2009 |
Groshev F., Golubtsov K., Trunov V., “Raduga 6DL” // In Proc. of the The 13-th international salon of research, innovation and technological transfer “Inventica 2009”, Yassi, Romania, 4 -6 june 2009
2008 |
Groshev F., Golubtsov K., Trunov V., Aidu E., Orlov O., “A method to examine the lability of visual system” // In Proc. of the Russian-Finnish seminar “Russian advanced information technologies”, Finland, September 9, 2008, pp.32-33
1997 |
Golubtsov K., Orlov O., Fliker fision freguence in ophthalmic express-diagnosis. Twentleth Euopean Conference on Visual Perceprtion Helsinki – Espoo, Finland, 1997, c. 59.