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Московский телекоммуникационный семинар

В среду 27 июля 2022 г. в 11:00 в аудитории 615 состоится очередное заседание Московского телекоммуникационного семинара. Трансляция семинара будет организована в Skype.

Тема семинараСистема беспроводной передачи энергии один-ко-многим с использованием метаповерхностей.

ДокладчикПолина Капитанова, физико-технический факультет Университета ИТМО

АннотацияThis work is devoted to the study of one-to-many wireless power transfer systems with magnetic resonant coupling. We develop metasurface-inspired resonators with quasi-uniform near magnetic field distribution to use as a transmitter for simultaneous wireless charging of multiple receivers placed on it. Two different topologies of compact multi-mode resonators formed as an array of parallel wires with a capacitive load are proposed and studied. We perform circuit analysis and full-wave numerical simulations to study the electromagnetic characteristics of the resonators. The benefits of their application in one-to-many wireless power transfer systems are also discussed. For an experimental demonstration of the performance of the proposed resonators, we fabricate two one-to-many wireless power transfer systems based on them. The first one operates at 17 MHz, the second one operates at 200 kHz. Both systems are able to simultaneously charge several receives placed on it. The wireless power transfer system operating at 200 kHz was implemented as a chessboard. For the 5 W input power, the system can charge up to 32 receivers which are made as a chess pieces with inserted light-emitting diodes and illuminate during the play standing at the chessboard.

Информация о докладчикеPolina KAPITANOVA was born in Saint Petersburg, Russia. She received the bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and telecommunications from Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Russia, in 2004, 2006, and 2011, respectively. She is currently an Assistant Professor at ITMO University, Russia. Her scientific interests include design and development of metamaterials and metasurfaces, wireless power transfer technologies, and antenna engineering.

Для участия в семинаре заполните форму ( https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1ZAXpUe23QmA3fY68v-ynZkRdNvSZN_bAWZft4HCmM70v6w/viewform ). Для того чтобы получить больше информации о семинаре, посетите страницу семинара ( http://wireless.iitp.ru/seminar/ ).

26.07.2022 | Логинов Вячеслав Аркадьевич


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