L. Kudina - Publications


Kudina L., Andreeva R., Human motoneuron firing behavior and single motor unit F-wave. J Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2022, 63, 102641. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2022.102641
Kudina L., Andreeva R., The response to professor K.S. Tűrker on his “an opinion on the "delayed spikes" in human motoneurons” Exp Brain Res 2022 v240:p.5-7. doi: 10.1007/s00221-021-06262-x


Kudina L., Andreeva R., Evidence of two modes of spiking evoked in human firing motoneurones by Ia afferent electrical stimulation. Exp Brain Res (2021) 239: 719-730. doi: 10.1007/s00221-020-05998-2.


Kudina L., Andreeva R., Repetitive doublet firing in human motoneurons: evidence for interaction between common synaptic drive and plateau potential in natural motor control. J Neurophysiol, 2019, v. 122, p. 424-434. doi.org/10.1152/jn.00874.2018


Kudina L., Andreeva R., Excitability and firing behavior of single slow motor axons transmitting natural repetitive firing of human motoneurons. J Neurophysiol, 2017, V. 118, p. 1355-1360. doi: 10.1152/jn00233.2017.
Kudina L., Andreeva R., Kudina L. Andreeva R. F-wave of single firing motor units: correct or misleading criterion of motoneurone excitability in humans? Neurol Sci 2017, 38: 465-472. Doi: 10.1007/S10072-016-2796-2.


Kudina L., Andreeva R., Triplet firing origin in human motor units: emerging hypotheses. Exp Brain Res. 2016, 234: 837-844. DOI: 10.1007/s00221-015-4514-3.
Kudina L., Andreeva R., Motor unit firing pattern: evidence for motoneuronal or axonal discharge origin? Neurol Sci, 2016, 37: 37-43. doi 10.1007/s10072-015-2354-3


Kudina L., Andreeva R., Excitability properties of single human motor axons: are all axons identical? Front. Cell. Neurosci. (2014)8:85. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2014.00085


Kudina L., Andreeva R., Delayed depolarization and firing behavior of human motoneurons during voluntary muscle contractions. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 7:793. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00793
Kudina L., Andreeva R., Motoneuron double discharges: only one or two different entities? Front. Cell. Neurosci. 7; 75. doi 10.3389/fncel.2013.00075


Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Chen J-J., Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz I., Assessment of human motoneuron afterhyperpolarization duration in health and disease. Biocybern. Biomed. Eng., v. 32, p. 43–61.
Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Analysis of motoneuron responses to composite synaptic volleys (computer simulation study). Experimental Brain Research, DOI: 10.1007/s00221-011-2987-2.


Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Kuraszkiewicz B., Mlozniak D., On the interpretation of stimulus-correlated motoneuron firing //Motoneurons: Their inputs and outputs. Warsaw, Poland, 2011, September 4-7. Warsaw: ICB Polish Academy of Sciences, 2011. C. 55-58.
Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Chen J.-J., Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz I., Human motoneuron afterhyperpolarization in health and disease //The motor unit. Development, disorders and diagnosis. Warsaw, Poland, 2011, May 15-18. Warsaw: ICB Polish Academy of Sciences, 2011. C. 40.


Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Andreeva R., Mlozniak D., Recurrent inhibition in motoneurone pools of slow and fast human muscles». Motoneuron Meeting 2010 «Towards translational research in motoneurons» Paris, July 9-13, 2010. http://motoneuron2010.parisdescartes.fr/Saturday-july-10-Firing-properties, 70.
Kudina L., Andreeva R., Repetitive doubling and plateau potentials in human motoneurones». Motoneuron Meeting 2010 «Towards translational research in motoneurons» Paris, July 9-13, 2010. http://motoneuron2010.parisdescartes.fr/Saturday-july-10-Firing-properties, 63
Kudina L., Andreeva R., Repetitive doublet firing of motor units: evidence for plateau potentials in human motoneurones? Exp.Brain Res. 2010, v. 204: p. 79-90.


Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Methods for analysis of stimulus-correlated motoneuron firing evaluated by computer simulations. Wiring and firing of motoneurons”. International workshop and conference on human reflexes. Izmir. 2009, 25.
Kudina L., Andreeva R., Bistable firing behaviour of human motoneurones. “Wiring and firing of motoneurons”. International workshop and conference on human reflexes. Izmir. 2009,33-34.
Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Jakubiec. M., Computer simulation study of the relationship between the profile of excitatory postsynaptic potential and stimulus-correlated motoneuron firing. Biol.Cybern., 2009, v.100, pp. 215-230.


Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Mierzejewska J., Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz I., Analysis of double discharges in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Muscle and Nerve, 2008, v. 38, pp. 845-854.


Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Mierzejewska J., Jakubiec M., Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz I., Age-related change in duration of afterhyperpolarization of human motoneurones. J. Physiol. (Lond), 2007, v. 585, 2, pp. 483-490


Piotrkiewicz M., Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz I., Kudina L., Mierzejewska J., Jakubiec M., Motoneuron firing patterns and afterhyperpolarization (AHP) in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Abstracts 28th Intern. Congr. of Clinical Neurophysiology. Edinburgh. Scotland. Clin. Neurophysiol. 2006, v. 117, Suppl. 1, S. 280.


Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Mierzejewska J., Jakubiec M., Sterowanie skurczem mięśnia. [Óïðàâëåíèå ìûøå÷íûì ñîêðàùåíèåì]. // W monografii Biocybernetyka i Inżynieria Biomedyczna, M. Nałęcz (red.) T. 1: Biosystemy. J. Doroszewski, R. Tarnecki, W. Zmysłowski (red.) AOW Exit, Warszawa 2005, ðð. 208–233.


Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Mierzejewska J., Recurrent inhibition of human firing motoneurons (experiment and modeling study). Biol.Cybern., 2004, v. 91, pp. 243-257.


Kudina L., Andreeva R., Zhoukowskaya N.M., The effect of firing on the excitability of a human motoneurone. Proc. of II International conference on muscle physiology and muscle activity. Moscow: 2003, pp. 64-65.


Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz I., Mierzejewska J., Motoneuron AHP duration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis as compared with normal motoneurons. Proc. Symposium “Motoneurones and Muscles: the output machinery”. The Netherlands. Groningen: 2002, p. 37.
Kudina L., Andreeva R., Human firing motoneurone: analysis of interspike excitability trajectory. Proc. Symposium “Motoneurones and Muscles: the output machinery”. The Netherlands. Groningen: 2002, p. 14.


Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Mierzejewska J., Zhoukovskaya N., Human motoneurone firing characteristics: model and experiment. // Èíòåëëåêòóàëüíûå ÑÀÏÐ. Ìàòåðèàëû ìåæäóíàð. êîíô. Òàãàíðîã. Èçâåñòèÿ ÒÐÒÓ. 2001, ¹ 4, ñòð. 295-299.
Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Hausmanova-Petrusewicz I., Zhoukovskaya N., Mierzejewska J., Discharge properties and afterhyperpolarization of human motoneurones supplying slow and fast muscles. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering., 2001, v. 21, pp. 53-75.


Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Motoneuron firing patterns and AHP. // Plateau potentials and rhythmic firing in motoneurons, an international conference. www.colorado.edu/intphys/news/BoulderMeeting.html
Kudina L., Single and doublet firing of human motoneurones: two patterns or two mechanisms? // Plateau potentials and rhythmic firing in motoneurons, an international conference. www.colorado.edu/intphys/news/BoulderMeeting.html


Kudina L., Analysis of firing behaviour of human motoneurones within "subprimary range". J. Physiol. (Paris), 1999, v. 93, pp. 115-123.


Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz I., Zhoukovskaya N., Mierzejewska J., The investigation of motoneuronal characteristics in human. 3rd Intern. Congr. of the Polish Neuroscience Soc, Lodz: 1997, Acta neurobiol. Exp., 1997, v. 57, p. 63.
Piotrkiewicz M., Kudina L., Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz I., Zhoukovskaya N., Mierzejewska J., The relationship between motoneuronal afterhyperpolarization and discharge properties of motor units in human. 4th European Conf. on engineering and medicine. Bridging East and West, Warsaw: 1997, pp. 289-290.


Kudina L., Ashby P., Downes L., Effects of cortical stimulation on reciprocal inhibition in humans. Exp. Brain Res., 1993, v. 94, pp. 533-538.


Person R.S., Kudina L., Churikova L.I., Piotrkiewicz M., Khuskivadze T.H., Influence of the motoneurone afterpotentials on its rhythmic activity in an intact organism. In: LN Zefirow (ed.): Problems of the physiology of the organ of motion. Izd. Kazanskogo Universiteta, 1992, pp. 63–72 [in Russian].
Kudina L., Alexeeva N.L., After-potentials and control of repetitive firing in human motoneurones. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1992, v. 85, pp. 345-353.
Kudina L., Alexeeva N.L., Repetitive doublets of human motoneurones: analysis of interspike intervals and recruitment pattern. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1992, v. 85, pp. 243-247.


Kudina L., N. Alexeeva, Analysis of factors controlling humanmotoneurone firing within the "subprimary range" Electroencephal. & Clin. Neurophysiol., 1991, p.17. Additional abstracts of XIIth International congress of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Jan. 14-19, 1990.
Kudina L., Alexeeva N.L., Analysis of human motoneurone after-potentials. Constituent Congress of International Society for Pathophysiology. Moscow: 1991, pp. 62-63.
Kudina L., Alexeeva N.L., Control of single-spike and doublet firing in human motoneurones. Proc. of the 1st Intern. Conference "Neuro-muscular system in exercises and sports". Kaunas: 1991, pp. 6-7.


Kudina L., Churikova L.I., Testing excitability of human motoneurones capable of firing double discharges. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1990, v. 75, pp. 334-341.


Kudina L., Churikova L.I., Alexeeva N.L., Firing peculiarities of human motor units within the ‘subprimary range’. Abstracts of the 6th Intern. Symposium on Motor Control, Albena: 1989, p. 135.


Piotrkiewicz M., Person R., Kudina L., The effect of the repetitive stimulation on firing motoneuron. Digital simulation based on the human motor unit study. In: V.S. Gurfinkel, M.E. Ioffe, J. Massion, J.P. Roll (eds): Stance and Motion. Facts and Concepts. Plenum Press, NY and London, 1988, pp. 239–249.
Kudina L., Excitability of firing motoneurones tested by Ia afferent volleys in human triceps surae. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1988, v. 69, pp. 576-580.
Kudina L., Pantseva R.E., Recurrent inhibition of firing motoneurones in man. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1988, v. 69, pp. 179-185.


Kudina L., Firing motoneurone: relationship between firing frequency and excitability. Electroenceph. Clinical Neurophysiol. Munich: 1983, vol. 56, S 119.


Person R.S., Kudina L., Khuskivadze T.H., Differential control of human motor units: study of reflex responses. 4th Intern. Symposium on Motor Control. Varna: 1981, p. 64.


Kudina L., Reflex effects of muscle afferents on single firing motor units in man. Proc. 18th Intern. Congr. of Physiol. Sci, Budapest: 1980, p. 531.
Kudina L., Reflex effects of muscle afferents on antagonist studied on single firing motor units in man. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1980, v. 50, pp. 214-221.


Person R.S., Kudina L., Discharge frequency and discharge pattern of human motor units during voluntary contraction of muscle. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1972, v. 32, pp. 471-483