Dependence of the Time of Motor Response in Discrimination Task on the Character of Visual Information Available, Human Physiology, 2013, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 226–228.
2013 г.
Авторы: De Saedeleer Caty, Vidal Manuel, Lipshits M., Bengoetxea Ana, Maria Cebolla Ana, Berthoz Alain, Cheron Guy, McIntyre Joseph
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I. Israel, C. Andre-Deshays, O. Charade, A. Berthoz, K. Popov, M. Lipshits. Gaze control in microgravity. 2. Sequences of saccades toward memorized visual targets. // J. Vestibular Research. 1993, v. 3, # 3, pp. 345-360.
C. Andre-Deshays, I. Israel, O. Charade, A. Berthoz, K. Popov, M. Lipshits. Gaze control in microgravity. I. Saccades, pursuit, eye-head coordination. // J.Vestibular Research. 1993, v. 3, # 3, pp. 331-343.
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