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Scientific activity >> Conferences >> The XIII International Symposium

The XII Symposium "Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems" will be held on the board of the comfortable cruise ship from 5 to 10 of September"2012. Previously unpublished contributions from a broad range of topics in information theory will be solicited, including (but not limited to) the following areas:

– Information theory;
– Coding theory;
– Communication systems;
– Cryptography;
– Combinatorics;
– Software systems;
– Mobile software and services;
– Computational systems and networks;
– Multimedia systems;
– Signal processing.

Submitted papers, not to exceed five pages, should be of sufficient detail for review by experts in the field. Survey, tutorial, and expository papers are also welcome. For more information and general inquiries please visit http://k36.org/redundancy2012/ or send your requests to redundancy2012@vu.spb.ru


Organizing Committee - Eugene Krouk, General Chair

Program Committee - Sergei Fedorenko, Chair

Important Dates

May 1, 2012: deadline for extended abstract submission
May 21, 2012: notification of acceptance
June 15, 2012: final paper upload deadline
July 15, 2012: registration deadline









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