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Публикаций на странице:    Страница: 12345 ... 910 111213
2002 г.
Авторы: Минлос Р.А., Лоринчи Дж., Шпон Г.

The infrared behavior in Nel’son model of a quantum particle coupled to a massless scalar field. // Annals of Inst. of H. Poincare, 3, 2002, pp.269-295

2002 г.
Авторы: Белицкий В., Печерский Е.А.

Uniqueness of Gibbs State for Non-Ideal Gas in ${mathbb{R}}^d$: the Case of Multibody Interaction // J.Stat.Phys. 106, 5-6, 2002, 931--955

2002 г.
Авторы: Минлос Р.А., Печерский Е.А., Загребнов В.А.

Analyticity of the Gibs State for a Quantum Anharmonic Crystal: No Order Parameter, Ann. Henri Poincare, Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 3, 2002, 921-938

2002 г.
Авторы: Minlos R., Zhizhina E.

Leading Branches of the transfer-matrix spectrum for lattice spin systems (quasi-particles of different species) // J. St. Phys., vol.108, n 5/6, 2002, pp. 885-904.

2002 г.
Авторы: Минлос Р.А., Бетц В., Хирошима Ф., Лоринчи Дж., Шпон Г.

Ground state properties of the Nel’son Hamiltonian-A Gibbs measure-based approach //Rev. in Math. Phys., vol.14, n. 2, 2002, pp.173-198

2002 г.
Авторы: Минлос Р.А.

The infrared behavior in Nel’son" s model of a quantum particle coupled to a massless scalar field // Annals of Inst. of H. Poincare. , 3, 2002, pp.269-295 [H.Spohn, J.Lorinchi]

2002 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

M. L. Blank, G. Keller, C. Liverani, ``Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius spectrum for Anosov maps"", Nonlinearity, 15:6(2002), 1905-1973. [mp-arc/01-140 nlin.CD/0104031]

2002 г.
Авторы: Минлос Р.А., Печерский Е., Загребнов В.

Analiticity of the Gibbs State fot a Quantum Anharmonic Crystal : No order Parameter. // Annals of Inst. of H.Poincare.3 (2002) pp. 921-938

2002 г.
Авторы: Минлос Р.А., Пеллегринотти А., Болдригини К.

Directed polymers in Markov random media // Markov Processes and Related Fields, 8, 2002, pp. 81-105

2002 г.
Авторы: Прелов В.В., ван дер Мейлен Э.

Об эпсилон-энтропии одного класса эллипсоидов в хэмминговом пространстве // Пробл. передачи информ. 2002. Т. 38. № 2. С. 19—32.

2002 г.
Авторы: Прелов В.В., Думер И.И., Пинскер М.С.

Оптимизационная задача, связанная с вычислением эпсилон-энтропии эллипсоида в хэмминговом пространстве // Пробл. передачи информ. 2002. Т. 38. № 2. С. 3--18.

2002 г.
Авторы: Прелов В.В., Думер И.И., Пинскер М.С.

Эпсилон-энтропия эллипсоида в хэмминговом пространстве // Пробл. передачи информ. 2002. Т. 38. № 1. С. 3--18.

2002 г.
Авторы: Комеч А.И.

Breathers for a relativistic nonlinear wave equation, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 165 (2002), 317-345. Co-authored by A. Bensoussan and C. Iliine.

2002 г.
Авторы: Комеч А.И.

Soliton-like asymptotics and scattering for a particle coupled to Maxwell field, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 9 (2002), no. 4, 428-436. Co-authored by V. Imaikin and H. Spohn.

2002 г.
Авторы: Комеч А.И.

Energy-momentum relation for solitary waves of relativistic wave equation, Russian Journal Math. Phys. 9 (2002), no. 2, 153-160. Co-authored by T. Dudnikova and H. Spohn.

2002 г.
Авторы: Комеч А.И.

A method of complex characteristics for elliptic problems in angles and its applications, pp 125-159 in: Translations. Series 2. American Mathematical Society. 206, American Mathematical Society (AMS), Providence, RI, 2002. Co-authored by A. Merzon and P. Zhevandrov.

2002 г.
Авторы: Комеч А.И.

On a two-temperature problem for wave equation with mixing, Markov Processes and Related Fields 8 (2002), no. 1, 43-80. Co-authored by T.~Dudnikova and H.~Spohn.

2002 г.
Авторы: Комеч А.И.

On convergence to equilibrium distribution, II. Wave equation with mixing, Journal of Statistical Physics 108} (2002), no. 4, 1219-1253. Co-authored by T.V.~Dudnikova, N.E.~Ratanov and Yu.M.~Suhov.

2002 г.
Авторы: Комеч А.И.

On convergence to equilibrium distribution, I. Klein-Gordon equation with mixing, Comm. Math. Phys. 225 (2002), no. 1, 1-32. Co-authored by T.V.~Dudnikova, E.A.~Kopylova and Yu.M.~Suhov.

2002 г.
Авторы: Барг А.М., Ногин Д.Ю.

Bounds on Packings of Spheres in the Grassmann Manifolds, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 2002, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 2450–2454.

2001 г.
Авторы: Шлосман С.Б.

S. Shlosman and M. Tsfasman: Random Lattices and Random Sphere Packings: Typical Properties, arXiv.org e-Print archive, math-ph/0011040, Moscow Math. Journal, 1, 73-89, 2001.

2001 г.
Авторы: Шлосман С.Б.

S. Shlosman: The Wulff construction in statistical mechanics and in combinatorics, arXiv.org e-Print archive, math-ph/0010039, Успехи математических наук, 2001, 56 (4), 709-738.

2001 г.
Авторы: Шлосман С.Б.

S. Shlosman: The life of amoebas (of the Ising model), Markov Proc. Relat. Fields, 7, 113-115, 2001.

2001 г.
Авторы: Шлосман С.Б.

P. Bleher, J. Ruiz , R.H. Schonmann, S. Shlosman and V. Zagrebnov: Rigidity of the critical phases on a Cayley tree, http://rene.ma.utexas.edu/mp_arc/, # 00-418, Moscow Math. Journal, 1, no. 3, 345-364, 2001.

2001 г.
Авторы: Prelov V., van der Meulen E.C.

Asymptotic Investigation of the Optimal Filtering Error and Information Rates in Certain Models of Observations and Channels // Proc. 22-th Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Enschede, May 15--16, 2001. P. 93—100.

2001 г.
Авторы: Prelov V., Pinsker M.

On Possibility of Error-Free Filtering under Nonstationary Distortions // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp . Inform. Theory. Washington, USA, June 24--29, 2001.

2001 г.
Авторы: Vleduts S., Barg A., Ashikhmin A.

Linear codes with exponentially many light vectors. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 96, no. 2, 396--399, 2001.

2001 г.
Авторы: Яшков С.Ф., С. Яшкова А.

On the law of large numbers for the processor--sharing queue. Computer Sci. and Info. Technologies (CSIT"01). Proc. 3nd Int. Conf. (Yerevan, Sept. 17--21, 2001). Yerevan: Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Armenia, 2001, pp. 141--144.

2001 г.
Авторы: Кениг Ц., Надирашвили Н.С.

On optimal estimates for some oblique derivative problems, J. Funct. Anal. 187 (2001), 70-93

2001 г.
Авторы: Хансен У., Надирашвили Н.С.

Harmonic functions and averages on shells, J. Anal. Math. 84 (2001), 70-93

2001 г.
Авторы: Хамель Ф., Надирашвили Н.С.

Travelling fronts and entire solutions of the Fisher-KPP equations in RN, Arch. Ration.Mech.Anal. 157 (2001), 91-163.

2001 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Dynamical spectrum for random maps and Ulam conjecture, in ""Fundamental mathematics today"", (2001), 8-9.

2001 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Perron-Frobenius spectrum for random maps and its approximation,Moscow Math. J., 1:3 (2001), 315-344. [mp-arc/01-218]

2001 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Устойчивость и локализация в хаотической динамике, МЦНМО, 351 стр., 2001.

2001 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Spectral properties of left triangular matrices, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 56:1(2001), 155-156

2001 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Dynamics of traffic jams: order and chaos, Moscow Math. J., 1:1 (2001), 1-26. [mp-arc/01-40]

2001 г.
Авторы: Минлос Р.А., Лоринчи Дж.

Gibbs measures for Brownian path under the effect of an external and small pair potential. // J. Stat. Phys., 105, N3/4, 2001, pp. 605-647

2001 г.
Авторы: Prelov V., Pinsker M.S., van der Meulen E.

Asymptotic Investigation of the Information Rates in Certain Stationary Channels with and without Memory // American J. Math. and Management Sci. 2001. V 21. N 1-2 . P. 29--42.

2001 г.
Авторы: Комеч А.И.

On a stabilization of the string interaction with two nonlinear oscillators, Moscow Univ. Math. Bull.} 56 (2001), no. 3, 3-10. Co-authored by Yu.E.~Egorov.

2000 г.
Авторы: Шлосман С.Б.

Ch. Maes, F. Redig, S. Shlosman and A. van Moffaert: Percolation, Path Large Deviations and Weakly Gibbs States, Comm Math Phys., 209, 517-545, 2000.

2000 г.
Авторы: Шлосман С.Б.

L. Chayes, S. Shlosman and V. Zagrebnov: Discontinuity of the Magnetization in Diluted O(n)--Models, J. Statist. Phys. 98, 537--549, 2000.

2000 г.
Авторы: Шлосман С.Б.

S. Shlosman: Geometric variational problems of statistical mechanics and of combinatorics, Probabilistic techniques in equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical physics. J. Math. Phys. 41, 1364--1370, 2000.

2000 г.
Авторы: Шлосман С.Б.

S. Shlosman: Path Large Deviation and Other Typical Properties of the Low-Temperature Models, with Applications to the Weakly Gibbs States, Markov Processes and Related Fields, 6, 121- 134, 2000.

2000 г.
Авторы: Шлосман С.Б.

S. Shlosman: Metastable states as continuations of Gibbs states. In: Proceedings of XIIIth ICMP, London, 2000, International Press of Boston, 143-150.

2000 г.
Авторы: Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M.

Information Transmission of Slowly Varying Input Signals over Discrete Memoryless Stationary Channels // Proc. 21-th Symp. Inform. Theory in the Benelux. Wassenaar, May 25--26, 2000. P. 277--283.

2000 г.
Авторы: Prelov V.

On the Entropy of Ellipsoids in the Hamming Space // Proc. Seventh Intern. Workshop Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Bansko, Bulgaria, June 18--24, 2000, P. 269--272.

2000 г.
Авторы: Prelov V., Pinsker M.

On Error-Free Filtering under Dependent Distortions // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Sorrento, Italy, June 25--30, 2000. P. 359.

2000 г.
Авторы: Prelov V., Pinsker, E. van der Meulen M.

Transmission of a Slowly Varying Markov Signal over Memoryless Channels // Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory. Sorrento, Italy, June 25--30, 2000. P. 488.

2000 г.
Авторы: Яшков С.Ф.

Modelling processor sharing queue. Proceedings of the 16th IMACS World Congress on Sci. Computation, Appl. Math. and Simulation. (Lausanne, Aug. 21--25, 2000), M.Deville and R.Owens (Eds.). New Brunswick: Rutgers Univ. (USA), 2000. Full paper (4 pages) in pdf format on CD--ROM. ISBN 3-9522075-1-9.

2000 г.
Авторы: Яшков С.Ф.

Modelling processor sharing queue. 16th IMACS World Congress on Sci. Computation, Appl. Math. and Simulation. Book of abstracts (Lausanne, Aug. 21--25, 2000), M.Deville and R.Owens (Eds.). Lausanne: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 2000, pp.532--532. ISBN 3-9522075-0-0.

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