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International Conference "The Word and the Language"

Moscow, February 2-4, 2010

In February 2010, Professor Juri Apresjan, the outstanding Russian linguist, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences will be 80. To celebrate his anniversary, the Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems and the Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences are organizing an international conference “The Word and the Language”.

The conference will take place from February 2 to February 4, 2010 in Moscow or in the suburbs of Moscow.

Although the main focus of attention will be on modern lexicography, linguists working in all areas are invited to take part in the conference.

The preliminary list of topics includes:

     • Theoretical and practical lexicography
     • Creation of contemporary dictionaries of all types (active dictionaries, dictionaries of synonyms, dictionaries of function words, bilingual dictionaries etc), computerized lexicographic resources
     • Lexical semantics, syntactic semantics, pragmatics
     • Constructions of operational models of language
     • Lexical functions and their applications
     • Corpus linguistics
     • Linguistic typology
     • Machine translation and other NLP systems.

The organizing committee asked several leading Russian and foreign scholars to give invited talks and is now awaiting their answer. We expect that Professor Juri Apresjan will give a talk, too.

The working languages of the conference will be Russian and English. Papers may be submitted in either of these two languages. Paper submission and reviewing will be organized using a web interface at https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/WL2010.

Submissions (in pdf or Word format, up to 10 pages) can be made from August 1 to November 20, 2009. The results of peer reviewing will be made available on December 10, 2009.

There will be no registration fee for the presenters of papers or attendees. Sessions may be attended by all comers.

We are not planning to publish the proceedings of the conference in book form; however, the Program Committee will recommend the best papers for publication in leading Russian linguistic journals, Russkij jazyk v naučnom osveščenii i Voprosy jazykoznanija.

The texts of accepted papers will be published on the website prior to the conference should the presenters wish this.

Organization and Program Committee of the Conference “The Word and the Language”

     • Alexander P. Kuleshov, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director of the Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems – Co-Chairman of Organization Committee
     • Alexander Ì. Moldovan, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director of the Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language – Co-Chairman of Organization Committee
     • Igor M. Boguslavsky (Kharkevich Institut / Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)– Chairman of Program Committee
     • Leonid L. Iomdin (Kharkevich Institute)
     • Leonid P. Krysin (Vinogradov Institute)
     • Igor A. Mel’čuk (University of Montreal)
     • Lidia N. Iordanskaja (University of Montreal)
     • Olga Ju. Shemanaeva (Kharkevich Institute)
     • Andrey V. Sannikov (Vinogradov Institute)
     • Boris L. Iomdin (Vinogradov Institute)
     • Irina E. Lazurskaja (Kharkevich Institute) – secretary of Organization and Program Committee

If you have any questions, please write to the Organizing Committee at aprconf2010@cl.iitp.ru.




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