I. Rygaev - Publications


Solovyev V., Solnyshkina M., Ivanov V., Rygaev I., Computing syntactic parameters for automated text complexity assessment / Valery Solovyev, Marina Solnyshkina, Vladimir Ivanov, Ivan Rygaev // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, volume 2475. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Interactive Systems: Problems of Human-Computer Interaction http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2475/paper5.pdf
Boguslavsky I., Frolova T., Iomdin L., Lazursky A., Rygaev I., Timoshenko S., Knowledge-based approach to Winograd Schema Challenge / Igor Boguslavsky, Tatiana Frolova, Leonid Iomdin, Alexander Lazurski, Ivan Rygaev, Svetlana Timoshenko // Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference "Dialogue" (2019) http://www.dialog-21.ru/media/4589/boguslavskyimplusetal-111.pdf


Rygaev I., Etalog - a natural-looking knowledge representation formalism // Proceedings of ITaS 2018 School and Conference http://itas2018.iitp.ru/media/papers/1570472169.pdf
Boguslavsky I., Frolova T., Iomdin L., Lazursky A., Rygaev I., Timoshenko S., Semantic analysis with inference: high-spots of the football match / Igor Boguslavsky, Tatiana Frolova, Leonid Iomdin, Alexander Lazurski, Ivan Rygaev, Svetlana Timoshenko // Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference “Dialogue” (2018)
Rygaev I., Referring expression generation for question answering and graph visualization // Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference “Dialogue” (2018)


Rygaev I., Rule-based Reasoning in Semantic Text Analysis. Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium, Challenge, Industry Track, Tutorials and Posters @ RuleML+RR 2017 http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1875/paper11.pdf
Rygaev I., Using Winograd Schemas for Evaluation of Implicit Information Extraction Systems. Talk at Dialog-2017 conference. http://jent.ru/storage/p_2017_Rygaev_Winograd_Schemas.pptx
Rygaev I., (in preparation) Informatsionnaya struktura v kubanskom dialekte kabardino-cherkesskogo yazyka [Information Structure in Kuban Dialect of East Circussian] http://jent.ru/storage/a_2017_Rygaev_Information_Structure_Kuban.pdf


Rygaev I., Russkiye implikativnyye glagoly i ikh semanticheskiy analiz v ramkakh lingvisticheskogo protsessora ETAP-3 [Russian Implicative Verbs and Their Semantic Analysis in ETAP-3 Linguistic Processor]. Paper for the student poster session at Dialog-2016 conference based on the MA thesis. http://www.dialog-21.ru/media/3480/rygaev.pdf