Rybko Alexander Nikolaevich (born 07.07.1948)
Institute for Information Transmission Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute), Dobrushin Mathematical Laboratory
19, Bolshoy Karetnyj pereulok, 127051 Moscow Russia
Main e-mail: arybko@gmail.com
Alternative e-mail: rybko@iitp.ru
MSс in Mathematics, State Lomonosov University (Moscow, Russia), Department of Mathematics and Mechanics: June 1971.
PhD in Mathematics, Institute of Electronic Engineering (Moscow, Russia), January 1984. First (PhD) thesis: Capacity Region of Communication Queuing Networks.
Sc.D in Mathematics, Institute for Information Transmission Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia), December 2009. Second (doctoral) thesis: Asymptotic Properties of Stationary Distributions of Communication Networks.
1978-1989: Researcher at IITP RAS.
1989-1995: Senior Researcher at the IITP RAS.
1995-present: Leading Researcher at the IITP RAS
1993-1995: Researcher at Moscow International Mathematical Institute,
2007-present: Research Fellow of French-Russian Mathematical Laboratory (J.-V. Poncelet Laboratory)
a) Mathematics: Theory of Probability, Random Processes, Mathematical Physics, Theory of Interacted Particle Systems.
b) Queuing Theory: Queuing Networks, application of the Theory of Markov Processes with Local Interactions to Networks with a large number of queues, Asymptotical Properties of Queuing Networks.
c) Dynamical Systems: KAM – theory.
1977: IITP award for the best result of young mathematician
1993: winner of mathematical stipendium of Academy of Natural Sciences of International Science Foundation
1995-present: member of the Editorial Board of "Markov Processes and Related Fields".
2004-2005: Invited Fellow of Statistical Laboratory of Cambridge University, supported by Leverhulme Trust
2015: International Dobrushin Prize
“Mean-field Models and Poisson Hypothesis for Queuing Networks”, Beijing Normal University, 1998
“Fluid and Thermodynamic Limit for Stochastic Networks”, C.I.R.M., Luminy University, Marseille 2003
“Asymptotic Properties of Queuing Networks”. Cambridge University 2005
Guest of London Mathematical Society 2001 (two months).
Guest of EURANDOM 2001.
Guest of IPAM (UCLA, two months), 2002
Guest of Institute of Theoretical Physics, Leuven, 2002, 2003
Invited Researcher at Cornell University, 1991.
Invited researcher on Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, 1993, 1995 (two + two months).
Invited Professor at Heidelberg University, support from the Volkswagen Foundation, 1996, (two months).
Invited Researcher in Leiden University, 1996, two months
Invited Professor at Marseille University, Luminy, 1998 (two months), 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013 (1-2 months each time).
Invited Professor at Beijing Normal University (China) 1998 (one month).
Invited Researcher at INRIA, Roquencourt, Sophia Antipolis 1991, 1993, 1995, 1998.
Invited Fellow at University of Cambridge, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, 2004-2005, ten months, support from grant of Leverhulme Trust.
Invited Professor at National University of Singapore, 2003, 2005, one month and two months.
Invited Fellow of Newton Mathematical Institute (Cambridge, semester in “Probability and Stochastic Networks” 2010)
Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grants 93-01-01470_a (1993-1994); 96-00-00150_l (1996); 96-01-100020-GFEN_a (1996-1997); 99-01-0003_a (1999-2001); 02-01-00068_a (2002-2004); 02-01-01276_a (2002-2004); 06-01-72556-NTSNIL_a (2006-2009 with CNRS); 07-01-93114-NTSNIL_a (2007-20010 with CNRS); 10-01-93114-NTSNIL_a (2010-2012 with CNRS), 13-01-12410OFI_m2(2013-2015); 14-01-00319-а (2015-2017); 14-01-00379-а (2015-2017); 115061970032 (2015-2017);
Megagrant RSF № 14-50-00150 2014-2018
Soros Grant
Grant of Volkswagen Foundation
INTAS Grants (3 times)
CRDF Grants (2 times)
Invited Fellow at University of Cambridge, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, 2004-2005, support from grant of Leverhulme Trust.
Referee work:
at Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research
at “Problems of Information Transmission”
at “Queuing Systems”
at “Automatics and Telemechanics”
Member of Committee for Evaluation of Dissertations in Institute for Information Transmission Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences.
3-International Seminar in Teletraffic, Moscow 1984
1-th Bernoulli International Congress, Tashkent 1986
French-Russian Workshop in Applied Probability, Paris, INRIA-Roquencourt 1988
5-th International Vilnus Conference on Probability and Statistics, 1989
International Conference on Applied Probability in Engineering Computer and Communication Sciences, Paris 1993
Third Czechoslovac-Soviet-Hungarian Seminar on Information Theory, Prag 1980
International Colloquium on Information Theory, Budapest 1981
Workshop on Stochastic Networks, Oberwolfach, 1995
German – Russian Mathematical Conference concluding Volkswagen Foundation grants, Berlin, Technical University 1996
16-th European Conference on Operation Research, Brussels, July 1998
International Conference on Applied Probability, Eindhoven, EURANDOM 2001
International Workshop on the Probability Theory and Stochastic Networks, IPAM, March 2002
International Congress on Applied Probability, Stanford University, June 2002
International Conferences on Applied Probability, Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
International Workshop on Stochastic Networks, Leiden University, March 1996
French – Russian Colloquium on Modern Problems in Mathematical Physics, University Paris-Sud, January 2006
Probability and Statistical Mechanics, C.I.R.M., Marseille – Luminy, March 2003,
International Conference “Kolmogorov and Contemporary Mathematics”, Moscow, June 2006
IV-International Conference “Limit Theorems in Probability and Their Applications”, Novosibirsk, August 2006
International Mathematical Conference dedicated to V.Arnold, Moscow, MIAN August 2007
International Symposium “Model 35”, INRIA Paris-Roquencourt, April 2008,
Dobrushin International Conference, IITP, Moscow, July 2009,
French – Russian Seminar “Stochastic Processes in Physics and Biology (organizer), Independent University, Moscow, July 2009
International Workshop on Mathematical Physics and Probability, University of Warwick, January 2010
Semester “Probability and Stochastic Networks”, Newton International Mathematical Institute, Cambridge, January-June 2010
International Conference “Extreme Statistics in Mathematics and Physics” Lorentz Center, Leiden July 2011
International Conference “50 Years of IITP”, Moscow July 2011
V-International Conference “Limit Theorems in Probability and Their Applications,” Novosibirsk, August 2011
“Information Technologies and Systems”, Gelendgik, October 2011
“Information Technologies and Systems”, Petrozavodsk, September 2012
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge GB, Workshop Code CSW10, 12-16 August 2013
1.F.I.Karpelevich, V.A.Malyshev, A.N.Rybko. “Stochastic Evolution of Neural Networks”, Markov Processes and Related Fields, 1995, v.1, no.1, pp.141-161 .
2.A.N.Rybko, A.L.Stolyar "Ergodicity of Random Processes Describing the Operation of Open Queuing Networks" Problems of Information
Transmission" , 1992, V.28, Pp. 3-26.
3. R.L.Dobrushin, M.Y.Kel’bert, A.N.Rybko, Y.M.Suhov, “Qualitative Methods in the Theory of Queuing Networks”, in “Stochastic Cellular Systems"" , Manchester Univ. Press, 1990.
4. M.Y.Kel’bert, M.L.Kontsevich, A.N.Rybko, “Infinite Jackson Networks”, Teorija Veroyatnostey i yeyo Primenenija (in Russian), 1988, v. 33.
5. F.Baccelli, F.I.Karpelevich, M.I.Kel’bert, A.A.Puhalskii, A.N.Rybko, Y.M.Suhov, “A Mean Field Limit for a Class of Queuing Networks”, Journal of Statistical Physics, 1992, v.6, no. 3/4, pp. 803-825 .
6. V.A.Michailov, A.N.Rybko, “Capacity Region of Channel Switching Networks with Queues”, Problemy Peredachi Informatsii (in Russian), 1986, N 1, pp.65-84.
7. A.N.Rybko, “Stationary Distributions of Markov Processes Modeling Queuing Networks”. Problemy Peredachi Informatsii (in Russian), V.27, N1, pp.-71-89.
8. A.N.Rybko, “Conditions of the Existence of the Stationary Mode for Two Classes of Communication Networks”. Problemy Peredaci Informatsii (in Russian), V.28, N 1, pp.94-103.
9. R.L.Dobrushin, A.N.Rybko, “Capacity Region of Communication Networks”. Fundamentals of teletraffic theory. Proc. of 3-Int. Sem. on Teletraffic Theory. Moscow 1984.
10.M.Y.Kel’bert, M.L.Kontsevich, A.N.Rybko, “Ergodicity of Infinite Jackson Networks”. Proc. of the 1-th Bernoulli Congress. Tashkent 1986
11.F.I.Karpelevich, A.N.Rybko, “On One New Class of Markov Processes with Interaction Modeling Absorption”. Fifth International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics V.3, p.277, 1989.
12.A.N.Rybko, A.L.Stolyar, “On the Ergodicity of Markov Processes Corresponding to the Open Message Switching Networks”. Conference on Applied Probability in Engineering Computer and Communication Sciences, pp.-142-143, Paris 1993
13.S.G.Foss, A.N.Rybko, “Stability of Multi-class Jackson-Type Networks”, Markov Processes and Related Fields, V.2, N 3, 1996.
14.A.N.Rybko, A.N.Tretyakov, “Hydrodynamic Limit and Existence of Stationary Measure for Open Queuing Networks with Different Types of Customers”. (In Russian)."Advanced Methods in Telecommunication Systems" Russian Academy of Science. IITP.1992, pp.90-120
15.R.L.Dobrushin, M.Y.Kel’bert, A.N.Rybko, Y.M.Suhov, “Qualitative Methods in the Theory of Queuing Networks” (in Russian), . Preprint IITP.1986
16.A.N.Rybko, “Capacity region of Communication Networks and Ergodicity of Markov Processes with Countable Set of States”. (in Russian) Proceedings of the Third Czechoslovak-Soviet-Hungarian Seminar on Information Theory. 1980. pp.71-78.
17. A.Puhalskii, A.Rybko, “Non-Ergodicity of Queuing Networks Under Non-Stability of Their Fluid Models”, University of Colorado at Denver, UCD/CCM Report No.141, April 1999.
18. Karpelevich F.I., Rybko A.N., “Thermodynamic limit for symmetrical closed queuing networks”, On Dobrushin’s way. From probability to statistical mechanics, Ed. R.Minlos, S.Shlosman, Yu.Suhov. Providence: AMS, 2000.
19. Karpelevich F.I., Rybko A.N., “Asymptotical behavior of Symmetrical Closed Queuing Network in Thermodynamic Limit”, Problemy Peredachi Informatsii (in Russian), 2000, V.36, N2, pp. 1-27.
20. F.I. Karpelevich, A.N. Rybko, “Thermodynamic Limit for the Mean Field Model of Simple Symmetrical Closed Queuing Network”, Markov Processes and Related Fields, 2000, V.6, N.1.
21. A.Rybko, “Weak Poisson Hypothesis for Thermodynamic Limit of Symmetrical Networks”. International Conference on Applied Probability, Ulm 1998.
22. A.N.Rybko, A.L.Stolyar, Yu.M.Suhov, “Stability of Global LIFO Networks”, Memory book of F.I. Karpelevich, Providence, AMS, ser.2, vol.207, 2002, pp. 177-184.
23.A.Puhalskii, A.Rybko. “Non-Ergodicity of Queuing Networks Under Non-stability of Their Fluid Models”. Problemy Peredachi Informacii (in Russian) 2000,V.36, N1.
24.A.Rybko, K.Khanin, D.Khmelev, A.Vladimirov, “Steady Solutions of Fluid Dynamics for FIFO Networks”. Moscow Mathematical Journal,V.1, N.3, 2001, pp.407-419.
25 A.N.Rybko, F.I.Karpelevich, A.A.Petrov, S.A.Pirogov, V.A.Malyshev, “Context Free Evolution of Words”. Preprint INRIA #4413, January 2002.
26 A.N.Rybko, F.I.Karpelevich, A.A.Petrov, S.A.Pirogov, V.A.Malyshev, “Context Free Evolution of Words”, Memory book of F.I. Karpelevich, Providence, AMS, ser.2, vol.207, 2002, pp.91-114.
27.V.A.Malyshev, A.A.Pirogov, A.N.Rybko. “Random Walks and Chemical Networks”. Preprint INRIA, April 2002.
28.A.Vladimirov, V.Oseledets, A.Rybko, K.Khanin, D.Khmelev. “Nonlinear Generalization of Perron Theorem”. D.A.N., vol.389, N.4, pp.452-456, 2003
29. V.A.Malyshev, A.A.Pirogov, A.N.Rybko. “Random Walks and Chemical Networks”. Moscow Mathematical Journal, vol.4, N.2, pp.441-453, 2004.
30. A.N.Rybko, S.B.Shlosman. “Poisson Hypothesis for information networks (A study in non-linear Markov processes)”. Part I, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 2005, V.5, N3, pp. 679-704 (this volume dedicated to Ya.G.Sinai)
31.A.Rybko, S.B.Shlosman, “Poisson Hypothesis for Queuing Networks – Combinatorial Aspects”. Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 2005, V41, N3, pp. 51-57
32.E.I.Dinaburg, C.Maes, S.A.Pirogov, F.Redig, A.N.Rybko “The Potts Model Built on Sand “ SPOR-Report 2004-02. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
33. A.N.Rybko, S.B.Shlosman “Poisson Hypothesis for Information Networks. 2.Cases of Violations and Phase Transitions.” Moscow Mathematical Journal, 2008, V.8, N.1, pp.159 -180.
34. E.Dinaburg, C.Maes, S.Pirogov, F.Redig, A. Rybko “The Potts Model Built on Sand” Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 117, N.1/2, pp.179-198
35. A.Rybko, S.Shlosman “Poisson Hypothesis for Information Networks (a study in non-linear Markov Processes), Part II, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 2005, V.3, N.4 (this volume dedicated to M.Tsfasman)
36. A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, A.Vladimirov “Self - averaging Property of Queuing systems” Problemi Peredachi Informacii (in Russian) 2006, V42, N4, pp.91-103
37. A.Rybko, S.Shlosman “Poisson Hypothesis for Information Networks with Complex Graphs” In preparation
38.A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, A.Vladimirov, “Spontaneous Resonances and the Coherent States of the Queuing Networks”, Journal of Statistical Physics. 2009, V.134, N.1, pp.105 – 126.
39. V.Michaylov, A.Rybko, “The Sufficient Conditions for Existence of Stationary Mode in Channel Switching Networks with Queues. Abs. of Intern. Coll. On Information Theory, Budapest 1981,p 58.
40. A.N.Rybko, “ The Unstable Behavior of Fluid Models and Transience of Corresponding Stochastic Processes Modeling Open Queuing Networks” Abs. of 16-th European Conference on Operational Research, Brussels, July 1998, p.87.
41.A.Rybko, S. Shlosman, “Poisson Hypothesis for Large Information Networks: the Study of Non-linear Markov Processes”, Abs. of Intern. Conference “Kolmogorov and Contemporary Mathematics”, Moscow, June 2003., Moscow, Part 2, pp. 956 – 957.
42. A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, “Poisson Hypothesis for Information Networks (a Study in Non-linear Markov Processes)” http://arxiv.org/PS_ cache/math/arxiv/pdf/0406/04066.110v1.pdf.204. pp.1 – 77
43. A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, “Poisson Hypothesis for Information Networks. II. Cases of violation and Phase Transitions”. http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/math-ph/pdf/0410/0410.053v.1pdf.204, pp. 1 -27.
44. A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, A.Vladimirov, “Self-averaging Property of Queuing Systems”. http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/math/pdf/0510/0510.046v.2pdf.2005. pp.1 – 18
45. A.N.Rybko, “Poisson Hypothesis for Information Networks (a Study in Non-linear Markov Processes)”. Abs.of IV Intern. Conf. “Limit Theorems in Probability and their Applications”, Novosibirsk, August 2006, p.28.
46. A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, A.Vladimirov, “Absence of Breakdown of the Poisson Hypothesis. I. Closed Networks at Low Load”. http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/math/pdf/0811/0811.3577v.1pdf2008. pp. 1-18.
47.A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, A.Vladimirov, “Spontaneous Resonances and the Coherent States of the Queuing Networks”. http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/math/pdf/0708/0708.3073v.2pdf2007. pp.1-53
48. A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, A.Vladimirov, “Spontaneous Resonances and the Coherent States of the Queuing Networks”. Abs. of Symposium on Perspectives in Modeling and Performance of Computer Systems “Model 35”, INRIA, Paris – Roquencourt. April 2008, p.13
49. A.N.Rybko “Poisson Hypothesis for Large Symmetrical Communicated Networks” (in Russian). Globus mathematical seminars, N.4, Ed. M.A.Tsfasman and V.V.Prasolov, Moscow 2009, pp. 105 – 126.
50. A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, A.Vladimirov, “Spontaneous Resonances and the Coherent States of the Queuing Networks” Proc. Of Dobrushin International Conference, Moscow. July 2009. IITP RAS, pp.149-156.
51. A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, A.Vladimirov, “Absence of Breakdown of the Poisson Hypothesis. I. Closed Networks at Low Load”. Markov Processes and Related Fields, 2010, V. 16, N. 2, pp. 267-286.
52. A.N.Rybko, “Sinai Switched Dynamical Systems on the Plane”. V International Conference “Limit Theorems in Probability Theory and Their Applications”, Novosibirsk, August 2011, p. 40
52. M.D.Arnold, E.I.Dinaburg, G.B.Dobrushina, S.A.Pirogov, A.N.Rybko, “On Products of Skew Rotations” http://arxiv.org/abc/1106.5914v.1 pp.1-13.
53. M.D.Arnold, E.I.Dinaburg, G.B.Dobrushina, S.A.Pirogov, A.N.Rybko, “On Products of Skew Rotations”. “Moscow Mathematical Journal”,2012, V 12, N.4, pp.705-718.
54. M.D.Arnold, E.I.Dinaburg, G.B.Dobrushina, S.A.Pirogov, A.N.Rybko, “On Products of Skew Rotations” Proceedings of International Mathematical Conference “50 Years of IITP”, Moscow 2011, ISBN 978-5-901158-15-9 pp.1 – 23.
55. A.N.Rybko, “Asymptotic Properties of Queuing Networks”, Proceedings of International Conference ITIS 2011, p.31. 9.A
56. F.Baccelli, A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, “Queuing Networks with Varying Topology – Mean Field Approach”,http://arxiv.org/abs/1311.3898
57. A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, “Generalized Jackson Networks”, http://arxiv.org/abs/1308.1524
58. Sergey Pirogov, Aleksandre Rybko, Anastasia Kalinina, Mikhail Gelfand, «Recombination Processes and Non-linear Markov Chains» http://arXiv:1312.7653v1 [math.PR].
59. Rybko, S.Shlosman, A.Vladimirov, “Poisson Hypothesis for Open Networks at Low Load”. http:// arXiv: 1408.7034v.1[math.PR]
60. A.Akopyan, S.Pirogov, A.Rybko, “Invariant Measures of Genetic Recombination Process”. http:// Arxiv: 1406.5313v.2[math.PR]
61. A.Akopyan, S.Pirogov, A.Rybko, "Invariant Measures of Genetic Recombination Processes", Journal of Statistical Physics, V160, No.1, 2015, Pp. 163-167
62.12.F.Baccelli, A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, "Queueing Networks with Moving Nodes, Mean-Field Approach", Problemy Peredachi Informatsii (in Russian), V.52, N.2, 2016, pp.85-110
63. A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, A.Vladimirov, “Poisson Hypothesis for Open Networks at Low Load”, “Moscow Mathematical Journal”, 2017,N.1, pp.145-160
64. A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, “Stationary States of Generalized Jackson Networks”, “Markov Processes and Related Fields”, 2016, V.22, N 4, pp. 759-774
65. Sergey Pirogov, Aleksandre Rybko, Anastasia Kalinina, Mikhail Gelfand, «Recombination Processes and Non-linear Markov Chains» “JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 23/TBD CMB-2016-0051”
66. F. Baccelli, A. Rybko, S. Shlosman, A. Vladimirov “METASTABILITY OF LARGE NETWORKS WITH MOBILE SERVERS” RT&A, No 4 (40)Volume 11, March 2016
67. F.Baccelli, A. Rybko, S. Shlosman, A. Vladimirov Metastability of Queuing Networks with Mobile Servers arXiv:1704.02521v1 [math.PR
68. Serge Pirogov, Alexander Rybko, Senya Shlosman, Alexander Vladimirov arXiv:1610.08492v1 [math.PR
69. Alexandre Rybko, Senya Shlosman, Alexandre Vladimirov Poisson Hypothesis for Open Networks at Low Load arXiv:1408.7034Probability (math.PR)
70.F.Bacelli, A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, A.Vladimirov Metastability of Queuing Networks with Mobile Servers Journal of Statistical Physics, (V.173, N.3-4, pp.1227-1251 ), 1-25 DOI 10.1007/s10955-018-2023-z http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10955-018-2023-z
71.S.Pirogov, A.Rybko, S.Shlosman, A.Vladimirov Propagation of Chaos and Poisson Hypothesis Problemy Peredachi Informatsii (in Russian), 2018, V.54, N.3,pp.102-111