И.Б. Шапировский - Публикации


Савельев Д.И., Шапировский И.Б., “Medvedev’s logic and products of converse well orders”, Advances in Modal Logic, 14, College Publications, 2022, 681–696


Шапировский И.Б., Ilya B. Shapirovsky. Satisfiability problems on sums of Kripke frames. https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.15347


Кикоть С.П., Шапировский И.Б., Золин Е.Е., S. Kikot, I. Shapirovsky, and E. Zolin. Modal logics with transitive closure: completeness, decidability, filtration. In Advances in Modal Logic, volume 13, pages 369–388, 2020. ISBN 978-1-84890-341-8. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2011.02205.pdf
Савельев Д.И., Шапировский И.Б., “On modal logics of model-theoretic relations”, Studia Logica, 108:5 (2020), 989–1017. arXiv: 1804.09810 http://iitp.ru/https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.09810


Шапировский И.Б., Modal logics of finite direct powers of $\omega$ have the finite model property. https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.04614 http://iitp.ru/https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.04614


Шапировский И.Б., I.B. Shapirovsky. Glivenko’s theorem, finite height, and local tabularity. arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.06899 http://iitp.ru/https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.06899
Шапировский И.Б., I.B. Shapirovsky. Truth-preserving operations on sums of Kripke frames. In Advances in Modal Logic, volume 12, pages 541–558. College Publications, 2018. ISBN 978-1848902558.
Шапировский И.Б., Шехтман В.Б., Современная модальная логика: между математикой и информатикой. // В кн. Современная логика: основания, предмет и перспективы развития. Сборник научных статей. //Ред. Д.~ Зайцев. М.: ИД «ФОРУМ», 2018. -- С. 265--305.


Кудинов А.В., Шапировский И.Б., Кудинов А. В., Шапировский И. Б. О разбиениях шкал Крипке конечной высоты // Изв. РАН. Сер. матем.— 2017. — Vol. 81, no. 3. — В печати.


Савельев Д.И., Шапировский И.Б., “On modal logic of submodels”, 11th Advances in Modal Logic, Short Papers, 2016, 115–119
Савельев Д.И., Шапировский И.Б., D.I. Saveliev and I.B. Shapirovsky. On modal logic of submodels. In 11th Advances in Modal Logic, Short Papers, pages 115–119, 2016.
Кудинов А.В., Шапировский И.Б., Кудинов А. В., Шапировский И. Б. О финитной аппроксимируемости предтранзитивных логик конечной глубины // Успехи математических наук. — 2016. — Т. 71, № 1. — С. 164–166.
Шапировский И.Б., Шехтман В.Б., I. Shapirovsky and V. Shehtman. Local tabularity without transitivity. In Advances in Modal Logic, volume 11, pages 520–534. College Publications, 2016. ISBN 978-1-84890-201-5.


Балбиани Ф., Шапировский И.Б., Philippe Balbiani and Ilya Shapirovsky. Complete axiomatizations of lexicographic sums and products of modal logics. In 7th International Conference on Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic (TACL 2015), pages 24–26, 2015.
Золин Е.Е., Шапировский И.Б., Ilya Shapirovsky and Evgeny Zolin. On completeness of logics enriched with transitive closure modality. In 7th International Conference on Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic (TACL 2015), pages 255–257, 2015.


Кикоть С.П., Шапировский И.Б., Золин Е.Е., Stanislav Kikot, Ilya Shapirovsky, and Evgeny Zolin. Filtration safe operations on frames. In Advances in Modal Logic 10, invited and contributed papers from the tenth conference on "Advances in Modal Logic," held in Groningen, The Netherlands, August 5-8, 2014, pages 333-352, 2014. http://www.aiml.net/volumes/volume10/Kikot-Shapirovsky-Zolin.pdf
Габбай Д., Шапировский И.Б., Шехтман В.Б., Products of Modal Logics and Tensor Products of Modal Algebras. Products of modal logics and tensor products of modal algebras. Journal of Applied Logic 12 (2014), pp. 570-583


Шапировский И.Б., Шехтман В.Б., Tensor products of modal logics. In Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic, TACL 2013, pages 198–202. Vanderbilt University, 2013. http://www.math.vanderbilt.edu/~tacl2013/Proceedings%20July%2026,%202013.pdf


Кудинов А.В., Шапировский И.Б., Шехтман В.Б., A. Kudinov, I. Shapirovsky, V. Shehtman. On modal logics of Hamming spaces. Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 9, 2012, pp. 395-410.
Кудинов А.В., Шапировский И.Б., Шехтман В.Б., Andrey Kudinov, Ilya Shapirovsky and Valentin Shehtman. On Modal Logics of Hamming Spaces. In Advances in Modal Logic, volume 9, pages 395-410, London, 2012. King"s College Publications.


Шапировский И.Б., Simulation of two dimensions in unimodal logics. In Advances in Modal Logic, volume 8, pages 371-392 , London, 2010. King"s College Publications. http://www.aiml.net/volumes/volume8/Shapirovsky.pdf
Кудинов А.В., Шапировский И.Б., Некоторые примеры модальных логик без конечной аксиоматики. Сборник трудов конференции Информационные технологии и системы" (ИТиС"10) стр. 258-262, Москва, 2010.


Кудинов А.В., Шапировский И.Б., Финитная аппроксимируемость обобщенно транзитивных симметричных модальных логик. Сборник статей конференции Информационные технологии и системы" (ИТиС"09) стр. 411-415, Москва, 2009


Шапировский И.Б., PSPACE-decidability of Japaridze"s Polymodal Logic. Advances in Modal Logic - Volume 7, pages 289-304. King"s College Publications, 2008. http://www.aiml.net/volumes/volume7/Shapirovsky.pdf


Шапировский И.Б., Modal logics of closed domains on Minkowski plane. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics. Volume 17. No. 3/2007, 397-414.
Шапировский И.Б., Modal logics of some geometrical structures. Problems of Information Transmission. Volume 43, Issue 3, 2007. 255 – 262.


Бальбиани Ф., Шапировский И.Б., Шехтман В.Б., Every world can see a Sahlqvist world. In I. Hodkinson and Y. Venema, editors, Advances in Modal Logic - Volume 6, pages 69-85. King"s College Publications, 2006. (with Ph. Balbiani and V. Shehtman)
Шапировский И.Б., Downward-directed transitive frames with universal relations. In I. Hodkinson and Y. Venema, editors, Advances in Modal Logic - Volume 6, pages 413-428 King"s College Publications, 2006. http://www.aiml.net/volumes/volume6/Shapirovsky.ps


Шапировский И.Б., Шехтман В.Б., Modal logics of regions and Minkowski spacetime. J Logic Computation 2005 15: 559-574.
Шапировский И.Б., On PSPACE-decidability in transitive modal logic. In: Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 5. R. Schmidt et al. (eds.). King"s College Publications, 2005, 269-287


Шапировский И.Б., Шехтман В.Б., Chronological future modality in Minkowski spacetime. Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 4, 437-459. King"s College Publications, 2003. (with V. Shehtman) http://www.aiml.net/volumes/volume4/Shapirovsky-Shehtman.ps