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Scientific activity >> Conferences

Information Technologies and Systems - ITaS 2016 - The 40th Interdisciplinary Conference & School September, 25-30, Repino, St. Petersburg, Russia

15th International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory - June 18-24, Albena, Bulgaria

Mathematics, Theoretical Physics and Data Science 2016 - The conference dedicated to anniversaries of Yakov Sinai and Grigory Margulis. July 5-7, Independent University of Moscow

Yarbus-100 - The International Symposium on the Role of Eye Movements in Vision. September 1-5, 2014, Nizhny Novgorod

Advances in Optimization and Statistics - 15,16.05.2014.

The XIII International Symposium - 5-10 September, 2012, St.Peterburg, Russia

Partial Differential Equations and Applications - International conference in Honour of Mark Vishik on the occasion of his 90th birthday. Moscow, Russia, June 4-7, 2012

Scientific session of the RAS Department for Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies - devoted to the 50th anniversary of the RAS IITP will be held on 7 December, 2011

«Neurophysiology, Biophysics, and Psychophysics in IITP RAS: Background and Current State» - September 15, 2011.

The IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2011) - July 31 - August 5, 2011, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

International Mathematical Conference <<50 Years Of IITP>> - International Mathematical Conference "50 Years of IITP", July 25-29 2011, Moscow, IITP RAS

Partial Differential Equations in Mathematical Physics - conference in honour of Alexander Komech, May 26-27 2011

International Conference THE WORD AND THE LANGUAGE - Moscow, February 2-4, 2010

Ukrainian Mathematical Congress - 2009 - (Dedicated to the Centennial of Nikolai N. Bogoliubov) - Kyiv, Institute of Mathematics of NASU, August 27−29, 2009

Dobrushin International Conference - 2009 - July 15 – 20, 2009, Moscow, Russia.

MACOM-2009 - 2nd International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications. Dresden, Germany, 14-18 June 2009.

XII international symposium on problems of redundancy in information and control systems - 25 - 30 May, 2009, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Coding Theory Days in St. Petersburg - Workshop, St. Petersburg, Russia, 6-10 October 2008

MACOM-2008 - International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications. Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 16 June 2008


Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: March 27, 4:00 pm, big ...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: March 20, 4:00 pm, big ...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: March 13, 4:00 pm, big ...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: March 6, 4:00 pm, big c...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: February 27, 4:00 pm, b...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: February 20, 4:00 pm, b...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: February 13, 4:00 pm, b...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: January 30, 4:00 pm, sm...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: January 23, 4:00 pm, sm...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: December 19, 2:30 pm, r...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: December 12, 2:30 pm, r...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: December 5, 2:30 pm, ro...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: November 21, 2:30 pm, s...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: November 7, 2:30 pm, ro...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: October 24, 2:30 pm, SI...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: October 17, 2:30 pm, SI...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: June 06, 2:30 pm, SIEE ...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: May 16, 2:30 pm, SIEE R...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: April 11, 2:30 pm, SIEE...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: March 28, 14:30, SIEE R...
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