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структура институтаобразовательные проектыпериодические изданиясотрудники институтапресс-центрконтакты
русский | english

Общеинститутский семинар: 25.12.12 (вторник), 14:00, зал заседаний УС ИППИ

Professor Erol Gelenbe (Imperial College London, UK)

Steps Toward Self-Aware Networks

The design of a packet network where paths are dynamically selected based on Quality-of-Service (QoS) metrics, including security and energy management, that can be specified by the users of the network or by the network"s access points will be presented. The approach uses on-line measurement associated with the traffic itself, and reinforcement learning throughout the nodes of the network, to try to satisfy the users" QoS objectives. The talk will present numerous measurement studies of this approach on a large laboratory test-bed, and also discuss applications in energy savings in packet networks.

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25.12.2012 |


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