Safonov, “Interference, even with MCCA channel access method in IEEE 802.11s mesh networks,” In Proc. of MeshTech"11, pp.752-757, Valencia, Spain, 2011
Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Kuraszkiewicz B., Mlozniak D., On the interpretation of stimulus-correlated motoneuron firing //Motoneurons: Their inputs and outputs. Warsaw, Poland, 2011, September 4-7. Warsaw: ICB Polish Academy of Sciences, 2011. C. 55-58.
Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Chen J.-J., Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz I., Human motoneuron afterhyperpolarization in health and disease //The motor unit. Development, disorders and diagnosis. Warsaw, Poland, 2011, May 15-18. Warsaw: ICB Polish Academy of Sciences, 2011. C. 40.
Pushchin I., Podugolnikova T., Kodrashev S., A multivariate approach to structural heterogeneity of retinal ganglion cells. Visual Neuroscience, 2011, V. 28, P. 499-512.
Miller B., Stepanyan K., Miller A., Andreev M., 3D Path Planning in a Threat Environment // 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC) Orlando, FL, USA, December 12-15, 2011, pp.6864-6869
Delon J., Salomon J., Sobolevski A., Minimum-weight perfect matching for non-intrinsic distances on the line // Zapiski nauchnyh seminarov POMI, v. 390 (2011) 52-68.
Rodionov D., Novichkov P.S., Stavrovskaya E., Rodionova I.A., Li X, Kazanov M., 170, Gerasimova A.V., 60, Kovaleva G., Permina E.A., Laikova O.N., Overbeek R, Romine M.F., Fredrickson J.K., Arkin A.P., Dubchak I, Osterman A.L., Gelfand M., Comparative genomic reconstruction of transcriptional networks controlling central metabolism in the Shewanella genus. BMC Genomics. 2011 Jun 15;12 Suppl 1:S3.
Lazarev V.N., Levitskii S.A., Basovskii Y.I., Chukin M.M., Akopian T.A., Vereshchagin V.V., Kostrjukova E.S., Kovaleva G., Kazanov M., Malko D.B., Vitreschak A., Sernova N.V., Gelfand M., Demina I.A., Serebryakova M.V., Galyamina M.A., Vtyurin N.N., Rogov S.I., Alexeev D.G., Ladygina V.G., Govorun V.M., Complete genome and proteome of Acholeplasma laidlawii. Journal of Bacteriology 2011 Sep;193(18):4943-4953.
Kazanov M., Igarashi Y, Eroshkin A.M., Cieplak P, Ratnikov B, Zhang Y, Li Z, Godzik A, Osterman A.L., Smith J.W., Structural determinants of limited proteolysis. Journal of Proteome Research 2011 Aug 5;10(8):3642-3651.
Vakhrusheva A.A., Kazanov M., Mironov A.A., Bazykin G., Evolution of prokaryotic genes by shift of stop codons. Journal of Molecular Evolution 2011 Feb;72(2):138-146.
Zverkóv O., Gorbunov K., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Protein clustering with accounting for domen architecture” Proceedings of the 54th conference of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology “Basic and applied research in life sciences and engineering in modern information environment”, Moscow, Russia, November 25–26 2011, Section of Management and applied mathematics, Vol. 2, P. 88–89.
Vedenina V., Mugue N., Speciation in gomphocerine grasshoppers: molecular phylogeny versus bioacoustics and courtship behavior. Journal of Orthoptera Research. 2011. 20(1): 109-125.
Vedenina V., Variation in complex courtship traits across a hybrid zone between the grasshopper species of the Chorthippus albomarginatus group. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102: 275-291.
Levin M., Zamkovoy A.A., Multicriteria Steiner tree with the cost of Steiner vertices. J. of Communications Technology and Electronics, 56(12), 1527-1542, 2011.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Trajectory attractors of equations of mathematical physics. Uspekhi Mat. Nauk V. 66. N.4. P.3–102.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., S.V.Zelik, Strong trajectory attractors for dissipative Euler equations. Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees. V.96. 2011. P.395-407.
Gerasimova S., Lukashevich I., Shklovsky V., “Study neurophysiological mechanisms alalie”. Journal of International Scientific Publication: Educational Altetnatives. 2011. Vol. 9. Part 3. P. 96 -107.
Balugian R., Lukashevich I., Peremyachkina S., Stepanyan K., “Formalization of medical knowledge with conceptual scheme”. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Altetnatives. 2011. Vol. 9. Part 3. P. 108-116.
Veretennikov A., On Sobolev Solutions of Poisson Equations in R^d with a Parameter (To 70th birthday of Professor N.V.Krylov), Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 179(1), 48-79, 2011 (Eng); Î ñîáîëåâñêèõ ðåøåíèÿõ óðàâíåíèÿ Ïóàññîíà â R^d ñ ïàðàìåòðîì (Ê 70-ëåòèþ ïðîôåññîðà Í.Â.Êðûëîâà), Ïðîáëåìû ìàòåìàòè÷åñêîãî àíàëèçà, 61, 43-68, 2011. DOI
Veretennikov A., (With O.A.Butkovsky) On asymptotics of Vaserstein"s coupling for a Markov chain. International Mathematical Conference "50 years of IPPI", July 25-29 2011 Moscow, Russia, Proceedings, ISBN 978-5-901158-15-9
Veretennikov A., (With S.V.Anulova) On ergodicity of highly degenerate hybrid stochastic control systems. International Mathematical Conference "50 years of IPPI", July 25-29 2011 Moscow, Russia, Proceedings, ISBN 978-5-901158-15-9
Akhiezer D., Stein manifolds and multiplicity-free representations of compact Lie groups, Contemporary Math., Amer. Math. Society, vol. 554 (2011), 1 - 12
Akhiezer D., Weakly symmetric homogeneous spaces and spherical Stein manifolds, Proceedings of the International Mathematical Conference "50 Years of IITP", July 2011, Moscow
Levin M., Towards configuration of applied Web-based information system. Electronic preprint. 13 pp., Aug. 31, 2011. [cs.SE]
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., “An effective minimal encoding of uncountable sets” Siberian mathematical journal, 2011, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 854–863.
Kozyakin V., One Idea of Pokrovskii: How to Link Economic Problems with Asynchronous Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics Conference in Memory of Alexei Pokrovskii, Ireland, University College Cork, September 5-9, 2011, 22pp. (talk, presentation)
Talis V., Kapitonov M.A., Maksimova E.V., Ìûøå÷íûå ïîñòýôôåêòû è ïîääåðæàíèå ðàâíîâåñèÿ ó çäîðîâûõ è áîëüíûõ ñ íàðóøåíèÿìè ñåíñîìîòîðíîé èíòåãðàöèè Æóðíàë âûñøåé íåðâíîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè èì. È.Ï. Ïàâëîâà 2011, òîì 61, ¹ 3, ñ. 1–10
Talis V., Levik Y., Does the stability of elbow support influence the elbow joint matching accuracy? J Integr Neurosci 10:177-88. 2011
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Evolution of RNA-polymerases and their promoters in plastids” 50-years of IITP anniversary conference, Moscow, September 15 2011, P. 58–62.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., ”Mathematical problems in biological evolution and molecular regulation“ Proceedings of the International Mathematical Conference “50 Years of IITP”, Moscow, Russia, July 25–29, 2011, 7 pages.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., On the infinitary pantachie of Du Bois Reymond, Proceedings of the International Mathematical Conference “50 Years Of IITP”, Moscow, Russia, July 25–29, 2011, 7 pages.
Gorbunov K., Rubanov L., Rusin L., Lyubetsky V., “An accurate algorithm of cubic complexity to build supertrees” Zitteliana. An International Journal of Palaeontology and Geobiology. Series B, Vol. 30, Abstracts of the international conference “Deep Metazoan Phylogeny 2011 – new data, new challenges", Munchen, Germany, October 11–14 2011, P. 20.
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., “The tree nearest in average to a given set of trees” Information transmission problems, Vol. 47, Iss. 3, 2011
154, Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Bacterial type RNA polymerase sigma subunits and their specific promoters in plastids” Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’11, July 21–24, 2011, pp. 209–210.
154, Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “NtcA and NtcB regulons in cyanobacteria and chloroplasts” Proceedings of the VI Moscow International Congress “Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development”, March 21–25, 2011, pp. 395–396.
154, Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “NtcA and NtcB regulons in cyanobacteria and rhodophyta chloroplasts” Molecular Biology, V. 45, No. 3, 2011, pp. 522–526.
Gorin V., Tsyrulnikov M.D., Estimation of multivariate observation-error statistics for AMSU-A data, to appear in Monthly Weather Review
Gnedin A., Gorin V., Kerov S., Block characters of the symmetric groups, submitted. arXiv:1108.5044
Borodin A., Gorin V., Markov processes of infinitely many nonintersecting random walks, submitted. arXiv:1106.1299
Angel O., Gorin V., Holroyd A., A pattern theorem for random sorting networks, submitted. arXiv:1110.0160
Panyushev D., Abelian ideals of a Borel subalgebra and subsets of the Dynkin diagram, J. Algebra, 344 (2011), 197-204.
Levin M., Four-layer framework for combinatorial optimization problems domain. Advances in Engineering Software, 42(12), 1089-1098, 2011.
Miller B., Stepanyan K., Miller A., Andreev M., "Application of the Delaunay triangulation for design the height profile along given trajectory" // Proceedings of 16th International Conference "System analysis, control and navigation", Yevpatoria, Crimea, 03-10 July, 2011, p.151
Miller B., Stepanyan K., Miller A., Andreev M., "Parallel implementation of the UAV path planning in a hazard environment" // Proceedings of the XVII International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Modern Applied Software Systems (CMMASS"2011), 25-31 May, 2011, Alushta, Crimea, pp. 698-700
Dai X., Kozyakin V., Finiteness Property of a Bounded Set of Matrices with Uniformly Sub-Peripheral Spectrum, Information processes, v. 11, no. 2, p. 253-261 (in Russian).
Dai X., Kozyakin V., Finiteness Property of a Bounded Set of Matrices with Uniformly Sub-Peripheral Spectrum. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2011, Vol. 56, No. 12, pp. 1564–1569 (original Russian text published in Informatsionnye Protsessy, 2011, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 253–261).
Kiritchenko V., Smirnov E.Yu., Timorin V.A., Schubert calculus and Gelfand-Zetlin polytopes. arXiv:1101.0278v1 [math.AG], 01/2011. -31 p.
Lipshits M., Internal Reference Frame for the Representation and Storage of Visual Information during Standing Human Physiology, 2011, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 299–303.
Levin M., Safonov A.V., Improvement of regional telecommunications networks. J. of Communications Technology and Electronics, 56(6), 770-778, 2011.
Peremyachkina S., Lukashevich I., «Ñèíäðîìíûé ïîäõîä ïðè èíòåðïðåòàöèè äàííûõ îáùåãî àíàëèçà êðîâè». Òðóäû Ìåæäóíàðîäíîé íàó÷íî-ïðàêòè÷åñêîé êîíôåðåíöèè “Âûñîêèå òåõíîëîãèè, ôóíäàìåíòàëüíûå è ïðèêëàäíûå èññëåäîâàíèÿ â ôèçèîëîãèè è ìåäèöèíå” Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã, Ðîññèÿ, 23-26 íîÿáðÿ 2010 ã., ò.3, ñòð. 148-151.
Lukashevich I., Savina M., «Ðîëü ñòðóêòóðíîé îðãàíèçàöèè çíàíèé ïðè àíàëèçå áèîõèìè÷åñêèõ äàííûõ». Èñêóññòâåííûé èíòåëëåêò è ïðèíÿòèå ðåøåíèé. 2010. ¹ 1. ñ. 33-40.
Cross R., Kozyakin V., Lang D., O’Callaghan B., Pokrovskii A., Pokrovskiy A., Arbitrage sequences and Leijonhufvud’s corridor hypothesis, Centre d’Economie de l’Université Paris Nord , March 2011, 15pp. (submitted to Cambridge Journal of Economics)
Veretennikov A., M.L.Kleptsyna, On filtering with unspecified initial data for nonuniformly ergodic signams, in: The Oxford Handbook of nonlinear filtering, D.Crisan and B.Rozovsky (Eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011, 267-298.
Levin M., Framework for clique-based fusion of graph streams in multi-function system testing. Electronic preprint, 6 pp., March 19, 2011. [cs.SE]
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Ryabykh N.G., A Pre-Encoding--Post-Decoding Technique for Stabilizing Asynchronously Operating Systems, Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011, Vol. 18, Part 1, pp. 5855-5859.
Kloeden P.E., Kozyakin V., The dynamics of epidemiological systems with nonautonomous and random coefficients, Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace, MESA -, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 105-118.
Vyugin I., Shkredov I.D., On additive shifts of multiplicative subgroups, 2011, arXiv:1102.1172.
Vladimirov A.G., Grechishkina N.A., Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Pokrovskii A.V., Rachinskii D.I., Asynchronism: theory and practice, Information processes, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1-45 (in Russian).
Vyugin I., Ïðîáëåìà Ðèìàíà–Ãèëüáåðòà äëÿ ñêàëÿðíûõ ôóêñîâûõ óðàâíåíèé è ðîäñòâåííûå çàäà÷è, ÓÌÍ, 2011, Ò. 66, Â. 1(397), ñòðàíèöû 37–64.
Levin M., Resructuring in combinatorial optimization. Electronic preprint. 11 pp., Febr. 8, 2011. [cs.DS]
Gontsov R., Poberezhny V.A., Helminck G.F., On deformations of linear differential systems, Russian Math. Surveys, 2011, V. 66(1), P. 63-105.
Levin M., Andrushevich A., Klapproth A., Improvement of building automation system. Proc. of Int. Conf. IEA/AIE 2011, LNCS 6704, Part II, 459-468, Springer, 2011.
Levin M., Towards k-set frameworks in education. Proc. of 3rd Int. Conf. CSEDU-2011, vol. 2, Netherlands, 99-104, 2011.
Osipov D., Paavola J., Poikonen J., Multiple Access Methods (In Modulation and Coding Techniques in Wireless Communications; ed. E. Krouk and S. Semenov // John Wiley & Sons,1st edition, 2011, ISBN: 978-0-470-74505-2),descCd-tableOfContents.html
Lyubetsky V., Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Modeling RNA polymerase competition: the effect of σ-subunit knockout and heat shock on gene transcription level. Biology Direct. 2011, 6:3. DOI: 10.1186/1745-6150-6-3, PMID: 21255416
Krasnosel'skii A., System with periodic nonlinearities, Doklady mathematics, 83, ¹3, 2011, 328–331
Litvinov G., Maslov V.P., Sobolevski A., Rodionov A.Ya., Universal Algorithms, Mathematics of Semirings and Parallel Computations. In: COPING WITH COMPLEXITY: MODEL REDUCTION AND DATA ANALYSIS Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 2011, Volume 75, 63-89, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-14941-2_4
Levin M., k-Set frameworks in multicriteria combinatorial optimisation. Int. J. of Technology, Policy and Management, 11(1), 85-95, 2011.
Panyushev D., Fredman’s reciprocity, invariants of abelian groups, and the permanent of the Cayley table, J. Algebraic Combin., 33 (2011), 111-125.
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Stepanyan K., Miller A., Miller B., "Ïëàíèðîâàíèå òðàåêòîðèè ÁÏËÀ â ñëîæíûõ óñëîâèÿõ ïðè íàëè÷èè óãðîç" // Ìàòåðèàëû 33-é êîíôåðåíöèè ìîëîäûõ ó÷åíûõ è ñïåöèàëèñòîâ ÈÏÏÈ ÐÀÍ «Èíôîðìàöèîííûå òåõíîëîãèè è ñèñòåìû» (ÈÒèÑ"10), Ðîññèÿ, Ãåëåíäæèê, 20– 24 ñåíòÿáðÿ 2010ã., ñ.263-268.
Milyukova O., Kober V., Karnaukhov V., Ovseyevich I., Spectral analysis of distorted images in restoration problem // Pattern recognition and image analysis. 2010. Vol. 20. No. 3, pp.335-340.
Milyukova O., Kober V., Karnaukhov V., Ovseyevich I., Restoration of blurred images with conditional total variation method // Pattern recognition and image analysis. 2010. Vol. 20. No. 2, pp.179-184.
Reutov V., Kuzenkov A., Krushinsky A., Samosudova N., D V., Sorokina E., N.Pinelis, Diaykonova V., Experimental hemorrhagic stroke as a model of neurotrauma: neuroprotective effects of Cortexin // ICRAN-2010 Neurotrauma: Basic and applaied aspects. P.38.
Samosudova N., Reutov V., The cytoskeletal components of astrocytic processes can determine their functional difference. Biological Motility: from fundamental achievements to nanotechnology. Pushchino.2010. P. 230-231.
Maximova E., Recent advances in restoration of the visual function at retinal deficiencies in mammals // Sensornye sistemy, 2010, vol. 24, ¹3, pp. 188-197 (in Russian)
Levin M., Safonov A., Towards modular redesign of networked system. Int. Conf. ICUMT 2010, 109-114, 2010.
Levin M., Fimin A., Configuration of alarm wireless sensor element. Int. Conf. ICUMT 2010, 924-928, 2010. .
Panyushev D., Generalised Kostka-Foulkes polynomials and cohomology of line bundles on homogeneous vector bundles, Selecta Math. (New Ser)., 16 (2010), 315–342.
Kozyakin V., Irreducibility measures in explicit estimation of the joint spectral radius. SciTopics (Research summaries by experts). July 15, 2010,
V'yugin V., On games of continuous and discrete randomized forecasting // Slides of Talk at GTP 2010: Third Workshop on Game-Theoretic Probability and Related Topics, 21 - 23 June 2010, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, UK
Kudina L., Andreeva R., Repetitive doublet firing of motor units: evidence for plateau potentials in human motoneurones? Exp.Brain Res. 2010, v. 204: p. 79-90.
Miller B., Stepanyan K., Miller A., Simulation of permissible UAV trajectories // Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Nonequlibrium Processes in Nozzles and Jets (NPNJ"2010), 25-31 May 2010, Alushta, Crimea, pp.321-323
Petrov L., Random strict partitions and determinantal point processes, Electronic Communications in Probability, 15 (2010), 162-175, arXiv:1002.2714.
Maximov V., A Model of Receptive Field of Orientation-Selective Ganglion Cells of the Fish Retina // Sensornye sistemy, 2010, Vol. 24, ¹2, pp. 110-124 (in Russian)
Vyugin I., Gontsov R., Construction of a system of linear differential equations from a scalar equation, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 2010, V. 271, P. 322-338.
Levin M., Towards k-set frameworks in multicriteria combinatorial optimization. Proc. of 11th Symp. on Decision Technology & Intelligent Infomation Systems (with InterSymp"2010 - The 22rd Int. Conf. on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics), Germany, vol. XI, 37-41, 2010.
Levin M., Andrushevich A., Kistler R., Klapproth A., Combinatorial evolution of ZigBee protocol. Proc. of IEEE Region 8 Int. Conf. "Sibircon-2010", vol. 1, 314-319, 2010.
Krasnosel'skii A., Singular Andronov-Hopf bifurcations at infinity, Automation and Remote Control, 2010, 72, 11, 2307-2319
Levin M., Towards communication network development (structural systems issues, combinatorial models). Proc. of IEEE Region 8 Int. Conf. "Sibircon-2010", vol. 1, 204-208, 2010.
Safovov A., Levin M., A.V. Safonov, M.Sh. Levin, New heuristic algorithm for multicrtieria multiple choice knapsack problem. ECCO XXIII-CO2010, May 2010.
Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., O'Callaghan B., Sequences of Arbitrages, e-Print archive, Apr. 2010, 18p.
Rodionov D., Schroeder J., Jochmann N., Tauch A., The Zur regulon of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032. BMC Genomics, 11: 12.
Volk D., Kleptsyn V., Thin attractors. Topology, Geometry and Dynamics: Rokhlin Memorial, Abstracts, 2010, 70–72
Volk D., Ilyashenko Yu., Cascades of e-invisibility. Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2010, 7, 161–188 [arXiv:0906.3567]
Veretennikov A., Abourashchi N., On stochastic averaging and mixing, Theory of Stochastic Processes, 16(32)(1) (2010), 111-130. URL of preprint version below.
Levin M., Andrushevich A., Klapproth A., Composition of management system for smart homes. Information Processes, 2010, 10(1), pp. 78-86. Concurrently: M.Sh. Levin, A. Andrushevich, A. Klapproth, Composition of management system for smart homes. Ýëåêòðîííûé ïðåïðèíò [cs.SE], 9 pp.
Levin M., Petukhov M.V., Multicriteria assignment problem (selection of access points). Proc. of Int. Conf. IEA/AIE 2010, LNCS 6097, part II, Springer, pp. 277-287, 2010.
Kozyakin V., Max-Relaxation Iteration Procedure for Building of Barabanov Norms: Convergence and Examples, e-Print archive, Feb. 2010, 21p.
Kozyakin V., Polynomial Criteria for the v-Sufficiency of Jets in Classes of Finitely Smooth Mappings, Doklady Mathematics, 2010, Vol. 81, No. 1, pp. 101–104 (original Russian text published in Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2010, Vol. 430, No. 5, pp. 596–599).
Zyablov V., Sidorenko V., Senger C., Bossert M., Single-Trial Decoding of Concatenated Codes Using Fixed or Adaptive Erasing. Advances in Mathematics of Communications Volume 4, No. 1, 2010, 49–60 Web site:
Kulikova M., Jermyn I., Descombes X., Zerubia J., Zhizhina E., Extraction of arbitrarily shaped objects using stochastic multiple birth-and-death dynamics and active contours, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2010 meeting, 17-21 January 2010, San Jose, California, USA.
Aivaliotis G., Veretennikov A., On Bellman"s equations for mean and variance control of a Markov diffusion, Stochastics: An International J. of Probability and Stochastic Processes, Electronic version: 82 (6 Nov 2009), pages unknown. Printed version: Volume 82, Issue 1 February 2010 , pages 41 - 51 DOI: 10.1080/17442500902723567.
541, Veretennikov A., On discrete time ergodic filters with wrong initial data, 2, Stochastics: An International J. of Probability and Stochastic Processes, Electronic online version: 82 (01 Sept 2009), pages unknown. Printed version: Volume 82, Issue 1 February 2010 , pages 25 - 40; DOI: 10.1080/17442500902723559
Novichkov P.S., Laikova O., Novichkova E., Gelfand M., Arkin A., Dubchak I., Rodionov D., RegPrecise: a database of curated genomic inferences of transcriptional regulatory interactions in prokaryotes. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010,
Khanin K., Sobolevski A., Particle dynamics inside shocks in Hamilton–Jacobi equations, Theme Issue “Turbulent Mixing and Beyond,” Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society London, 368:1916 (2010) 1579-1593 (doi:10.1098/rsta.2009.0283, preprint arXiv:1001.0498).
Berestycki H., Hamel F., Nadirashvili N., The speed of propagation for KPP type problems. II: General domains J. Amer. Math. Soc., (2010) (to appear)
Girouard A., Nadirashvili N., Polterovich I., Maximization of the second positive Neumann eigenvalue for planar domains, J. Diff. Geom. (to appear)
Hamel F., Nadirashvili N., Extinction Versus Persistence in Strong Oscillating Flows, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., (to appear)
Borodin Alexei, Shlosman S., Gibbs Ensembles of Nonintersecting Paths,, Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 293, Number 1 / January, 2010
Kopylova E., Komech A., Weigted energy decay for 3D Klein-Gordon equation, Journal of Diff.Equations, 248 (2010), n.3, p.501-520.
Panyushev D., Actions of the derived group of a maximal unipotent subgroup on $G$-varieties, Intern. Math. Res. Notices 2010, no. 4 (2010), 674-700.
Positselski L., Homological algebra of semimodules and semicontramodules: Semi-infinite homological algebra of associative algebraic structures. Appendix C in collaboration with D.Rumynin; Appendix D in collaboration with S.Arkhipov. Monografie Matematyczne, vol.70, Birkhäuser/Springer Basel, 2010. xxiv+349 pp.
Bezrukavnikov R., Positselski L., On semi-infinite cohomology of finite-dimensional graded algebras. Compositio Math. 146 (2010), #2, p.480-496.
Kiritchenko V., Gelfand-Zetlin polytopes and flag varieties, International Mathematics Research Notices, vol. 2010. no. 13. pp. 2512—2531
Kozyakin V., An explicit Lipschitz constant for the joint spectral radius, Linear Algebra and Applications, Applications, 2010, 433, No. 1, 12-18.
Kozyakin V., Polynomial criteria for v-sufficiency of jets in classes of finitely smooth maps, Doklady AN, 2010, 430, ¹5, 596-599.
Delon J., Salomon J., Sobolevski A., Fast transport optimization for Monge costs on the circle SIAM J. Appl. Math. 70:7 (2010) 2239–2258 (doi:10.1137/090772708, preprint hal-00362834).
Kozyakin V., Polynomial reformulation of the Kuo criteria for v-sufficiency of map-germs, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 14, No. 2, September 2010, 587-602.
Gorbunov K., Laikova O.N., Rodionov D., Gelfand M., Lyubetsky V., “Evolution of regulatory motifs of bacterial transcription factors” In Silico Biology, 2010, 10, 0012.
154, Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Attenuation Regulation of the Amino Acid and Aminoacyl-tRNA Biosynthesis Operons in Bacteria: A Comparative Genomic Analysis” Molecular Biology, 2010, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 128–139.
Kozyakin V., On Explicit A Priori Estimates of the Joint Spectral Radius by the Generalized Gelfand Formula, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Vol. 18, Nos. 1 & 2, January & April, 2010, pp. 91–103.
Kozyakin V., Iterative Building of Barabanov Norms and Computation of the Joint Spectral Radius for Matrix Sets, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 14, No. 1, July 2010, 143-158.
Krasnosel'skii A., Index at infinity and bifurcations of twice degenerate vector fields, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 35, ¹1, 2010, 99-126
O'Ceallaigh S., Krasnosel'skii A., Pimenov A., Rachinskii D., Fold bifurcations and linear stability analysis in systems with Preisach hysteresis, in ``Rate-Independent Evolutions and Material Modeling"" (Special Section of EQUADIFF 2007), T. Roubicek and U. Stefanelli (Eds.), Pubblicazione IMATI-CNR, 29PV10/27/0, Pavia, ISSN 1772-8964, 2010, 39-44


Milošević M., Višnjić-Jeftić Z., Damjanović I., Nikčević M., Andjus P., Gačić Z., Temporal analysis of electroretinographic responses in fishes with rod-dominated and mixed rod-cone retina // General Physiology and Biophysics, 28 (2009), 276-282
An electronic version of an article published as GPB 28: 276-282 DOI: 10.4149/gpb_2009_03_276
Rychkova S., J. Ninio, Paradoxical fusion of two images and depth perception with a squinting eye / Vision Research 2009 vol. 49 ¹5 P. 530-535.
Rychkova S., J. Ninio, Alternation frequency thresholdsfor stereopsis reveal different types of stereoscopic difficulties / Perception, 2009, vol. 38 p.59.
Sedova N., 1625, Grigoryev S., Morphological variation in Bradyidius pacificus (Brodsky, 1950) (Copepoda: Aetideidae) in the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. Zoosystematica Rossica 2009; 18(1): 17–24.
Hakami T., Jones N.C., 2543, Gaudias J., Chaumont J., Salzberg M., J. O'Brien T., Pinault D., NMDA Receptor Hypofunction Leads to Generalized and Persistent Aberrant gamma Oscillations Independent of Hyperlocomotion and the State of Consciousness. // PLOS ONE 4(8), 2009.
Nothdurft H., Pigarev I., Kastner S., Overt and covert visual search in primates: reaction times and gaze shift strategies. J Integr Neurosci. 2009. 8(2):137-74.
Maloney R., Jayakumar J., Pigarev I., Goodwin A., Vidyasagar T., Information overload in the macaque: a behavioral and neuronal correlate of the attentional blink? Society for Neuroscience abstracts, 2009.
Burnaev E., Shiryaev A.N.
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Burnaev E., Disorder Problem for Poisson Process in Generalized Bayesian Setting. Theory of Probability and its Applications, 53 (3), 500-518, 2009.
Burnaev E., Men'shikov I., A model of the functional state of participants of laboratory markets. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, 48(6), 1002-1019, 2009.
Veretennikov A., N. Abourashchi, A.Yu. Veretennikov, On Weak solutions and local Dobrushin"s mixing condition for 2D degenerate stochastic differential equations. In: Proc. Internat. Dobrushin conference, July 15-20 2009, Moscow, ISBN 978-5-901158-10-4, p. 5-11.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Borel reducibility as an additive property of domains, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2009, Vol. 158, No. 5, P. 708–712.
Kanovei V., On Hausdorff"s ordered structures. Izvestiya: Mathematics, 2009, 73, 5, pp. 939--958.
Kanovei V., On definability of some counterexamples in descriptive set theory, ESI Workshop on Large Cardinals and descriptive Set Theory, Vienna, June 14--27, 2009, Vienna, Erwin Schroedinger Institute, 2009, p. 20.
Talis V., Kazennikov O., Solopova I., Ioffe M.E., Interhemispheric motor cortex influence during bimanual unloading, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 2009, 8(4): 409–416
Rusin L., Aleoshin V., Lyubetsky V., “A phylogenomic pipeline to construct multi-gene datasets and infer multi-gene trees”, Proceedings of the international conference “Celebrating Darwin: from the Origin of Species to Deep Metazoan Phylogeny, DMP’09”, Berlin, Germany, March 4–6 2009.
Borodin A., Gorin V., Shuffling algorithm for boxed plane partitions, Advances in Mathematics, 220 (2009), no. 6. 1739-1770. arXiv: 0804.3071
Gaifullin A., "A minimal triangulation of complex projective plane admitting a chess colouring of four-dimensional simplices", Proc. Stekl. Math. Inst. 266:1 (2009), 29-48
Karnaukhov V., Watermark software toolkit // The 12th Annual International Conference EVA’2009. Ì.: Centre PIC, STG. Moscow, Russia, 30 November - 2 December, 2009. pp. 7-8-1.
Milyukova O., Kober V., Ovseevich I., Image restoration spectral techniques // Pattern recognition and information processing PRIP"2009. Proceedings of the 10-th international conference (19-21 May, 2009, Minsk< Belarus), pp.124-127.
Maximova E., Molecular-genetic identification of retinal neurons // Sensornye sistemy, 2009, vol. 23, ¹4, pp. 283-292 (in Russian)
VL, Solopova IA, Kazennikov OV., Ioffe ME Talis, Talis VL, Solopova IA, Kazennikov OV., Ioffe ME Interhemispheric motor cortex influence during bimanual unloading, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 2009, 8(4): 409–416
Afanassiev V., Davydov A., Zyablov V., "Low density parity check codes on bipartite graphs with Reed-Solomon constituent codes" Information processes, v. 9, no. 4, 2009, pp. 301–331
Veretennikov A., (with N.Abourashchi) On exponential mixing bounds and convergence rate for reciprocal Gamma diffusion processes, Mathematical Communications, 14(2) (2009), 331-339.
Pustogarov I., Andrey Lyakhov, Ivan Pustogarov, Alexander Safonov, Mikhail Yakimov. Starvation Effect Study in IEEE 802.11 Mesh Networks. MeshTech"09 Third IEEE International Workshop on Enabling Technologies and Standards for Wireless Mesh Networking, October 12, 2009. Macau SAR, P.R. China
Groshev F., Golubtsov K., Trunov V., “Raduga 6DL” // In Proc. of the The 13-th international salon of research, innovation and technological transfer “Inventica 2009”, Yassi, Romania, 4 -6 june 2009
Seliverstov A., T.A.Sadovskaya, A.V.Seliverstov, "Analysis of the 5"-Leader Regions of Several Plastid Genes in Protozoa of the Phylum Apicomplexa and Red Algae", Molecular Biology, 2009, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 552-556.
Rodionova E., Minor A.V., Sulimov K.T., Kogun G.A., Dogs are able to recognize insect individuals by odour 2009 Chemical senses, V.34, ¹ 3, P E64
Vedenina V., Helversen O., A re-examination of the taxonomy of the Chorthippus albomarginatus group in Europe on the basis of song and morphology (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 152: 65-97.
Vedenina V., Holuša J., Cočárek P., The Chorthippus albomarginatus-group (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Gomphocerinae) in the Carpathian Basin: traces of hybridization between C. albomarginatus and C. oschei in Southern Slovakia. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (3): 283-291.
Dikonov V., Boguslavsky I., Semantic Network of the UNL Dictionary of Concepts // Proceedings of the SENSE Workshop on conceptual Structures for Extracting Natural language SEmantics Moscow, Russia, July 2009
Dikonov V., Establishing Links between Natural Languages and the Universal Dictionary of Concepts // MONDILEX Third Open Workshop “Metalanguage and Encoding scheme design for digital lexicography“, Brno, 2009, ISBN: 978-80-7399-745-8, Ñ. 27-36
Dikonov V., Atributy modal"nosti v UNL // Proceedings of the 32-nd conference "Information technologies and systems" (ITaS’09)», Bekasovo (15-18 dec 2009).
Levin M., Towards morphological system design. Proc. 7th IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Informatics INDIN 2009, Cardiff, UK, 2009, pp. 95-100.
Kabatiansky G., Oshanin G, Finding passwords by random walks: how long does it take? Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol.42, ¹ 43
Bozhkova V., Khashaev Z., Umanskaya T.M., Genetic variants of GJB2-related deafness in North Caucasus. 9th Congress of European Federation of Audiology Societies . Puerto de la Cruz, Spain. 2009. P222.
Zhizhina E., Minlos R., Descombes X., Object extraction using stochastic birth-and-death dynamics in continuum, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol.33 (3), p. 347, 2009.
Lukashevich P., Kravchonok A., Descombes X., Durou J.-D., Zalesky B., Zhizhina E., 3D reconstruction using multiple birth and death algorithm, 22 Colloque GRETSI, Dijon 8-11 September 2009.
Kulikova M., Jermyn I., Descombes X., Zerubia J., Zhizhina E., A marked point process model with strong prior shape information for the extraction of multiple, arbitrarily-shaped objects, SITIS, The 5-th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-based Systems, November 29- December 4, 2009, Marrakech.
Zhizhina E., Descombes X., Gibbs point field models for extraction problems in image analysis, Proceedings of Dobrushin International Conference, Moscow, Russia, July 15-20 2009, ISBN 978-5-901158-10-4.
Levin M., Leus A.V., M.Sh. Levin, A.V. Leus, Configuration of integrated security system. Proc. 7th IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Informatics INDIN 2009, Cardiff, UK, 2009, pp. 101-105.
Panyushev D., Properties of weight posets for weight multiplicity free representations, Moscow Math. J. , 9, no. 4 (2009), 867--883.
Levin M., Kruchkov O., Hadar O., Kaminsky E., M.Sh. Levin, O. Kruchkov, O. Hadar, E. Kaminsky, Combinatorial systems evolution: example of standard for multimedia information. Informatica (Lith.). 2009, 20(4), 519-538.
Levin M., M.Sh. Levin, Student research projects in system design. Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computer Supported Education CSEDU 2009, Lisbon, Portugal, vol. 2, pp. 67-72.
Levin M., Morphological system design and multicriteria decision making. Abstracts of 23rd European Conf. on Operations Research EURO 2009, Bonn, Germany
Levin M., Combinatorial optimization in system configuration and reconfiguration. Conf. of the Eur. Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization ECCO XXII, Jerusalem, Israel, May 2009.
Levin M., Nuriakhmetov R.I., Multicriteria Steiner tree problem for communication network. Information Processes. 2009, 9(3), pp. 199-209. Concurrently: M.Sh. Levin, R.I. Nuriakhmetov, Multicriteria Steiner tree problem for communication network. Electronic preprint. [cs.DS], 11 pp.
Levin M., Sharov S.Yu., M.Sh. Levin, S.Yu. Sharov, Hierarchical morphological design of Web-hosting system. Int. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science. 2009, 13(1), pp. 1-14.
Levin M., Combinatorial optimization in system configuration design. Automation and Remote Control, 2009, 70(3), pp. 519-561. DOI: 10.1134/S000511790903018
Samosudova N., Reutov V., Neuron-glial interaction under NO-injury in the frog cerebellum. Nitric Oxide. V.20. Suppl..P.S42-S43.
Akhiezer D., Spherical Stein manifolds and the Weyl involution, Ann. Inst. Fourier, Grenoble 59, no. 3 (2009), 1029 - 1041
Zhang Y., Rodionov D., Gelfand M., Gladyshev V.N., Comparative genomic analyses of nickel, cobalt and vitamin B12 utilization. BMC Genomics. 2009, 10: 78.
Raker V., Mironov A., Gelfand M., Pervouchine D., Modulation of alternative splicing by long-range RNA structures in Drosophila. Nucleic Acids Res. 2009, 37(14):4533-44 .
Desai T., Rodionov D., Gelfand M., Alm E.J., Rao C., Engineering transcription factors with novel DNA-binding specificity using comparative genomics. Nucleic Acids Res. 2009, 37: 2493-503.
Gelfand M., 60, Korostelev Y., Laikova O., Mironov A., Rakhmaninova A., 170, Rodionov D., Vitreschak A., Evolution of Regulatory Systems in Bacteria. Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics. 2009; 5542 (ISBRA 2009): 1-4.
Nurtdinov R., Mironov A., Gelfand M., Rodent-specific alternative exons are more frequent in rapidly evolving genes and in paralogs. BMC Evol Biol. 2009, 9: 142.
Huang N., De Ingeniis J., Galeazzi L., Mancini C., Korostelev Y.D., Rakhmaninova A., Gelfand M., Rodionov D., Raffaelli N., Zhang H., Structure and function of an ADP-ribose-dependent transcriptional regulator of NAD metabolism. Structure. 2009, 17: 939-51.
Kalinina O., Gelfand M., Russell R., Combining specificity determining and conserved residues improves functional site prediction. BMC Bioinformatics. 2009, 10: 174.
Schestacov L., Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin, 2009, Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 49–50.
Prelov V., van der Meulen E.C., Bounds on Mutual Information Functions via Variational Distance // Proc. 30-th Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Eindhoven, May 28--29, 2009, P. 153--159.
541, Le Breton A., Viot M., On the linear-exponential filtering problem for general Gaussian processes, submitted, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization.
Prelov V., Information and Variation: Recent and New Results // Proc. XII Intern. Symp. on Problem Redundancy in Information and Control Systems. St.-Petersburg, May 26--30, 2009.
Prelov V., On Estimating Special Type of Divergences via Kolmogorov Distance // Proc. Dobrushin Intern. Conference. Moscow, July 15--20, 2009, P. 143--148.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Reeken M., Nonstandard class and superset theories, Logic and Mathematics, The University of York, 3-7 August, 2009. Department of Mathematics, University of York, 2009, p. 21.
Vleduts S., Nadirashvili N., Singular Solution to Special Lagrangian Equations ,arXiv:0902.1436,submitted.
Apresjan J., The Theory of Lexical Functions: An Update // Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory. Montreal, June 24-26, 2009. Îïóáëèêîâàíî íà ñàéòå
Damjanović I., Maximova E., Maximov V., On the organization of receptive fields of orientation-selective units recorded in the fish tectum // Journal of Integrative Neuroscience Vol. 8, No. 3 (2009) 323-344
An electronic version of an article published as JIN 8(3):323-344 DOI: 10.1142/S0219635209002174
© World Scientific Publishing Co.
Yashkov S., On busy period and sojourn time distributions in the M/G/1---EPS queue with catastrophes. Automation and Remote Control, 2009, vol. 70, No. 12. ISSN (print) 0005--1179, ISSN (online) 1608--3032.
Yashkov S., Foreword to the special issue Queueing theory centennial. Automation and Remote Control, 2009, vol. 70, No. 12. ISSN (print) 0005--1179, ISSN (online) 1608--3032.
Yashkov S., The M/D/1—EPS queue revisited. Information Processes, 2009, vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 216--223. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at
Yashkov S., The M/D/1—EPS queue revisited. In: Dobrushin Int. Conf (Moscow, Yuly 15—20, 2009). Moscow: IITP, 2009, pp. 179--185. ISBN 978--5—90115—10--4. (Full paper in pdf--format is available on CD--ROM.)
Koch G., Nadirashvili N., Seregin G., Sverak V., Liouville theorems for the Navier-Stokes equations and applications Acta Math., 203 (2009) 83-105.
Bozhkova V., Surovicheva N., Nikolaev D., Lebedev D.G., Smooth pursuit in apparent motion testing in different age groups // 32nd European Conference on Visual Perception, August 2009.
Surovicheva N., Lebedev D.G., Bozhkova V., Nikolaev D., Apparent motion testing for pursuit efficiency in human vision // 32 Europe Conf. On Visual Perception, Regensburg, Germany, August 2009. Perception. 2009. V. 38, (Supplement), P. 171.
Kondrashov K., Skopintsev O., Zyablov V., Symbol probability distributions of simple Q-ary codes.// Proc. of XII International Symposium on Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 2009
Kobozeva G., Zyablov V., Using GEL Codes for the Optical Channel// Proc. of XII International Symposium on Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 2009.
Apresjan J., Boguslavsky I., Iomdin L., Timoshenko S., Tsinman L., Semantic Paraphrasing for Information Retrieval and Extraction // Flexible Query Answering Systems. 8th International Conference “FQAS 2009”. Roskilde, 2009. P. 512-523. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 3-642-04956-7.
Bellissard, Charles Radin Jean, Shlosman S., The characterization of ground states,
Bastakov V., Distance estimation mechanisms in Anura // Abstracts of the AVA meeting at Regensburg, Regensburg, 2009
Damjanović I., Maximova E., Maximov P., Maximov V., Movement detectors projecting to the fish tectum // Abstracts of the AVA meeting at Regensburg, Regensburg, 2009
Maximov V., Badridze J., Kasparson A., Dogs considered colour cues to be more informative than brightness. // Abstracts of the AVA meeting at Regensburg, Regensburg, 2009
Kopylova E., Weighted energy decay for 3D wave equation, Asymptotic Analysis, 65 (2009), n.1-2, p.1-16
Kopylova E., On asymptotic stability of kink for relativistic Ginsburg-Landau equation. XVI International Congress on Mathematical Physics. Abstracts, Prague (2009) p.30. Co-authored by A.Komech.
Kopylova E., Dispersive estimates for discrete Schr"odinger and Klein-Gordon equation. The international conference "Modern problems of mathematics, mechanics and their applications" dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of rector MSU acad. V.A.Sadovnichy. Abstracts, Moscow, MSU, 2009, p.250.
Kopylova E., On Asymptoic Stability of Solitary Waves in Discrete Schr"odinger Equation Coupled to Nonlinear Oscillator. Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods and Applications 71, (2009), no.7-8, 3031-3046.
Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Methods for analysis of stimulus-correlated motoneuron firing evaluated by computer simulations. Wiring and firing of motoneurons”. International workshop and conference on human reflexes. Izmir. 2009, 25.
Kudina L., Andreeva R., Bistable firing behaviour of human motoneurones. “Wiring and firing of motoneurons”. International workshop and conference on human reflexes. Izmir. 2009,33-34.
Olshanski G., Plancherel averages: Remarks on a paper by Stanley, arXiv:0905.1304.
Gnedin A., Olshanski G., q-Exchangeability via quasi-invariance, arXiv:0907.3275.
Olshanski G., The quasi-invariance property for the Gamma kernel determinantal measure, arXiv:0910.0130.
Vladimirov A., Shlosman S., Rybko A., Spontaneous resonances and the coherent states of the queuing networks// Proc. of Dobrushin International Conference, Moscow. July 2009. ÈÏÏÈ ÐÀÍ, Ñ. 149-156.
Vladimirov A., Shlosman S., Rybko A., Spontaneous resonances and the coherent states of the queueing networks// Journal of statistical physics. 2009. V. 134, N. 1, P. 67-104.
Gontsov R., Vyugin I., Some addition to the generalized Riemann-Hilbert problem, Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse, 2009, V. 18(3), P. 527-542.
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Panov T., "Topology and combinatorics of torus actions". Doctor of science thesis (profound scientific research work required for attaining higher academic positions or professorships in the former Soviet Union). Summary (19 pages, in Russian). To be defended in Moscow State University on 25 December 2009.
Panov T., "Topology and combinatorics of torus actions". Doctor of science thesis (profound scientific research work required for attaining higher academic positions or professorships in the former Soviet Union). Full text (298 pages, in Russian). To be defended in Moscow State University on 25 December 2009.
Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Jakubiec. M., Computer simulation study of the relationship between the profile of excitatory postsynaptic potential and stimulus-correlated motoneuron firing. Biol.Cybern., 2009, v.100, pp. 215-230.
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Zyablov V., Hug F., Johannesson R., Chained Gallager codes. International Symposium on Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems, St. Petersburg, 2009-05-26/2009-05-30.
Senger C., Sidorenko V., Zyablov V., On Generalized Minimum Distance Decoding Thresholds for the AWGN Channel Proc. of XII International Symposium on Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 2009.
Martynov G., Cramér-von-Mises test for the Weibull and Pareto Distributions, Abstracts of the International Conference “Probability and Statistics with Applications”, 2009, Debrecen, Hungary, 43-44.
Martynov G., Goodness-of-fit tests for the Weibull and Pareto Distributions, 6th St. Peterburg Workshop on Simulation, 2009, 765-769
Martynov G., Goodness-of-fit tests for the Weibull and Pareto Distributions,MMR 2009-Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Moscow, 2009, 327-331.
Komech A., 492, Global attraction to solitary waves for Klein-Gordon equation with mean field interaction. Annales de l"Institute Henri Poincaré (Analyse non linéaire) 26 (2009), no. 3, 855--868
492, Global Attraction to Solitary Waves (Habilitation), Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, 2009
Komech A., 492, Principles of Partial Differential Equations, Springer, 2009. ISBN 978-1-4419-1095-0
Panyushev D., On the Dynkin index of a principal sl(2)-subalgebra, Adv. Math., 221, no.4 (2009), 1115-1121.
Panyushev D., Periodic automorphisms of Takiff algebras, contractions, and θ-groups, Transformation Groups, 14 , no.2 (2009), 463-482.
Panyushev D., On orbits of antichains of positive roots, Europ. J. Combinatorics, 30, no.2 (2009), 586-594.
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Chepyzhov V., Pata V., Vishik M., Averaging of 2D Navier-Stokes equations with singularly oscillating forces. Nonlinearity. V.22. 2009. No. 2. P.351-370.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Trajectory attractor for reaction-diffusion system with a series of zero diffusion coefficients. Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. V.16. 2009. N.2 P.208-227.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Trajectory attractors of reaction-diffusion systems with small diffusion. Sbornik: Mathematics. V.200. 2009. N.4. P.471–497.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Trajectory attractor for reaction-diffusion system containing a small diffusion coefficient. Doklady Mathematics, Vol. 79, 2009, No. 2. P.443–446.
Barg A., Purkayastha P., Bounds on ordered codes and orthogonal arrays, Moscow Mathematical Journal vol. 9, no. 2, 2009, pp. 211-243.
Rozhkova G., Ognivov V., Face recognition and eye movements: landing on the nose is not always necessary // Perception. 2009. Suppl. P. 77.
200, Vasiljeva N., Rozhkova G., Assessment of fusional reserves by means of interactive software: the effect of stimulus velocity // Perception. 2009. Suppl. P. 105.
Zheltova M., Rozhkova G., Necker cube: correlation between perceived 3-D forms and distribution of gaze fixations // Perception. 2009. Suppl. P. 169.
Evstigneev I., Pirogov S., Stochastic nonlinear Perron--Frobenius theorem // Positivity. 2009. DOI 10.1007/s11117-008-0003-2.
Lebedev D., Rozhkova G., Bastakov V., Kim C.-Y., Lee S.-D., Local contrast enhancement for improving screen images exposed to intensive external light // GraphiCon’2009. Conference Proceedings. P. 112-116. 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision. Moscow State University. Oct. 5-9.
Kiritchenko V., Flag varieties and Gelfand-Zetlin polytopes, workshop ``Toric geometry", Oberwolfach Reports, Report 01/2009, 16--19
Shen A., Algorithmic Information Theory and Foundations of Probability Reachability Problems Third International Workshop, RP 2009, Palaiseau, France, September 23-25, 2009, Proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 5797
Bienvenu L., Shafer G., Shen A., On the history of martingales in the study of randomness, Journal Elecronique d"Histoire des Probabilites et de la Statistique, ISSN 1773-0074.
Bienvenu L., Shen A., Algorithmic information theory and martingales. [A historic account] arxiv 0906.2614
Chernov A., Shen A., Muchnik An., Algorithmic randomness and splitting of supermartingales, arxiv 0807.3156 Ïðîáëåìû ïåðåäà÷è èíôîðìàöèè, 2009, 45:1, 60-70. English version: Problems of Information Transmission, 2009, 45:1, 54-64.
Bienvenu L., Muchnik An., Shen A., Verehshchagin N., Limit complexities revisited. Proceedings of STACS 2008 conference, p.73-84, Theory of Computing Systems, DOI 10.1007/s00224-009-9203-9, 17 March 2009.
V'yugin V., Coding-invariant Classifcation of Infnite Sequences // 4th International Conference on Logic, Computability and Randomness, June 29th - July 3rd, 2009.
V'yugin V., On games of continuous and discrete randomized forecasting // Dobrushin International Conference, July 15-20 2009, Moscow, Proceedings, p.173-178, ISBN 978-5-901158-10-4.
V'yugin V., Learning Volatility of Discrete Time Series Using Prediction with Expert Advice // O. Watanabe and T. Zeugmann (Eds.): SAGA 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5792, pp. 16–30, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
V'yugin V., The Follow Perturbed Leader Algorithm Protected from Unbounded One-Step Losses // R. Gavald`a et al. (Eds.): ALT 2009, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5809, pp. 38–52, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
Kazennikov O., M.Wiesendanger, Bimanual coordination of bowing and fingering in violinists--effects of position changes and string changes. Motor Control. 2009 Jul;13(3):297-309.
Skopenkov M., Shapovalov A., Inscribed links. In: Summer conferences of the International mathematical Tournament of towns. Selected materials. Issue 1. Ed. by B. Frenkin. Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education, 2009, 223--250 (in Russian).
Skopenkov M., Skopenkov A., Shapovalov A., Permiakov D., Zaslavsky A., Mathematics in problems. Materials of schools for Moscow team to Russian Mathematical Olympiad}. Ed. by D. Permyakov, A. Shapovalov, A. Skopenkov, M. Skopenkov and A. Zaslavskiy. Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education, 2009, 488 p. (in Russian).
Rybin P., Zyablov V., "Decoding with Erasure Inserinon of Binary LDPC Codes", //The XII Symposium Problems of redundancy in information and control systems, 2009.
Zyablov V., Rybin P., "Erasure correction by low-density codes", //Problems of Information Transmission, Volume 45, Number 3, 2009.
Skopenkov M., Suspension theorems for links and link maps, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 137:1 (2009), 359--369.
Kuleshov A., Bernstein A., Cognitive technologies in adaptive models of complex plants. Keynote papers of 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM’09), June 3 – 5, 2009, Moscow, Russia, p. 70 – 81.
Davydov A., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., "On the spectrum of possible parameters of symmetric configurations." Proceedings of XII International Symposium on Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems. St.-Petersburg, Russia, 2009, pp. 59-64.
Davydov A., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., "On sharply transitive sets in PG(2,q)". Innovations in Incidence Geometry, v. 6-7, 2009, pp. 139-151.
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., "Complete (q^{2}+q+8)/2-caps in the spaces PG(3,q), q = 2 (mod 3) an odd prime, and a complete 20-cap in PG(3,5)." Designs, Codes and Cryptography, v. 50, no. 3, 2009, pp. 359-372.
Ognivov V., Maximov P., Rozhkova G., Müller-Lyer illusion: fundamental uncertainty of perceptual effect and influence on voluntary saccades // Perception 38 ECVP Abstract Supplement, 2009, page 170
Maximov P., Physiologically plausible model of a novelty filter that simulates orientation-contingent colour aftereffects // Perception 38 ECVP Abstract Supplement, 2009, page 50
Pechersky E., Yambartsev A., Percolation properties of the non-ideal gas, Journal of Statistical Physics, 2009, 137, 501-520
Davydov A., Faina G., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., "On sizes of complete caps in projective spaces PG(n,q) and arcs in planes PG(2,q)." Journal of Geometry, v.94, no. 1-2, 2009, pp. 31-58.
Buchstaber V., Panov T.E., Ray N., Toric genera, Accepted to print in AMRN; Preprint, 2009; arXiv:0908.3298.
Buchstaber V., T.E.Panov, Toric Topology, Dobrushin International Conference, Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, 2009, 27--36.
Buchstaber V., Ring of Combinatorial Polytopes and Applications, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Report No. 01/2009, Toric Geometry, 4 - 10 January, 2009, 14--16.
Buchstaber V., E.Yu.Bunkova, Heat Equation and Families of Two-Dimensional Sigma Functions, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, v. 266, 2009, 1-28.
Olshanski G., Anisotropic Young Diagrams and Infinite-Dimensional Diffusion Processes with the Jack Parameter. International Mathematics Research Notices 2009; online publication: doi: 10.1093/imrn/rnp168.
Borodin A.M., Olshanski G., Infinite-dimensional diffusions as limits of random walks on partitions. Probability Theory and Related Fields 144 (2009), no. 1, 281--318.
Gnedin A., Olshanski G., A q-analogue of de Finetti"s theorem, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 16 (2009), no. 1, paper #R78
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Kozyakin V., On the Computational Aspects of the Theory of Joint Spectral Radius, Doklady Mathematics, 2009, Vol. 80, No. 1, pp. 487–491. (original Russian Text © V.S. Kozyakin, 2009, published in Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2009, Vol. 427, No. 2, pp. 160–164).
Pustogarov I., Lyakhov A., 128, Perfomance Evaluation Of Multichannel Mesh Networks. – ×åòâåðòàÿ Ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ êîíôåðåíöèÿ ïî ïðîáëåìàì óïðàâëåíèÿ (26-30 ÿíâàðÿ 2009 ãîäà), Ñáîðíèê òðóäîâ. ÈÏÓ ÐÀÍ, Ìîñêâà 2009 ISBN 978-5-91450-026-6, ñòð. 1702 – 1711
Damjanović I., Maximova E., Maximov V., Receptive field sizes of direction-selective units in the fish tectum // Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, Vol. 8, No. 1 (2009) 77-93
An electronic version of an article published as JIN 8(1):77-93 DOI: 10.1142/S021963520900206X
© World Scientific Publishing Co.
Gačić Z., Maximova E., Damjanović I., Maximov P., Kasparson A., Maximov V., Color properties of movement detectors in the Carassius Gibelio (Bloch, 1782) tectum opticum studied by selective stimulation of different cone types // Archives of Biological Sciences, Belgrade, 61 (1) (2009), 1P-2P
An electronic version of an article published as ABS 61 (1): 1P-2P DOI: 10.2298/ABS0901201G
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V'yugin V., On Calibration Error of Randomized Forecasting Algorithms // Theoretical Computer Science 410 (2009) 17811795 (extended version)
Lyubetsky V., 154, “Comparative genomic analysis of the attenuation regulation of amino acid and amino acyl-tRNA biosynthesis operons in bacteria” International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’09, pp. 219–220.
154, Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Chlorophyll synthesis regulation in plant chloroplasts” International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’09, pp. 217–218.
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., “Inferring gene evolution along a species tree” International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’09, pp. 120–121.
Lyubetsky V., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., “RNA polymerase competition at complementary DNA strands” Proceedings of the Genetics and Selection Meeting and V Congress of the Vavilov Genetics and Selection Society, Moscow, June 21-27 2009, Part II, p. 68.
Lyubetsky V., Zhizhina E., Rubanov L., “Gibbs Field for Evolutionary Analysis of Regulatory Signal of Gene Expression under Constraints on Secondary Structure” The 18th IMACS World Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics & Applications in Science and Engineering, August 3-5, 2009, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-7404, USA, ð. 54.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “Protein expression regulation in plastids of parasites, algae and plants” Proceedings of V Bioinformatics Congress, Moscow, 2009, pç. 387–388.
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., “Reconstructing the evolution of genes along the species tree” Molecular Biology, 2009, V. 43, No. 5, pp. 881–893.
Gorbunov K., Lyubetskaya E., Asarin E., Lyubetsky V., “Modeling evolution of the bacterial regulatory signals involving secondary structure” Molecular Biology, 2009, V. 43, No. 3, pp. 485–499.
Mikhailov K.V., Konstantinova A.V., Nikitin M.A., Troshin P.V., Rusin L., Lyubetsky V., Panchin Y., Mylnikov A.P., Moroz L.L., Kumar S., Aleoshin V.V., “The origin of Metazoa: a transition from temporal to spatial cell differentiation” BioEssays, 2009, V. 31, Issue 07, pp. 758–768. PMID: 19472368
Seliverstov A., Lysenko E., Lyubetsky V., “Rapid Evolution of Promoters for the Plastome Gene ndhF in Flowering Plants” Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2009, V. 56, No 6, pp. 837–844.
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., "Mechanism of manganese transport regulation in Brucella involving a long RNA helix", Biophysics, 2009, V. 54, No 2, pp. 152-155.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Reasonable non-Radon-Nikodym ideals, Topology and its Applications, 2009, 156, 5, pp. 911–914.
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “On symmetric matrices with indeterminate leading diagonals” Problems of Information Transmission, 2009, V. 45. No. 3. pp. 258–263.
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Kozyakin V., On the Computational Aspects of the Theory of Joint Spectral Radius, Doklady AN, 2009, 427, ¹2, 160–164 (in Russian).
Maximov V., Maximova E., Maximov P., Classification of Orientation-Selective Units Recorded in the Goldfish Tectum // Sensornye sistemy, 2009, Vol. 23, ¹1, pp. 13-23 (in Russian)
Kozyakin V., On Accuracy of Approximation of the Spectral Radius by the Gelfand Formula, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2009, 431, No. 11, 2134–2141.
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Herrlich H., Husek M., Kanovei V., et al., Anmerkungen der Herausgeber, In: Felix Hausdorff, Gesammelte Werke. Band III: Descriptive Mengenlehre und Topologie, Berlin: Springer, 2008, pp. 352-398.
Kanovei V., Hausdorff und Lusin, In: Felix Hausdorff, Gesammelte Werke. Band III: Descriptive Mengenlehre und Topologie, Berlin: Springer, 2008, pp. 25-30.
Kanovei V., Koepke P., Commentary to [H 1916], In: Felix Hausdorff, Gesammelte Werke. Band III: Descriptive Mengenlehre und Topologie, Berlin: Springer, 2008, pp. 439-442.
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Kanovei V., Koepke P., Borelsche Funktionen, Kommentare, In: Felix Hausdorff, Gesammelte Werke. Band III: Descriptive Mengenlehre und Topologie, Berlin: Springer, 2008, pp. 651-653.
Kanovei V., Koepke P., Reduzible Mengen und Differenzenketten, Kommentare, In: Felix Hausdorff, Gesammelte Werke. Band III: Descriptive Mengenlehre und Topologie, Berlin: Springer, 2008, pp. 668-674.
Kanovei V., Koepke P., Suslinmengen, Indizes, Trennbarkeit, Kommentare, In: Felix Hausdorff, Gesammelte Werke. Band III: Descriptive Mengenlehre und Topologie, Berlin: Springer, 2008, pp. 703-714.
Kanovei V., Koepke P., Varia, Kommentare, In: Felix Hausdorff, Gesammelte Werke. Band III: Descriptive Mengenlehre und Topologie, Berlin: Springer, 2008, pp. 732-737.
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Friedman S.D., Kanovei V., Some natural equivalence relations in the Solovay model, Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universitaet Hamburg, 2008, 78, 1, pp. 91--98.
Kanovei V., Reeken Michael, Development in nonstandard set theoretic analysis, Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, 2008, 68, 1, pp. 141--176.
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Rusin L., Lyubetsky V., Kumar S., “Phylogenomic pipeline and construction of a multi-gene dataset for Metazoa” Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution SMBE’2008, Barcelona Spain, June 5–8 2008.
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Gaifullin A., "Combinatorial realisation of cycles" (in Russian). Candidate of science thesis (Ph.D. equivalent in the former Soviet Union). Advisor: V.M. Buchstaber. Summary (12 pages). Defended in Moscow State University 6 June 2008.
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Gaifullin A., "Realisation of cycles by aspherical manifolds", RUSS MATH SURV, 2008, 63 (3), 562–564
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Zhizhina E., Descombes X., The Gibbs fields approach and related dynamics in image processing, Condensed Matter Physics, 2008, Vol. 11, No.2, p. 1-20.
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Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “Long helices in mRNA processing” Proceedings of International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: ÌÑÑÌÂ’07, 2007, pp. 189–191.
Gorbunov K., Radionov D., Laikova O., Gelfand M., Lyubetsky V., “Reconstruction of ancestral regulatory signal along a phylogeny” Proceedings of International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: ÌÑÑÌÂ’07, 2007, pp. 111–113.
Rubanov L., Lyubetsky V., “RNAmodel Web Server: Modeling Classic Attenuation in Bacteria” In Silico Biology, 2007, V. 7, No 3, pp. 285–308. PMID: 18415978
Asarin E., Cachat Th., Seliverstov A., Touili T., Lyubetsky V., “Attenuation regulation as a term rewriting system” Article in the book “Algebraic Biology”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4545, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 81–94, (Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Algebraic biology: AB"07, Castle of Hagenberg, Austria, July 2-4 2007).
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., “Reconstruction of ancestral regulatory signals along a transcription factor tree” Molecular Biology, 2007, V. 41, No. 5, pp. 836–842.PMID 18240574
Lyubetskaya E., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “The number of long hairpins in intergenic trailer regions of actinobacteria is far greater than in other genomic regions” Molecular Biology, 2007, V. 41, No. 4, pp. 670–673. PMID: 17936997
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Regulation of proline biosynthesis in proteobacteria” Molecular Biology, 2007, V. 41, No. 3, pp. 513–515.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Problems of set-theoretic non-standard analysis, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2007, 62(1), pp. 45–111.
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., Reeken M., On reducibility of monadic equivalence relations, Math. Notes, 2007, V. 81, No 6, pp. 757–766.
Lyubetsky V., Pirogov S., “Nonstandard representations of locally compact groups” Proceedings (Matematicheskie zametki) of RAS, 2007, 82, 3, pp. 341–346.
92, Safonov A.V., "Multicast traffic delivery in WiFi networks", Proc. of 50 scientific MIPT conference , Dolgoprudnyy, Moscow region, Nov. 2007 (in Russian)
Lyakhov A., 128, 92, "Multicast QoS support in IEEE 802.16", Proc. of the 3d ACM Workshop on QoS and security for wireless and mobile networks (Q2SWinet" 07), Chania, Crete Island, Greece, Oct. 2007, pp. 63-70
Lyakhov A., 128, 92, "Multicast QoS support in 802.11 WLANs", Proc. of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2007), Oct. 2007, Pisa, Italy
128, Lyakhov A., 92, Mo Shaomin, Gelman Alexander, “An Efficient Packet Transmission Scheme for Millimeter Wave,” Proc. of 4-th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC’07), FA2-L1, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Jan. 2007, pp. 7-11
Ermakova E., Ermakova EO, Nurtdinov RN, Gelfand MS. Overlapping alternative donor splice sites in the human genome. J Bioinform Comput Biol. 5(5):991-1004, 2007.
Semenova O., Dudin A.N., M/M/N queueing system with controllable service mode and disasters // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2007. Vol. 41, No. 6. P. 72-80.
Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Topologically stable subharmonics of large periods and amplitudes, Differential equations, 43, ¹2 (2007) 218-245
Lyakhov A., 128, 92, "802.11 Reliable multicast with weighted leaders", Proc. of Int. Workshop "Distributed Computer and Communication Networks. Theory and applications" (DCCN-2007), Moscow, Russia, Sept., 2007, Vol.1, pp. 95-100
92, Safonov A., "Support of reliable multicast transmission in IEEE 802.11", Proc. of conference "Information technologies and systems" (ITaS-2007), Zvenigorod, Sept. 2007, pp. 54-58 (in Russian)
128, Lyakhov A., 92, "Performance optimization of a high rate wireless network in the presence of noise". Electrosvyaz", 2007, no. 8, pp. 16-19. (in Russian)
Semenova O., O. V. Semenova Multithreshold control of the BMAP/G/1 queuing system with MAP flow of Markovian disasters // Automation and Remote Control. 2007. Vol. 68, No. 1. P. 95-108.
Semenova O., Semenova O.V. Optimal hysteresis control for BMAP/SM/1 queue with MAP-input of disasters // Quality Technology and Quantitative Management. 2007. Vol. 4, No. 3. P. 395-405.
Semenova O., Semenova O.V. Optimal multithreshold control for a BMAP/G/1 retrial queue with disasters // Queues: flows, systems, networks: Proceedings of the International Conference "Mathematical Methods for Increasing Efficiency of Information Telecommunication Networks", Grodno, January 29 - February 1, 2007. Issue 19. P. 224 – 229.
128, Semenova O., Shpilev S., Mean value analysis for the adaptive polling mechanism. // Queues: flows, systems, networks: Proceedings of the International Conference "Mathematical Methods for Increasing Efficiency of Information Telecommunication Networks", Grodno, January 29 - February 1, 2007. Issue 19. P. 254 – 259
128, Semenova O., Vishnevsky V.M., Semenova O.V. Approximation analysis of symmetric discrete-time polling system with adaptive mechanism // Distributed Computer and Communication Networks: theory and applications (DCCN-2007), Vol. 1. Moscow: IITP RAS, 2007. P. 1-5.
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Maximov P., Models for establishing of color-specific contacts in the retina by use of synaptic plasticity mechanism // Information Processes, V. 7, 1, 2007, pp. 104-112 (In Russian)
Lyubetsky V., Pirogov S., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., “Modeling classic attenuation regulation of gene expression in bacteria” Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, 2007, pp. 155–180. PMID: 17477496
Kozyakin V., Structure of Extremal Trajectories of Discrete Linear Systems and the Finiteness Conjecture, Automat. Remote Control, 68 (2007), no. 1, 174-209
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Feasibility of Numerical Modelling: Information Aspect, Automat. Remote Control, 68 (2007), no. 12, 2228-2270
128, Lyakhov A., Safonov A., S.S., Gelman A.D. Mo, "Study of Beaconing in Multi-Hop Wireless PAN with Distributed Control", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
Safonov A., Lyakhov A., 92, Gudilov A., "Analysis of Direct Transmissions in IEEE 802.11 Networks", Proc. of Int. Workshop "Distributed Computer and Communication Networks. Theory and applications" (DCCN-2007), Moscow, Russia, Sept., 2007, Vol.1, pp. 108-115
128, Lyakhov A., Safonov A., Shpilev Sergey, "Beaconing for MDA support in IEEE 802.11s mesh networks", Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC"07) , Athens, Greece, 2007
128, Lyakhov A., Safonov A., "New Aspect of Beaconing in IEEE 802.11s Mesh Networks", Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2007), Aveiro, Portugal, 2007
Safonov A., Sharov Stanislav, "On beaconing in IEEE 802.11s mesh networks", Conference on Information Technologies and Systems, Zvenigorod, Russia, 2007 (in Russian)
L. V., See my personal page, please:


Lebedev D., Rozhkova G., Bastakov V., Kim C., Lee S., Method of, and apparatus for image enhancement taking ambient illuminance into account // US patent application No. 11/353955, Feb. 15, 2006
Lebedev D., Marshak D., Amacrine cell contributions to red-green opponency in central primate retina: A model study. // Perception, 2006, v. 35, (Supplement), p. 21. (ECVP 2006)
Maximov P., Lebedev D., Marshak D., A role for the blue pathway in the development of red-green opponency. // Perception, 2006, v. 35, (Supplement), p. 195. (ECVP 2006)
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., A cofinal family of equivalence relations and Borel ideals generating them. Proc. Moscow Steklov Inst. Math., 2006, 252, pp. 85--103.
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Kanovei V., Reeken M., Effective cardinals in the nonstandard universe. Mathematical Logic in Asia. Proceedings of the 9th Asian Logic Conference. Novosibirsk, Russia, 16--19 August, 2005, pp. 113--144. World Scientific Publishers, 2006.
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G.I.Rozhkova V.M.Kononov,, Podugolnikova T., Rozhkova G., Improvement of binocular functions by means of interactive software. 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, St Petersburg, 2006, V. 35 (Suppl.), abstracts, P. 171-172.
Yashkov S., On asymptotic property of the sojourn time in the M/G/1---EPS queue. Information Processes, 2006, vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 256--257. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at
Yashkov S., Two special cases of the M/G/1---EPS queue. Information Processes, 2006, vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 250--255. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at
Yashkov S., The moments of the sojourn time in the M/G/1 processor sharing system. Information Processes, 2006, vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 237--249. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at
Yashkov S., On random order of service and processor sharing. Information Processes, 2006, vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 160--163. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at
Jakobson D., Nadirashvili N., Polterovich I., Homogeneous solutions to fully nonlinear elliptic equations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 134, 6, 1647-1649, (2006)
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Stepanov S., Some new families of nonlinear codes, Tenth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Zvenigorod, Russia, pp. 252-255.
Zigangirov K., D.J.Costello, A.Pusane, Bates Stephen, A Comparison between LDPC block and convolutional codes, Information Theory and Applications Workshop, San Diego, USA, February 2006.
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Shlosman S., Senya Shlosman. Large Deviations in Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, in: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, eds. J.-P. Françoise, G.L. Naber and Tsou S.T. Oxford: Elsevier, 2006 (ISBN 978-0-1251-2666-3), volume 3, page 261-263.
Shlosman S., Senya Shlosman. Metastable States, in: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, eds. J.-P. Françoise, G.L. Naber and Tsou S.T. Oxford: Elsevier, 2006 (ISBN 978-0-1251-2666-3), volume 3, page 417-420.
Shlosman S., Senya Shlosman. Wulff Droplets, in: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, eds. J.-P. Françoise, G.L. Naber and Tsou S.T. Oxford: Elsevier, 2006 (ISBN 978-0-1251-2666-3), volume 5, page 462-464.
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Martynov G., Goodness of fit test and latent distribution estimation in the mixed Rasch model. “Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods”, vol. 35, 2006, p. 921-935. (With Mesbah M.) ..................................... ..............................
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Boguslavsky I., Dyachenko P., Barrios Rodríguez M., CALLEX-ESP: a software system for learning Spanish lexicon and collocations // Current Developments in Technology-Assisted Education. Badajos (Spain): FORMATEX, 2006. Vol. 1. Ð. 22-26. ISBN of Collection 84-690-2469-8, ISBN Vol. 1 84-690-2471-X.
Panyushev D., Commutative subalgebras and sphericity in Z2-graded Lie algebras, Bull. London Math. Soc., 38, Part 5 (2006), 753-763.
Panyushev D., Yakimova O.S., The index of representations associated with stabilisers, J. Algebra, 302 (2006), 280-304.
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Chepyzhov V., Mainini E., Pata V., Stability of abstract linear semigroups arising from heat conduction with memory. Asymptotic Analysis. V.50. 2006. P.269-291.
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Rozhkova G., Accurate measurement of visual acuity: The predicament caused by accommodation mechanisms // Perception. 2006. V.35. Supl. P. 232.
Kononov V., Podugolnikova T., Rozhkova G., Improvement of binocular vision by means of interactive software // Perception. 2006. V.35. Supl. P. 171-172.
Krasnoperova N., Cherepennikova T., Rozhkova G., A general assessment of visual functions in hearing-impaired adults // Perception. 2006. V.35. Supl. P. 133.
Cherepennikova T., Krasnoperova N., Rozhkova G., Refractive errors in auditory impaired children of preschool and junior school age // Perception. 2006. V.35. Supl. P. 96.
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Shen A., Multisource information theory ECCC Report, TR06-006. Also published: Dagstuhl seminar 06051, See also: Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 3959 (2006), p. 327-338. (a talk given in Beijing conference, May 2006). MR2277254
Vyugin I., Gontsov R., Additional parameters in inverse monodromy problems, Sbornik: Mathematics, 2006, V. 197(12), P. 1753-1773.
Davydov A., Marcugini S., F. Pambianco , “Complete (q²+q+8)/2-caps in the projective space PG(3,q) with odd prime q ≡ 2 (mod 3),” in: Proc. X International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT-X, Zvenigorod, Russia, Sept. 2006, pp. 76-80.
Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., “Minimal 1-saturating sets and complete caps in binary projective spaces,” Journal Combinatorial Theory, Ser. A, vol. 113, 2006, pp. 647-663.
Buchstaber V., Karpov O.V., Sherstobitov S.V., Tertychniy S.I., Niemeyer J., Kieler O., Josephson junction parameters for alternating current wave form synthesis, J. Appl. Phys., 100, 093907, 2006.
Buchstaber V., Analogous polytopes, toric manifolds and complex cobordisms, International conference on Toric Topology, Osaka, 29.05. - 03.06.2006.
Buchstaber V., Gaifullin A.A., Representations of m-valued groups on triangulations of manifolds, Russian Math. Surveys 61, Issue 3, 2006, 560-562.
Buchstaber V., Euler characteristic, Dehn-Sommerville characteristics, and their applications, In the book: "Topology in Molecular Biology", Springer Series in Solid-Sciences, v. 150, 2006, 163-176.
Buchstaber V., The n-valued groups: theory and applications, Moscow Math. J., v. 6, N. 1, 2006, 57-84.
Buchstaber V., Krichever I.M., Integrable equations, addition theorems, and the Riemann-Schottky problem, Russian Math. Surveys, 61, Issue 1, 2006, 19-78.
Buchstaber V., Leykin D.V., Functional equations that define multiplication in a continuous Krichever-Novikov basis, Russian Math. Surveys, v. 61, Issue 1, 2006, 165-167.
Chernavsky A., V.P. Lexine, Unrecognizability of manifolds, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2006, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Article ID82602, 1-9
Chernavsky A., V.P.Lexine , Unrecognizability of manifolds, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, @ISSN: 0168-0072, Elsevir, 2006, v.141, n.3, 325-335
Borodin A., Olshanski G., Markov processes on partitions, Probability Theory and Related Fields, 135 (2006), no. 1, 84--152.
Olshanski G., Okounkov A., Limits of BC--type orthogonal polynomials as the number of variables goes to infinity, In: Jack, Hall--Littlewood and Macdonald polynomials, American Mathematical Society Contemporary Mathematics Series 417 (2006), 281--318.
Borodin A., Olshanski G., Stochastic dynamics related to Plancherel measure on partitions, In: Representation Theory, Dynamical Systems, and Asymptotic Combinatorics. American Mathematica Society Translations--Series 2: Advances in the Mathematical Sciences, vol. 217, 2006, 9--21.
Gnedin A., Olshanski G., The boundary of the Eulerian number triangle. Moscow Mathematical Journal 6 (2006), no. 3, 461--475.
Borodin F., Olshanski G., Meixner polynomials and random partitions. Moscow Mathematical Journal 6 (2006), no. 4, 629--655.
Balbiani Ph., Shapirovsky I., Shehtman V., Every world can see a Sahlqvist world. In I. Hodkinson and Y. Venema, editors, Advances in Modal Logic - Volume 6, pages 69-85. King"s College Publications, 2006. (with Ph. Balbiani and V. Shehtman)
Shapirovsky I., Downward-directed transitive frames with universal relations. In I. Hodkinson and Y. Venema, editors, Advances in Modal Logic - Volume 6, pages 413-428 King"s College Publications, 2006.
Barg A., Nogin D., Spectral Approach to Linear Programming Bounds on Codes, Probl. Inf. Transm., 2006, vol. 42, no. 2 , pp. 77–89.
Barg A., Nogin D., A Bound on Grassmannian Codes, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. A (J. Van Lint memorial issue), 2006, vol. 113, pp. 1629–1635.
Frisch U., Sobolevski A., Application of optimal transport theory to reconstruction of the early Universe. J. Math. Sci. 133:4 (2006), 1539-1542.
Lipshits M., Cheron G., Leroy A., De Saedeleer C., Bengoetxea A., Lipshits M. Cebolla A., Servalis L., Dan. B., Berthoz A., McIntyre J. Effect of gravity on human spontaneous 10-Hz electroencephalographic oscillations during the arrest reaction.// Brain Research, 2006, V. 1121, N 1, pp. 104-116
Maximova E., Levichkina E., Utina I., Morphology of putative direction-selective ganglion cells traced with DiI in the fish retina // Sensornye sistemy, 2006, vol. 20, ¹ 4, p. 279–287 (in Russian)
Astafyeva I., 128, Lakontsev D., Shpilev S., Adaptive dynamic polling mechanism as applied to the IP phone networks // ISBN 5-85638-111-4. International Workshop. Proc. Of Distributed Computer and Communication Networks (DCCN-2006). Moscow, 2006. P. 65 – 79
Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Lyubetsky V., Translation of some chloroplast genes is checked to allow for splicing and editing. Biophysics. 2006, Vol. 51, Suppl. 1, P. S18–S22. DOI: 10.1134/S0006350906070049
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “Modeling classic attenuation regulation of gene expression in bacteria” Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2006), Novosibirsk, July 16–22 2006, V. 1, pp. 102–105.
Rusin L., Lyubetsky V., “Refinement of phylogenetic signal in multiple sequence alignment: results of simulation study” Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS"2006), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 16–22 2006, Vol. 3, P. 222–224.
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., “Inferring regulatiory signal profiles and evolutionary events” Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS"2006), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 16–22 2006, Vol. 3, P. 151–154.
Lyubetskaya E., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Detecting Hairpins in 3’-Untranslated Regions of Highly Expressed Genes in Actinobacteria” Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2006), Novosibirsk, July 16–22 2006, V. 1, pp. 99–101.
Vitreschak A., Lyubetsky V., Gelfand M., “Evolutional and Functional Analysis of T-box Regulon in Bacteria: Identification of new Genes Involved in Amino Acid Metabolism” Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2006), Novosibirsk, July 16–22 2006, V. 3, pp. 236–240.
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Translation Regulation in Chloroplasts” Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2006), Novosibirsk, July 16–22 2006, V. 1, pp. 146–149.
Kanovey V., Lyubetsky V., “A Cofinal Family of Equivalence Relations and Borel Ideals Generating Them” Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 2006, V. 252, No 1, pp. 85–103.
Lyubetsky V., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Pirogov S., “Model of gene expression regulation in bacteria via formation of RNA secondary structures” Molecular Biology, 2006, V. 40, No 3, p. 440–453.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “Computation of regulation efficiency of tryptophan biosynthesis in bacteria based on a model of classic attenuation” Information Processes, V. 6, No 1, pp. 55–57.
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “An algorithm for detecting conserved motifs in nucleotide sequences” Information processes, 2006, V. 6, No 1, pp. 33–36. [in Russian]
Leont'yev L., Lyubetsky V., “An algorithm of searching for proteins coherent with a given phylogenetic profile” Information Processes, 2006, V. 6, No 1, pp. 24–32. [in Russian]
Leont'yev L., Lyubetsky V., “Mass detection of conserved T-box containing regulatory structures: search results” Information Processes, 2006, V. 6, No 1, pp. 20–23. [in Russian]
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Lyubetsky V., Gorbunov K., Rusin L., V'yugin V., “Algorithms to reconstruct evolutionary events at molecular level and infer species phylogeny” An article in the book: “Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure II”, Springer Science & Business Media, Inc. 2006, pp. 189–204.
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Lyubetsky V., Gorbunov K., V'yugin V., Rusin L., “Removing noise in protein multiple alignment” Information Processes, 2005, V. 5, No 5, pp. 380–391. [in Russian]
Lyubetsky V., Gorbunov K., Pirogov S., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., “An algorithm and search results for a model of gene expression regulation with RNA secondary structures in bacteria” Information Processes, 2005, V. 5, No 5, pp. 337–366. [in Russian]
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Kanovei V., Reeken Michael, Nonstandard analysis, axiomatically. Series: Springer Monographs in Mathematics 2004, XVI, 408 p., Monograph ISBN: 978-3-540-22243-9
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Lyubetsky V., V'yugin V., “Complex phylogenetic analysis of the evolutionary history for some prokaryotes family” Biophysics (Moscow), 2004, V. 48, Suppl. 1 (2003), pp. 97–106.
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., “New approach for detecting common secondary structures in a set of RNA sequences” Biophysics (Moscow), 2004, V. 48, Suppl. 1 (2003), pp. 56–67.
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Properties of cysteine synthesis in Corynebacterium, Mycobacterium and Propionibacterium” Information Processes, 2004, V. 4, No 3, pp. 247–250. [in Russian]
Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V., On the set of constructive real numbers, Proceedings of the Steklov Mathematical Institute, V. 247, 2004, pp. 83–114.
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Kusnetsov N., Gelfand M., Lyubetsky V., “Bioinformatics of Bacteria: central issues and model types” International conference “Issues of control and modeling in complex systems”, June 14–17 2004, RAS, pp. 5–11. [in Russian]
Lyubetskaya E., Leont'yev L., Shirshin M., Lyubetsky V., “An algorithm to search for complex signals” International conference “Issues of control and modeling in complex systems”, June 14–17 2004, RAS, pp. 158–162. [in Russian]
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “A geometric method of searching for clique in the graph and its application to signal detection” International conference “Issues of control and modeling in complex systems”, June 14–17 2004, RAS, pp. 154–157. [in Russian]
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., “A model of biosynthesis regulation” Proceedings of VI International conference “Issues of control and modeling in complex systems”, June 14-17 2004, RAS, pp. 151–153. [in Russian]
Lyubetsky V., V'yugin V., “Measuring the Dissimilarity Between Gene and Species Trees, the Quality of a COG” Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Bionnformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2004), Novosibirsk, July 25–30 2004, V. 2, pp. 281–284.
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., “A Model of Tryptophan Biosynthesis Regulation” Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Bionnformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2004), Novosibirsk, July 25–30 2004, V. 2, pp. 53–55.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., ”Amino Acid Biosynthesis Attenuation in Bacteria“ Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Bionnformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2004), Novosibirsk, July 25–30 2004, V. 1, pp. 307–310.
Leont'yev L., Shirshin M., Lyubetsky V., “Detection of Classical Attenuation in Bacterial Genomes” Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Bionnformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2004), Novosibirsk, July 25–30 2004, V. 1, pp. 116–118.
Vitreschak A., Lyubetskaya E., Shirshin M., Gelfand M., Lyubetsky V., “Attenuation regulation of amino acid biosynthetic operons in proteobacteria: comparative genomics analysis” FEMS Microbiological Letters, 2004, 234(2), pp. 357–370. PMID: 15135544
Kusnetsov N., Lyubetsky V., Chernavsky A., “On the concept of informational interaction, 3: speech intellect” Information Processes, 2004, V. 4, No 2, pp. 117–126. [in Russian]
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Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Remark on Hopf Bifurcation Theorem, Mathematische Nachrichten, 272, 2004, 95-103
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Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Large subharmonics of pendulum-like equations, In `The first 60 years of NONLINEAR ANALYSIS of JEAN MAWHIN`, Eds. M. Delgado, J.Lopez-Gomez, R.Ortega, A.Suarez, World Scientific Publishing, 2004, 103-116
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Semenova O., Semenova O.V. Optimal control for a BMAP/SM/1 queue with MAP-input of disasters and two operation modes // RAIRO Operations Research. 2004. Vol. 38. No. 2. P. 153-171
Semenova O., A. Dudin, O. Semenova Stable algorithm for stationary distribution calculation for a BMAP/SM/1 queueing system with Markovian arrival input of disasters // Journal of Applied Probability. – 2004. – Vol. 42. – No. 2. – P. 547-556
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Semenova O., O.V. Semenova, C.S. Kim “Stable algorithm for stationary distribution calculation for a BMAP/SM/1 queue with MAP-input of disasters and non-instantaneous recovery” // Proceedings of 11-th International Conference on Analytical and stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications (ASMTA 2004), 13-16 June 2004, Magdeburg, Germany. – P. 11-15.
Semenova O., A.N. Dudin, V.I. Klimenok, G.V. Tsarenkov, O.V. Semenova, A.A. Birukov Software "SIRIUS-C" for synthesis of optimal control by queues // Proceedings of 11-th International Conference on Analytical and stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications (ASMTA 2004), 13-16 June 2004, Magdeburg, Germany. – P. 123-129.
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Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., The inflation and perturbation of nonautonomous difference equations and their pullback attractors, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Difference Equations Augsburg, Germany 2001: New Progress in Difference Equations (B. Aulbach, S. Elaydi, and G. Ladas, eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2004, 139-152
Kozyakin V., A short introduction to asynchronous systems, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Difference Equations Augsburg, Germany 2001: New Progress in Difference Equations (B. Aulbach, S. Elaydi, and G. Ladas, eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2004, 153-166.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Stability of linear asynchronous systems, Proceedings of the VIII-th International workshop "Stability and oscillations of nonlinear control systems" (Moscow, ICP RAS, June 2-4 2004), Moscow, ICP RAS and "Altima standard", 89-90.


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Buchstaber V., Polynomial Lie algebras and versal deformations, Meeting: Singularities, Obervwolfach, 21 – 27 September, 2003.
Buchstaber V., Shorina S.Yu., The w-Function of a Solution the g-th Stationary KdV Equation, Russian Math. Surveys, v. 58, Issue 4, 2003, 780-781.
Buchstaber V., Kolmogorov, cohomology and cobordisms, Intern. conf. "Kolmogorov and contemporary mathematics", Book of abstracts, Moscow, June 16 - 21, 2003.
Buchstaber V., Monastyrsky M.I., Generalized Kramers-Wannier duality for spin systems with non-commutative symmetry, J. Phys. A, 36, N. 28, 2003, 7679--7692.
Buchstaber V., Shorina S.Yu., Commuting multidimensional third-order differential operators defining a KdV hierarchy, Russian Math. Surveys, v. 58, Issue 3, 2003, 610-612.
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Olshanski G., Regev A., Vershik A., Frobenius--Schur functions. In: Studies in Memory of Issai Schur. Progress in Mathematics 210, Birkh"auser, 2003, pp. 251--300.
Olshanski G., Point processes related to the infinite symmetric group. In: The orbit method in geometry and physics: in honor of A.A. Kirillov. Progress in Mathematics 213, Birkh"auser, 2003, pp. 349--393.
Olshanski G., An introduction to harmonic analysis on the infinite symmetric group. In: Asymptotic Combinatorics with Applications to Mathematical Physics (A. Vershik, ed.). Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 1815, 2003, 127--160.
Olshanski G., The problem of harmonic analysis on the infinite-dimensional unitary group. Journal of Functional Analysis 205 (2003), no. 2, pp. 464--524.
Olshanski G., Probability measures on dual objects to compact symmetric spaces, and hypergeometric identities. Functional Analysis and its Applications 37 (2003), 281--301.
Buchstaber V., T.E.Panov, Torus actions,equivariant moment-angle complexes, coordinate subspace arrangements, Math. Sci. (New York), 113, N. 4, 2003, 558-568; arXiv: math. AT/9912199.
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Lyubetskaya E., Leont'yev L., Gelfand M., Lyubetsky V., “Search for Alternative RNA Secondary Structures Regulating Expression of Bacterial Genes” Molecular biology, V. 37, No 5, 2003, p. 707–715. PMID 14593920
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Kusnetsov N., Lyubetsky V., Chernavsky A., On the concept of informational interaction, 2: pre-psychic level. Information processes, V. 3, No 2, 2003, p. 1-22. [in Russian]
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Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., “Detecting common secondary structures in a set of RNA sequences and its testing” MCCMB’03, 2003, pp. 83–85.
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Kanovey V., Lyubetsky V., Classic problems of descriptive set theory, Proceedings of IV international Smirnov conference, RAS, Moscow, 2003, p. 32-34. [in Russian]
Golubtsov P., Lyubetsky V., The result of an information process depends on the nature and content of information available to its participants. International conference of RAS, Samara, 2003, p. 445-453. [in Russian]
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., Mironov A., “Search for Conserved Secondary Structures of RNA” Molecular biology, V. 37, No 5, 2003, p. 723-732. PMID 14593922
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Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., Some algorithms related to finite groups, Information processes, V 3, No 1, 2003, p. 39-46. [in Russian]
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Kozyakin V., Indefinability in o-Minimal Structures of Finite Sets of Matrices Whose Infinite Products Converge and Are Bounded or Unbounded. Automat. Remote Control, 64 (2003), no. 9, 1386-1400 (Russian original in Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 9 (2003), 24-41).
Kozyakin V., Indefinability in o-Minimal Structures of Finite Sets of Matrices Whose Infinite Products Converge and Are Bounded or Unbounded. Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 9 (2003), 24-41 (in Russian; English translation in Automat. Remote Control, 64 (2003), no. 9, 1386-1400).
Kozyakin V., Undefinability in o-minimal structures of the problem on existence of bounded invariant sets for a finite collection of matrices, Abstracts of the International conference "Kolmogorov and Contemporary Mathematics (Moscow, June 16-21, 2003)", Moscow, Moscow State University, 2003, 65-66.
Kozyakin V., Sturmian sequences generated by order preserving circle maps, Preprint No. 11/2003, May 2003, Boole Centre for Research in Informatics, University College Cork - National University of Ireland, Cork, 2003, 16pp.
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Kozyakin V., Asynchronous systems (a survey and unresolved problems), Proceedings of the conference «Contemporary problems of functional analysis and differential equations (Voronezh, June 30 - July 4, 2003)», Voronezh State University, Voronezh, 2003, 151-152 (in Russian).
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Brieskorn E., Chatterji S.D., Epple M., Felgner U., Herrlich H., Husek M., Kanovei V., et al., editors ., Felix Hausdorff. Gesammelte Werke, Band II: Grundzuege der Mengenlehre. Berlin: Springer, 2002, xviii+883 pp., Monograph ISBN: 3-540-42224-2.
Brieskorn E., Chatterji S.D., Epple M., Felgner U., Herrlich H., Husek M., Kanovei V., et al., Anmerkungen der Herausgeber. In: Felix Hausdorf, Gesammelte Werke, Band II: Grundzuege der Mengenlehre, Berlin: Springer, 2002, pp. 577--617.
Kanovei V., Koepke P., Deskriptive Mengenlehre in Hausdorffs Grundzuegen der Mengenlehre. In: Felix Hausdorf, Gesammelte Werke, Band II: Grundzuege der Mengenlehre, Springer, 2002, pp. 773--787.
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Levin M., Combinatorial evolution of composite systems. Proc. of the 16th Eur. Meeting on Cybernetics and Syst. Research EMCSR"2002, vol. 1, Vienna, Austria, 2002, pp. 275-280.
Levin M., Towards combinatorial analysis, adaptation, and planning of human-computer systems. Applied Intelligence, 2002, 16(3), 235-247.
Akhiezer D., A remark on averaging operators on homogeneous spaces, Archiv der Mathematik 78 (2002), 196 - 201
Akhiezer D., Panyushev D., Multiplicities in the branching rules and the complexity of homogeneous spaces, Moscow Math. Journal, 2 (2002), 17–33.
Prelov V., van der Meulen E.C., Epsilon-Entropy of a Special Class of Ellipsoids in a Hamming Space // Proc. 23-th Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Louvain-la-Neuve, May 29--31, 2002. P. 37--44.
Prelov V., Dumer, M.Pinsker I., On the Epsilon-Entropy of an Ellipsoid in a Hamming Space // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp . Inform. Theory. Lausanne, Switzerland, June 30 -- July 5, 2002. P. 463.
Prelov V., van der Meulen E.C., .Asymptotics of the Epsilon-Entropy for a Certain Class of Ellipsoids in a Hamming Space // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp . Inform. Theory. Lausanne, Switzerland, June 30 -- July 5, 2002. P. 464.
541, Le Breton A., M.L. Kleptsyna, A. Le Breton. Extension of the Kalman-Bucy filter to elementary linear systems with fractional Brownian noises. Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 5 (3), 249-271, 2002.
541, Le Breton A., Statistical analysis of the fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type process. Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 5 (3), 229-248, 2002
Le Breton A., 541, M.L. Kleptsyna, A. Le Breton. A Cameron-Martin type formula for general Gaussian processes - A filtering approach, Stochastics and Stochastics Reports, 72 (3-4), 229-250, 2002
541, Pyatnitski A., M. L. Kleptsyna, A. L. Piatnitski, “Homogenization of a random non-stationary convection-diffusion problem”, UMN, 57:4(346) (2002), 95–118
Vleduts S., A. Tsfasman M., Asymptotic properties of global fields and generalized Brauer-Siegel Theorem, Moscow Mathematical Journal, Vol. 2 (2002), Num. 2, pp. 329–402.
Rozhkova G., Podugolnikova T., Individual variability of accommodation in children with normal acuity of far and near vision. Ocular Biomechanics, 2002, P. 128-136.
Rozhkova G., Podugolnikova T., N.Vasiljeva, Dependence of visual acuity on observation distance in 5-10 year-old children. 25th European Conference on Visual Perception, Glasgow, Perception, V. 31 (Suppl.), 2002, P.168.
Rozhkova G., Vasiljeva N., Tokareva V., Age dynamics of binocular integration in children // Perception. 2002. Vol. 31 ( Suppl). P. 158.
Helffer B., Nadirashvili N., Hoffmann-Ostenhof Ò., Periodic Schrodinger operators and Aharonov Bohm Hamiltonians, Moscow Math. J. (2002)
Helffer, B., Hoffmann-Ostenhof M., Hoffmann-Ostenhof T., Nadirashvili N., Spectral theory for the Dihedral group, Geom. Funct. Anal., 12 (2002)
B. Kuksin S., Nadirashvili N., L. Piatnitski A., Hoelder estimates for solutions of parabolic SPDEs, Theory Probab. Appl., 47:1 (2002), 152-159
Vishik M., Fiedler B., Quantitative homogenization of global attractors for hyperbolic wave equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients. Russian Mathematical Surveys (2002),57(4):709-728.
Chepyzhov V., ε-entropy pour des équations non autonomes de la physique mathématique.— Université de Poitiers, Département de Mathématiques, Preprint N.165, 2002. P.1—7.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Trajectory and Global Attractors of Three-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Systems. Mathematical Notes, vol. 71, 2002, no. 2, pp. 177–193.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous 2D Navier-Stokes system with a simple global attractor and some averaging problems. ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. V.8. 2002. P.467-487.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Attractors for Equations of Mathematical Physics. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2002, 363 p.
Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz I., Mierzejewska J., Motoneuron AHP duration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis as compared with normal motoneurons. Proc. Symposium “Motoneurones and Muscles: the output machinery”. The Netherlands. Groningen: 2002, p. 37.
Kudina L., Andreeva R., Human firing motoneurone: analysis of interspike excitability trajectory. Proc. Symposium “Motoneurones and Muscles: the output machinery”. The Netherlands. Groningen: 2002, p. 14.
Minlos R., Zhizhina E., Leading Branches of the transfer-matrix spectrum for lattice spin systems (quasi-particles of different species) // J. St. Phys., vol.108, n 5/6, 2002, pp. 885-904.
Martynov G., Testing for mixed Rasch model and estimation of its latent distribution. "Rapport technique - ISRN: UBS-SABRES (Statistique Appliquue Brutagne - Sud)" , Mars 2002. (With M. Mesbach)Testing for mixed Rasch model and estimation of its latent distribution. "Rapport technique - ISRN: UBS-SABRES (Statistique Appliquue Brutagne - Sud)" , Mars 2002. (With M. Mesbach)
Buchstaber V., Panov T., "Torus Actions and Their Applications in Topology and Combinatorics". University Lecture Series, vol.24, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2002 (152 pages).
Boguslavsky I., Some Lexical Issues of UNL // Proceedings of the First International Workshop on UNL, other interlinguas and their applications. Las Palmas. May 29-31, 2002. Paris: European Language Resources Association, 2002. P. 19-22.
Panyushev D., On covariants of reductive algebraic groups, Indagationes Math. 13 (2002), 125-129.
Veretennikov A., With A.B.Varakin. On parameter estimation for ``polynomial ergodic"" Markov chains with polynomial growth loss functions, Markov Processes and Related Fields, 8(1) (2002), 127-144.
Veretennikov A., With R.Liptser and V.Spokoiny. Freidlin--Wentzell type large deviations for smooth processes, Markov Processes Rel. Fields, 8 (2002), 611-636.
Veretennikov A., Coupling method for Markov chains under integral Doeblin type condition. Theory Stoch. Process. 8(24) (2002), no.3-4, 383-390.
Buchstaber V., Rees E.G., The Gelfand map and symmetric products, Selecta Math. (N.S.), 8, N. 4, 2002, 523-535.
Buchstaber V., Algebraic varieties of solutions of two-dim Lame type equations, Intern. conf. "Differential and functional differential equations", Book of abstracts, Moscow, August 11 - 17, 2002, 19-20.
Buchstaber V., Leykin D.V., Polynomial Lie algebras, Functional Anal. Appl., 36:4, 2002, 267-280.
Buchstaber V., Enolskii V.Z., Leykin D.V., Eilbeck J.C., Salerno M., Multidimensional Schrodinger equation with Abelian potential, J. Math. Phys., v. 43, N. 6, 2002, 2858--2881.
Buchstaber V., Leykin D.V., Graded Lie algebras defining hyperelliptic sigma-functions, Doklady Math. Sci., 66, 4:2, 2003, 87-90.
Buchstaber V., Leykin D.V., Lie algebras associated with sigma-functions and versal deformations, Russian Math. Surveys, v. 57, Issue 3, 2002, 584-586.
Buchstaber V., Rees E.G., Applications of Frobenius n-homomorphisms, Russian Math. Surveys, v. 57, Issue 1, 2002, 148-149.
Buchstaber V., Panov T.E., Torus actions and their applications in topology and combinatorics, University Lecture Series, v. 24, AMS, Providence (RI), 2002, 152 pp.
Bezrukavnikov R., Braverman A., Positselski L., Gluing of abelian categories and differential operators on the basic affine space. Journ. Inst. Math. Jussieu 1 (2002), #4, p. 543-557.
Kiritchenko V., A Gauss-Bonnet theorem for constructible sheaves on reductive groups, Mathematical Research Letters 9 no. 5-6 (2002), 791-800
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Shapirovsky I., Shehtman V.B., Chronological future modality in Minkowski spacetime. Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 4, 437-459. King"s College Publications, 2003. (with V. Shehtman)
Barg A., Nogin D., Bounds on Packings of Spheres in the Grassmann Manifolds, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 2002, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 2450–2454.
Merzlyakov N., Rubanov L., Karnaukhov V., Multi-scale image presentation in a digital archive. Proceedings of Second International Conference on Image and Graphics ICIG’2002, 2002, pp.1067-1074.
Karnaukhov V., Aizenberg I., Butakoff C., Karnaukhov A.V., Merzlyakov N.S., Milyukova O., Zhang Y.J., Neural network identification and restoration of blurred images. Proceedings of Second International Conference on Image and Graphics ICIG’2002, 2002, pp.303-310.
Rubanov L., Merzlyakov N., Karnaukhov V., Osipova N., Strategy of creation of digital archives accessible through the Internet // Proc. of IS&T/SPIE’s 14th Annual Symposium “Electronic Imaging 2002: Science and Technology”, 20-25 January 2002, San Jose, California, USA / Internet Imaging III, G.B. Beretta, R. Schettini (eds.), Proceedings of SPIE, 2002, Vol.4672, p.181-189
Aizenberg I., Butakoff C., Karnaukhov V., Merzlyakov N., Milyukova O., Blurred Image Restoration Using the Type of Blur and Blur Parameters Identification on the Neural Network. Proceedings of SPIE. 2002, vol. 4667, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems, pp. 460-471.
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Miller B., Stepanyan K., “Observation control for discrete-continuous (hybrid) stochastic systems with the estimate dependent noise” International Journal of Hybrid Systems, vol.2, ¹4, 337—368, 2002.
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V'yugin V., Gelfand M., Lyubetsky V., “Tree Reconciliation: Reconstruction of Species Phylogeny by Phylogenetic Gene Trees” Molecular biology, 2002, V. 36, No 5, p. 650-658. PMID 12391844
Lyubetsky V., Rubanov L., “Parallel Algorithm for Searching Regulatory Signal in Bacterial Genome” Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2002), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 14-20, 2002, v. 1, p. 24-27.
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., “An Algorithm for Searching for Common Secondary Structures in a Set of RNA Sequences” Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2002), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 14–20, 2002, V. 3, pp. 20–22.
Lyubetskaya E., Lyubetsky V., “Algorithm for Searching for Alternative Secondary RNA Structures” Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2002), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 14–20, 2002, V. 3, pp. 14–20.
Lyubetsky V., V'yugin V., “Method of Horizontal Gene Transfer Determination Using Phylogenetic Data” Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2002), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 14–20, 2002, V. 2, pp. 61–63.
Kusnetsov N., Lyubetsky V., Chernavsky A., On the concept of informational interaction, 3: speech intellect. Proceedings of IV international conference of the RAS «Issues in control and modeling in complex systems», Samara, RAS, 2002, p. 7-17. [in Russian]
V'yugin V., Lyubetsky V., Some approaches to detect HGTs with phylogenetic data. Information processes, 2002, V. 2, No 1, p. 120-140. [in Russian]
Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V., An algorithm to search for conservative RNA secondary structures in a database of RNA fragments. Information processes, 2002, V. 2, No 1, p. 55-58. [in Russian]
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Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Kuznetsov N.A., On resonant differential equations with unbounded nonlinearities, Journal for Analysis and Applications, 21, 3, 2002, 639-668
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., On existence of cycles in autonomous systems, Doklady Mathematics, 65, 3, (2002) 344-349
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Levin M., Digraph description of K-exchange technique for optimization over permutations and algorithm system. Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences. 2001, 26(3), pp. 393-401. Concurrently: M.Sh. Levin, Digraph description of K-exchange technique for optimization over permutations and algorithm system. Electronic preprint [cs.DS], 11 pp..
Levin M., System synthesis with morphological clique problem: fusion of subsystem evaluation decisions. Information Fusion, 2001, 2(3), pp. 225-237.
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Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Averaging of trajectory attractors of evolution equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients. Funct. Diff. Equations. V.8. 2001. N.1-2. P.123-140.
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Kiritchenko V., The monodromy group of generalized hypergeometric equations, Diploma, Independent University of Moscow, 2001
Prelov V., Pinsker M.S., van der Meulen E., Asymptotic Investigation of the Information Rates in Certain Stationary Channels with and without Memory // American J. Math. and Management Sci. 2001. V 21. N 1-2 . P. 29--42.
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Buchstaber V., Integrable nonlineal differential equations and uniformization of universal spaces of Jacobians, Intern. conf. "Differential equations and related topics", Book of abstracts, Moscow, May 22 - 27, 2001, 78.
Buchstaber V., Ray N., Tangential Structures on Toric Manifolds and Connected Sums of Polytopes, Int. Math. Res. Notices, N. 4, 2001, 193--219; arXiv: Math AT/0010025.
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Borodin A., Olshanski G., Z-Measures on partitions, Robinson--Schensted--Knuth correspondence, and beta=2 ensembles. In: Random matrix models and their applications. MSRI Publications, vol. 40, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001, 71--94.
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Karnaukhov V., E.Wenger, A.Haidinger, N.Merzlyakov, van Thienen G., E.Oukhanova, D.Erastov, A Distributed Database and Processing System for Watermarks: an INTAS Project. // In: Proceedings of EVA’01, PIC Centre, STG, Moscow, 2001, pp.200-206.
Karnaukhov A., Merzlyakov N., Milyukova O., Karnaukhov V., Wenger E., Aizenberg I., Digital Restoration of Watermark Images. In: Proceedings of EVA’01, Moscow, PIC Centre, STG, Moscow, 2001, pp.196-199.
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Gorbunov K., Lyubetskaya E., Lyubetsky V., On two algorithms of searching for alternative RNA structures. Information processes, V. 1, No 2, 2001, p. 178-187. [in Russian]
Lyubetsky V., “First projective sets, AE-prefix and quantifiers elimination” Abstracts of International conference on Mathematical Logic, Algebra and Set theory dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of P.S. Novikov, August 27–31 2001, Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS, Moscow, 2001, p. 27.
Kusnetsov N., Lyubetsky V., Chernavsky A., On the concept of informational interaction, 2: pre-speech intellect. Proceedings of III international conference of the RAS «Issues in control and modeling in complex systems», Samara, RAS, 2001, p. 25-42. [in Russian]
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Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., On subharmonics bifurcation in equations with homogeneous nonlinearities, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 7, 7, 2001, 100-114
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Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., On existence of cycles for quasilinear ODE of higher order, Izvestija RAEN, ser. MMMIU, 5, 1-2, 143-151 (2001)
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An electronic version of an article published as BRES 868: 176-190 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(00)02328-3
© Elsevier Inc.
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An electronic version of an article published as VNS 15: 923-930
Lebedev D., Byzov A., Govardovskii V., Photoreceptor coupling & boundary detection // Vision Research. 1998. V. 38. P. 3161-3169.
Vedenina V., Rozhkova G., A.K Panjutin, A.L Byzov, G. Kamper, Frequency-intensity characteristics of cricket cercal interneurons: low-frequency-sensitive units // J. Comp. Physiol. A 1998. V. 183. P. 553-561.
D.I. Vaschenko, Rozhkova G., Dynamics of visual acuity in schoolchildren // Perception. 1998.V. 27. P. 203.
Rozhkova G., V.S. Tokareva, Binocular integration: combining unpaired fragments of left and right visual images // Perception. 1998. V. 27. P. 105.
Miller B., Stepanyan K., "Optimal Linear Filtering in Systems with Noise in Observations Dependent on Signal and Estimate". Automation and Remote Control, vol. 59, no.11, pp. 1609-1620
Kanovei V., When a partial Borel order is Borel linearizable. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 1998, 155, 3, pp. 301--309.
Kanovei V., Reeken M., Elementary extensions of external classes in a nonstandard universe. Studia Logica, 1998, 60, 2, pp. 253--273.
Kanovei V., Zapletal J., Pyramidal structure of constructibility degrees. Math. Notes, 1998, 63, 4, pp. 556--559.
Kanovei V., Ulm classification of analytic equivalence relations in generic universes. Math. Logic Quarterly, 1998, 44, 3, pp. 287--303.
Kanovei V., On ``star"" schemata of Kossak and Paris, Logic Colloquium "96, Lecture Notes in Logic 12, Springer, 1998, pp. 101--114.
Lipshits M., A. Semjen, G. Leone, M. Lipshits. Temporal control and motor control: two functional modules which may be influenced differentially during microgravity. // Human Movement Science. 1998. V.17. P.77-93.
Lipshits M., G. Leone, S. De Schonen, M. Lipshits. Prolonged weigthlessness, reference frame and visual symmetry detection. // Acta Astronautica. 1998, v.92, P.281-286.
Lipshits M., S. De Schonen, G. Leone, M. Lipshits. The face inversion in microgravity: Is gravity used as a spatial reference for complex object? // Acta Astronautica. 1998, V.92, P.287-301.
Lipshits M., A. Semjen, G. Leone, M. Lipshits. Motor timing under microgravity. // Acta Astronautica. 1998, V.92, P. 303-321.
Vedenina V., Rozhkova G.I., Panjutin A.K., Byzov A.L., Kaemper G., Frequency-intensity characteristics of cricket cercal interneurons: low-frequency-sensitive units. J. Comp. Physiol. V. 183. P. 553-561.
Heller K.-G., Korsunovskaya O., D.R. Ragge , Vedenina V., F. Willemse , Zhantiev R.D., Check-List of European Orthoptera. Articulata. V. 7. P. 1-61.
Heller K.-G., Korsunovskaya Î., D.R.Ragge , Vedenina V., Check-List of European Orthoptera. Articulata. V. 7. P. 1-61.
Pigarev I., Rodionova E., Two visual areas located in the middle Suprasylvian gyrus (cytoarchitectonic field 7) of the cat’s cortex // 1998 Neuroscience, 85, N3, p.717-732.
Aberg J., Shtarkov Y., Smeets B.J.M., Multialphabet coding with separate alphabet description. Proc. of "Compression and Complexity of Sequences 1997" (Italy, Positano, June 11--13). IEEE Computer Sosiety Press, 1998, pp. 56--65.
Aberg J., Shtarkov Y., Smeets B.J.M., Non-uniform PPM and context tree models. Proc. od Data Compression Conference 1998 (USA, Utah, Snowbird, March 30 -- April 1). IEEE Society Press, 1998, pp. 279--288.
Shtarkov Y., Fuzzy estimation of unknown source model for universal coding. Proc. of IEEE Information Theory Workshop (Ireland, Killarney, June 1998). IEEE Press, 1998, pp. 17--18.
Justesen J., Shtarkov Y., Simple Models of Two--Dimensional Information Sources and Codes. Proc. of Internat. Symposium. on Information Theory (USA, Boston, August 1998), IEEE Press, 1998.
Levin M., Combinatorial selection and synthesis of composite packaged software. WP 98-06 (Preprint), Faculty of Business Administration, Univ of Ottawa, 1998, 25 p.
Levin M., Combinatorial Engineering of Decomposable Systems. Kluwer (now: Springer), 372 p., 1998. ISBN 978-0-7923-4950-1
Kaemper G., Vedenina V., Frequency-intensity characteristics of cricket cercal interneurons: units with high-pass functions. J. Comp. Physiol. (1998): 182, 715-724.
Bukhvalova M.A., Vedenina V., Contributions to the study of acoustic signals of grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Gomphocerinae) of Russia and adjacent countries. 1. New recordings of the calling songs of grasshoppers from Russia and adjacent countries. Russian Entomol. J. 7 (3-4), 109-125.
Akhiezer D., Loeb J.-J., Enveloppes holomorphiquement convexes invariantes, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 326 (1998), p. 1279 - 1282
Prelov V., Pinsker M., On the Error of the Optimal Filtering of Stationary Processes with a Small Information Rate // Proc.IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. MIT, Cambridge, August 16--21, 1998. P.332.
Prelov V., Pinsker M., Information-Theoretic Methods in Filtering Problems // Trans. 13-th Prague Conf. Inform. Theory, Statist. Decision Funct. Random Processes. Prague. 1998. P. 465—468.
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., Information Transmission over Channels with Additive-Multiplicative Noise // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. MIT, Cambridge, August 16--21, 1998. P. 239.
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., Information Transmission over Stationary Channels with Additive Non-Gaussian Noise by means of Weak Input Signals // Proc. 19-th Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Veldhoven, May 28--29, 1998. P. 143--147.
Podugolnikova T., S.Kondrashev, Large retinal ganglion cells projecting to the tectum opticum in a marine fish, Myoxocephalus stelleri. 26 th Gottingen Neurobiology Conference, 1998, V. II, p. 568.
Podugolnikova T., J.Cook S.Kondrashev,, Morphology of biplexiform ganglion cells in the marine fish retina. 21 th Yogoslav Symposium on Biophysics, Belgrad, 1998, Book abstracts, RA-9, P. 26.
Podugolnikova T., Maximov V., Analysis of cone – horizontal cell connectivity patterns in the jack Mackerel retina. Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol Acta., 1998, V. 34, ¹ 2, P. 325-333.
Poizner H., Fookson O., Berkinblit M., Hening W., A.G.Feldman , S.V. Adamovich , Pointing to remembered targets in 3-D space in Parkinsons disease. Motor Control, 1998, 2, 251-277.
Adamovich S.V., Berkinblit M., Fookson O., Poizner H., Pointing in 3D space to remembered targets: I.Kinesthetic versus visual target presentation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 1998, 79, ðð.2833-2846.
Panov T., "Classification up to cobordism of manifolds that carry a simple action of the group Z/p". Math. Notes 63 (1998), no. 1-2, 225-232; arXiv:math.AT/9908166.
Panov T., "Calculation of Hirzebruch genera for manifolds acted on by the group Z/p via invariants of the action". Izvestiya: Mathematics 62 (1998), no.3, 515-548; arXiv:math.AT/9909081
Buchstaber V., Panov T., "Algebraic topology of manifolds defined by simple polytopes". Russian Math. Surveys 53 (1998), no.3, 623-625.
Fiedler B., Scheel A., Vishik M., Large patterns of elliptic systems in infinite cylinders. J.Math.Pures Appl., v.77. 1998, p.879—907.
Pata V., Prouse G., Vishik M., Traveling waves of dissipative nonautonomous hyperbolic equations in a strip. Advances in Differential Equations, v.3, N2, 1998, p.249—270.
Veretennikov A., On parameter estimation for ergodic Markov chains with unbounded loss functions. WIAS, Berlin, 1998, preprint 448. (Version of the paper in MPRF 2002.)
Veretennikov A., (with Anulova, S.V., Krylov, N.V., Liptser, R.S., Shyriaev, A.N.) Probability III. Stochastic Calculus. Berlin: Springer.
Veretennikov A., (with P.Priouret) A remark on the stability of the l.m.s. tracking algorithm, Stoch. Anal. Appl. 16(1) (1998), 118-128
Zigangirov D., Popov S.A., Chepyzhov V., Implementation of Convolutional Decoding Algorithms in CDMA Systems. Problems of Information Transmission. V.34. 1998. N.1. P.25–38.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Kolmogorov epsilon-entropy estimates for the uniform attractors of non-autonomous reaction-di usion systems. Sbornik: Mathematics V.189. 1998. N.2. P.235-263.
Szathmary V., Regecova V., Trunov V., Barinova N., Titomir L., Anthropometric substantiation of a technique for noninvasive mapping of the quasiepicardium potential. - In: Biomedical Measurement and Instrumentation (BMI"98). KOREMA, Zagreb, Croatia, 1998, p. 6.18-6.21.
Okounkov A., Olshanski G., Shifted Schur functions II. The binomial formula for characters of classical groups and its applications, in: Kirillov"s Seminar on Representation Theory. American Mathematica Society Translations, 1998, 245--271.
Kerov S., Okounkov A., Olshanski G., The boundary of Young graph with Jack edge multiplicities, International Mathematics Research Notices, 1998, no. 4, 173--199.
Okounkov A., Olshanski G., Asymptotics of Jack polynomials as the number of variables goes to infinity, International Mathematics Research Notices 1998, no. 13, 641--682.
Borodin A., Olshanski G., Point processes and the infinite symmetric group, Mathematical Research Letters 5 (1998), 799--816.
Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N., Poljakova I., Revishvili A., Spherical-quasiepicardium potential mapping in estimation of surgical treatment for Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. - In: Electrocardiology"97. World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1998, p. 149-152.
Sakhnova T.A., Kozhemyakina E., Barinova N., Trunov V., Aidu E., Titomir L., Decarto technique in recognition of inferior myocardial infarction and localized LVH indistinguishable by standard criteria. - In: Electrocardiology"97. World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1998, p . 297-300.
Nogin D., Weight/Multiplicity Duality, in: Proc. ACCT-6, Pskov, Russia, 1998, pp. 195–198.
Karpov B.V., Nogin D., Three-Block Exceptional Collections over Del Pezzo Surfaces, Izv. Math., 1998, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 429–463.
Karnaukhov V., Miller B., Rubanov L., Merzlyakov N.S., Digital archives of manuscripts and photo-documents: technology and experience. // Proc. of International Conference EVA’98, Moscow 1 5 December 1998, STG, M., 1998, pp.5/1/1–5/1/9.
Karnaukhov V., Merzlyakov N.S., Rubanov L., Image processing and storage in digital archives of manuscripts and photo-documents. // Proc. of 5-th Open German-Russian Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding (21-25 September 1998, Herrshing, Germany). Sankt Augustin: Infix, 1999. p.176-183.
Chochia P., Image Decomposition and Enhancement Using Rank Filtering // Computer and Holographic Optics and Image Processing. Proceedings SPIE. - V.3348, 1998. - pp.261-266.
Chochia P., Milyukova O., Two-Dimensional Variation and Image Decomposition // 6th International Workshop "Image Processing and Computer Optics (DIP-97)" Proceedings SPIE. - V.3346, 1998. - pp.329-339.
Chochia P., Two Tasks in Image Enhancement Technology // Optical Memory and Neural Networks. - V.7, 1998, No.1, - pp.37-50.
Podugolnikova T., Rozhkova G., Restoration and improvement of stereovision by means of learning to perceive random-dot stereograms. European conference on visual perception, Great Britain, Oxford, 24-28 Aug. 1998. Perception, 1998, V. 27, Suppl., P. 164.
Sobolevski A., Sobolevskii, A. N. Periodic solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation with a periodic forcing term. Russ. Math. Surveys 53:6 (1998), 1375-1376. [Russian original: Ñîáîëåâñêèé À. Í. Ïåðèîäè÷åñêèå ðåøåíèÿ óðàâíåíèÿ Ãàìèëüòîíà-ßêîáè ñ ïåðèîäè÷åñêîé ñèëîé. ÓÌÍ, 53:6 (1998), 265-266; see also]
Maximova E., Colour and spatial properties of detectors of oriented lines in the fish retina // Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta, Vol. 34, No.2, 351-357, 1998
Damjanović I., Byzov A., Gačić Z., Utina I., Maximova E., Mićković B., Andjus R., Electrophysiological and spectral properties of retinal horizontal and bipolar cells in the eel // Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta, 34 (2) (1998), 313-324
Byzov A., Maximova E., Podugolnikova T., Horizontal cells of the frog retina as compared with such cells of fish and other vertebrates // Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta, Vol. 34, No.2, 271-288, 1998
Kozyakin V., Su Yangfeng, Bhaya A., Kaszkurewicz E., Further results on convergence of linear asynchronous iterations. Linear Algebra Appl., 281, 1-3 (1998), 11-24.
Maximov V., Colour vision in early vertebrates // Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta. 1998. V. 34. No 2. P. 343-348.
Bliman P.-A., Krasnosel'skii A., Periodic solutions of linear systems coupled with relay, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications, 30, 2, 1998, 687-696
Bliman P.-A., Krasnosel'skii A., Popov criterion and forced periodic oscillations, Automation and Remote Control, 59, #4, p.1, 457-466 (1998)
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Numerical sequence limit, student manual, State Jewish Academy, 1998, 1-24 [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Rachinskii D.I., Numerical series, student manual, State Jewish Academy, 1998, 1-22 [Russian]
Kloeden P., Krasnosel'skii A., Twice degenerate equations in the spaces of vector-valued functions, Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 4, 1, 1998, 1-28
Bliman P.-A., Krasnosel'skii A., Popov-like frequency criterion for existence of forced periodic oscillations, Proceedins of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, Florida, TM 12-7, 1998, 2467-2472
Krasnosel'skii A., Mawhin J., Equations with sequences of solutions. Modern methods in BVP, proceedings of the 10th Pontryagin conference, Voronezh, 1988, p.112 [Russian]
Bliman P.-A., Krasnosel'skii A., An extension of Popov criterion to multivariable time-varying nonlinear systems. Application to criterion for existence of stable limit cycles, Res. Raport INRIA no. 3512, 1998, 1-19
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Boundedness and dissipativity of truncated rotations on uniform planar lattices. Math. Nachr., 191 (1998), 59-81.
Kozyakin V., N.A. Kuznetsov , A.V. Pokrovskii , Quasi-controllability and estimates of amplitudes of transient regimes in discrete systems. Proceedings of CESA"98 IMACS-IEEE Multiconference, Hammamet, Tunisia, April 1-4, 1998, edited by P.Borne, M.Ksouri, A.El Kamel, CD-ROM ISBN 2-9512309-0-7, 1 (1998), 266-271.
Kozyakin V., N.A. Kuznetsov , Vladimirov A., Matrix methods in Skorokhod problems. Proceedings of CESA"98 IMACS-IEEE Multiconference, Hammamet, Tunisia, April 1-4, 1998, edited by P.Borne, M.Ksouri and A.El Kamel, CD-ROM ISBN 2-9512309-0-7, 2 (1998), 323-328.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Monotonic dynamical systems under spatial discretization. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 126, 7 (1998), 2169-2174.


Martynov G., Cramér-von Mises goodness-of-fit test for logistic distribution. "XXIXe JournVes de Statistique" , Carcassonne, 26-30 mai 1997, 456-459. ( With Hosine M.E., in French)
Rozhkova G., Neurophysiological correlates of perceptual constancy in the cercal system of insects // Abstr. of the 5th East European conference of the International Society for Invertebrate Neurobiology, 1997, Sept. 9-12, Moscow, P. 118-119.
Rozhkova G., Rodionova E., A.K. Panjutin, Memory and binocular visual direction // Perception. 1997. V. 26, Suppl. P. 29-30.
Davydov A., "Constructions of Nonlinear Covering Codes," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 1639--1647, 1997.
Kanovei V., Reeken M., Mathematics in a nonstandard world, I. Math. Japonica, 1997, vol. 45, 2, pp. 369--408.
Kanovei V., Reeken M., Mathematics in a nonstandard world, II. Math. Japonica, 1997, vol. 45, 3, pp. 555--571.
Kanovei V., Non--Glimm--Effros equivalence relations at second projective level. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 1997, 154, 1, pp. 1--35.
Kanovei V., van Lambalgen M., On a Spector ultrapower of Solovay model. Math. Logic Quarterly, 1997, 43, 2, pp. 389--395.
Kanovei V., Two dichotomy theorems on colourability of non-analytic graphs. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 1997, 154, 2, pp. 183--201.
Kanovei V., Reeken M., Isomorphism property in nonstandard extensions of the ZFC universe. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 1997, 88, pp. 1--25.
Kanovei V., An Ulm--type classification theorem for equivalence relations in Solovay model. J. Symbolic Logic, 1997, 62, 4, pp. 1333--1351.
Kleptsina M.L., Liptser R.Sh., Serebrovski A., Nonlinear Filtering Problems with Contamination. - Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 7, No. 4, November 1997, p. 917 - 934.
Levin M., Towards comparison of decomposable systems. "Data Science, Classification, and Related Methods", Springer, Tokyo, 1998, pp. 154-161.
Levin M., Morphological heuristic for scheduling. "Advances in Concurrent Engineering", CRC Press, 1997, pp. 49-55.
Golubtsov K., Orlov O., Fliker fision freguence in ophthalmic express-diagnosis. Twentleth Euopean Conference on Visual Perceprtion Helsinki – Espoo, Finland, 1997, c. 59.
Akhiezer D., Group actions on the Dolbeault cohomology of homogeneous manifolds, Math. Zeitschrift 226, no. 4 (1997), 607 - 621
Prelov V., Pinsker M., Error-Free Filtering of Entropy-Regular Process against a Background of Entropy-Singular Noise // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Ulm, June 22--July 4, 1997. P. 72.
Prelov V., Pinsker, S. Verdu M., Sensitivity of the Rate-Distortion Function of Stationary Continuous-Time Gaussian Processes to Non-Gaussian Contamination // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Ulm, June 29--July 4, 1997. P. 73.
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., Weak Signal Transmission over Certain Stationary Non-Gaussian Channels // Proc.IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Ulm, June 29--July 1, 1997. P. 371.
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., Asymptotic Behavior of the Information Rates in Certain Stationary Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Channels // Proc. Intern. Conf. Computer Science and Inform. Technologies. Yerevan, September 25--29, 1997. P. 233—235.
Lyubetsky V., “Transfer theorems and the algebra of modal operators” Algebra and Logic, 1997, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 169–181.
Panov T., "Elliptic genus for manifolds with an action of the group Z/p". Russian Math. Surveys 52 (1997), no.2, 418-419.
Vishik M., Nonautonomous Evolution Equations and Their Trajectory Attractors. Differential Equations, Asymptotic Analysis and Mathematical Physics, edited by M.Demuth and B.-W.Schulze, Mathemat.Research. Vol.100, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1997, pp.392—400.
Goritsky A.Yu., Vishik M., Integral Manifolds for Nonautonomous Equations. Rendiconti Academia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, Memorie di Matematica e Applicazioni. 115, Vol.XXI, fasc.1, 1997, p. 109—146.
Veretennikov A., (with E.Pardoux) Averaging for backward stochastic differential equations, with applications to semi-linear PDE"s, Stoch. Stoch. Rep. 60 (1997), 255-270.
Veretennikov A., On polynomial mixing bounds for stochastic differential equations, Stoch. Processes Appl. 70 (1997), 115-127.
Veretennikov A., (with M.Kelbert) On the estimation of mixing coefficients for a multiphase service systems, Queueing Systems and Applications (QUESTA), 25, 325-337
Chepyzhov V., Goritsky A.Yu., Global integral manifolds with exponential tracking for nonautonomous equations. Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. V.5. 1997. N.1. P.9-28.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Evolution equations and their trajectory attractors. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. V.76. 1997, P.913-964.
Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz I., Zhoukovskaya N., Mierzejewska J., The investigation of motoneuronal characteristics in human. 3rd Intern. Congr. of the Polish Neuroscience Soc, Lodz: 1997, Acta neurobiol. Exp., 1997, v. 57, p. 63.
Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz I., Zhoukovskaya N., Mierzejewska J., The relationship between motoneuronal afterhyperpolarization and discharge properties of motor units in human. 4th European Conf. on engineering and medicine. Bridging East and West, Warsaw: 1997, pp. 289-290.
Blank M., Discreteness and continuity in problems of chaotic dynamics, Amer. Math. Soc., 1997.
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Komech A.A., Integral operators with singular canonical relations, chapter (pp. 200--248) in a book Spectral Theory, Microlocal Analysis, Singular Manifolds (M. Demuth, E. Schrohe, B.-W. Schulze, J. Sjostrand, eds.). Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1997. ISBN 978-3527401208
Lukashevich I., Machinskaya R., Fishman M., "Principles of structural organization of professional knowledge. Diagnostic automated system "EEG - EXPERT". International Conference on Information and Control. 1997, June 9-13, St.Petersburg, p.478-479.
Panyushev D., On deformation Method in Invariant Theory, Annales Institut Fourier 47 (1997), 985-1012.
Panyushev D., Cones of highest weight vectors, weight polytopes, and Lusztig’s $q$-analog, Transformation Groups 2 (1997), 91-115.
Okounkov A., Olshanski G., Shifted Schur functions, Algebra i Analiz 9 (1997), no. 2, 73--146 (Russian); English version: St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 9 (1998), 239--300.
Olshanski G., Generalized symmetrization in enveloping algebras, Transformation Groups 2 (1997), 197--213.
Okounkov A., Olshanski G., Shifted Jack polynomials, binomial formula, and applications, Mathematical Research Letters 4 (1997), 69--78.
Titomir L., Muromtseva G., Trunov V., Zemtsova N., Barinova N., Electrocardiographic visualization of left ventricular hypertrophy undetectable by standard criteria. - In: Electrocardiology"96 - "From the Cell to the Body Surface". World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1997, p. 507-510.
Titomir L., Sakhnova T., Aidu E., Trunov V., Barinova N., Danilushkin M., Decarto technique in observation of heart state evolution after the onset of myocardiaal infarction. - In: Electrocardiology"96 - "From the Cell to the Body Surface". World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1997, p. 531-534.
Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N., A telemetering system for noninvasive measurement and intelligible-pictorial imaging of the cardiac electrophysiological function. - In: Int. Conf. on Informatics and Control. St.Petersburg, June 1997, p. 874-880.
Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N., Dipole-quadrupole electrocardiotopography: A new approach to practical ECG-mapping. - In: Measurements"97. Polygraphy of SAS, Bratislava, 1997, p. 213-216.
Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N., Functional imaging of the cardioelectric generator on the basis of Frank lead system. - Biomedizinische Technik, v. 42, No. 1, p.155-158, 1997.
Nogin D., Spectrum of Codes Associated with the Grassmannian G(3,6), Probl. Inf. Transm., 1997, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 114–123.
Podugolnikova T., Rozhkova G., I.Kondakova, Estimation of visual performance in children with and without binocular anomalies by means of a computerized coding test. European conference on visual perception, Finland, Helsinki, 25-29 Aug. 1997. Perception, 1997, V. 26, Suppl., P. 59.
Sobolevski A., Sobolevskii, A. N. The small viscosity method for a one-dimensional system of equations of gas dynamic type without pressure. Doklady Math. 56:2 (1997), 707-709. [Russian original: Ñîáîëåâñêèé À. Í. Ìåòîä èñ÷åçàþùåé âÿçêîñòè äëÿ ñèñòåìû óðàâíåíèé òèïà ãàçîâîé äèíàìèêè áåç äàâëåíèÿ. Äîêëàäû ÐÀÍ 356:3 (1997), 310-312.]
Miller B., Stepanyan K., “Observation control for discrete-continuous systems as a singular control problem”. Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, Control Processes Research Center of the Program Systems Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, 120—122, July 1997.
Miller B., Stepanyan K., “Observation control for discrete-continuous systems as a singular control problem”. A Proceedengs volume from the IFAC Workshop Singular Solutions and Perturbations in Control Systems, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, 7-11 July 1997. Elsvier Science Ltd., The Boulevard, Langfofd Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, UK. Published for the IFAC by PERGAMON An Imprint of Elsvier Science, pp.179—184, 1997.
Talis V., Levik Y., Ivanenko Yu.P., Levik Yu.S., Talis VL, Gurfinkel V.S. Human equilibrium on unstable support: the importance of feet-support interaction. Neuroscience Letters 1997 235: 109-112.
Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Hysteresis. Hysteron. Non-ideal relay. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supplement Volume I, Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. M. Hazewinkel, Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1997, p. 310, p. 384
Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Vector fields in a product of spaces and applications to differential equations, Differential equations, 33, #1, 59-66 (1997)
Krasnosel'skii A., On forced oscillations in systems with even functional unbounded characteristics, Automation and Remote Control, 58 2, p.1, 27-36 (1997)
Diamond P., Êëîäåí Ï., Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Bifurcations at infinity for equations in the spaces of vector-valued functions, Journal of Australian Mathematical Society, Series A, 63, 1997, 263-280
Maximov V., Derim-Oglu E., Colour constancy in birds: an alternative mechanism? // Perception, v. 26, ECVP Abstract Supplement, 1997, p. 108-109
Maximov P., Maximov V., Visual associative memory simulates the McCollough effect // Perception 26 ECVP Abstract Supplement, 1997
Maximova E., Orlov O., Maximov V., On the nature of the gated colour opponency in the ON-units of the frog retina: electrophysiological study and model // Perception 26 ECVP Abstract Supplement, 1997
Petrov A., Maximov P., Orlov O., Kim C., Seo Y., Maximov V., A method for measuring apparent illumination // Perception 26 ECVP Abstract Supplement, 1997
Kozyakin V., On Finiteness of Trajectories for One Mapping Associated with Quasi-inversion of Rotation. Proceedings of the 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, August 24-29, 1997, Berlin, Germany, Volume I: Computational Mathematics, Berlin, Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, 39-44.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., A model for roundoff and collapse in computation of chaotic dynamical systems. Math. Comput. Simulation, 44, 2 (1997), 163-185.
Bobylev N.A., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Sadovskii B.N., In Memoriam Mark A.Krasnosel"skii. Moscow: April 27, 1920 — February 13, 1997. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Math. and Mech., 20, 1 (1997), 13-14.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Pokrovskii A.V., Vladimirov I.G., Some problems in analysis of discretizations of continuous dynamical systems. Proceedings of the Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Part 2 (Athens, 1996). Nonlinear Analysis, TMA. 30, 2 (1997), 767-778.
Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Quasi-controllability and Estimation of the Amplitudes of Transient Regimes in Discrete Systems. Transactions of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, series MMMIC, 1, 3 (1997), 128-150.
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Levin M., Towards combinatorial engineering of decomposable systems. Proc. 13th Eur. Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems, Vienna, Vol. 1, 265-270, 1996.
Maximov V., Derim-Oglu E., Birds Can Discriminate Human Metameric Colors // Perception, v. 25 ECVP Abstract Supplement, 1996, p. 98
Vedenina V., Rozhkova G., A.L. Byzov, G. Kamper, Low-pass behavior of interneurons in the cricket cercal system // Proceedings of the 24th Gottingen Neurobiology Conference, Gottingen Germany, 1996.
Maximov V., Byzov A., Horizontal Cell Dynamics: What are the Main Factors? // Vision Research, 1996, Vol. 36, No. 24, pp. 4077-4087. DOI: 10.1016/s0042-6989(96)00130-7
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Kanovei V., Reeken M., Internal approach to external sets and universes. 3. Partially saturated universes. Studia Logica, 1996, 56, 3, pp. 293--322.
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Kanovei V., Reeken M., Summation of divergent series from the nonstandard point of view. Real Analysis Exchange, 1996, 21, 2, pp. 453--477.
Kanovei V., Topologies generated by effectively Suslin sets and their applications in descriptive set theory. Russian Math. Surveys, 1996, 51, No.3, pp. 385--417.
Levin M., Hierarchical decision making for education in information engineering. Proc. 7th Annual Conf. of EAEEIE, Oulu, Finland, June 1996, pp. 301-307.
Levin M., Optimization of decomposable systems. Abstracts of 5th SIAM Conf. on Optimization, May 1996, Victoria, Canada, pp. 75.
Levin M., Combinatorial design in hypertext. Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. "Information Systems Development", Gdansk, Poland, Sept. 1996, pp. 255-263.
Levin M., Improvement of decomposable systems. In: Michael Sobolewsky, Mark Fox (eds), Biren Prasad (series editor), "Advances in Concurrent Engineering-CE96", Technomic Publishing Co (Techpub.), Toronto, pp. 319-325, 1996.
Levin M., Hierarchical Morphological Multicriteria Design of Decomposable Systems. Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, 1996, 4(2), pp. 111-118.
Levin M., Towards combinatorial models of synthesis. TR 96-1-002 (Preprint), The Univ. of Aizu, Japan, 1996, 47 pp.
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., Information Rates in Certain Stationary Non-Gaussian Channels // Proc. Fifth Intern. Workshop Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory. Sozopol, June 1--7, 1996. P. 297—238 .
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Panov T., "On the structure of a Hopf 2-algebra in the cohomology of four-dimensional manifolds". Russian Math. Surveys 51 (1996), no. 1, 155-157.
Vishik M., Zelik S.V., The trajectory attractor of a non-linear elliptic system in a cylindrical domain. Sbornik: Mathematics (1996),187(12):1755-1789.
Veretennikov A., On polynomial mixing bounds for stochastic differential equations, IRISA, publication interne no 1026. (Extended version of the paper in SPA 1997)
Veretennikov A., On large deviations for SDE systems without bounded coefficient derivatives, Stoch. Anal. and Appl., Proc. 5th Gregynog Symp., Gregynog, Powys, 9-14 July 1995, Publ.Co. World Sci. Press, 1996, 471-478
Veretennikov A., On large deviations for stationary processes under local ratio-mixing conditions, Uspehi Teorii Veroyatnostej i ee Primenenij, Proc. 4th Russian-Finnish Symp. on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (3-8 oct. 1993, Moscow), ed. by A.N.Shiryaev et al., TVP, Moscow, 1996, 217-222
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Trajectory attractors of evolutionary equations without unique solvability of Cauchy problem. Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin. V.51. 1996. N.6. P.16-18.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Trajectory attractors for 2D Navier-Stokes system and some generalizations. Max-Plank-Institute fur Mathematics, Bonn, 1996, Preprint MPI 96-134 P. 1-27.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Trajectory attractors for 2D Navier-Stokes systems and some generalizations. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, Journal of the Juliusz Schauder Center. V.8. 1996. P.217-243.
Molev A., Nazarov M., Olshanski G., Yangians and classical Lie algebras. Russian Mathematical Surveys 51, no. 2 (1996), 205-282.
Olshanski G., Vershik A., Ergodic unitarily invariant measures on the space of infinite Hermitian matrices, in: Contemporary Mathematical Physics. F.A..Berezin"s memorial volume. American Mathematical Society Translations, Series 2, Vol. 175 (Advances in the Mathematical Sciences --- 31), 1996, pp. 137--175.
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Titomir L., Blatov I.V., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N., Telemetering equipment and optimal lead system for electrocardiographic mapping. - Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., v. 34, Suppl. 1, Part 2, p. 99-100, 1996.
Titomir L., Barinova N., On observability of bioelectric generator from measured external fields. - Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., v. 34, Suppl. 1, Part 2, p. 95-96, 1996.
Nazarov M., Olshanski G., Bethe subalgebras in twisted Yangians, Communications in Mathematical Physics 178 (1996), 483-506.
Nogin D., Codes Associated to Grassmannians, in: Arithmetic, Geometry and Coding Theory, Berlin: de Gruyter, 1996, pp. 145–154.
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Bliman P.-A., Vladimirov A.A., Krasnosel'skii A., Sorine M., Nonlinear resonance in systems with hysteresis, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 27, 5, 1996, 561-577
Bliman P.-A., Vladimirov A.A., Krasnosel'skii A., Sorine M., Forced oscillations in control systems with hysteresis, Doklady Mathematics, 53, #2, 312-315 (1996)
Krasnosel'skii A., Asymptotic homogeneity of hysteresis operators, Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) , 76, 2, 1996, 313-316
Al-Nayef A., Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Bi-shadowing and delay equations. Dynamics and Stability of Systems, 11, 2 (1996), 121-134.
Kozyakin V., Bhaya A., Kaszkurewicz E., Existence and stability of a unique equilibrium in continuous-valued discrete-time asynchronous Hopfield neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 7, 3 (1996), 620-628.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii M., Pokrovskii A., Robustness of dynamical systems to a class of nonsmooth perturbations. Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 26, 2 (1996), 351-361.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Monotonic Dynamical Systems Under Spatial Discretization. Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, CADSEM Report 96-001 (1996), 1-7.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., A Phenomenological Model for Discretizations of a Class of Chaotic Dynamical Systems. Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, CADSEM Report 96-002 (1996), 1-35.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Pokrovskii A., A New Model For Statistics of the First Recurrent Moments and Cycle Lengths in Discretizations of Dynamical Systems. Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, CADSEM Report 96-006 (1996), 1-9.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Pokrovskii A., Vladimirov I., Some Problems in Analysis of Discretizations of Continuous Dynamical Systems. Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, CADSEM Report 96-019 (1996), 1-9.
Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., The Asymptotic Behavior of Elementary Symmetric Functions on a Probability Distribution. Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, CADSEM Report 96-004 (1996), 1-12.
Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Estimates of Amplitudes of Transient Regimes in Quasi-controllable Discrete Systems. Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, CADSEM Report 96-005 (1996), 1-21.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Pokrovskii A.V., A phenomenological model of the statistics of cycle lengths and the first recurrence moments in discretizations of dynamic systems. Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 349, 2 (1996), 165-168 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Math. Dokl., 54, 1, 524-527 (1996)).


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Kanovei V., Uniqueness, collection, and external collapse of cardinals in IST and models of Peano arithmetic. J. Symbolic Logic, 1995, 60, 1, pp. 318--324.
Kanovei V., Reeken M., Internal approach to external sets and universes. 1. Bounded set theory. Studia Logica, 1995, 55, 2, pp. 229--257.
Kanovei V., Reeken M., Internal approach to external sets and universes. 2. External universes over the BST universe. Studia Logica, 1995, 55, 3, pp. 347--376.
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Prelov V., Pinsker, S. Verdu M., Sensitivity of Channel Capacity // IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. 1995. V. 41. N 6. P. 1827--1883 .
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., On the Fisher Information of the Sum of Two Independent Random Variables One of which is Small, and an Asymptotic Generalization of De Bruijn"s Identity // Proc. 16-th Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Nieuwerkerk a/d IJssel, May 18--19, 1995. P. 25--31.
Prelov V., Pinsker M., Sensitivity of Optimal Filtering to a Weak Non-Gaussian Noise // Proc. Seventh Joint Swedish-Russian Intern. Workshop Inform. Theory. St.-Petersburg, June 17--28, 1995. P. 161--146.
Prelov V., Pinsker, S. Verdu M., Sensitivity of Gaussian Channel Capacity and Rate-Distortion Function to Non-Gaussian Contamination // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Whistler, September 17--22, 1995. P. 60.
Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M., Asymptotics of Fisher Information under Weak Perturbation // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Whistler, September 17--28, 1995. P. 70 .
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Fookson O., Berkinblit M., Hening W., Poizner H., The similarity of accuracy and speed of 3d pointing movements in Parkinsons disease patients (PDP) and elderly controls. Neurology, 1995
Veretennikov A., On backward filtering equations for SDE systems (direct approach). In: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, ed. by A.Etheridge. London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes Series, Cambridge Univ. Press, vol. 216 (1995), 304-311
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Attractors of periodic processes and estimates of their dimension. Math. Notes. V.57. 1995. N.2. P.127-140.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Trajectory attractors for evolution equations. C.R.Acad.Sci. Paris. Série I. V.321. 1995. P.1309-1314.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous evolutionary equations with translation-compact symbols and their attractors. C.R.Acad.Sci. Paris. Série I. V.321. 1995. P.153-158.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Attractors of non-autonomous evolution equations with translation-compact symbols. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. V.78. 1995. Bikhäuseer Verlag Basel/Switzerland. P.49-60.
Chepyzhov V., Popov A., Zigangirov K., Implementation and some applications of the algebraic-sequential decoder. Seventh Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory, Proceedings, June 17-22, 1995, St.-Petersburg, P.60-67.
Zigangirov K., Popov A.S., Chepyzhov V., Nonbinary convolutional coding in channels with jamming. Problems of Information Transmission. V.31. 1995. N.2. P.169–183
Olshanski G., Cauchy--Szeg"o kernels for Hardy spaces on simple Lie groups, Journal of Lie Theory, 5 (1995), 241--273.
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Titomir L., Sakhnova T., Danilushkin M.G., Kozhemyakina E.Sh., Barinova N., Decartographic analysis of orthogonal ECG signals in observation of heart recovery after treatment for ventricular overload. - In: Building Bridges in Electrocardiology. Univ. Press Nijmegen, Nijmegen, 1995, p. 202-203
Neretin Yu., Olshanski G., Boundary values of holomorphic functions, singular unitary representations of the groups O(p,q), and their limits as q--> infty. Zapiski POMI 223 (1995), 9-91 (Russian); English translation: Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 87 (1997), no. 6, 3983-4035.
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Krasnosel'skii A., Mawhin J., On some higher order boundary value problems at resonance, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 24, 8, 1995, 1141-1148
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Krasnosel'skii A., Nonlinear resonance in systems with hysteresis, Proc. Int. Conf. on Functional Differential Equ. and Appl., Moscow, August 1994, 49-50
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Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Functional Analysis Pioneer Turns 75. SIAM News, 28, 6 (1995), 3.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., A Model for Roundoff and Collapse of Chaotic Dynamical Systems. Deakin University, School of Computing and Mathematics. Technical Reports, Mathematics Series, TR M95/07 (1995), 1-19.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Boundedness of Truncated Rotations of Uniform Planar Lattices. Deakin University, School of Computing and Mathematics. Technical Reports, Mathematics Series, TR M95/06 (1995), 1-26.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., On the fragmentary complexity of symbolic sequences. Theoretical Computer Science, 148, 1 (1995), 1-17.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Expansivity of semi-hyperbolic Lipschitz mappings. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 51, 2 (1995), 301-308.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Semihyperbolic mappings. J. Nonlinear Science, 5, 5 (1995), 419-431.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Computer robustness of semi-hyperbolic mappings. Random and Computational Dynamics, 3, 1-2 (1995), 57-70.
Al-Nayef A., Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Bi-shadowing and delay equations. Deakin University, School of Computing and Mathematics. Technical Reports, Mathematics Series, TR M95/11 (1995), 1-17.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A.V., Robustness of observable behavior of semihyperbolic dynamic systems. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 11 (1995), 148-159 (in Russian; English translation in Automat. Remote Control, 56 (1995), no. 11, part 2, 1627-1636 (1996)).
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M.A., Pokrovskii A.V., Roughness of trajectories of dynamical systems with respect to hysteresis disturbances. Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 343, 1 (1995), 25-27 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Math. Dokl., 52, 1, 138-140 (1995)).
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M.A., Pokrovskii A.V., Periodic trajectories of nonsmooth perturbations of systems with chaotic behavior. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 5 (1995), 34-41 (in Russian; English translation in Automat. Remote Control, 56 (1995), no. 5, part 1, 637-643).


Lebedev D., Non-linear noisy image filtering based on Multi-Mask Laplacian // Berichts des Instituts fur Informatik der Universitat Zurich. Zurich: 1994. N4. Ð 1-16.
Rozhkova G., Vedenina V., «What» and «where» cercal low-pass interneurons // 9th International Meeting on Insect Sound and Vibration. Seggau. Austria. 1994. P. 72.
Vedenina V., G. Kamper, Rozhkova G., Neurons in the thorax and brain of the cerci // 9th International Meeting on Insect Sound and Vibration. Seggau. Austria. 1994. P. 88.
Derim-Oglu E., Maximov V., Small passerines can discriminate ultraviolet surface colours // Vision Research, 1994, Vol. 34, No. 11, pp. 1535-1539. DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(94)90155-4
Davydov A., Drozhzhina--Labinskaya A.Yu., "Constructions, families and tables of binary linear covering codes,"" IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 1270--1279, 1994.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., A. Pokrovskii , Transients in Quasi-controllable systems. Overshooting, stability and instability, Control Engineering Practice, 2, 6 (1994), 871-874.
Serebrovski A., Stochastic Control Theory: Applications of Computational Environment. - Proceedings of the Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Computing. Helsinki University of Technology. May 24 - 28 1993. Espoo. Finland. Rolf Nevanlinna Institute Research Reports B10. Jan. 1994. YLIOPISTOPAINO. ISBN 952-9528-27-2. ISSN 0787-8346.
Levin M., Towards design of complex decomposable system. Abstracts of IV Int. Design Automation Workshop "Russian Workshop"94", Moscow, June 1994, pp. 2-5.
Levin M., Design and analysis of morphological clique problem. Abstracts of the 8th Conf. on Combinatorial Optimization CO94, Amsterdam, April 1994.
Levin M., Hierarchical design of user interfaces. LNCS 876, Springer, 1994, pp. 140-151.
Akhiezer D., Gilligan B., On complex homogeneous spaces with top homology in codimension two, Canad. Journal of Math. 46, no. 5 (1994), 897 - 919
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., Asymptotic Expressions for Information and Capacity of Continuous Channels when Certain Transmission Parameters are Small // Trans. 12-th Prague Conf. Inform. Theory, Statist. Decision Function, and Random Processes. Prague, August 29 -- September 2, 1994. P. 185--191.
Prelov V., Pinsker, S. Verdu M., Asymptotics of the Epsilon-Entropy of Stationary Almost Gaussian Processes // Proc. IEEE Intern. Workshop Inform. Theory. Moscow, Russia. July 3--8, 1994. P. 79—87.
Smetanin B., Adamovich S.V., Berkinblit M., Fookson O.I., Poizner H., Effects of Head position on errors in 3-D pointing to remembered locations. Neurophysiology, 1994,26, N 2, 98-105.
Àdamovich S., Berkinblit M., Smetanin B., Fookson O., Poizner H., Influence of movement speed on accurary of pointing to memorized targets in 3D space. Neuroscience Letters, 1994,172, 171-174.
Fookson O.I., Smetanin B., Berkinblit M., Adamovich S., Feldman A.G., Poizner H., Azimuth errors in pointing to remembered targets under extreme head rotations. Neuroreport, 1994, 5, 885-888.
Stepanov S., "Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves", Plenum Publ. Co., New York-London, 434 pages.
Veretennikov A., On large deviations in averaging principle for systems of stochastic differential equations with unbounded coefficients. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Proc. Sixth Vilnius Conf. (28 June - 3 July, 1993). Ed. B.Grigelionis et al. VSP, Utrecht, The Netherlands and Tokyo, Japan
Veretennikov A., On large deviations for diffusion processes under minimal smoothness conditions. C.R.Acad.Sci Paris, ser. Matem, vol. 319, Ser. A, N 7, Oct. 1994, 727-732
Veretennikov A., Large deviations in averaging principle for stochastic differential equation systems (noncompact case). Stochastics and Stochastics Reports, 1994, 48, 83-96.
Veretennikov A., On large deviations and averaging principle for stochastic - difference equation on a torus. Proc. Steklov Inst. of Math., (1994), Issue 4, 27--33.
Veretennikov A., On large deviations in averaging principle for systems of stochastic differential equations with unbounded coefficients. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Proc. Sixth Vilnius Conf. (28 June - 3 July, 1993). Ed. B.Grigelionis et al. VSP, Utrecht, The Netherlands and Tokyo, Japan, 1994, 735-742
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Periodic processes and non-autonomous evolution equations with time-periodic terms. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, Journal of the Juliusz Schauder Center. V.4. 1994. P.1-17.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Attractors of non-autonomous dynamical systems and their dimension. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. V.73. 1994. N.3. P.279-333.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous evolutionary equations with translation-compact symbols and their attractors. Centre de Recerca Matematica, Insitut d"Eestudis Catelans, Spain, Preprint N 275, 1994. P.1-6.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Attractors of non-autonomous partial differential equations and their dimension. Equadiff 8 (Bratislava, 1993). Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. V.4. 1994, P.221-234.
Veretennikov A., On weak Bernoulli, mixing rate and large deviations for SDE"s and stochastic difference systems with averaging. Proc. Internat. Workshop on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, June 19-21, 1994), part 2, 5 pages (non-refereed extended abstract).
Olshanski G., Weil representation and norms of Gaussian operators. Functional Analysis and its Applications 28 (1994), 42--54.
Kerov S., Olshanski G., Polynomial functions on the set of Young diagrams, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 319 (1994), 121--126.
Gurevich D., Panyushev D., On Poisson pairs associated to modified $R$-matrices, Duke Math. J. 73 (1994), 249–255.
Panyushev D., Complexity and nilpotent orbits, Manuscripta Math. 83 (1994), 223–237.
Panyushev D., The Jacobian modules of a Lie algebra and geometry of commuting varieties, Compositio Math. 94 (1994), 181-199.
Titomir L., Barinova N., Nagornov V., Grigoryev K.G., Trunov V., Spherical-quasiepicardium potential mapping: Theory and application. - Jap. Heart J., v. 35, Suppl.I., p. 523-524, 1994.
Titomir L., Barinova N., Equivalent dipole generators for electric and magnetic fields of anisotropic myocardium. - In: Electrocardiology"93. World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1994, p. 117-120.
Titomir L., Barinova N., Nagornov V.S., Raptanova T.A., Trunov V., Spherical- quasiepicardium potential mapping for clinical diagnostics based on the CARDIAG system. -In: Cardiag"94 (Int. Conf.). Praha, Czechia, 1994, p. 151-152.
Nogin D., Helices on Some Fano Threefolds: Constructivity of Semiorthogonal Bases of K_0, Ann. ENS, Ser. 4, 1994, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 129–172.
Chochia P., Some methods for automatic gamma-correction of video data // 5th International Workshop "Image Processing and Computer Optics". - Samara, 1994. - pp.6-7.
Kanovei V., A course on Foundations of Nonstandard Analysis, IPM Lecture Notes Series 1, 1994, 149 pp. Monograph
Bobylev N.A., Dementieva A.M., Krasnosel'skii A., On Poincare index in problems of optimization and control, Automation and Remote Control, 55, #2, 172-177 (1994)
Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Mawhin J., Pokrovskii A.V., Generalized guiding functions in a problem on high frequency forced oscillations, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 22, 2, 1994, 1357-1372
Krasnosel'skii A., Nonresonance sectoral estimates in problems of forced oscillations in control systems, Automation and Remote Control, 55, #12, 1740-1744 (1994)
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Properties of Semi-hyperbolic Mappings. Deakin University, School of Computing and Mathematics, Technical Reports. Mathematics Series. TR M94/05 (1994), 1-8.
Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Robustness of Observed Behavior of Semi-hyperbolic Dynamical Systems. Deakin University, School of Computing and Mathematics, Technical Reports. Mathematics Series. TR M94/04 (1994), 1-14.
Asarin E.A., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M.A., Kuznetsov N.A., Mathematical models of stability of desynchronized systems. Intelligent processes and their modeling. Information networks. Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (1994), 3-17 (in Russian).


Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Vladimirov A., The Skorokhod problem study via desynchronized systems techniques, Proceedings of the European Control Conference ECC’93, June 28 – July 1, 1993. Vol. 2, ed. by J. W. Nieuwenhius, C. Praagman, H. L. Trentelman. — Groningen, Netherlands : European Control Association, 1993, 760–763.
Lipshits M., Y. Matsakis, M. Lipshits, V. Gurfinkel, A. Berthoz. Effects of prolonged weightlessness on mental rotation of three-dimensional objects. // Exp. Brain Reseach. 1993, v. 94, pp. 152-162.
Lipshits M., C. Andre-Deshays, I. Israel, O. Charade, A. Berthoz, K. Popov, M. Lipshits. Gaze control in microgravity. I. Saccades, pursuit, eye-head coordination. // J.Vestibular Research. 1993, v. 3, # 3, pp. 331-343.
Lipshits M., I. Israel, C. Andre-Deshays, O. Charade, A. Berthoz, K. Popov, M. Lipshits. Gaze control in microgravity. 2. Sequences of saccades toward memorized visual targets. // J. Vestibular Research. 1993, v. 3, # 3, pp. 345-360.
Lipshits M., J. Massion, V. Gurfinkel, M. Lipshits, A. Obadia, K. Popov. Axial synergies under microgravity conditions. // J. Vestibular Research. 1993, v. 3, # 3, pp. 275-287.
Lipshits M., J.-P. Roll, K. Popov, V. Gurfinkel, M. Lipshits, C. Andre-Deshays, J.C. Gilhodes, C. Quoniam. Sensorimotor and perceptual function of muscle proprioception in microgravity. // J. Vestibular Research. 1993, v. 3, # 3, pp. 259-273.
Kozyakin V., Mandelbaum A., Vladimirov A., Absolute Stability and Dynamic Complementarity, Technical report, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 24p.
Kleptsina M.L., Serebrovski A., On the Averaging Principle for Filtering of Diffusion Processes. - The Sixth International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Vilnius. June 28 - July 3. 1993. Abstracts of Communications. p. 183 - 184.
Levin M., Hierarchical components of human-computer systems. LNCS 753, Springer, 1993, pp. 37-52.
Akhiezer D., Invariant plurisubharmonic functions and geodesic convexity, Expositiones Math. 11 (1993), 261 - 270
Akhiezer D., On Lie algebra decompositions related to spherical homogeneous spaces, Manuscripta Math. 80 (1993), 81 - 88
Vedenina V., Rozhkova G., Byzov A., Medial giant interneuron of the ceicket nerve cord: directional sensitivity in adults and nymphs // Sensory systems of arthropods. Eds. K.Wiese et al. Basel-Boston-Berlin: Birkhauser Verl. 1993. P. 410-416.
Rozhkova G., Byzov A., Vedenina V., Complex morphophysiological characteristics of giant cercal interneurons // Sensory systems of arthropods Eds. K.Wiese et al. Basel-Boston-Berlin: Birkhauser Verl. 1993. P. 403-409.
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., An Asymptotic Expression for the Information and Capacity of a Multidimensional Channel with Weak Input Signals // IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. 1993. V. 39. N 10. P. 1728--1735.
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., Asymptotic Behavior of the Information and Capacity of Continuous Alphabet Channels with Weak Vector-Valued Inputs // Proc. Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian Intern. Workshop Inform. Theory. Molle, August 22--27, 1993. P. 420--424.
Prelov V., Verdu, M. Honig S., On the Sensitivity of the Capacity of Nominally Gaussian Channels // Proc. Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian Intern. Workshop Inform. Theory. Molle, August 27--27, 1993. P. 844—446 .
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., The Capacity of a Continuous Alphabet Memoryless Channel with Vector-Valued Inputs Satisfying Small Mean Energy and Peak Power Constraints // Proc. Fourteenth Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Veldhoven, May 17--18, 1993. P. 48--53.
Lukashevich I., Machinskaya R., Fishman M., “Structural organizaition of EEG information for the analysis of the brain functional state”. Proceedings. Ewaik-93, Moscow, Russia, 7-9 sept., 1993, p.266-267.
Lyubetsky V., “On One Approach to Modelling Intelligent Systems” Problems of Information Transmission, 1993, 29:3, pp. 295–297.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous dynamical systems and their kernels. Preprint, ISSN 0347-8475, ISRN LUNFD6/NFMA-5003-SE, University of Lund, Sweden, 1993. P.1-20.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., A Hausdorff dimension estimate for kernel sections of non-autonomous evolution equations. Indiana University Mathematical Journal, V.42. 1993. N.3. P.1058-1076.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous evolution equations and there attractors. Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics. V.1. 1993. N2. P.165-190.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Attractors for nonautonomous evolution equations with almost periodic symbols. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, Math. V.316. 1993. N.4. P.357-361.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Families of semiprocesses and their attractors. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, Math. V.316. 1993. N.5. P.441-445.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Dimension estimates for attractors and for kernel sections of nonautonomous evolution equations. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I. Math. V.317. 1993. N.4. P.365-370.
Chepyzhov V., Zigangirov K., A Gilbert-Varshamov bound for Quasi-Twisted codes of rate 1/n. Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory, Proceedings, August 22-27, 1993, Molle, Sweden, P.214-218.
Chepyzhov V., Popov S.A., Zigangirov K., Performance of q-ary convolutional codes on jamming channels. Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory, Proceedings, August 22-27, 1993, Molle, Sweden, P.38-41.
Kudina L., Ashby P., Downes L., Effects of cortical stimulation on reciprocal inhibition in humans. Exp. Brain Res., 1993, v. 94, pp. 533-538.
Kerov S., Olshanski G., Vershik A., Harmonic analysis on the infinite symmetric group. A deformation of the regular representation. Comptes Rendus de l"Academie des Sciences Paris. Ser. 1, 316 (1993), 773-778.
Panyushev D., Complexity and rank of double cones and tensor product decompositions, Comment. Math. Helvetici 68(1993), 455-468.
Veretennikov A., Ñîâìåñòíî ñ Î.Â.Ãóëèíñêèì (O.V.Gulinsky), Large deviations for discrete - time processes with averaging. VSP, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Positselski L., Nonhomogeneous quadratic duality and curvature. Funct. Anal. Appl. 27 (1993) #3, p.197-204.
Titomir L., Barinova N., An approach to analysis of extracellular electric and magnetic fields in the anisotropic myocardium. - In: The Cardiac Electric Field, Physiology - Measurement - Modelling (Sat. Symp.). Smolenice, Slovakia, 1993.
Nogin D., Generalized Hamming Weights of Codes on Multi-Dimensional Quadrics, Probl. Inf. Transm., 1993, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 217–226.
Krasnosel'skii A., On algebraic number of solutions of systems with Landesman-Lazer type nonlinearities, Adv. Math. Sci. & Appl., 2, 2, 1993, 391-395
Krasnosel'skii A., On nonlinear resonance in systems with hysteresis, ``Models in Hysteresis"", ed. A.Visintin, Pitman Res. Notes in Math. Ser., 286, Longman Sci. & Tech., 1993, 71-76
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Pokrovskii A., Transients in Quasi-controllable Systems. Overshooting, Stability and Instability. 12th World Congress IFAC, Sydney, Australia, 18-23 July 1993. Preprint of papers, 8, 465-468.
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Stability of discrete desynchronized systems (problem, methods and state). Anniversary collection of proceedings of the Branch of Computer Science and Automation of Russian Academy of Sciences. Vol. I. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (1993), 94-114 (in Russian).
Vladimirov A., Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Mandelbaum A., An investigation of the dynamic complementarity problem by methods of the theory of desynchronized systems. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 329, 1 (1993), 5-8 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Math. Dokl., 47, 2, 169-173 (1993)).


Martynov G., G. V. Martynov, “Statistical tests based on empirical processes and related questions”, J. Soviet Math., 61:4 (1992), 2195–2271
Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N.A., Pokrovskii A.V., Influence of Controllability-Type Properties on Reliability and Stability of Desynchronized Systems,IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 25 (8), June 1992, 392-399.
Byzov A., Vergelskaja I., Maximov V., The model of color opponency in horizontal cells // Experimental Eye Research 1992. V. 55. Suppl. 1. P. 238. DOI: 10.1016/0014-4835(92)91041-U
Lebedev D., Laplacian Pyramid Code as a Representation for Low-Level Visual Information // Bericht des Instituts fur Informatik der Universitat Zurich. Zurich: 1992. N1. Ð. 1-16.
Rozhkova G., V.Yu Vedenina, A.L Byzov, A.N. Knyazev, Cricket cercal giant interneurons with unusual directional sensitivity to sound stimuli // 8th International meeting on insect sound and vibration. Pommersfelden. 1992. Abst. P. 61.
Kanovei V., On the extension principle in internal set theory. Siberian Math. J., 1992, 33, 6, pp. 999--1010.
Panyushev D., Complexity of quasiaffine homogeneous varieties, t-decompositions and affine homogeneous spaces of complexity 1, in: Vinberg, E.B., (Ed.) “Lie groups, their discrete subgroups and Invariant Theory” (Adv. Sov. math., vol.8, pp.151–166) Providence: AMS 1992.
Panyushev D., Affine quasihomogeneous SL(2)-varieties: Hilbert function and blow-ups, in: Vinberg, E.B., (Ed.) “Lie groups, their discrete subgroups and Invariant Theory” (Adv. Sov. math., vol.8, pp.131–149) Providence: AMS 1992.
Korpelainen E., Serebrovski A., On the Vector Form of Stochastic Runge-Kutta Method in APL. - Finn APL News. University of Joensuu. 1992, No. 4. Editor: Kimmo Kekalainen.
Levin M., Some complicated discrete multi-criteria decision making problems. Proc. of the Tenth Int. Conf. on Multiple Criteria Decision Making MCDM 1992, Taipei, Taiwan, July 1992, vol. 3, pp. 449-458.
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., The Capacity Region of the Two-Way Channel with Additive Almost Gaussian Noise under Moment Constraints // Trans. Eleventh Prague Conf. Inform. Theory, Statist. Decision Funct., Random Processes, held in Prague, August 27--31, 1990. Acad. Publ. House Czech. Acad. Sci., Prague, 1992. P. 295--309.
Lyubetsky V., “Heyting-Valued Analysis: P. S. Novikov’s Hypotheses” Contemporary Mathematics, 1993, V. 131, Pt. 3, PP. 565–583.
Berkinblit M., Sidorova V.Y., Smetanin B., Tkach T.V., Afferent influence on central generators and the integration of proprioceptive input with afferent input from other modalities. Behavioral and brain sciences, 1992,15, N 4, 709-711.
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Vishik M., Skvortsov V.Yu., Stabilized asymptotics of solutions to reaction-diffusion type system equations with small parameter. In: Partial differential equations and related subjects.— Pitman research notes in mathematics series, N 269, p. 244—256.
Vishik M., Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of evolutionary equations. Cambridge University Press, p. 1—155, 1992.
Vishik M., Skvortsov V.Yu., The asymptotics of solutions of reaction-diffusion equations with small parameter. Advances in Soviet mathematics, 1992, 10, p. 149—172.
Vishik M., Skvortsov M.Yu., Attractors of singularly perturbed parabolic equations and asymptotic behaviour of their elements. Advances in Soviet mathematics, 1992, 10, p. 129—148.
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Attractors of evolutionary partial differential equations. North-Holland, Amsterdam, London, NewYork, Tokyo, p. 1—532, 1992.
Veretennikov A., On large deviations for ergodic process empirical measures. Advances in Soviet Math. Vol. 12, 125-133 (this Journal exists only in English).
Veretennikov A., On asymptotic properties of stationary processes: large deviations and exponential mixing. Proc. VI Soviet - Japan Symp. on Probab. Theory and Mathem. Stat. (Kiev, 1991). World Scientific, Singapore et al. 1992, 403-413
Veretennikov A., On large deviations for stochastic iterative procedures in Hilbert space. Numerical Methods and Optimization, Vol.3. Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences, 1992, 88-96
Chepyzhov V., Smeets B., Zigangirov K., The free distance of fixed convolutional rate 2/4 codes meets the Costello bound. Trans. IEEE on Inf. Theory. V.IT-38. 1992. N.4. P.1360-1366.
Chepyzhov V., New lower bounds for minimum distance of linear quasi-cyclic and almost linear cyclic codes. Problems of Information Transmission. V.28. 1992. N.1. P.33–44.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous dynamical systems and there attractors. In: M.I.Vishik. Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Evolutionary Equations, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous evolution equations with almost periodic symbols. Rendiconti del Seminario mathematico e fisco di Milano. V. LXII. 1992, P.185-213.
Vishik M., Chepyzhov V., Attractors of nonautonomous dynamical systems and an estimation of their dimension. Math. Notes V.51. 1992. No.6. P.622-624.
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous infinite-dimensional dynamical systems and there attractors. Preprint, LiTH-MAT-R-92-16, Linkoping University, Sweden,1992, P.1-24.
Chepyzhov V., Goritsky A.Yu., Unbounded attractors of evolution equations. In: Properties of Global Attractors of Partial Differential Equations. In Series: Advances of Soviet Mathematics. New York, 1992, pp. 85-128.
Person R.S., Kudina L., Churikova L.I., Piotrkiewicz M., Khuskivadze T.H., Influence of the motoneurone afterpotentials on its rhythmic activity in an intact organism. In: LN Zefirow (ed.): Problems of the physiology of the organ of motion. Izd. Kazanskogo Universiteta, 1992, pp. 63–72 [in Russian].
Olshanski G., Twisted Yangians and infinite-dimensional classical Lie algebras. In: Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1510 (1992), 103--120.
Kudina L., Alexeeva N.L., After-potentials and control of repetitive firing in human motoneurones. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1992, v. 85, pp. 345-353.
Kudina L., Alexeeva N.L., Repetitive doublets of human motoneurones: analysis of interspike intervals and recruitment pattern. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1992, v. 85, pp. 243-247.
Olshanski G., Quantized universal enveloping superalgebra of type Q and a super-extension of the Hecke algebra. Letters in Mathematical Physics 24 (1992), 93-102.
Shen A., IP=PSPACE: simplified proof. Journal of the ACM, 39, no.4 (Oct. 1992), p. 878--880. MR 94j:68270
Asarin E., Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Krasnosel'skii M., Analysis of the stability of asynchronous discrete systems, Moscow, Nauka, 1992, 408 pp.
Appell J., Krasnosel'skii A., New theorems on asymptotic bifurcation points, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 18, 2, 1992, 269-276
Krasnosel'skii A., On bifurcation points of equations with Landesman-Lazer type nonlinearities, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 18, 12, 1992, 1187-1199
Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Mawhin J., On some conditions of existence of forced periodic oscillations, Differential and Integral Equations, 5, 6, 1992, 1267-1273
Krasnosel'skii A., Mawhin J., Remark on some type of bifurcation at infinity, Bull. de la Classe des Sci, Ac. Roy. de Belgique, 6e s"erie, Tome III, 12, 1992, 293-297
Krasnosel'skii A., Asymptotics of nonlinearities and operator equations, ìîíîãðàôèÿ, series "Operator Theory", 76, Basel -- Boston, Birkh"auser, 1995, 1-278
Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., The role of controllability-type properties in the study of the stability of desynchronized dynamical systems. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 324, 1 (1992), 60-64 (in Russian; English translation in Soviet Phys. Dokl., 37 (1992), no. 5, 213-215).
Asarin E., Vladimirov A., Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Mandelbaum A., Pokrovskii A., Use of methods of a theory of a desynchronization in investigation of dynamics of information networks. Perspective means of telecommunications and integrated systems of communication. The project "Development of methods of synthesis of integrated communication systems”. Part I. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (1992), 1-31 (in Russian).


Jafarli M., Maximov V., Kezeli A., Antelidze N., On the colour constancy in monkeys // Sensornye sistemy, 1991. Vol. 5. ¹ 3. P. 41-46 (in Russian).
Gabidulin E.M., Davydov A., Tombak L.M., "Linear codes with covering radius 2 and other new covering codes,"" IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 219--224, 1991.
Davydov A., Tombak L.M., "An Alternative to the Hamming Code in the Class of SEC-DED Codes in Semiconductor Memory," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 37, no. 3, part II, pp. 897-902, 1991.
Kanovei V., The cardinality of the set of Vitali equivalence classes. Math. Notes, 1991, 49, 4, pp. 370--374.
Kanovei V., Undecidable hypotheses in Edward Nelson"s internal set theory. Russian Math. Surveys,1991, 46: 6, pp. 1--54
Kudina L., N. Alexeeva, Analysis of factors controlling humanmotoneurone firing within the "subprimary range" Electroencephal. & Clin. Neurophysiol., 1991, p.17. Additional abstracts of XIIth International congress of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Jan. 14-19, 1990.
Serebrovski A., Some Topics on Control Theory. - Computing Center University of Helsinki. Research Reports V. 16. Proceedings of the Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Computation. Helsinki 1991, May 30-31. ISBN 951-45-5912-6. ISSN 0356-9225.
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., Asymptotic Expansion for the Capacity Region of the Multiple-Access Channel with Common Information and Almost Gaussian Noise // Proc. Fifth Joint Soviet-Swedish Intern. Workshop Inform. Theory. Moscow, January 13--13, 1991. P. 169—172 .
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., The Capacity Region of the Compound Interference Channel with Additive Almost Gaussian Noise // Proc. Twelfth Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Veldhoven, May 22--24, 1991. P. 103—106.
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., An Asymptotic Expression for the Capacity Region of the Two-Way Communication Channel with Additive Almost Gaussian Noise // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Budapest, June 24--28, 1991. P. 331.
Lyubetsky V., “Transfer from deducibility in the classical set theory to deducibility in intuitionistic set theory for the language of rings” Algebra and Logic, 1991, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 427–439.
Lyubetsky V., “Intuitionistic theory of algebraic systems and heyting-valid analysis” Algebra and Logic, 1991, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 208– 216.
Vishik M., Skvortsov M.Yu., The asymptotic behaviour of trajectories of singularly perturbed dynamical systems. In: Proceedings of Collquium on differential equations and applications.— Budapest, 1991, p. 289—306.
Vishik M., Uniform finite-parameter asymptotics of solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. In: Frontiers in pure and applied mathematics. A collection of papers dedicated to Jaques-Louis Lions on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday.— North-Holland, Amsterdam, NewYork, Oxford, Tokyo, 1991, p. 21—30
Chepyzhov V., Vishik M., Non-autonomous infinite-dimensional dynamical systems and there attractors. Proceedings of the Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations and their Applications. Linkoping University, 1991.
Chepyzhov V., Smeets B., On A Fast Correlation Attack on Certain Stream Ciphers. Advances in Criptology, EUROCRYPT"91, Lectures Notes in Computer Sciences, V.547, Springer-Verlag, 1991, P.176-195.
Zigangirov K., Chepyzhov V., Existence of time-invariant convolutional codes with transmission rate $2/c$ for $c geq{}4$ attaining the Costello bound. Probl. Inf. Transm. V.27. 1991. No.3. P.199-211.
Chepyzhov V., New lower bounds for minimal distance of quasi-cyclic and almost linear cyclic codes rate 1/n. Fifth Joint Swedish-Soviet International Workshop on Informational Theory. Convolutional Codes; Multi-Users Communication. January 13-19, 1991, Moscow, USSR, P. 42-45.
Kudina L., Alexeeva N.L., Analysis of human motoneurone after-potentials. Constituent Congress of International Society for Pathophysiology. Moscow: 1991, pp. 62-63.
Kudina L., Alexeeva N.L., Control of single-spike and doublet firing in human motoneurones. Proc. of the 1st Intern. Conference "Neuro-muscular system in exercises and sports". Kaunas: 1991, pp. 6-7.
Olshanski G., Representations of infinite-dimensional classical groups, limits of enveloping algebras, and Yangians. In: Topics in Representation Theory. Advances in Soviet Mathematics, vol. 2. American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I., 1991, 1-66.
Olshanski G., On semigroups related to infinite-dimensional groups. In: Topics in representation theory. Advances in Soviet Mathematics., vol. 2. American Mathematical Society Providence, R.I., 1991, 67-101.
Olshanski G., Caract`eres generalis"es du groupe U(infty) et fonctions interieures. Comptes Rendus de l"Academie des Sciences Paris. Ser. 1, 313 (1991), 9--12.
Positselski L., Local Pluecker formulas for a semisimple Lie group. Funct. Anal. Appl. 25 (1991) #4, p. 291-292.
Nogin D., Notes on Exceptional Vector Bundles and Helices, in: Algebraic Geometry, S. Bloch, I. Dolgachev, and W. Fulton (Eds.), Lect. Notes Math., vol. 1479, New York: Springer, 1991, pp. 181–195.
Krasnosel'skii A., Large-amplitude oscillations in systems with saturation, Sov. Phys. Dokl., 32, 6, 419-421 (1992)
Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Kuznetsov N.A., Nonlinear systems with incomplete corrections and their stability, Sov. Phys. Dokl., 36, 5, 356-357 (1992)
Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., On some class of equations with potential operators, Note di Mat., XI, 1991, 237-245
Krasnosel'skii A., On a method of analysis of resonance problems, Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 16, 4, 1991, 321-345
Krasnosel'skii A., On approximated methods for periodic oscillation constructing,Proceedings of simposium "Modelling, Inverse Problems and Numerical Methods", Tallinn, 1991
Kozyakin V., Methods of research of stability of desynchronized impulse systems. Doctor of Physical & Mathematical Sciences Dissertation, Moscow, Institute of Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences (1991), 277 p.
Kozyakin V., Methods of research of stability of desynchronized impulse systems. Abstract of the Doctor of Physical & Mathematical Sciences Dissertation, Moscow, Institute of Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences (1991), 35 p.
Kozyakin V., Equivalent norms technique for stability analysis of linear discrete event systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes. 1991. Vol. 24, no. 14. P. 290–295. IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event System Theory and Applications in Manufacturing and Social Phenomena, Shenyang, China, June 25-27, 1991.
Kozyakin V., On the stability of linear desynchronized systems with asymmetric matrices. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 7 (1991), 33-41 (in Russian; English translation in Automat. Remote Control, 52 (1991), no. 7, part 1, 928-933).
Kozyakin V., Perturbation of linear desynchronized systems. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 316, 1 (1991), 54-57 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Phys., Dokl., 36, 1, 16-17 (1991)).


Asarin E., Krasnoselskii M., Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Stability analysis of desynchronized systems. IFAC Proceedings Volumes. 1990. Vol. 23, no. 8, Part 1. P. 117–121.
Lebedev D., Ãóòíåð Ã., Image Encoding Using a Difference Picture Pyramid // Abstr. of XXIII URSI General Assemble Prague. 1990. V. 2.
Davydov A., "Constructions of linear covering codes," Problems of Information Transmission, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 317--331, 1990.
Kanovei V., Bounded sets in Edvard Nelson"s internal set theory. Nonstandard analysis. 3rd USSR seminar. Saratov, 1990, pp. 15--23.
Asarin E., Kozyakin V., Krasnoselskii M., Kuznetsov N., On modelling systems with non-synchronously operating impulse elements, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 14, Issue C, 70-73.
Lipshits M., J.Massion, V.Gurfinkel, M.Lipshits, A.Obadia, K.Popov. Strategie et synergie: deux niveaux de controle de l"equilibre au cors du mouvement. Effets de la microgravity. C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 1990, t.314, serie III, p.87-92.
Apresjan J., Mel'čuk I.A., Computer implementation of a linguistic model and the problem of its psychological reality // Folia Linguistica. 1990. XXIV/3-4. Ð. 431-446.
Vedenina V., Byzov A.L., Characteristics of sensory inputs in cricket cercal system. In: Sensory Systems and Communication in Arthropods, Eds. Gribakin F.G., et al. (Birkhauser Verlag, Basel). P. 371-376.
Vedenina V., Responses of sympatric acridid species to natural and artificial sound signals. In: Sensory Systems and Communication in Arthropods, Eds. Gribakin F.G., et al. (Birkhauser Verlag, Basel). P. 366-370.
Panyushev D., Complexity and rank of homogeneous spaces, Geometriae Dedicata 34(1990), 249–269.
Levin M., Magidson D.B., Samsonova E.P., Choice Problem on Communication Equipment in Computer-Information System. Autom. Doc. and Math. Linguistics. Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 55-64, 1990.
Levin M., Magidson D.B., Designing a Communication Equipment in Specialized Automated Information Systems. Autom. Doc. and Math. Linguistics. Vol. 24, No. 1, 1990.
Belkin A.R., Levin M., Decision Making: Combinatorial Models of Information Approximation, Nauka Publishing House (Russian Academy of Sciences), Moscow, 1990 (in Russian)
Akhiezer D., G. Gindikin S., On Stein extensions of real symmetric spaces, Math. Annalen 286 (1990), 1 - 12
Rozhkova G., The cercal system: constancy of spatial localization and its mechanisms // First Soviet-West German Symp. «Sensory systems and communication in arthropods». Eds.: F.G.Gribakin et al. Basel etc.: Birkhauser, 1990. P. 324-328. (Adv. Life. Sci.)
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., Some Results on Multi-User Channels with Almost Gaussian Noise // Eleventh Prague Conf. Inform. Theory, Statist. Decision Funct., Random Processes. Prague. August 27--31, 1990 .
Lyubetsky V., “Model-completeness of a theory and evaluation of formulas” Algebra and Logic, 1990, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 10–22.
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Attractors of partial differential evolution equations in an unbounded domain. In: New directions in differential equations and dynamical systems. Volume dedicated to J.K.Hale of the occasion of his 60-th Birthday.— Published by the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 116a, 1991, p. 39—61.
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Semigroups depending on a parameter, their attractors and asymptotic behaviour. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1453, Springer-Verlag, 1990, p 1—19.
Veretennikov A., (with O.V.Gulinskii) Rate of mixing and the averaging principle for stochastic recursive procedures. Aut. Remote Control. 51(6), 779-788
Veretennikov A., On large deviations in averaging principle for stochastic differential equations with periodic coefficients. 1. - Probab. Theory and Math. Statistics. Proc. Fifth Vilnius Conf. (1989). Ed. by B.Grigelionis et. al.Vilnius, Lithuania: Mokslas and Utrecht, The Netherlands: VSP, Vol. 2, 542-551
Olshanski G., Unitary representations of infinite-dimensional pairs (G,K) and the formalism of R. Howe. In: Representations of Lie groups and related topics. Advances in Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 7 (A.M. Vershik and D.P. Zhelobenko, editors). Gordon and Breach, N.Y., London etc. 1990, 269--463.
Kudina L., Churikova L.I., Testing excitability of human motoneurones capable of firing double discharges. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1990, v. 75, pp. 334-341.
Shen A., Translation: V.A.Uspensky, A.L.Semenov, A.Shen. Can a single sequence of zeros and ones be random? Russian Math. Surveys, 45:1 (1990), 121--189. MR 91f:03043
Titomir L., P. Kneppo, Aidu E., Trunov V., Barinova N., A practical system for non-invasive mapping of the heart electrophysiological states. - In: XVII Int. Congr. Electrocardiol., Abstracts. O.I.C. Medical Press, Florence, 1990, p. 227.
G.Muromtseva, Trunov V., Barinova N., Titomir L., Decarto technique in diagnostics of left ventricular hypertrophies, using orthogonal ECG leads. - In: Advances in Electrocardiology. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam etc., 1990, p. 47-50.
Kvichansky A.V., Nogin D., Exceptional Collections on Ruled Surfaces, in: Helices and Vector Bundles, A.N. Rudakov et al (Eds.), London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 148, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990, pp. 97–104.
Nogin D., Exceptional Bundles of Small Rank on P_1 imes P_1, in: Helices and Vector Bundles, A.N. Rudakov et al (Eds.), London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 148, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990, pp. 33–38.
Nogin D., Zube S., Computing Invariants of Exceptional Bundles on a Quadric, in: Helices and Vector Bundles, A.N. Rudakov et al (Eds.), London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 148, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990, pp. 23–32.
Nogin D., Helices of Period Four and Markov-type Equations, Math. USSR Izv., 1991, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 209–226.
Chochia P., Kronrod M., Bockshtein I., Gektin Yu., Processing of Mars Surface Images Received from Phobos-2 Space Station // Lunar and Planetary Science XXI Conference. Part 1. - Houston.: Lunar and Planetary Institute, 1990. - P.101-102.
247, Kronrod M., Milyukova O., A priori information in the problem of restoration of the spatial structure of astronomical objects. XXIII General assembly of the international union of radio science (URSI). Abstracts, vol.2, Praque, Chehoslovakia, 1990.
Bobylev N.A., Chernorutskii V.V., Fomenko I., Krasnosel'skii A., M.A. Krasnosel'skii , Pokrovskii A.V., Semenov M.E., Vainikko E.G., The new results in the theory of periodic oscillation in nonlinear control systems, Proc. XI World Congr. IFAC, Tallinn, 6, 50-55 (1990)
Krasnosel'skii A., Dementieva A.M., Yumagulov M.G., On approximate construction of periodic solutions of first order nonlinear equation, Dokl. Acad. Nauk Tajik SSR, 3, 712-715 (1990) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Joint norm of operators and the study of nonlinear problems, Ukrainian Math. J., 42, 12, 1442-1452 (1990)
Kozyakin V., Absolute stability of discrete desynchronized systems. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 312, 5 (1990), 1066-1070 (in Russian; English translation in Soviet Phys. Dokl., 35 (1990), no. 6, 518-519).
Kozyakin V., Absolute stability of systems with asynchronous sampled-data elements. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 10 (1990), 56-63 (in Russian; English translation in Automat. Remote Control, 51 (1990), no. 10, part 1, 1349-1355 (1991)).
Kozyakin V., Stability analysis of asynchronous systems by methods of symbolic dynamics. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 311, 3 (1990), 549-552 (in Russian; English translation in Soviet Phys. Dokl., 35 (1990), no. 3, 218-220).
Kozyakin V., Stability of phase-frequency desynchronized systems under a perturbation of the switching instants of the components. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 8 (1990), 35-41 (in Russian; English translation in Automat. Remote Control, 51 (1990), no. 8, part 1, 1034-1040 (1991)).
Kozyakin V., Algebraic unsolvability of problem of absolute stability of desynchronized systems. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 6 (1990), 41-47 (in Russian; English translation in Automat. Remote Control, 51 (1990), no. 6, part 1, 754-759).
Asarin E., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., Kuznetsov N., On modelling systems with non-synchronously operating impulse elements. Math. Comput. Modelling, 14 (1990), 70-73.


Martynov G., The generalization of omega square goodness-of-fit tests. "XXXIII Semester on Robustness and Nonparametric Statistics" , March 1-May 31, 1989, Stefan Banach International Center, Warsaw, Part II , pp. 144-146
Davydov A., M. Tombak L., “Quasi-perfect linear binary codes with distance 4 and complete caps in projective geometry," Problems of Information Transmission, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 265--275, 1989.
Kanovei V., On separability of external sets. Mathematical conference dedicated to the memory of M. Ya. Suslin, Saratov, 1989, pp. 38--45.
Levin M., L.S.Levinsky, Planning of Services for User Remote Access to Resources of a Computerized Information Network. Autom. Doc. and Math. Linguistics. Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 12-21, 1989.
Levin M., A Hierarchical Hypertext System. Autom. Doc. and Math. Linguistics. Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 52-59, 1989.
Prelov V., Asymptotic Expansions for the Mutual Information and for the Capacity of Continuous Memoryless Channels with Weak Input Signal //Probl. Control Inform. Theory. 1989. V. 18. N 2. P. 91--106.
Lyubetsky V., “Valuations and sheaves. On some questions of non-standard analysis” Russian Mathematical Surveys, 1989, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 37–113.
Berkinblit M., Feldman A.G., Fookson O.I., Wiping reflex in the frog: Movement pattern, receptive fields,and blends. In: Visuomotor coordination. Ed.: J-P.Ewert, M.A .Arbib. Plenum Press,N.Y. and London.1989. pp.615-630.
Vishik M., Some unsolved problems in the theory of differential equations and mathematical physics. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1989),44(4):157-171.
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Uniform finite-parameter asymptotics of solutions f nonlinear evolutionary equations. J. Math, pures et appl., 1989, 68:4, p. 399—455.
Chepyzhov V., Zigangirov K., Study of decoding tail biting convolutional codes. Fourth Joint Swedish-Soviet International Workshop on Informational Theory, August 27 - September 1, 1989, Gotland, Sweden, P.52-55.
Veretennikov A., Optimal stabilization of controllable random processes with fast oscillating noise. Aut. Remote Control, 50(8), 1061-1065
Veretennikov A., Probability density of stochastic differential equations. In: Statistics and Control of Stochastic Processes. Steklov seminar 1985-1986. Vol. 2. Ed. by A.N.Shiryaev et al. N.Y. Optimization Software, Inc. Publ. Divizion. 233-237
Kudina L., Churikova L.I., Alexeeva N.L., Firing peculiarities of human motor units within the ‘subprimary range’. Abstracts of the 6th Intern. Symposium on Motor Control, Albena: 1989, p. 135.
Olshanski G., Irreducible unitary representations of the groups U(p,q) sustaining passage to the limit as q-->infty. Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminrov LOMI, vol. 172 (1989), 114-120 (Russian); English translation: Journal of Soviet Mathematics [currently Journal of Mathematical Scinces (New York)] 59, no. 5 (1992), 1102-1107.
Olshanski G., Unitary representations of (G,K)-pairs connected with the infinite symmetric group S(infty). Leningrad [currently St.Petersburg] Mathematical Journal 1, no. 4 (1990), 983--1014. [Translation from Algebra i Analiz, 1:4, 1989]
Nazarov M., Neretin Yu., Olshanski G., Semi-groupes engendr"es par la repr"esentation de Weil du groupe symplectique de dimension infinie. Comptes Rendus de l"Academie des Sciences Paris. Ser. 1, 309, no. 7 (1989), 443--446.
Bobylev N.A., Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Pokrovskii A.V., On some new ideas in nonlinear analysis, ``Nonlinear boundary problems"", Kiev, 1, 22-26 (1989)
Dementieva A.M., Krasnosel'skii A., Yumagulov M.G., Periodic problem operator for a first order equation, Dokl. Acad. Nauk Tajik SSR, 12, 802-805 (1989) [Russian]
Bobylev N.A., Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Stability of periodic oscillations and the possibility of obtaining them by the method of harmonic balance, Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 5, 179-181 (1989) [Russian]
Asarin E., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., Kuznetsov N., Pokrovskii A., On some new types of mathematical models of complex systems. Modelling and adaptive control, Proc. IIASA Conf., Sopron/Hung. 1986, Lecture Notes in Control and Inform. Sci., 105 (1988), 10-26.


Martynov G., Practice on probability theory and mathematical statistics. 1988, "Moscow State University" , 5-22
Martynov G., 1990. G. V. Martynov, “Probabilistic-statistical programs from “Applied Statistics””, J. Soviet Math., 50:3 (1990), 1643–1684
Kanovei V., The correctness of Euler"s method for the factorization of the sine function into an infinite product. Russian Math. Surveys, 1988, 43, 4, pp. 65--94.
Kanovei V., Kolmogorov"s ideas in the theory of operations on sets. Russian Math. Surveys, 1988, 43, 6, pp. 111--155.
Kanovei V., Uspensky V.A., M.Ya.Souslin"s contribution to set-theoretic mathematics. Moscow Univ. Math. Bull., 1988, 43, 5, pp. 29--40.
Grishin V., Kanovei V., On work in descriptive set theory carried out at the Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences. Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 1990, Issue 1, pp. 245--265.
Maximov V., Approximation of visual pigment absorption spectra // Sensornye Sistemy, 1988, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 5-9 (in Russian)
English translation of the paper is available for downloading
Lipshits M., V.S.Gurfinkel, M.I.Lipshits, F.G.Lestienne. Anticipatiory ajustments posturaux associes a la mobilisation volontaireneck muscle activity associated with rapid arm movements. Neuroscience Letters, 1988, v.94, p. 104-108.
Rozhkova G., Specific binocular functions // Proc. of the IV-th conf. of the International organization of psychophysiology / Eds.: T.Radil, Z.Bohdanesky. Prague, Sept. 12-17, 1988. P. 231.
Ploskonos G., Rozhkova G., Monocular and binocular vision during dark adaptation in patients with strabismus // Perception. 1988. V. 17. N 3. XI-th Eur. conf. on visual perception. Bristol, Aug.-Sept. 1988. Abstr. A34. P. 372.
Nikolaev P., Rozhkova G., Stereopsis: dependence of perceived color on interpretation of stabilized visual scenes // Perception. 1988. V. 17. N 3. XIth Eur. conf. on visual perception. Bristol, Aug.-Sept. 1988. Abstr. A81. P.49.
Rozhkova G., Autonomous mechanisms of binocular synthesis: rivalry of hypotheses at the level of perception // Perception. 1988. V. 17. N 3. XI-th Eur. conf. on visual perception. Bristol, Aug.-Sept. 1988. Abstr. A46. P. 384-385.
Lyubetsky V., “On some applications of Heyting-valued analysis II” Article in the book COLOG-88, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 417, Springer, 1990, P. 122–145, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Logic, Tallinn, USSR, December 12–16 1988
Berkinblit M., Feldman A.G., Some problems of motor control. J.Motor Bechavior, 1988, 20, N.3, 369-373.
Vishik M., Attractors and global behaviour of solutions of a dissipative hyperbolic equation depending on a parameter. Proceedings of the Conference in the honour of J.-L. Lions, Paris, 1988.
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Uniform finite-parameter asymptotics of solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. In: Contribution of the Conference in the honour of J.-L. Lions, Paris, 1988, p. 1—10.
Komech A., Vishik M., Periodic approximations of homogeneous measures. In: Mathematical problems of statistical hydromechanics.— Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1988, p. 534—562.
Fursikov A.V., Vishik M., Mathematical problems of statistical hydromechanics. Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1988, ñ. 1—473.
Chepyzhov V., Unbounded attractors of some parabolic systems of differential equations and estimates of their dimension. Sov. Math., Dokl. V.38. 1989 No.1, P.39-42.
Veretennikov A., Rate of convergence of stochastic iteration procedures in ill - posed problems. Aut. Remote Control. 49(1), 56-60
Piotrkiewicz M., Person R., Kudina L., The effect of the repetitive stimulation on firing motoneuron. Digital simulation based on the human motor unit study. In: V.S. Gurfinkel, M.E. Ioffe, J. Massion, J.P. Roll (eds): Stance and Motion. Facts and Concepts. Plenum Press, NY and London, 1988, pp. 239–249.
Olshanski G., Determinism of L"evy random fields and unitary representations of infinite-dimensional groups. Russian Math. Surveys 43, no. 2 (1988), 183-184.
Olshanski G., Method of holomorphic extensions in the representation theory of infinite-dimensional classical groups. Funct. Anal. Appl. 22, no. 4 (1989), 273-285 [Russian original: 1988]
Kudina L., Excitability of firing motoneurones tested by Ia afferent volleys in human triceps surae. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1988, v. 69, pp. 576-580.
Kudina L., Pantseva R.E., Recurrent inhibition of firing motoneurones in man. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1988, v. 69, pp. 179-185.
Chochia P., Bockstein I., Kronrod M., Methods of Venus Northern Area Radiolocation Map Synthesis Using Strip Images of "Venera–15" and "Venera–16" Space Stations // Lunar and Planetary Science XIX Conference. Part 1. – Houston.: Lunar and Planetary Institute, 1988. – P.108–109.
Chochia P., Image Enhancement Using Sliding Histograms // Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing.–1988.– V.44,no.2.– P.211–229.
Chochia P., Bockstein I., Kronrod M., Methods of Venus Radiolocation Map Synthesys Using Strip Map of Venera–15 and Venere–16 Space Stations // Earth, Moon, and Planets. – 1988.– V.43. – P.233–259.
Krasnosel'skii A., Conditions of applicability of Fredholm theorems in analysis of forced oscillations in nonlinear control systems, Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 3, 162-164 (1988) [Russian]


Martynov G., Algorithms for the computing of probability distributions. "Reliability and Effectiveness in Technique. Handbook" , V. II , Chapter 6, 1987, "Mashinostroenie", pp. 251-273
Martynov G., Algorithms for the computing of probability distributions. "Reliability and Effectiveness in Technique. Handbook" , V. II , Chapter 6, 1987, "Mashinostroenie", pp. 251-273
Derim-Oglu E., Pavlova I., Maximov V., Colour vision in pied flycatcher (muscicapa hypoleuca) // Zoologicheskij zhurnal, 1987, Vol. 66, No. 9, P. 1354-1362 (in Russian)
Kezeli A., Maximov V., Lomashvili N., Khomeriki M., Tshkhvediani N., Participation of the Green-Sensitive Receptor in the Cat Retina in Light Discrimination // NIH Library Translation NIH-87-386, translated from Fiziol Zh SSSR im I.M. Sechenova 1987; 63(7): 883-9
Kezeli A., Maximov V., Lomashvili N., Khomeriki M., Tshkhvediani N., Participation of the green-sensitive cone mechanism of the cat retina in colour discrimination // Sechenov physiological journal of the USSR, 1987, Vol. 63, No. 7, P. 883-889 (in Russian)
Boyarinov I.M., Davydov A., Shabanov B.M., Error correction in main memory of a high-capacity computer, Automation and Remote Control, vol. 48, no.7. pt. 2, pp. 956--965, 1987
Kanovei V., N.N.Luzin"s problems on the existence of CA sets without perfect subsets. Math. Notes, 1987, 41, pp. 422--426.
Kanovei V., ``Nonstandard"" construction of power series. In: V. A. Uspensky, What is the nonstandard analysis, M.: Nauka, 1987, pp. 121--124.
Rodionova E., Pigarev I., Structural organization of the visual and somatic representations in the cat parietal cortex // Neuroscience, 1987, suppl. to v.22, S 705.
Serebrovski A., On the Sunthesis of Optimal Control for the Continuous-Time Stochastic Systems. - Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. North-Holland. 1987, v.29, No.3&4, c. 261-273.
Nikolaev P., Rozhkova G., Color perception of stabilized retinal images on unstabilized background // Perception. 1987. V. 16. N 2. X-th Eur. conf. on visual perception. Varna, 21-24 Sept. 1987. Abstr. A21. P. 245.
Rozhkova G., Ploskonos G.A., Three subsystems in human binocular synthesis and their damage in patients with strabismus // Perception. 1987. V. 16. N 2. X-th Eur. conf. on visual perception. Varna, 21-24 Sept. 1987. Abstr. A48. P. 272.
Prelov V., de Bruyn, E. van der Meulen K., Reliable Transmission of Two Correlated Sources over an Asymmetric Multiple-Access Channel // IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. 1987. V. 33. N 5. P. 716—718
Prelov V., van der Meulen E., On the Slepian and Wolf Multiple-Access Channel with Gaussian Noise // Proc. Fighth Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Deventer, 1987. P. 132—139 .
Chepyzhov V., On unbounded invariant sets and attractors of some quasilinear equations and systems of parabolic type. Russian Mathematical Surveys. V.42.1987. N.5. P.167-168.
Veretennikov A., Malliavin calculus and its applications to some limit theorems. Proc. 1 - st World Congress Bernoully Soc., Tashkent, 1986. Vol. 1. Utrecht: VNU Sci. Press. 557-566
Veretennikov A., Lower bound for large deviations for an averaged SDE with a small diffusion, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1997, 5(1), 99-104.
Olshanski G., Yangians and universal enveloping algebras. Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov LOMI, vol. 164 (1987), 142-150 (Russian); English translation: Journal of Soviet Mathematics [currently Journal of Mathematical Science (New York)] 47, no. 2 (1989), 2466-2473.
Olshanski G., Extension of the algebra U(g) for infinite-dimensional classical Lie algebras g, and the Yangians Y(gl(m)). Soviet Math. Dokl. 36, no. 3 (1988), 569-573. Translation from Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 297, 1050-1054 (1987)
Krasnosel'skii A., Directional corrections in harmonic balance method, Sov. Phys. Dokl., 32, 6, 441-443 (1988)
Krasnosel'skii A., Forced oscillations in system with hysteresis nonlinearities, Dokl. Acad. Nauk SSSR, 292, 5, 1078-1082 (1987) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Boundary problems for equations at resonance, Proc. 3d International Conf. on Diff. Equ., Ruse, Bulgaria, 1, 207-210 (1987) [Russian]
Bobylev N.A., Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Pokrovskii A.V., Vladimirov A., Functional analysis and dynamics of nonlinear control systems, Proc. X World congr. IFAC, Munich, Germany, 112-117 (1987). Selected Papers from 10th Triennal World Congress of the IFAC-1987, Munich, West Germany. Oxford, UK: Pergamon, 8, 11-15 (1988)
Dementieva A.M., Grachev N.I., Krasnosel'skii A., Petrov D.I., Remarks on harmonic balance method in problem of forced oscillations in multilinked systems, ``Heterogeneous system dynamics"", Moscow, Inst. for System Study, 6, 68-71 (1987) [Russian]
Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., The method of parameter functionalization in the Hopf bifurcation problem. Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 11, 2 (1987), 149-161.


Martynov G., On the evaluation of the multivariate normal integral. "The first international Bernoully congress on mathematical statistics and probability theory" , V. 2 , 1986, Moscow, "Nauka", p. 521
Martynov G., Computing of the distribution for the ratio of two quadratic forms in normal variates. "Statistical Methods for Estimation and hypotheses testing" , 1986, Perm, "Permian University"
Martynov G., The transforming of the multivariate normal integral to finite sum of the repeating integrals. "XIX Colloquium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Bakuriani" , Tbilisi, "Mezniereba", 1986
Chochia P., Bokshtein I.M., Kronrod M.A., Geology and morphology of the northern hemisphere of Venus / V.L.Barsukov, A.L.Sukhanov, A.L.Akim, Yu.N.Aleksandrov, A.T.Bazilevskij, M.Yu.Bergman, N.N.Bobina, A.F.Bogomolov, I.M.Bokshtein, G.A.Burba, S.A.Kadnichanskij, V.A.Kotelnikov, M.A.Kronrod, V.P.Kryuchkov, L.V.Kudrin, R.O.Kuzmin, M.S.Markov, O.V.Nikolaeva, G.M.Petrov, A.A.Pronin, O.N.Rzhiga, L.B.Ronka, Yu.I.Sidorov, G.M.Skrypnik, Yu.S.Tyuflin, I.M.Chernaya, P.A.Chochia, V.P.Shashkina // Geotektonics. 1986. Vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 256-270.
Kondrashev S.L., Gamburtzeva A.G., Gnyubkina V.P., Orlov O., Thi My Pham, Kondrashev S.L., Gamburtzeva A.G., Gnyubkina V.P., Orlov O.Yu., Pham Thi My. Coloration of corneas in fish. A list of species // Vision Res., 1986, v. 26, pp. 287-290.
Grigor'ev F.N., Kuznetsov N.A., Serebrovski A., Óïðàâëåíèå íàáëþäåíèÿìè â àâòîìàòè÷åñêèõ ñèñòåìàõ.-Ì.:Íàóêà, 1986.-216 ñ.
Berkinblit M., Gelfand I.M., Feldman A.G., A model for the aiming phase of the wiping reflex. In: Neurobiology of vertebrate locomotion. Ed.:S.Grillner,P.Stein,D.Stuart,H.Forssberg, R.German. Macmillan press,1986,217-230.
Berkinblit M., Feldman A.G., Fookson O.I., In search of the theoretical basis of motor control. The bechavioral and brain scienses,1986, 9, N.4, ñòð.626-631.
Berkinblit M., Feldman A.G., Fookson O.I., Adaptability of innate motor patterns and motor control mechanisms. The bechavioral and brain scienses,1986,9,N.4,585-599.
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Unstable invariant sets of semigroups of non-linear operators and their perturbations. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1986),41(4):1-41.
Vishik M., Kuksin S.B., PERTURBATIONS OF QUASILINEAR ELLIPTIC EQUATIONS AND FREDHOLM MANIFOLDS. Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik (1987),58(1):223-243.
Fursikov A.V., Vishik M., Mathematische problème der statistishen hydromechanik. Leipzig, Akademiche Verlagsgesellschalt Jeest & Portig K.-J., 1986. ñ.1-428 (ñîâì. ñ À.Â. Ôóðñèêîâûì).
Chepyzhov V., Unbounded attractor of a quasilinear parabolic equation. Mosc. Univ. Math. Bull. V.41. 1986. No.6. P.38-40.
Veretennikov A., Regularization of ill-posed problems by stochastic iteration procedures in the mean. Aut. Remote Control. 47(10), 1367-1372
Olshanski G., Unitary representations of the group SO(infty,infty) as limits of unitary representations of the groups SO(n,infty) as n --> infty. Functional Analysis and its Applications 20, no. 4 (1987), 292-301. [Russian original: 1986]
Chochia P., Bockstein I., Kronrod M., Interactive Processing of Venus Images // Lunar and Planetary Science XVII Conference. Part 1. – Houston.: Lunar and Planetary Institute, 1986. – P.60–61.
Chochia P., Bockstein I., Kronrod M., The Geology and Geomorphology of the Venus Surface as Revealed by the Radar Images Obtained by "Venera 15 and 16" // Jornal of Geophysical Research. – 1986. – V.91, no.B4. – P.D378–D398.
Krasnosel'skii A., On some class of linear links with rational fractional transfer functions, Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 11, 166-170 (1986) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., New theorems on forced periodic oscillations in nonlinear control systems, Appl. Math. & Mech., 50, 2, 165-170 (1987)
Bobylev N.A., Boltyanskii V.G., Vsehsvyatskii S.Yu., Kalashnikov V.V., Kozyakin V., Kolmanovskii V.B., Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovskii A.V., Mathematical systems theory, Moscow, Nauka, 1986, 166 pp. (in Russian)


Martynov G., Computing of the normal, F-, T- and Chi- square distributions and their quantiles. "III Sci. and Tech. Conf. on Applications of the Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Econ. and Quality Prod.Estimation" , V. II , 1985, Tartu
Martynov G., The Gaussity test for random processes with estimated parameters. "Fourth international Vilnius conference on probability theory and mathematical statistics" , V. II , 1985, Vilnius, pp. 149-150
Maximov V., Orlov O., Reuter T., Chromatic properties of the retinal afferents in the thalamus and the tectum of the frog (rana temporaria) // Vision Research, 1985, Vol. 25, No. 8, pp. 1037-1049. DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(85)90092-6
Kanovei V., Some problems of descriptive set theory and type theory. Abstract of D.Sc. thesis in physics and mathematics. ÌÈÀÍ èì. Â.À.Ñòåêëîâà, 1985, 18 ñ.
Kanovei V., Problem of the existence of nonborel AF_II sets. Math. Notes, 1985, 37, pp. 156--161
Kanovei V., Development of descriptive set theory under the influence of N.N.Luzin"s work. Russian Math. Surveys, 1985, 40, 3, pp. 135--180.
Kanovei V., The axiom of determinacy and the modern development of descriptive set theory. J. Soviet Math., 1988, 40, 3, pp. 257--287.
Lipshits M., G.Clement, V.S.Gurfinkel, F.Lestienne, M.I.Lipshits, K.E.Popov. Changes in Posture during Transient Perturbations in Microgravity. Aviat., Space and Environment. Med., 1985, p. 666-671.
Levin M., Magidson D.B., The Choice of Communication Channels in the Design of a Specialized Automated Information System. Autom. Doc. and Math. Linguistics. Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 13-19, 1985.
Prelov V., de Bruyn, E.C. van der Meulen K., The Capacity Region of the Discrete Memoryless Asymmetric Multiple Access Channel with Arbitrarily Correlated Sources // Proc. Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Brighton, 1985. P. 153.
Prelov V., de Bruyn, E. van der Meulen K., Two Results on the Discrete Memoryless Asymmetric Multiple Access Channel with Arbitrarily Correlated Sources // Proc. Sixth Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Mierlo, 1985. P. 183—191.
Podugolnikova T., Morphology of bipolar cells and their participation in spatial organization of the inner plexiform layer of jack Mackerel retina. Vision Research., 1985, V. 25, ¹ 12, P. 1843-1851.
Podugolnikova T., Inner plexiform layer of jack Mackerel retina: participation of amacrine and ganglion cells in its spatial organization. Vision Research., 1985, V. 25, ¹ 12, P.1853-1864.
Veretennikov A., (with M.L.Kleptsina) On filtering and properties of conditional laws of Ito-Volterra processes, Statistics and Control of Stochastic Processes, 1985. Steklov seminar, 1984. Ed. by N.V.Krylov et al. Optimiz. Software, Publ. divizion, N.Y. 179-196
Olshanski G., Prati M.C., Extremal weights of finite-dimensional representations of the Lie superalgebra gl_{n/m}. Il Nuovo Cimento 85A, no. 1 (1985), 1-18.
Olshanski G., Unitary representations of the infinite symmetric group: a semigroup approach. In: Representations of Lie groups and Lie algebras (A.A. Kirillov, ed.). Budapest, Akad. Kiado, 1985, 181-198.
Shen A., Algorithmic variants of the notion of entropy. Ph.D. thesis.
Krasnosel'skii A., On stability of desynchronized multicomponent systems, Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 11, 170-171 (1985) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., One-side estimates in problems on forced periodic oscillations in multicontour systems, ``Heterogeneous system dynamics"", Moscow, Inst. for System Study, 27-32 (1985) [Russian]
Dementieva A.M., Krasnosel'skii A., On approximate solutions of some class of linear systems, ``Heterogeneous system dynamics"", Moscow, Inst. for System Study, 146-148 (1985) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Nonlocal theorems on forced oscillations in control systems, Proc. X International conf. on nonlinear oscillation (ICNO), Varna-Sofia, Bulg. Acad. Nauk, Bulgaria, 340-343 (1985) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., One-side estimates in the problem of forced oscillations in nonlinear control systems, Soviet Math. Dokl., 32, 1, 74-77 (1985)
Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Large-amplitude cycles in autonomous systems with hysteresis, Soviet Math. Dokl., 32, 1, 14-17 (1985)
Vladimirov A., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Absolute dissipativity of systems with a hysteresis. Applied methods of the functional analysis, Inter-university collection of works, Voronezh State University, Voronezh (1985), 33-39 (in Russian).
Blank M., Gukovskii D., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Markovskaya T., Ruda M., Sobolev A., Romanov M.Yu., System engineering of automatic diagnostics of infringements of heart rhythm in real time scale. Reports of the National Cardiology Research Center of Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, VNTICentr, 81024272 (1985), 123 p. (in Russian).
Kozyakin V., Positsel’skii E., Yarovaya E., Metel’skaya V., A model of influence of haemosorption on exchange of lipoproteids of plasma of blood. Mathematical and computing methods in biology, Theses of the Reports of an All-Union Seminar, Pushchino (1985), 1 p. (in Russian).
Kozyakin V., Observability of periodic modes caused by loss of stability of sampled- data systems. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 9 (1985), 42-48 (in Russian; English translation Autom. Remote Control, 46, 1098-1104 (1985)).


Martynov G., Estimating of an error arising in functionals with using the empirical distribution. "Random Analysis and Asymptotic Problems in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics" , 1984, Tbilisi,"Mezniereba"
Martynov G., Computing of the distribution for the ratio of two quadratic forms. "XVIII Colloquium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Bakuriani" , Tbilisi, "Tbilisian University", 1984
Uspensky V.A., Kanovei V., N.N. Luzin, an outstanding mathematician and teacher. Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1984, 11, pp. 95--102. (Russian.)
Kanovei V., Undecidable and decidable properties of constituents. Math. USSR Sbornik, 1985, 52, 2, pp. 491--519.
Lipshits M., G.Clement, V.S.Gurfinkel, F.Lestienne, M.I.Lipshits, K.E.Popov. Adaptation of Postural Control to Weightlessness. Exp. Brain Res., 1984, v. 57, p. 61-72.
Grigor'ev F.N., Kuznetsov N.A., Serebrovski A., On the Synthesis of the Optimal Discrete Control System for Continuous-Time Object. - Preprints 9th IFAC Congress. Budapest. Hungary. 1984.
Akhiezer D., Invariant analytic hypersurfaces in complex nilpotent Lie groups, Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 2, no. 2 (1984), 129 - 140
Rozhkova G., Rodionova E., Popov A., Two types of information processing in cercal systems of insects: directional sensitivity of giant interneurons // J. comp. physiol. A. 1984. V. 154. N 6. P. 805-815.
Prelov V., The Asymptotic Behavior of the Capacity and the Zero-Error Capacity of a Continuous Channel with Large Noise // Mededelingen uit het Wiskundig Instituut. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. 1984. N 179. 27 pages.
Prelov V., The Zero-Error Capacity of Certain Continuous Channels with Small Input Signal // Proc. Fifth Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Aalten, May 24--25, 1984. P. 203--205.
Podugolnikova T., Maximov V., Horizontal cell connections with receptors in the retina of Black Sea horse-mackerel. // In the book: «Sensornaja fiziologija ryb» (Fish sensory physioligy), Apatity, Kom. fil. AS USSR, 1984, P. 119-121 (in Russian)
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Attracteurs maximaux dans les equations aux dérivées partielles. Notes de cours au Collège de France, Séminaire Bresiz-Lions, 1984, rédigées par A.Haraux.
Veretennikov A., Iterative methods in ill-posed problems with random errors. Aut. Remote Control. 45(12), 1564-1569
Olshanski G., Infinite-dimensional classical groups of finite R-rank: description of representations and asymptotic theory. Functional Analysis and its Applications 18, no. 1 (1984), 22-34.
Chochia P., Rabkin, Z.S. Vainberg, E.A. Gusev, L.M. Zykin, B.I. Leonov, A.A. Petushkov, F.R. Sosnin, Ya.M. Kaplun I.Kh., Digital synthesis of diagnostic x-ray images // Biomedical Engineering, V.18, no.1, Jan. 1984
Kanovei V., The axiom of choice and the axiom of determinateness. Moscow, Nauka, 1984, 63 pp. Monograph
Maximov V., Colour transformation with changes of illumination. M.: Nauka. 1984. 160 p. (in Russian)
Krasnosel'skii A., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Pokovskii A.V., On application of guiding potential method to systems with hysteresis, ``Heterogeneous system dynamics"", Moscow, Inst. for System Study, 162-167 (1984) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., On periodic regimes in systems, described by equations of second order with delay, ``Heterogeneous system dynamics"", Moscow, Inst. for System Study, 156-162 (1984) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Petrov D.I., On periodic oscillations in regulation systems with delays, Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 6, 169-171 (1984) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Forced periodic oscillations in nonlinear systems, Soviet Phys. Dokl., 29, 6, 438-440 (1984)
Krasnosel'skii A., On problem on forced oscillations in nonlinear control systems, Engnrg Cybernetics, 22, 5, 92-99 (1984)
Kleptsyn A., Krasnosel’skii M., Kuznetsov N., Kozyakin V., Desynchronization of linear systems. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 26, 5 (1984), 423-431.
Kozyakin V., On neglecting small terms in the study of nonlinear systems. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 10 (1984), 38-43 (in Russian; English translation Autom. Remote Control, 45, 1275-1280 (1984)).
Kleptsyn A., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., Kuznetsov N., Stability of desynchronized systems. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 274, 5 (1984), 1053-1056 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Phys. Dokl., 29, 92-94 (1984)).
Kleptsyn A., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., Kuznetsov N., Effect of small synchronization errors on stability of complex systems. III. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 8 (1984), 63-67 (in Russian; English translation Autom. Remote Control, 45, 8, 1014-1018 (1984)).
Kleptsyn A., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., Kuznetsov N., Effect of small synchronization errors on stability of complex systems. II. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 3 (1984), 42-47 (in Russian; English translation Autom. Remote Control, 45, 309-314 (1984)).


Martynov G., The compound goodness-of-fit tests. "Researches in Probability and Statistics" , 1983, "Moscow State University", 61-75
Martynov G., Programs for computing of the multivariate normal distribution. "Proc. of II School "Programs and Algorithms for the Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Zachkadzor" , 1983, Yerewan. (With coautor)
Martynov G., The program package on the queuing theory. "Proc. of II School "Programs and Algorithms for the Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Zachkadzor" , 1983, Yerewan. (With coauthors)
Kanovei V., Some problems of descriptive set theory and definability in the theory of types. Studies in nonclassical logic and formal systems, work collect., Moscow, 1983, pp. 21--81
Kanovei V., The structure of constituents of CA sets. Siberian Math. J., 1983, 24, 2, pp. 198--215.
Kanovei V., Generalization of P.S.Novikov"s theorem on the crossections of Borel sets. Math. Notes, 1983, 33, 2, pp. 144--146
Kanovei V., An answer on N. N. Luzin"s question about the separability of CA curves. Math. Notes, 1983, 33, 3, pp. 223--224.
Kanovei V., Uspensky V.A., Luzin"s problems on constituents and their fate. Moscow Univ. Math. Bull. 1983, 38, 6, pp. 86--102
Lipshits M., V.S.Gurfinkel, M.I.Lipshits, S.Mori, K.E.Popov. Interaction of central program for postural control and inherent reflex mechanism such as stretch reflex during standing. - Agressologie, 1983, v.24, #2, p.63-64.
Lipshits M., G.Clement, V.S.Gurfinkel, F.Lestienne, M.I.Lipshits, K.E.Popov. Ajustments posturaux associes a la mobilisation volontaire du bras en situation de microgravite. C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 1983, v. 296, Serie III, p. 789-792
Lipshits M., G.Clement, V.S.Gurfinkel, F.Lestienne, M.I.Lipshits, K.E.Popov. A study of mechanisms of posture maintenance in the weightlessness-state. The Physiologist, 1983, v. 26, #6, Suppl, S-86 - S-89.
Akhiezer D., Complex n-dimensional homogeneous spaces homotopically equivalent to (2n-2)-dimensional compact manifolds, Selecta Math. Sov. 3, no.3 (1983/84), 286 - 290
Akhiezer D., Equivariant completions of homogeneous algebraic varieties by homogeneous divisors, Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 1, no. 1 (1983), 49 - 78
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Regular attractors of semigroups and evolution equations. J. Math, pures et appl., 1983, 62:4, p. 441—491.
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Attractors of partial differential evolution equations and estimates of their dimension. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1983),38(4):151-213.
Veretennikov A., On the criteria for the existence of a strong solution of a stochastic equation. Theory Probab. Appl. 27(3), 441-449
Veretennikov A., (with I.V.Emelin and M.A.Krasnosel"skii) On regularization of ill-posed problems by stop-rules of iterative procedures with random errors. Numer. Funct. Anal. and Optimiz. 1983, 5(2), 199-215.
Kudina L., Firing motoneurone: relationship between firing frequency and excitability. Electroenceph. Clinical Neurophysiol. Munich: 1983, vol. 56, S 119.
Olshanski G., Unitary representations of infinite-dimensional pairs (G,K) and the formalism of R. Howe. Soviet Mathematics Doklady 27, no. 2 (1983), 290-294.
Krasnosel'skii A., Yumagulov M.G., Bifurcation values of parameters in problem on forced oscillations in automated regulation systems, Dokl. Acad. Nauk Tajik SSR, 11, 679-682 (1983) [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Forced periodic oscillations in complex nonlinear system, Automation and Remote Control, 44, 10, 1301-1306 (1984)
Kleptsyn A., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., Kuznetsov N., Effect of small synchronization errors on stability of complex systems. I. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 7 (1983), 44-50 (in Russian; English translation Autom. Remote Control, 44, 7, 861-867 (1983)).


Martynov G., Gaussity test for random processes. "IV Soviet-Japan Symposium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics" , Tbilisi, 1982
Lossev I., Maximov V., The use of the method of paired comparisons to find out the scale of stimulus efficiency in behavioral experiments // In the book: "Sensornye sistemy. Zrenie." (Sensory systems. Vision.) L.: Nauka. 1982. p. 126-138 (in Russian).
Orlov O., Maximov V., Colour vision and the behaviour of amphibians // In the book: "Sensornye sistemy. Zrenie." (Sensory systems. Vision.) L.: Nauka. 1982. p. 114-125 (in Russian).
Kanovei V., On N.N. Luzin"s problems on the embeddability and decomposability of projective sets. Math. Notes, 1982, 32, pp. 494--499.
Kanovei V., Projective hierarchy of N.N. Luzin: the current state of the theory. Appendix to the Russian translation of Handbook of Mathematical Logic, part 2: Set Theory, Moscow, Nauka,1982, pp. 273--364.
Levin M., Levin M.Sh., Deterministic Planning Problems for Identical Processors and Simultaneous Arrival of Tasks. Engineering Cybernetics, 20(4), 49-55, 1982.
Akhiezer D., Compact groups of automorphisms of Stein manifolds, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 35, no. 5 (1982), 577 - 580
Prelov V., On the Capacity and Zero-Error Capacity of Certain Multiple Access Channels // Ninth Prague Conf. Inform. Theory, Statist. Decision Funct., Random Processes. Prague. June 28--July 2, 1982. P. 205.
Babin A.V., Vishik M., Existence of and an estimate for the dimension of attractors in quasilinear parabolic equations, and Navier-Stokes systems. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1982),37(3):195-197.
Olshanski G., Invariant orderings in simple Lie groups: the solution to E.B.Vinberg"s problem. Funct. Anal. Appl. 16 (1983), 80-81. [Russian rginal: 1982].
Olshanski G., Convex cones in symmetric Lie algebras, Lie semigroups, and invariant causal (order) structures on pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces. Soviet Math. Dokl. 26 (1982), 97-101.
Olshanski G., Complex Lie semigroups, Hardy spaces, and the Gelfand- Gindikin program. In: Topics in group theory and homological algebra. Yaroslavl University Press, 1982, 85-98 (Russian). English translation: Differential Geometry and its Applications, 1 (1991),297-308.
Olshanski G., Spherical functions and characters on the group U(infty)^X. Russian Mathematical Surveys 37, no. 2 (1982), 233-234.
Rozhkova G., Nikolaev P., Shchadrin V., Perception of stabilized retinal stimuli in dichoptic viewing conditions // Vision Res. 1982. V. 22, N 2. P. 293-302.
Milyukova O., Application of regularizing algorithms to problems of restoring distored images. In book^ Symposium on Cozmical earth study Reports. Italy, november, 1982
Blank M., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Markovskaya T., Merkulova I., Ruda M., Sobolev A., Automatic tracking of cardiac rhythm. Theses of the reports of the 1st Soviet-Finnish Symposium on use the minicomputers and microprocessors in medicine, Finland, Helsinki (1982), 1 p.
Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., Some remarks on the method of minimal residues. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 4, 3 (1982), 211-239.
Kozyakin V., About the book of J.Karr "Applications of a theory of central manifold". New books abroad, 10 (1982), 16-19 (in Russian)
Krasnosel’skii M., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovski A., About dynamics of control systems with many nonlinearities. The Differential Equations and Applications (I), Proceedings of the 2nd Conference Russe"81, Bulgaria, Russe (1982), 366-376 (in Russian).


Martynov G., Gaussity test for random processes. "III Vilnius Conf. on Probability Theory and athematical Statistics" , Vilnius, 1981
Orlov O., Kondrashev S.L., Gnyubkin V.F., Electrophysiological investigation of visual neurons of Cephalopods // Soviet Journ. of marine biol. # 7. P. 193-198.
Davydov A., L.N. Kaplan, Yu.B. Smerkis, Tauglikh, G.L., "Optimization of shortened Hamming codes," Problems of Information Transmission, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 261-267, 1981.
Kanovei V., On uncountable sequences of sets given by the sieve operation, Soviet Math. Dokl., 1981, 23, 2, pp. 352--356.
Kanovei V., Ostrovsky A.V., On non-Borel F_II sets, Soviet Math. Dokl., 1981, 24, 2, pp. 386--389.
Kanovei V., Theory of Zermelo without the power set axiom and the theory of Zermelo -- Fraenkel without the power set axiom are relatively consistent, Math. Notes, 1981, 30, 3, pp. 695--702.
Kuznetsov N.A., Liptser R.Sh., Serebrovski A., all et, Generalized Observations Control in Problems of Stochastical Optimization. - Preprints 8th IFAC Congress. Kyoto. Japan. 1981.
Levin M., Levin M.Sh., An Extremal Problem of Organization of Data. Engineering Cybernetics, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 87-95, 1981.
Akhiezer D., Invariant meromorphic functions on complex semisimple Lie groups, Inventiones Math. 65, no. 3 (1981), 325 - 329
Vishik M., Komech A., Weak solutions of the inverse Kolmogorov equation corresponding to the stochastic Navier-Stokes system. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1981),36(3):268-269.
Arshavsky Yu.I., Berkinblit M., Fookson O.I., Popova L.B., Yakobson V.S., The effect of mossy fiber cerebral and spinal imputs on cerebellar Purkinje cells. Neuroscience,1981,6,N.10,1985-1993.
Veretennikov A., On strong and weak solutions of one - dimensional stochastic equations with boundary conditions. Theory Probab. Appl. 26(4), 670-686
Veretennikov A., Ergodicity and invariance principle for multiphase queuing systems. Aut. Remote Control. 42(7), 906-909
Person R.S., Kudina L., Khuskivadze T.H., Differential control of human motor units: study of reflex responses. 4th Intern. Symposium on Motor Control. Varna: 1981, p. 64.
Olshanski G., Invariant cones in Lie algebras, Lie semigroups, and the holomorphic discrete series. Funct. Anal. Appl. 15 (1982), 275-285. [Russian original: 1981]
Krasnosel'skii A., Frequency criteria and harmonic linearisation method, Ph. D.
Blank M., Gukovskii D., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Ruda M., Sobolev A., About automation of monitor tracking of ills by cardiac rhythm. Theory and practice of automation electrocardiological and clinical researches, Theses of the 2nd All-Union Conference, Kaunas (1981), 1 p. (in Russian).
Krasnosel’skii M., Vladimirov A., Kleptsyn A., Kozyakin V., Lifshits E., Pokrovskii A., Vector hysteresis nonlinearities of the von Mizes-Tresca type. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 257, 3 (1981), 581-584 (in Russian).


Kanovei V., On some problems of descriptive set theory and the connection between constructibility and definability. Soviet Math. Dokl., 1980, 22, 1, pp. 163 - 167.
Levin M., Levin M.Sh., Effective Solution of Certain Problems of Theory of Scheduling of Nets. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 16(1), pp. 148-154, 1980.
Rozhkova G., Comparison of the constancy mechanisms in the cercal systems of crickets (Acheta domesticus and Gryllus bimaculatus)//J. comp. physiol. A. 1980. V. 137. N 4. P. 287-296.
Vishik M., Komech A., Stationary solutions of the stochastic Navier — Stokes equations. In: Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences.— Springer, 1980, p. 103—113 .
Vishik M., LAZAR" ARONOVICH LYUSTERNIK (on his eightieth birthday) Russian Mathematical Surveys (1980),35(6):1-9.
Fookson O.I., Berkinblit M., Feldman A.G., The spinal frog takes into accound the schema of its body during the wiping reflex. Science, 1980, 209, 1262-1263.
Berkinblit M., Delagina T.G., Feldman A.G., G.N.Orlovskiy, Activity of motoneurons during fictivions scratch reflex in the cat. Brain Research,1980,193,427-438.
Veretennikov A., On the existence of the optimal policy for a multidimensional quasidiffusion controlled process. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sci., Springer, vol. 25, 80-90
Kudina L., Reflex effects of muscle afferents on single firing motor units in man. Proc. 18th Intern. Congr. of Physiol. Sci, Budapest: 1980, p. 531.
Olshanski G., Construction of unitary representations of infinite-dimensional classical groups. Soviet Math. Doklady 21 (1980), 66-70.
Olshanski G., Description of unitary representations with highest weight for the groups $U(p,q)^{sim}$. Funct. Anal. Appl. 14 (1981), 190-200. [Russian original: 1980]
Olshanski G., New ``large"" groups of type one. Journal of Soviet Mathematics [currently Journal of Mathematical Science (New York)] 18 (1982), 22-39. [Russian original: 1980]
Kudina L., Reflex effects of muscle afferents on antagonist studied on single firing motor units in man. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1980, v. 50, pp. 214-221.
Krasnosel'skii A., Special esimates of solutions of differential equations, In "Qualitative and approximative methods of operator equation analysis", Yaroslavl State Unuversity, Yaroslavl,, 1980, 86-89
Krasnosel'skii A., Frequency principles in the problems on forced periodic oscillations and harmonic linearisation method, Proceedings of the 8-th All-Union workshop on control theory problems, 1, Tallinn, 1980, 21-23
Krasnosel'skii A., Frequency criteria in the problem on forced oscillations in control systems, Automation and Remote Control, 41, 9, 1203-1209 (1981)
Krasnosel'skii A., New a priori estimates of two-point boundary problem solutions and its applications, Sibirskii Math. Journal, 21, 1, 115-124 (1980) [Russian]
Blank M., Gukovskii D., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Markovskaya T., Sobolev A., Experimental system of the automatic analysis of cardiac rhythm. Reports of the National Cardiology Research Center of Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, 2 (1980), 81-84 (in Russian).
Krasnosel’skii M., Kozyakin V., The method of parameter functionalization in the problem of bifurcation points. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 254, 5 (1980), 1061-1064 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Math. Dokl., 22, 513-517 (1980)).


Martynov G., 1981. G. V. Martynov, “Evaluation of the multivariate normal distribution function”, J. Soviet Math., 17:3 (1981), 1857–1875 ..............................
Kanovei V., On the definability of forcing in analysis. Moscow Univ. Math. Bull, 1979, 34, 2, pp. 3--13.
Kanovei V., On descriptive forms of the countable axiom of choice. Studies in nonclassical logic and set theory, work collect., Moscow, 1979, pp. 3--136.
Kanovei V., The set of all analytically definable sets of natural numbers can be defined analytically. Math. USSR Izv., 1980, 15, pp. 469--500.
Kanovei V., A consequence of the Martin Axiom. Math. Notes, 1980, 26, pp. 549--553.
Lipshits M., V.S.Gurfinkel, M.I.Lipshits, K.E.Popov. Kinesthetic thresholds in the orthograde posture. Agressologie, 1979, v.20, p.133-134.
Lipshits M., V.S.Gurfinkel, M.I.Lipshits, M.L. Latash, K.E.Popov. An Investigation of human postural regulation by bilateral vibration of muscles. Agressologie, 1979, v.20, B, p.151-152.
Lipshits M., V.S.Gurfinkel, M.I.Lipshits, K.E.Popov. On the origin of short-latency muscle responses to postural disturbances. Agressologie, 1979, B, p.153-154.
Vishik M., Komech A., Fursikov A.V., SOME MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS OF STATISTICAL HYROMECHANICS. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1979),34(5):149-234.
Kozyakin V., Some problems of the theory of bifurcations of periodic motions (phenomenon of subfurcation). Candidate of Physical & Mathematical Sciences Dissertation, Moscow, Institute of Electronic Technology (1979), 114 p. (in Russian).
Krasnosel’skii M., Emelin I., Kozyakin V., Aboute iterative procedures in linear problems. Preprint of the Institute of Control Problems. Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow (1979), 62 p. (in Russian). 1980.
Agaronyan O., Blank M., Gukovskii D., Davidenko A., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Markovskaya T., Merkulova I., Ruda M., Sobolev A., A system of the automated analysis of rhythm diseases by a monitor lead of ECG in intensive care units. 3-rd All-Union congress of cardiologists, Theses of the reports, Moscow (1979), 1 p. (in Russian).
Krasnosel’skii M., Kozyakin V., Some problems connected with the method of minimal residuals. Zh. Vychisl. Mat. i Mat. Fiz., 19 (1979), 508-510 (in Russian; English translation U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 19, 2, 244-247 (1979)).
Krasnosel’skii M., Kozyakin V., Influence of small delays on dynamic behavior of nonlinear systems. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 1 (1979), 5-8 (in Russian; English translation Automat. Remote Control, 40 (1979), no. 1, part 1, 1-4).


Martynov G., . Generalization of the omega square test. "Theory of Probability and its Applications" , 1978, V. 23 , N 2
Martynov G., Ìàðòûíîâ Ã.Â. Êðèòåðèè îìåãà-êâàäðàò, "Íàóêà", Ìîñêâà, 1978, 80 ñòð. (Martynov G. Omega Square Test. Nauka, 1978, Moscow, 80pp. (In Russian)
Maximov V., The problem of color constancy in a turbid medium // In the book: “Mehanizmy zrenija zhivotnyh” (Animal vision mechanisms) / Edited by O.Yu. Orlov. M.: Nauka. 1978. p. 200-221 (in Russian).
Kanovei V., The significance of the parameters and of the complexity of the basic formula in the comprehension schema for second order arithmetic. Soviet Math. Dokl. 1978, 19, pp. 1556--1559.
Kanovei V., Proof of a theorem of N.N. Luzin. Math. Notes, 1978, 23, pp. 35--37.
Kanovei V., The optimal strategy of distribution of resources in planning of railroad cargo transportation. Collected works of high school, 597, Moscow Transport Engineering Institute, 1978, pp. 86--107.
Kanovei V., On the nonemptiness of classes in axiomatic set theory. Math USSR Izv., 1978, 12, pp. 507--535.
Levin M., Levner E.V., Levin M.Sh., Levner E.V., About Effective Solution of Bellman-Johnson Problem on Tree-Type Network, Automation and Remote Control, Part 2, pp. 1497-1504, 1978.
Vishik M., Komech A., Fursikov A.V., Homogeneous stochastic solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, In: International Symposium on stochastic differential equations. Vilnius, 1978, p. 114—117.
Maximov V., Podugolnikova T., Two types of double cones in the retina of ox-eyed sardelle Clupeonella grimmi Kessler // Voprosy ihtiologii, 1978, Vol. 2, P. 370-375 (in Russian)
E.Shkolnik-Yarros, Bipolar cells of the frog retina: a Golgi study. Vision Res., 1978, V. 18, P. 301-310.
Berkinblit M., Delagina T.G., Feldman A.G., Gelfand I.M., G.N.Orlovskiy, Generation of scratching. J.Neuruphysiology,1978,vol.41,N.1, 1058-1069.
Berkinblit M., Delagina T.G., Feldman A.G., Gelfand I.M., Orlovskiy G.N., Generation of scratching. J.Neuruphysiology,1978,vol.41,N.1, 1040-1057.
Veretennikov A., On the existence of the optimal strategy in a diffusion process control problem. Internat. Symp. Stoch. Diff. Equations, Vilnius, 1978. Abstr. comm., 174-177
Olshanski G., Unitary representations of the infinite--dimensional classical groups $U(p,infty)$, $SO(p,infty)$, $Sp(p, infty)$ and the corresponding motion groups. Soviet Math. Doklady 19 (1978), 220-224.
Olshanski G., Unitary representations of the infinite--dimensional classical groups $U(p,infty)$, $SO(p,infty)$, $Sp(p, infty)$ and the corresponding motion groups. Funct. Anal. Appl. 12 (1979), 185-195. [Russian original: 1978]
Maximova E., Dimentman A., Maximov V., Nikolaev P., Orlov O., Elementary physiological mechanisms of colour constancy in animal visual system // In the book: “Mehanizmy zrenija zhivotnyh” (Animal vision mechanisms). M.: Nauka, 1978, P. 96-134 (in Russian)
Krasnosel'skii A., A priori estimates of the norms of solutions of scalar inequalities, Soviet Math. Dokl., 19, 6, 1481-1485 (1978)
Kozyakin V., Some problems of the theory of bifurcations of periodic motions (phenomenon of subfurcation). Abstract of the Candidate of Physical & Mathematical Sciences Dissertation, Moscow, Institute of Electronic Technology (1978), 16 p. (in Russian).


Martynov G., 1978. G. V. Martynov, “A generalization of Smirnov"s formula for the distribution functions of quadratic forms”, Theory Probab. Appl., 22:3 (1978), 602–607
Martynov G., 1978. E. N. Krivyakov, G. V. Martynov, and Yu. N. Tyurin. On the Distribution of the $\omega ^2 $ Statistics in the Multi-Dimensional Case. Theory Probab. Appl., 22:2 (1978), 406–410
Kozyakin V., Subfurcation in loss of stability of equilibrium position for a system of differential equations with lag, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 18:3 (1977), 414-425.\%2FBF00967033
Vishik M., "YA NESTOROVICH VEKUA (on his seventieth birthday) Russian Mathematical Surveys (1977),32(2):1-21.
Vishik M., Fursikov A.V., L"équation de Hopf, les solutions statistiques, les moments correspondantes aux systèmes des équations paraboliques quasilinéaires. J. Math, pures et appl., 1977, 56, p. 85—122.
Vishik M., Fursikov A.V., Homogene statistische Lösungen eines Navier-Stokesschen Systems. Usp. Mat. Nauk 32, No.5(197), 179-180 (1977).
Podugolnikova T., Maximov V., Mosaic of photoreceptors and neural units in the fish retina. // Sensornye sistemy, 1977, P. 178-196 (in Russian)
Olshanski G., Classification of irreducible representations of groups of automorphisms of Bruhat--Tits trees. Funct. Anal. Appl. 11, no. 1 (1977), 26-34.
Krasnosel'skii A., Integral curve convexity criterion, "Differential equations", Interuniversity collection of papers, Kuibyshev (now Samara), 1977, 54-57 [Russian]
Krasnosel'skii A., Remarks on fixed points of monotonous operators, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 32, 6, 257-258 (1977) [Russian]
Blank M., Gukovskii D., Davidenko A., Kozyakin V., Markovskaya T., Merkulova I., Ruda M., Sobolev A., About the continuous automatic analysis of cardiac rhythm. A theory and practice of automation of electrocardiological researches, Theses of All-Union meeting, Kaunas (1977), 1 p. (in Russian).
Kozyakin V., The generation of periodic points from an equilibrium position. Uspehi Mat. Nauk, 32, 4 (1977), 255-256 (in Russian).
Kozyakin V., The occurrence of subfurcation when there is loss of stability of the equilibrium state of a system of differential equations with lag. Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 18, 3 (1977), 580-594 (in Russian; English translation Sib. Math. J., 18, 414-425 (1978)).
Kozyakin V., Subfurcation of periodic oscillations. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 232, 1 (1977), 24-27 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Math., Dokl., 18, 18-21 (1977)).


Martynov G., G. V. Martynov, “Computation of the limiting distributions of statistics for the ω2-test of normality”, Theory Probab. Appl., 21:1 (1976), 1–13 (Translation from Russian)
Orlov O., Gamburtseva A.G., Changeable coloration of cornea in the fish Hexogrammus octogrammus // Nature (London). V. 236, pp. 405-407.
Kanovei V., Definability using the degrees of constructibility. Studies in set theory and non-classical logic, work collect., M., Nauka, 1976, pp. 5--95.
Kanovei V., Consistency of some propositiona of descriptive set theory which express the existence of objects with paradoxical properties. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis in physics and mathematics, ÌÃÓ, 1976, 16 ñ.
Lipshits M., A.M.Elner, V.S.Gurfinkel, M.I.Lipshits, G.V.Mamasakhlisov. Facilitation of stretch reflex by additional support during quiet stance. Agressologie, 1976, v.17, A, p.15-20.
Lipshits M., M.Bonnet, V.S.Gurfinkel, M.J.Lipshits, K.E.Popov. Central programming of lower limb muscular activity in the standing man. - Agressologie, 1976, v.17, B, p.35-42
Lipshits M., V.S.Gurfinkel, M.I.Lipshits, S.Mori, K.E.Popov. Postural reactions to the controlled sinusoidal displacement of the supporting platform. - Agressologie, 1976, v.17, B, p.71-76.
Lipshits M., V.S.Gurfinkel, M.I.Lipshits, S.Mori, K.E.Popov. The state of stretch reflex during quiet standing in man. - In: Understanding the stretch reflex. S.Homma(Ed.). Progress in Brain Research, v.44, North Holland: Elsevier, 1976, p.473-486.
Kozyakin V., The breaking of invariant tori. Differential Equations, Inter-university collection of works, Kuybyshev Gos. Univ., Kuybyshev (1976), 45-50 (in Russian).
Kozyakin V., A second necessary condition for the bifurcation of N-periodic points. Differential Equations, Inter-university collection of works, Kuybyshev Gos. Univ., Kuybyshev (1976), 39-44 (in Russian).


Podugolnikova T., Maximov V., Morphological types of bipolar cells identified by regular grids of their axonal expansions in the inner plexiform layer of the herring retina. Neurophysiology. 1975. Vol. 7(1). PP. 47–51. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 60–65, January–February, 1975. DOI: 10.1007/BF01063025
Maximova E., Dimentman A., Maximov V., Nikolaev P., Orlov O., Physiological mechanisms of color constancy. Neurophysiology. 1975. 7(1). PP. 16–20. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 21–26, January–February, 1975. doi: 10.1007/BF01063019
Martynov G., Computing the distributions of quadratic forms in normal variables. "Proceedings of the III Soviet-Japan Symposium on Prob. Theory" , 1975, Tashkent
Martynov G., G. V. Martynov, "Computation of distribution functions of quadratic forms of normally distributed random variables", Theory Probab. Appl., 20:4 (1976), 782-793 (Translation from Russian)
Kanovei V., The majorization of initial segments of degrees of constructibility. Math. Notes, 1975, 5--6, pp. 563--567.
Kanovei V., The independence of some propositions of descriptive set theory and second order arithmetic. Soviet Math. Dokl, 1975, 16, 4, pp. 937--940.
Vishik M., Fursikov A.V., Sessions of the I. G. Petrovskiĭ Seminar on Differential Equations and Mathematical Problems of Physics. (Russian) Uspehi Mat. Nauk 30 (1975), no. 2(182), 261--269.
Vishik M., Fursikov A.V., THE CAUCHY PROBLEM FOR NONLINEAR SCHRÖDINGER-TYPE EQUATIONS Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik (1975),25(3):429-440.
Vishik M., Intégrales premières analytiques des équations différentielles paraboliques nonlinéaires et du système des équations de Navier — Stokes. Application à la théorie des solutions statistiques et à d"autres problèmes. Séminaire Jean Leray, 1974—1975.— Collège de France, p. 1—33.
Podugolnikova T., Maximov V., Morphological types of bipolar cells revealed by regular gratings of thickenings of their axons in the inner plexiform layer of the herring retina. Nejrofiziologija, 1975, Vol. 7(1), pp. 60-65 (in Russian).
Olshanski G., On representations of the group of automorphisms of a tree. Uspehi Mat. Nauk. 30, no. 3 (1975), 169-170 (Russian).
Losev I., Maximov V., Nikolaev P., On the recognition of coloration and shape of volume objects // Biofizika, 1975, Vol. 20, N 2, P. 313-318 (in Russian)
Maximova E., Dimentman A., Maximov V., Nikolaev P., Orlov O., The physiological mechanisms of colour constancy // Nejrofiziologija (Kiev), 1975, Vol. 7, N 1, P. 21-26 (in Russian)
Maximov V., A system capable of learning to classify geometric images. In: Models of Learning and Behaviour (M.S.Smirnov ed.),"Nauka", Moscow, 1975, pp. 29-120. (in Russian)
Russian version of the paper in PDF-format is available as self-extracting archive (about 10.8 MB) from the site
The article was translated in English by Marina Eskina in 2003 and is available (PDF, 3 MB) at the site
Bongard M., Lossev I., Maximov V., Smirnov M.S., Formal language of description of situations using the concept of connection. In: Models of Learning and Behaviour (M.S.Smirnov ed.), "Nauka", Moscow, 1975, pp. 172-184 (in Russian)
Lossev I., Maximov V., On the problem of generalization of descriptions of initial situations. In: Models of Learning and Behaviour (M.S.Smirnov ed.), "Nauka", Moscow, 1975, pp. 172-184 (in Russian)


Kanovei V., On degrees of constructibility and descriptive properties of the set of real numbers in the initial model and in its extensions. Soviet Math. Dokl, 1974, 15, 3, pp. 866--868.
Vishik M., Fursikov A.V., SOME QUESTIONS IN THE THEORY OF NONLINEAR ELLIPTIC AND PARABOLIC EQUATIONS. Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik (1974),23(2):287-318.
Olshanski G., Intertwining operators and complementary series in the class of representations of the general linear group over a locally compact division algebra induced from parabolic subgroups. Math. USSR--Sbornik 22 (1974), 217--255.
Maximov V., Nikolaev P., Colour opponency and colour constancy // Biofizika, 1974, Vol.19, N 1, P.151-157 (in Russian)
Akhmerov R., Kamenskii M., Kozyakin V., Sobolev A., Periodic solutions of systems of autonomous functional-differential equations of neutral type with small delays. Differencial"nye Uravnenija, 10 (1974), 1923-1931 (in Russian; English translation Differ. Equations, 10 (1974), 1479-1485 (1976)).


Martynov G., Computation of the limiting distribution for the Cramér-von Mises normality tests. "Theory of Probability and its Applications" , 1973, V. 18 , N 3, 671-673
Kanovei V., The problem of singular cardinals. Math. Notes, 1973, 13, pp. 429--433.
Apresjan J., Zholkovsky A.K., Mel'čuk I.A., Materials for an Explanatory-Combinatory Dictionary of Modern Russian // Trends in Soviet Theoretical Linguistics. Ed. by F. Kiefer. Foundations of Language. Supplementary Series. Dordrecht-Holland, Boston, 1973. Vol. 18. Ð. 411-438 (ñîàâòîðû: A.K. Zholkovsky and I.A. Mel"čuk).
Vishik M., Les opérateurs différentiels et pseudodifférentiels à une infinité de variable. Les problèmes elliptiques et paraboliques. Astérisque, 1973, 2—3, p. 342—362.
Podugolnikova T., Maximov V., Regularity of spatial structure of receptor and neural layers in the retinae of bony fishes: light microscopy. // Zoologicheskij zhurnal, 1973, Vol. LII, N. 4, P. 541-551
Podugolnikova T., Maximov V., Various types of bipolar cells in the herring retina. // "International symposium on vision physiology", Leningrad, 1973, P. 23 (in Russian)
Podugolnikova T., Maximov V., On the comparative morphology of the retina: light microscopy. // "International symposium on the vision physiology", Leningrad, 1973, P. 16.
Olshanski G., On unitary representations of the groups $GL(2)$ and $GU(2)$ over a totally disconnected locally compact quaternion field. Funct. Anal. Appl. 7, no. 1 (1973), 73-75.


Dimentman A., Ya. Karas A., Maximov V., Orlov O., Constancy of object colour perception in cyprinus carpio // Zhurnal vysschey nervnoy dejatelnosti (Journal of higher nerve activity). Vol. XXII. No. 4. P. 772-779 (in Russian)
Arshavsky YU.I., Berkinblit M., Fookson O.I., Gelfand I.M., G.N.Orlovsky, Origin of modulation in neurones of the ventral spinocerebellar tract during licomotion. Brain Research,1972,43,276-279.
Arshavsky YU.I., Berkinblit M., Fookson O.I., Gelfand I.M., G.N.Orlovsky, Recordings of neurones of the dorsal spinocerebellar tract during evoked locomotion. Brain Research,1972,43,272-275.
Olshanski G., On intertwining operators for induced representations of reductive $p$-adic groups. Russian Math. Surveys 27, no. 6 (1972), 243-244.
Person R.S., Kudina L., Discharge frequency and discharge pattern of human motor units during voluntary contraction of muscle. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1972, v. 32, pp. 471-483
Krasnosel’skii M., Kozyakin V., Pokrovskii A., Vibrationally stable hysterons. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 206, 4 (1972), 800-803 (in Russian; English translation Soviet Math., Dokl., 13, 1305-1309 (1972)).
Kozyakin V., The vibrostability of second order differential equations. Uspehi Mat. Nauk, 27, 5 (1972), 241-242 (in Russian).
Kozyakin V., The inverse Minkowski inequality for monotone functions. Voronezh. Gos. Univ. Trudy Naucn.-Issled. Inst. Mat. VGU Vyp. 5 Sb. Statei Teor. Operator. i Differencial. Uravnenii, 5 (1972), Voronezh State University, Voronezh, 59-64 (in Russian).


Maximova E., Orlov O., Dimentman A., Investigation of visual system of some marine fishes. Voprocy Ichtiologii, 1971, Vol. 11, No. 5, P. 893–899 (in Russian)
Arshavskyi Yu.I., Berkinblit M., Gelfand I.M., Fookson O.I., Jackobson V.S., Functional role of the reticular afferent system of the cerebellum. M.: ïðåïðèíò ÈÏÌ ÀÍ ÑÑÑÐ,1971.
Kozyakin V., A certain functional equation. Mat. Zametki, 9, 26 (1971), 161-170 (in Russian; English translation Math. Notes, 9, 95-100 (1971)).


Vishik M., Grushin V.V., DEGENERATING ELLIPTIC DIFFERENTIAL AND PSEUDO-DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1970),25(4):21-50.
Vishik M., LAZAR" ARONOVICH LYUSTERNIK (on the occasion of his seventieth birthday). Russian Mathematical Surveys (1970),25(4):3-10.
Kozyakin V., On condensing and contracting operators. Proceedings of the Mathematical Faculty of the Voronezh State University, 1 (1970), Voronezh State University, Voronezh, 60-70 (in Russian).


Martynov G., G. V. Martynov, “Linear binary two-sample tests for shift alternatives”, Theory Probab. Appl., 14:1 (1969), 158–163 (Translation from Russian)
Maximova E., Maximov V., Saturation of S-potentials of fish retina. Bicomponent reactions. Biofizika. 1969. Vol. XIV, N. 5, pp. 905 - 913 (in Russian)
Maximova E., Effect of Intracellular Polarization of Horizontal Cells on Ganglion Cell Activity in the Fish Retina // Biofizika, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 537-544, 1969. – Translated in Neuroscience Translations. 1969-1970. No 11. Ð. 114-120.
Vishik M., Grushin V.V., ON A CLASS OF HIGHER ORDER DEGENERATE ELLIPTIC EQUATIONS. Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik (1969),8(1):1-32.
Olshanski G., Topology of the space of unitary representations of a nilpotent Lie group. Funct. Anal. Appl. 3, no. 4 (1969), 340-342.
Olshanski G., On the Frobenius reciprocity theorem. Funct. Anal. Appl. 3, no. 4 (1969), 295-302.


Nyuberg N., On the cognitive capabilities of modeling // in the book "Mathematical modeling of life processes". Moscow, "Mysl", 1968, pp. 136-151 (in Russian).


Martynov G., One generalization of sign and Wilcoxon tests. "Theory of Probability and its Applications" , 1967, V. 12 , N 2
Vishik M., Eskin G.I., ELLIPTIC EQUATIONS IN CONVOLUTION IN A BOUNDED DOMAIN AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1967),22(1):13-75.


Maximova E., Maximov V., Orlov O., The reinforcement interaction between signals from receptors in the cells - sources of S-potential // Biofizika. 1966. Vol. XI, edit. 3, pp. 472-477 (in Russian)
Vishik M., Eskin G.I., Convolution equations in a bounded region in spaces with weight norms. Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 69 (111) 1966 65--110.
Vishik M., Eskin G.I., Parabolic convolution equations in a bounded region. Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 71 (113) 1966 162--190.


Maximov V., Zenkin G., Spreading depression of activity in bipolar retinal cells of the frog // Sechenov physiological journal of the USSR. 1965. Vol. LI, No. 10. PP. 1188-1191 (in Russian)
Maximov V., Zenkin G., Byzov A., The study of the functional properties of two types of bipolar cells in the frog retin // Biophysics (Biofizika). 1965. Volume X, No. 1. PP. 141-147 (in Russian).
Vishik M., Eskin G.I., EQUATIONS IN CONVOLUTIONS IN A BOUNDED REGION. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1965),20(3):85-151.


Zenkin G., Maximov V., Study of horizontal interaction at the level of retinal slow bipolar cells in frogs. II. Quantitative characteristics of the interaction // Biophysics (Biofizika). 1964 Volume IX, No. 6. PP. 718-725 (in Russian)
Zenkin G., Maximov V., Byzov A., Study of horizontal interaction at the level of retinal slow bipolar cells in frogs. I. The influence of scattered light and some properties of interaction // Biophysics (Biofizika). 1964 Volume IX, No. 5. PP. 612-620 (in Russian)
Agranovich M.S., Vishik M., ELLIPTIC PROBLEMS WITH A PARAMETER AND PARABOLIC PROBLEMS OF GENERAL TYPE. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1964),19(3):53-157.


Vishik M., Sur les problemes aux limites pour les equations quasilineaires elliptiques et paraboliques d"ordre superieur.— Colloques Intern, du Centre Nat. Rech. Scient., 117 (1963), p.213—218.


Vishik M., Solubility of boundary-value problems for quasi-linear parabolic equations of higher orders. (Russian) Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 59 (101) 1962 suppl., 289--325.




Vishik M., Lusternik L.A., Regular degeneration and boundary layer for linear differential equations with small parameter. Usp. Mat. Nauk 12, No. 5(77), 3-122 (1957).


Vishik M., Ladyzhenskaya O.A., Boundary value problems for partial differential equations and certain classes of operator equations. Uspehi Mat. Nauk (N.S.) 11 1956 no. 6(72), 41--97.
Vishik M., The probelm of Cauchy with operators as coefficients, the mixed boundary problem for systems of differential equations and an approximate method of their solution. Mat. Sb. N.S. 39(81) (1956), 51--148.


Vishik M., Boundary problems for elliptic equations degenerating on the boundary of a region. Mat. Sb. N.S. 35(77), (1954). 513--568.


Vishik M., On systems of elliptic differential equations and their general boundary problems. Uspehi Matem. Nauk (N.S.) 8, (1953). no. 1(53), 181--187.


Vishik M., On an inequality for the boundary values of harmonic functions in a sphere. Uspehi Matem. Nauk (N.S.) 6, (1951). no. 2(42), 165--166.
Vishik M., On strongly elliptic systems of differential equations. Mat. Sbornik N.S. 29(71), (1951). 615--676.


Vishik M., The method of orthogonal and direct decomposition in the theory of elliptic differential equations. Mat. Sbornik N.S. 25(67), (1949). 189--234.