A. Seliverstov - Publications


Shilovsky G., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Demographic indicators, models, and testing. Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2023. V. 31. No. 4. P. 359–374. http://iitp.ru/https:/doi.org/10.22363/2658-4670-2023-31-4-359-374
Seliverstov A., On the length of an unsatisfiable subformula. International Conference Mal"tsev meeting November 13-17, 2023. Novosibirsk, 2023, p. 132. http://old.math.nsc.ru/conference/malmeet/23/maltsev2023.pdf
Boykov A., Seliverstov A., On a cube and subspace projections. Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp"yuternye Nauki, 2023, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 402-415. http://vm.udsu.ru/issues/archive/issue/2023-3-2
Seliverstov A., On binary solutions to a system of several linear equations modulo three. Algebra, Number Theory, Discrete Geometry and Multiscale Modeling: modern problems and applications, applications and problems of history. XXII International Conference dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Academician A. N. Kolmogorov and 60th anniversary of the opening of boarding school ¹18 at Moscow University. Tula, TSPU of Leo Tolstoy, 2023, pp. 242–244. http://iitp.ru/https://elibrary.ru/umniqg
Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Effective lover bounds on the matrix rank and their applications, Programming and Computer Software, 2023, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 441–447. DOI: 10.1134/S0361768823020160 http://iitp.ru/https://www.elibrary.ru/mheydz
Seliverstov A., Generalization of the subset sum problem and cubic forms. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2023, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 48-56. DOI: 10.1134/S0965542523010116 http://iitp.ru/https://doi.org/10.1134/S0965542523010116
Seliverstov A., On a simple lower bound for the matrix rank. In: S.A. Abramov, A.B. Batkhin, L.A. Sevastyanov (eds.) Computer algebra: 5th International Conference Materials, Moscow, Russia, June 26-28 2023, Moscow: KIAM, 2023, P. 126-128. ISBN: 978-5-98354-067-5
Seliverstov A., Dimensionality reduction to solve problems on the arrangement of a subspace and cube vertices. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference SCIENTIST, TEACHER, MENTOR dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of Professor A. R. Esayan, Tula, 2023, pp. 66-69. http://poivs.tsput.ru/conf/vseros/esayan2023/
Seliverstov A., Notes on obstacles to dimensionality reduction. International Conference Polynomial Computer Algebra "2023, Apr 17, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2023, pp. 104-107. http://iitp.ru/https://pca-pdmi.ru/2023/


Seliverstov A., On binary solutions to a system of linear equations over a computable field. International Conference Mal"tsev Meeting. Collection of Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, November 14-19 2022, Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University, 2022, P. 78.
Latkin I.V., Seliverstov A., International Conference Mal"tsev Meeting. Collection of Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, November 14-19 2022, Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University, 2022, P. 72.
Latkin I.V., Seliverstov A., International Scientific Conference on Mathematical Logic and Computer Science, Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan, Astana, October 7-8, 2022, pp. 36-40. http://iitp.ru/https://fit.enu.kz/subpage/protokoly
Adlaj S.F., Malaschonok G.I., Malyshev K.Yu., Seliverstov A., Uskov F.G., On algorithms for calculating complete elliptic integrals. Representation theory, dynamical systems, combinatorial methods. Part XXXIV, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 517, POMI, St. Petersburg, 2022, 5-16. http://mi.mathnet.ru/znsl7277
Latkin I.V., Seliverstov A., On computations over ordered rings. Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 2022, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 1054–1076 (in Russian). http://iitp.ru/https://doi.org/10.33048/semi.2022.19.085
Shilovsky G., Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Evolution of protein regulators of circadian rhythm in mammals. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure/Systems Biology (BGRS/SB-2022), The Thirteenth International Multiconference Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, 4-8 July 2022, Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2022, P. 173. http://iitp.ru/https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49238208
Seliverstov A., Generic-case complexity of the multiple subset sum problem. International Conference Polynomial Computer Algebra "2022, May 2-7, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2022, pp. 96-99. http://iitp.ru/https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48599481


Malaschonok G.I., Seliverstov A., New features in MathPartner 2021. Computer Tools in Education, 2021, No. 3, P. 29–40. http://cte.eltech.ru/ojs/index.php/kio/article/view/1719
Shilovsky G., Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Complex evolution of Fbxl21 gene in mammals. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’21, Moscow, Russia, July 30 — August 2 2021.
Seliverstov A., On some quasipolynomial-time algorithms. Computer Tools in Education. 2021, no. 2, pp. 5–12. DOI: 10.32603/2071-2340-2021-2-5-12 http://cte.eltech.ru/ojs/index.php/kio/article/view/1684
Malaschonok G.I., Seliverstov A., Calculation of integrals in MathPartner. Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science, 2021, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 337-346. DOI:10.22363/2658-4670-2021-29-4-337-346 http://iitp.ru/https://doi.org/10.22363/2658-4670-2021-29-4-337-346
Seliverstov A., On the absence of any (0,1)-solution to a system of equations. International Conference Mal"tsev meeting, September 20-24, 2021. Collection of Abstracts. Novosibirsk, 2021. P. 73 (in Russian). http://www.math.nsc.ru/conference/malmeet/21/Main.htm
Seliverstov A., Binary solutions to large systems of linear equations. Prikl. Diskr. Mat. 2021, no. 52, pp. 5-15. DOI: 10.17223/20710410/52/1 http://iitp.ru/https://doi.org/10.17223/20710410/52/1
Seliverstov A., A plain note on binary solutions to large systems of linear equations. In: S.A. Abramov, L.A. Sevastyanov (eds) Computer algebra: 4th International Conference Materials, Moscow, Russia, June 28-29 2021. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2021, pp. 100-103. DOI: 10.29003/m2019.978-5-317-06623-9 http://iitp.ru/https://doi.org/10.29003/m2019.978-5-317-06623-9
Seliverstov A., A gap between small and large systems of linear equations. The 22nd Workshop on Computer Algebra in memory of Professor Vladimir Gerdt, Dubna, Russia, 2021. P. 26. http://iitp.ru/https://indico-hlit.jinr.ru/event/187/
Shilovsky G., Putyatina T.S., Morgunova G.V., Seliverstov A., Ashapkin V.V., Sorokina E.V., Markov A.V., Skulachev V.P., A crosstalk between the biorhythms and gatekeepers of longevity: dual role of glycogen synthase kinase-3. Biochemistry Moscow, 2021, vol. 86, pp. 433-448. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297921040052 http://iitp.ru/https://doi.org/10.1134/S0006297921040052
Seliverstov A., Heuristic algorithms for recognition of some cubic hypersurfaces. Programming and Computer Software, 2021, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 50-55. DOI: 10.1134/S0361768821010096 http://iitp.ru/https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44429151


Seliverstov A., On circular sections of a second-order surface. Computer tools in education, 2020, no. 4, pp. 59-68. DOI: 10.32603/2071-2340-2020-4-59-68 http://ipo.spb.ru/journal/index.php?article/2258/
Rubanov L., Shilovsky G., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Lyubetsky V., Gene loss prediction based on genomic structure. The proceedings of International forum «Biotechnology: state of the art and perspectives», Moscow, Russia, October 28–30 2020, Iss. 18, P. 259–260. DOI: 10.37747/2312-640X-2020-18-258-260 http://iitp.ru/https://doi.org/10.37747/2312-640X-2020-18-258-260
Seliverstov A., An Effectively Computable Projective Invariant Polynomial Computer Algebra "2020. St. Petersburg, 2020. http://iitp.ru/https://pca-pdmi.ru/2020/program
Lyubetsky V., Shilovsky G., Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Rubanov L., New bioinformatics methods for identification of lost genes and protein isoforms. Homo sapiens liberatus, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference in celebration of the 85th birthday of professor V.P. Skulachev, Moscow, Russia, February 20–21 2020, Abstract Book. Moscow: Torus Press, 2020, P. 41–42. DOI: 10.30826/HomoSapiens-2020-30 http://iitp.ru/https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42660982
Lyubetsky V., Shilovsky G., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., Evolution of proteins involved in response to ROS. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure/Systems Biology (BGRS/SB-2020), The Twelfth International Multiconference Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, 6–10 July 2020. Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2020, P. 652–653. DOI: 10.18699/BGRS/SB-2020-398 http://iitp.ru/https://doi.org/10.18699/BGRS/SB-2020-398
Seliverstov A., Fast enumeration of rational numbers and bioinformatics problems. XVIII International conference Algebra, number theory and discrete geometry modern problems, applications and problems of history dedicated to the centenary of the birth of professors B. M. Bredikhin, V. I. Nechaev and S. B. Stechkin, Tula, September 23–26 2020, Tula: TSPU, 2020, pp. 196-198. eLIBRARY ID: 44367872 http://iitp.ru/https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44367872
Rubanov L., Zverkóv O., Shilovsky G., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Protein-coding genes in Euarchontoglires with pseudogene homologs in humans. Life, 2020, Vol. 10, No. 9, Art. 192. DOI: 10.3390/life10090192, PMID: 32927891 http://iitp.ru/https://doi.org/10.3390/life10090192
Lyubetsky V., Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Optimal growth temperature and intergenic distances in bacteria, archaea, and plastids of rhodophytic branch. BioMed Research International, 2020, Vol. 2020, Art. 3465380. DOI: 10.1155/2020/3465380, PMID: 32025518 http://iitp.ru/https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2020/3465380/
Seliverstov A., Symmetric matrices whose entries are linear functions. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2020, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 102–108. DOI: 10.1134/S0965542520010121


Rubanov L., Shilovsky G., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Lyubetsky V., Mouse genes lost in rodent and primate species with long lifespan. The proceedings of International congress «Biotechnology: state of the art and perspectives», Moscow, Russia, February 25–27 2019, Iss. 17, P. 342. http://iitp.ru/https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=37590373
Seliverstov A., On binary solutions to systems of equations. Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika, 2019, No. 45, P. 26–32 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17223/20710410/45/3 http://iitp.ru/https://doi.org/10.17223/20710410/45/3
Seliverstov A., Computation of the greatest common divisor with generalized register machines. Program of the 62nd All-Russian Scientific Conference MIPT. November18-24, 2019. MIPT, Moscow 2019. P. 95. http://iitp.ru/https://conf62.mipt.ru
Seliverstov A., Note on circular sections. Unpublished text in Russian.
Rubanov L., Zaraisky A., Shilovsky G., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Lyubetsky V., Screening for mouse genes lost in mammals with long lifespans. BioData Mining, 2019, Vol. 12, Art. 20. DOI: 10.1186/s13040-019-0208-x, PMID: 31728160 (WoS Q1, IF 4) http://iitp.ru/https://doi.org/10.1186/s13040-019-0208-x
Shilovsky G., Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Ashapkin V., Putyatina T., Rubanov L., Lyubetsky V., New C-terminal conserved regions of tafazzin, a catalyst of cardiolipin remodeling. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Vol. 2019, Art. 2901057. DOI: 10.1155/2019/2901057, PMID: 31781330 http://iitp.ru/https://www.hindawi.com/journals/omcl/2019/2901057/
Korotkova D., Lyubetsky V., Ivanova A., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Martynova N., Nesterenko A., Tereshina M., Peshkin L., Zaraisky A., Bioinformatics screening of genes specific for well-regenerating vertebrates reveals c-answer, a regulator of brain development and regeneration. Cell Reports, Vol. 29, Iss. 4, P. 1027–1040. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.09.038, PMID: 31644900 (WoS Q1, IF 10) http://iitp.ru/https://www.cell.com/cell-reports/fulltext/S2211-1247(19)31226-4
Seliverstov A., Hessian matrices of reducible third degree polynomials. XVII International conference algebra, number theory and discrete geometry modern problems, applications and problems of history dedicated to the centenary of the birth of professor N. I. Feldman and the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of professors A. I. Vinogradov, A. V. Malyshev and B. F. Skubenko Tula, 2019. P. 294-296 (in Russian). http://poivs.tsput.ru/conf/international/XVII/files/Conference2019S.pdf
Seliverstov A., On smoothness recognition over reals. International Conference Mal"tsev Meeting. August 19-23, 2019. Collection of Abstracts. Novosibirsk, 2019. P. 97. http://www.math.nsc.ru/conference/malmeet/19/Main.htm
Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., Lyubetsky V., Protein clustering and gene loss prediction. Computer Assisted Mathematics Conference. Electrotechnical University "LETI" Saint-Petersburg, Russia, July 22-24, 2019. P. 7 http://cte.eltech.ru/ojs/public/static/ProgramCAM-2019.pdf
Seliverstov A., Notes on the generic complexity of recognition problems (in Russian). Proceedings of the International Conference "Algebra and Mathematical Logic: Theory and Applications" (Kazan, June 24-28, 2019) Kazan: KFU, 2019. P. 158-160. http://iitp.ru/https://kpfu.ru/math/conference/algmathlog
Seliverstov A., On the geometric brigade of the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR until 1941. XVI International Conference "Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Geometry: modern problems, applications and problems of history" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Professor Michel Desa. Tula, the Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy, 2019. P. 378–380. (In Russian) http://poivs.tsput.ru/conf/international/XVI/files/Conference2019M.pdf
Seliverstov A., On polynomials of odd degree over reals. International Conference Polynomial Computer Algebra "2019; St. Petersburg, April 15–20, 2016 / Euler International Mathematical Institute, Ed. by N. N. Vassiliev, VVM Pubishing, 2019. P. 133–134. http://iitp.ru/https://pca-pdmi.ru/2019/pca2019_book.pdf


Korotkova D., Lyubetsky V., Ivanova A., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Martynova N., Nesterenko A., Tereshina M., Peshkin L., Zaraisky A., Bioinformatic screening of genes present only in well regenerating vertebrates reveals novel FGF and purinergic signaling modulator - c-Answer. bioRxiv, 13 Dec 2018. DOI: 10.1101/494609 http://iitp.ru/https://doi.org/10.1101/494609
Seliverstov A., Shilovsky G., Rubanov L., Zverkóv O., Lyubetsky V., Longevity in mammals: lost genes as a determinant. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB-2018): The Eleventh International Conference (20–25 Aug. 2018, Novosibirsk, Russia); Abstracts. Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences; Novosibirsk State University. – Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2018. P. 249. DOI: 10.18699/BGRSSB-2018-221 http://conf.bionet.nsc.ru/bgrssb2018/en/
Seliverstov A., Rubanov L., Shilovsky G., Zverkóv O., Lyubetsky V., Longevity in euarchontoglires: lost genes as a determinant. FEBS Open Bio, 2018, Vol. 8 (Suppl. 1), P. 456–457; DOI: 10.1002/2211-5463.12453. http://iitp.ru/https://doi.org/10.1002/2211-5463.12453
Seliverstov A., Binary Solutions to Some Systems of Linear Equations. In: Eremeev A., Khachay M., Kochetov Y., Pardalos P. (eds) Optimization Problems and Their Applications. OPTA 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 871, pp. 183-192. Springer, Cham (2018). http://iitp.ru/https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93800-4_15
Seliverstov A., Note on binary solutions to some systems of algebraic equations (In Russian). Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Geometry: modern problems and applications. Proceedings of the XV International Conference, dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Professor Nikolai Mikhailovich Korobov. - Tula: Tula State Pedagogical University of Leo Tolstoy, 2018. P. 197-199. http://poivs.tsput.ru/conf/international/XV/files/conference2018.pdf
Seliverstov A., Recognizing real cubic hypersurfaces without a straight line of singular points (In Russian). International Algebraic Conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Professor A. G. Kurosh. Proceedings. - Moscow, MSU, 2018, pp. 175-177. http://iitp.ru/https://lomonosov-msu.ru/rus/event/4623/
Seliverstov A., Real cubic hypersurfaces containing no line of singular points. International Conference Polynomial Computer Algebra "2018, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute, Euler International Mathematical Institute, April 19–21 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia, Ed. by N. N. Vassiliev, VVM Publishing, 2018, P. 109–110. http://pca-pdmi.ru/2018/Book_PCA2018_.pdf


Lyubetsky V., Gershgorin R., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Evolution and systematics of plastids of rhodophytic branch. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’17, Moscow, Russia, July 27–30 2017, P. 48. http://iitp.ru/https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=32563226
Lyubetsky V., Rubanov L., Gorbunov K., Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Highly conserved elements in mitochondrial genomes of ciliates and monocots. Materials of the IX International Congress “Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development”, Moscow, Russia, February 20–22 2017, Part 1, P. 393. http://iitp.ru/https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=29220438
Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., Rusin L., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Finding long highly conserved elements in complete animal genomes. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Feb 23 2018, Vol. 2064, Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies 2017, P. 402–408, in Russian. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2064/paper47.pdf
Seliverstov A., Looking for points on a smooth cubic hypersurface. Computer algebra: International Conference Matherials. Moscow, October 30 - November 3, 2017 / Ed. S.A. Abramov, T.M. Sadykov. - Moscow: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, 2017. P. 158-164. (In Russian).
Seliverstov A., Descriptive geometry for teaching of mathematics. Problems of quality of graphic preparation of students in a technical university: traditions and innovations 2017, vol. 1, pp. 346-352 (in Russian).
Lyubetsky V., Korotkova D., Ivanova A., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Nesterenko A., Tereshina M., Zaraisky A.G., Novel transmembrane protein c-Answer revealed by bioinformatic screening of genes present only in well regenerating animals. FEBS Journal, 2017, Vol. 284, Iss. S1, P. 155. doi:10.1111/febs.14174
Korotkova D.D., Ivanova A.S., Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., Martynova N.Y., Nesterenko A.M., Zaraisky A.G., Novel FGF-signaling modulator c-Answer revealed by bioinformatics screening for genes present only in well-regenerative animals. Mechanisms of Development, 2017, Vol. 145, P. S49. doi:10.1016/j.mod.2017.04.089
Seliverstov A., On tangent lines to affine hypersurfaces, Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp"yuternye Nauki, 2017, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 248--256 (in Russian). DOI: 10.20537/vm170208 http://vst.ics.org.ru/uploads/vestnik/2_2017/17-02-08.pdf
Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Projective-invariant description of a meandering river. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2017; vol. 62, no. 6, p. 663–668. DOI: 10.1134/S1064226917060201.
Seliverstov A., On probabilistic algorithm for solving almost all instances of the set partition problem. In: P. Weil (Ed.) Computer Science – Theory and Applications. CSR 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10304. Springer, Cham, 2017. Pp. 285–293. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58747-9_25 http://iitp.ru/https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-58747-9_25
Seliverstov A., On search for singular points of algebraic curve. Geometry and Graphics, 2017, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 36-42 (in Russian).
Seliverstov A., An Approach to the Set Partition Problem. International Conference on Polynomial Computer Algebra "2017; St. Petersburg, April 17-22, 2017 / Euler International Mathematical Institute, Ed. by N. N. Vassiliev, VVM Pubishing, 2017. P. 96-99. http://pca.pdmi.ras.ru/2017/pca2017_Book.pdf
Gershgorin R., Gorbunov K., Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Highly Conserved Elements and Chromosome Structure Evolution in Mitochondrial Genomes in Ciliates. Life, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 9. doi:10.3390/life7010009, PMID: 28264444 http://www.mdpi.com/2075-1729/7/1/9/htm


Korolev S., Gorbunov K., Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Degenerate inverted repeats in the genomes of mycobacterium. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org), Selected Papers of the First International Scientific Conference Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies (Convergent 2016), Moscow, Russia, November 25–26 2016, vol. 1763, p. 182–187, in Russian.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., A Novel Algorithm for Solution of a Combinatory Set Partitioning Problem. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2016, vol. 61, no. 6, p. 705–708. DOI: 10.1134/S1064226916060152
Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Lyubetsky V., A method for identification of highly conserved elements and evolutionary analysis of superphylum Alveolata. BMC Bioinformatics. 2016, vol. 17, art. 385, 16 pp. DOI: 10.1186/s12859-016-1257-5, PMID: 27645252 http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12859-016-1257-5
Seliverstov A., On symmetry of projective curves. Vestnik TvGU. Seriya: Prikladnaya Matematika [Herald of Tver State University. Series: Applied Mathematics], 2016, no. 3, pp. 59-66 (in Russian)
Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Projective-Invariant Description of Meandering River. Information processes. 2016. Vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 281-290 (in Russian) http://www.jip.ru/2016/16-3-2016.htm
Lyubetsky V., Gershgorin R., Seliverstov A., Gorbunov K., Algorithms for Reconstruction of Chromosomal Structures. BMC Bioinformatics, 2016, vol. 17, art. 40, 23 pp. DOI: 10.1186/s12859-016-0878-z, PMID: 26780836 http://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-016-0878-z
Seliverstov A., On smoothness recognition of the hypersurface. Proceedings of the twelfth International Conference "Belarusian Mathematical Conference", Minsk, September 5-10, 2016, ed. by S.G. Krasovskii, part 4. Minsk: Institute of Mathematics of the Belarusian National Academy of Sciences, 2016, pp. 64-65 (in Russian). http://bmc.bsu.by/about/
Seliverstov A., On cubic hypersurfaces with involutions. International Conference Polynomial Computer Algebra "2016; St. Petersburg, April 18-22, 2016 / Euler International Mathematical Institute, Ed. by N.N. Vassiliev, VVM Publishing, 2016. pp. 74-77. http://pca.pdmi.ras.ru/2016/program
Korolev S., Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Ribosome reinitiation at leader peptides increases translation of bacterial proteins. Biology Direct, 2016, vol. 11, art. 20. DOI: 10.1186/s13062-016-0123-8, PMID: 27084079 (WoS Q1, IF 7) http://biologydirect.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13062-016-0123-8#CR11
Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Regulation of expression and evolution of genes in plastids of rhodophytic branch. Life, 2016, vol. 6, art. 7. DOI: 10.3390/life6010007, PMID: 26840333 http://www.mdpi.com/2075-1729/6/1/7/htm


Lyubetsky V., Rubanov L., Bairamov A., Shandarin I., Ivanova A., Rusin L., Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Zaraisky A., A large-scale search for gene losses, gains and syntenic rearrangements in vertebrate animals. Materials of the VIII Moscow International Congress “Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development”, Moscow, March 17–20 2015, Part 1, P. 260–261. http://iitp.ru/https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25631493
Gershgorin R., Gorbunov K., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Evolution of chromosome structures. Proceedings of the 39th IITP RAS Interdisciplinary Conference & School “Information Technology and Systems 2015” (ITaS’15), Sochi, Russia, Sep 7–11 2005, Moscow: IITP, 2015, P. 105–120. http://iitp.ru/https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=24378278
Korolev S., Lyzhin S., Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., A search for genes encoding histidine-containing leader peptides in Actinobacteria. Proceedings of the 39th IITP RAS Interdisciplinary Conference & School “Information Technology and Systems 2015” (ITaS’15), Sochi, Russia, Sep 7–11 2005, Moscow: IITP, 2015, P. 53–60. http://iitp.ru/https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=24378300
Lyubetsky V., Rubanov L., Zverkóv O., Rusin L., Seliverstov A., Zaraisky A., A method of detecting local gene synteny rearrangement. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’15, Moscow, July 16–19 2015, Moscow, IITP RAS, 2015, P. 249–252. http://mccmb.belozersky.msu.ru/2015/proceedings/author.html
Seliverstov A., A note on implicitly given hypergraphs, Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences, 2015, vol. 20, no. 5, p. 1422–1425 (in Russian).
Seliverstov A., On the computational complexity of singular points, Discrete mathematics, algebra and their applications (DIMA-2015). - Minsk, 2015. P. 135-137 (in Russian). http://im.bas-net.by/~dima/index.html
Seliverstov A., Note on complex cubic forms with vanishing hessian, All-Russian Conference with International Participation "Control Theory and Mathematical Modeling", dedicated to the memory of professor N. V. Azbelev and professor E. L. Tonkov (Izhevsk, Russia, June 08–12, 2015). - Izhevsk: Udmurt State University, 2015. P. 333-334 (in Russian). http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23708884
Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Istomina S., Pirogov S., Kitsis P., Comparative analysis of apicoplast-targeted protein extension lengths in Apicomplexan parasites. BioMed Research International, 2015, Vol. 2015, Article ID 452958. DOI: 10.1155/2015/452958, PMID: 26114107 http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2015/452958/
Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., A database of plastid protein families from red algae and Apicomplexa and expression regulation of the moeB gene. BioMed Research International, 2015, Vol. 2015, Article ID 510598. DOI: 10.1155/2015/510598, PMID: 26114108 http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2015/510598/
Latkin I.V., Seliverstov A., "Computational complexity of fragments of the theory of complex numbers", Bulletin of the Karaganda University - Mathematics, 2015, vol. 77, no. 1, p. 47-55 (in Russian). WOS:000410367200007 http://vestnik.ksu.kz/files_vestnik/Mathematics/Mathematics_1_77_2015.pdf
Seliverstov A., "Cubic hypersurfaces with an odd number of singular points", International Conference Polynomial Computer Algebra "2015; St. Petersburg, April 13-18, 2015 / Euler International Mathematical Institute, Ed. by N.N. Vassiliev, VVM Publishing, 2015. P. 85-86.
Seliverstov A., "Cubic forms without monomials in two variables", Bulletin of Udmurt University. Mathematics, Mechanics, Computer Science, 2015, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 71-77 (in Russian). http://vst.ics.org.ru/journal/article/2250/


Gershgorin R.A., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Easily Computable Invariants for Hypersurface Recognition, Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2015. Vol. 60. No. 12. P. 1429–1431 http://www.jip.ru/2014/365-369-2014.pdf
Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “A database of Rhodophyte plastid protein families and regulation of moeB genes” Abstracts of the Ninth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and StructureSystems Biology (BGRSSB"2012), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 23–28 2014, p. 176.
Seliverstov A., “Polytopes and Connected Subgraphs”, Discrete Anal. Oper. Res., 2014, Vol. 21, No. 3, P. 82–86, in Russian
Lyubetsky V., Korolev S., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., “Gene expression regulation of the PF00480 or PF14340 domain proteins suggests their involvement in sulfur metabolism” Computational Biology and Chemistry, 2014, vol. 49, p. 7–13. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1476927114000036


Lyubetsky V., Korolev S., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., “Rho-dependent attenuation of sulfur metabolism in mycobacteria” Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’13, Moscow, Russia, July 25–28 2013.
Kobets N., Goncharov D., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Lyubetsky V., “Comparative analysis of apicoplast-targeted proteins in Toxoplasma gondii and other Apicomplexa species” Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’13, Moscow, Russia, July 25–28 2013.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., “Elaboration of the Homologous Plastid-Encoded Protein Families that Separate Paralogs in Magnoliophytes” Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics, 2013, Vol. 8, No. 1, P. 225–233, (in Russian).
Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Averaged entropy as conservativity measure of genome regions. Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences. 2013, Vol. 18, Iss. 5 (part 2), P. 2529–2531 (in Russian).
Seliverstov A., On connected subgraph cone. Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences. 2013. Vol. 18, Issue 5, (Part 2). P. 2668-2670. (In Russian.)
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Transcription Regulation of Plastid Genes Involved in Sulfate Transport in Viridiplantae. BioMed Research International. 2013, Vol. 2013, Article ID 413450. DOI: 10.1155/2013/413450, PMID: 24073405 http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2013/413450/
Seliverstov A., "Monomials in quadratic forms", Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 2013, Vol. 7, N 3. P. 431–434
Zverkóv O., Rusin L., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Study of Direct Repeats in Micro Evolution of Plant Mitochondria and Plastids Based on Protein Clustering. Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin. 2013, Vol. 68, No. 2, P. 58–62. DOI: 10.3103/S0096392513020119


Seliverstov A., "Some Notes about Arrangements of Points on Quadrics" Modeling and analysis of information systems, 2012, Volume 19, N 4, p. 72-77 (in Russian) http://mais.uniyar.ac.ru/ru/articles/19/4
Seliverstov A., "On zeroes in matrices of quadratic forms" International conference "XI Belarusian mathematical conference" , (November 5-9, 2012, Minsk, Belarus) Proceedings. Part 4. P. 99-100 (in Russian). http://www.bmc.bsu.by/ru/sm.aspx?guid=3643
Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Plastid-encoded protein families specific for narrow taxonomic groups of algae and protozoa. Molecular Biology 2012, Vol. 46, No. 5, P. 717–726. DOI: 10.1134/S0026893312050123
Gorbunov K., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., "Geometric Relationship between Parallel Hyperplanes, Quadrics, and Vertices of a Hypercube" Problems of Information Transmission , 2012, 48:2, 185–192 http://dx.doi.org/10.1134%2FS0032946012020081
Lyubetsky V., Zverkóv O., Pirogov S., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Modeling RNA polymerase interaction in mitochondria of chordates. Biology Direct. 2012, 7:26. DOI: 10.1186/1745-6150-7-26, PMID: 22873568 http://www.biology-direct.com/content/7/1/26
Zverkóv O., Korolev S., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., Transcription regulation of plastid genes cysT and cysA in Viridiplantae. in: Molecular Phylogenetics (Eds.: A. Troitsky, L. Rusin, V. Aleoshin), Moscow, Torus Press, 2012, P. 85.
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “About Forms Equal to Zero at Each Vertex of a Cube” Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2012, Vol. 57, No. 8, P. 892–895.
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Modeling RNA Polymerase Interaction in Plastids of Plants, Algea and Mitochondria of Chordates: Human Bearing the MELAS Mutation and Rat with Hyposecretion of Thyroid Hormone” Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and StructureSystems Biology (BGRSSB"2012), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 25–29 2012, P. 189.
Seliverstov A., "Arrangements of points on empty quadrics" Proceedings of the International Conference MAIS. Yaroslavl. February 6-7, 2012. P. 161-163.


Zverkóv O., Gorbunov K., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Protein clustering with accounting for domen architecture” Proceedings of the 54th conference of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology “Basic and applied research in life sciences and engineering in modern information environment”, Moscow, Russia, November 25–26 2011, Section of Management and applied mathematics, Vol. 2, P. 88–89.
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Evolution of RNA-polymerases and their promoters in plastids” 50-years of IITP anniversary conference, Moscow, September 15 2011, P. 58–62.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., ”Mathematical problems in biological evolution and molecular regulation“ Proceedings of the International Mathematical Conference “50 Years of IITP”, Moscow, Russia, July 25–29, 2011, 7 pages. http://iitp.ru/upload/content/839/Lyubetsky%20Seliverstov.pdf
154, Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Bacterial type RNA polymerase sigma subunits and their specific promoters in plastids” Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’11, July 21–24, 2011, pp. 209–210. http://mccmb.belozersky.msu.ru/2011/mccmb11.pdf
154, Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “NtcA and NtcB regulons in cyanobacteria and chloroplasts” Proceedings of the VI Moscow International Congress “Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development”, March 21–25, 2011, pp. 395–396.
154, Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “NtcA and NtcB regulons in cyanobacteria and rhodophyta chloroplasts” Molecular Biology, V. 45, No. 3, 2011, pp. 522–526. http://www.springerlink.com/content/83173k2162213k56/
Lyubetsky V., Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Modeling RNA polymerase competition: the effect of σ-subunit knockout and heat shock on gene transcription level. Biology Direct. 2011, 6:3. DOI: 10.1186/1745-6150-6-3, PMID: 21255416 http://www.biology-direct.com/content/6/1/3


Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “Fast and Slow Evolution of Bacterial Type Promoters in Plastids of Streptophyta” Molecular Phylogenetics: Contributions to the 2nd Moscow International Conference “Molecular Phylogenetics” (Moscow, Russia, May 18-21, 2010), Moscow, Torus Press, 2010, p. 54.
154, Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “The Evolution of NtcA- and NtcB-regulons in Cyanobacteria and Rhodophyte Chloroplasts” Molecular Phylogenetics: Contributions to the 2nd Moscow International Conference “Molecular Phylogenetics” (Moscow, Russia, May 18-21, 2010), Moscow, Torus Press, 2010, pp. 134–135.
154, Gorbunov K., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “The evolution of proline synthesis transcription regulation in gamma proteobacteria” Molecular Phylogenetics: Contributions to the 2nd Moscow International Conference “Molecular Phylogenetics” (Moscow, Russia, May 18-21, 2010), Moscow, Torus Press, 2010, pp. 132–133.
Seliverstov A., Rubanov L., Lyubetsky V., “Lack of Conservation of Bacterial Type Promoters in Plastids of Streptophyta” Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and StructureSystems Biology (BGRSSB’2010), Novosibirsk, Russia, 20-27 June 2010, p. 170.
Lyubetsky V., Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Interaction between nucleome and plastome: heat shock response regulation in plastids of plants. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB"2010), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 20–27 2010, P. 161.
Lyubetsky V., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., “Lack of conservation of bacterial type promoters in plastids of Streptophyta” Biology Direct 2010, 5:34. PMID: 20459727 http://www.biology-direct.com/content/5/1/34
154, Gorbunov K., Rusin L., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “The Evolution of Proline Synthesis Transcriptional Regulation in Gammaproteobacteria” Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin, 2010, V. 65, No. 4, pp. 211–212.
Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “On an algorithm of protein clustering” Proceedings of the 53th conference of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology “Modern problems of fundamental and applied sciences”, Moscow, Russia, November 24–29 2010, Part I, Vol. 1, P. 118–119. http://mipt.ru/nauka/53conf/Materialy+53+konferenzii/01-FRTK1-view-arpggzeu7il.pdf
154, Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Attenuation Regulation of the Amino Acid and Aminoacyl-tRNA Biosynthesis Operons in Bacteria: A Comparative Genomic Analysis” Molecular Biology, 2010, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 128–139.


Seliverstov A., T.A.Sadovskaya, A.V.Seliverstov, "Analysis of the 5"-Leader Regions of Several Plastid Genes in Protozoa of the Phylum Apicomplexa and Red Algae", Molecular Biology, 2009, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 552-556.
154, Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Chlorophyll synthesis regulation in plant chloroplasts” International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’09, pp. 217–218.
Lyubetsky V., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., “RNA polymerase competition at complementary DNA strands” Proceedings of the Genetics and Selection Meeting and V Congress of the Vavilov Genetics and Selection Society, Moscow, June 21-27 2009, Part II, p. 68.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “Protein expression regulation in plastids of parasites, algae and plants” Proceedings of V Bioinformatics Congress, Moscow, 2009, pç. 387–388.
Seliverstov A., Lysenko E., Lyubetsky V., “Rapid Evolution of Promoters for the Plastome Gene ndhF in Flowering Plants” Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2009, V. 56, No 6, pp. 837–844.
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., "Mechanism of manganese transport regulation in Brucella involving a long RNA helix", Biophysics, 2009, V. 54, No 2, pp. 152-155.
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “On symmetric matrices with indeterminate leading diagonals” Problems of Information Transmission, 2009, V. 45. No. 3. pp. 258–263. http://mi.mathnet.ru/rus/ppi/v45/i3/p73


Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “On evolution of promoters in plastomes” Abstracts of The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2008), Novosibirsk, June 22–28, p. 217. http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/meeting/bgrs2008/BGRS2008_Proceedings.pdf
Lysenko E., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Analysis of Sig3, Sig4 and Sig6 evolution on new genomic data” Abstracts of The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2008), Novosibirsk, June 22–28, p. 147. http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/meeting/bgrs2008/BGRS2008_Proceedings.pdf
154, Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “RNA structures upstream the 2-isopropylmalate synthase encoding gene in alfa-proteobacteria and actinobacteria” Abstracts of The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2008), Novosibirsk, June 22–28, p. 144. http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/meeting/bgrs2008/BGRS2008_Proceedings.pdf
Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Multiple alignment based on species tree” Abstracts of The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2008), Novosibirsk, June 22–28, p. 212. http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/meeting/bgrs2008/BGRS2008_Proceedings.pdf


Seliverstov A., Lysenko E., Lyubetsky V., “Rapid evolution of promoters in Magnoliophyta chloroplasts” Proceedings of the international scientific conference “Computational Phylogenetics and Molecular Systematics, CPMS’2007”, November 16–19 2007, KMK Scientific Press, Moscow, pp. 286–292.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., Gorbunov K., “Models of gene expression regulation and evolution of regulatory elements” Proceedings of the international scientific conference “Computational Phylogenetics and Molecular Systematics, CPMS’2007”, November 16–19 2007, KMK Scientific Press, Moscow, pp. 158–165.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., RNA Structures upstream leuA Genes in α-proteobacteria. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’07, Moscow, Russia, July 27–31 2007, P. 191–192.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “Long helices in mRNA processing” Proceedings of International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: ÌÑÑÌÂ’07, 2007, pp. 189–191.
Asarin E., Cachat Th., Seliverstov A., Touili T., Lyubetsky V., “Attenuation regulation as a term rewriting system” Article in the book “Algebraic Biology”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4545, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 81–94, (Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Algebraic biology: AB"07, Castle of Hagenberg, Austria, July 2-4 2007). http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0706/0706.2126v1.pdf
Lyubetskaya E., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “The number of long hairpins in intergenic trailer regions of actinobacteria is far greater than in other genomic regions” Molecular Biology, 2007, V. 41, No. 4, pp. 670–673. PMID: 17936997
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Regulation of proline biosynthesis in proteobacteria” Molecular Biology, 2007, V. 41, No. 3, pp. 513–515.
Lyubetsky V., Pirogov S., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., “Modeling classic attenuation regulation of gene expression in bacteria” Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, 2007, pp. 155–180. PMID: 17477496


Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O., Lyubetsky V., Translation of some chloroplast genes is checked to allow for splicing and editing. Biophysics. 2006, Vol. 51, Suppl. 1, P. S18–S22. DOI: 10.1134/S0006350906070049 http://www.springerlink.com/content/p7517k3187230111/
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “Modeling classic attenuation regulation of gene expression in bacteria” Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2006), Novosibirsk, July 16–22 2006, V. 1, pp. 102–105. http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/meeting/bgrs_proceedings/papers/2006/BGRS_2006_V1_022.pdf
Lyubetskaya E., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Detecting Hairpins in 3’-Untranslated Regions of Highly Expressed Genes in Actinobacteria” Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2006), Novosibirsk, July 16–22 2006, V. 1, pp. 99–101. http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/meeting/bgrs_proceedings/papers/2006/BGRS_2006_V1_021.pdf
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Translation Regulation in Chloroplasts” Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2006), Novosibirsk, July 16–22 2006, V. 1, pp. 146–149. http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/meeting/bgrs_proceedings/papers/2006/BGRS_2006_V1_033.pdf
Lyubetsky V., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Pirogov S., “Model of gene expression regulation in bacteria via formation of RNA secondary structures” Molecular Biology, 2006, V. 40, No 3, p. 440–453.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “Computation of regulation efficiency of tryptophan biosynthesis in bacteria based on a model of classic attenuation” Information Processes, V. 6, No 1, pp. 55–57. http://www.jip.ru/2006/55-57-2006.pdf
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “An algorithm for detecting conserved motifs in nucleotide sequences” Information processes, 2006, V. 6, No 1, pp. 33–36. [in Russian] http://www.jip.ru/2006/33-36-2006.pdf
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Translation Regulation of Intron-containing Genes in Chloroplasts” Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2006, Vol. 4, No. 4, P. 783–792. PMID: 17007067


Leont'yev L., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Transcription regulation with T-boxes” Proceedings of the RAS conference “Issues of control and modeling in complex systems, VII International conference”, 27 June – 1 July 2005, Samara, pp. 222–224. [in Russian]
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “Translation regulation in Actinobacteria and Cyano-bacteria based on mRNA secondary structures” Proceedings of the RAS conference “Issues of control and modeling in complex systems, VII International conference”, 27 June – 1 July 2005, Samara, pp. 216–221. [in Russian]
Leont'yev L., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “An algorithm for mass searching of T-box structures in bacteria” MCCMB’05, 2005, pp. 202–206.
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “RNA regulatory structures in Actinobacteria and Cyanobacteri” MCCMB’05, 2005, pp. 351–353.
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Translation regulation in chloroplasts” Information Processes, 2005, V. 5, No 5, pp. 400–404. [in Russian] http://www.jip.ru/2005/400-404.pdf
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “Searching for conservative motifs in leader regions of genes on a fixed species tree” Information Processes, 2005, V. 5, No 4, pp. 265–270. [in Russian] http://www.jip.ru/2005/265-270.pdf
Lyubetsky V., Gorbunov K., Pirogov S., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., “An algorithm and search results for a model of gene expression regulation with RNA secondary structures in bacteria” Information Processes, 2005, V. 5, No 5, pp. 337–366. [in Russian] http://www.jip.ru/2005/337-366.pdf
Leont'yev L., Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “Algorithm for a Large-Scale Search for T-Box Transcription Regulation in Bacteria” Molecular biology, 2005, V. 39, No 6, pp. 946–948. PMID: 16358746
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “Expression Regulation of the Amino Acid Biosynthesis and Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthase Genes in Actinobacteria” Molecular biology, 2005, V. 39, No 6, pp. 942–945. PMID: 16358745
Seliverstov A., Putzer H., Gelfand M., Lyubetsky V., “Comparative analysis of RNA regulatory elements of amino acid metabolism genes in Actinobacteria” BMC Microbiology, 2005, 5:54. PMID: 16202131 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2180/5/54


Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “Note on Cliques and Alignments” Information Processes, 2004, V. 4, No 3, ññ. 241–246. http://www.jip.ru/2004/241-246.pdf
Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V., “Properties of cysteine synthesis in Corynebacterium, Mycobacterium and Propionibacterium” Information Processes, 2004, V. 4, No 3, pp. 247–250. [in Russian] http://www.jip.ru/2004/247-250.pdf
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “Multifraction graphs with two vertices per fraction” Information processes, 2004, V. 4, No 2, pp. 127–132. [in Russian] http://www.jip.ru/2004/127-132.pdf
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., “A geometric method of searching for clique in the graph and its application to signal detection” International conference “Issues of control and modeling in complex systems”, June 14–17 2004, RAS, pp. 154–157. [in Russian]
Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., ”Amino Acid Biosynthesis Attenuation in Bacteria“ Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Bionnformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS’2004), Novosibirsk, July 25–30 2004, V. 1, pp. 307–310. http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/meeting/bgrs_proceedings/papers/2004/BGRS_2004_V1_077.pdf


Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., Some algorithms related to finite groups, Information processes, V 3, No 1, 2003, p. 39-46. [in Russian] http://www.jip.ru/2003/LS%2039-46.pdf


Lyubetsky V., Seliverstov A., A probabilistic algorithm of solving an NP-complete problem, Proceedings of III international conference «Smirnov readings» of RAS, Moscow, 2001, p. 47-49. [in Russian]