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Московский телекоммуникационный семинар

В пятницу 29 октября 2021 г. в 17:00 в Zoom состоится очередное заседание Московского телекоммуникационного семинара.

Тема семинара:  Wireless Interactive VR Using mmWave Communications

Докладчик: Jeroen Famaey, University of Antwerp, Imec.

Аннотация: Wireless networked Virtual Reality (VR) has arisen as one of the killer applications for future wireless networks. The requirements of future interactive VR applications go well beyond current 5G capabilities, combining a data rate of several gigabits per second and millisecond latency at high reliability. Existing wireless networks, operating in the sub-6GHz frequency bands, are not capable of achieving this combined high data rate and low latency. In this talk, I introduce an alternative wireless VR network solution that relies on mmWave frequency bands (30-300GHz) instead. By collecting and analysing spatial information about the user"s movements and head rotations, spatially-aware beamforming can overcome the mmWave band"s high path loss and attenuation. Moreover, I will discuss the feasibility of the mmWave Wi-Fi standards (IEEE 802.11ad and 802.11ay) to achieve millisecond-latency VR streaming.

Информация о докладчике: Jeroen Famaey is a research professor associated with the University of Antwerp and imec, Belgium. He received his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Ghent University, Belgium in 2007 and a Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering from the same university in 2012. He was appointed as a tenure track research professor at the University of Antwerp in 2016. In 2021, he was appointed as an associate professor. He currently leads a team of researchers, focusing on the modelling and optimization of wireless networks. His specific interests include high-rate and high-reliable low-latency communication protocols, and optimization of energy harvesting systems. Prof. Famaey has been involved in more than 20 international, national, and bilateral research projects, both fundamental and industry-driven in nature. His research has led to the publication of over 60 peer-reviewed journal articles, 80 conference papers, and 5 granted patents.

Для участия в семинаре заполните форму ( https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1ZAXpUe23QmA3fY68v-ynZkRdNvSZN_bAWZft4HCmM70v6w/viewform ). Для того чтобы получить больше информации о семинаре, посетите страницу семинара ( http://wireless.iitp.ru/seminar/ ).

26.10.2021 | Логинов Вячеслав Аркадьевич


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