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International Mathematical Conference "50 Years Of IITP"
Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences organizes a conference to honor the 50th anniversary of the Institute. The areas of emphasis of the conference correspond to the main areas of the Institute’s academic activities and include:
Probability Theory
Information Theory
Mathematical Physics
Algebra and Number Theory
During the conference the annual International Dobrushin Prize will be awarded.
The conference will be held in Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospekt 32a. In order to get inside please take your passport!
International Mathematical Conference
«50 Years of IPPI»
Abstracts of talks
Monday, July 25
9:00 – 9:30 Registration
9:30 – 9:45. Opening ceremony (Red hall):
Welcome speech by director of IPPI Prof. A.P. Kuleshov,
Welcome speech by Program Chair Prof. Ya.G.Sinai,
Award of International Dobrushin Prize:
for 2010 Prof. Anna Wierzbicka (The Australian National University) and
for 2011 Prof. Grigorii Margulis (Yale University & IPPI)
9:45 – 10:45. Anna Wierzbicka (The Australian National University)
The common language of all people: the innate language of thought.
10:45 – 11:45. Igor Mel"čuk (Université de Montréal).
Dependencies in language.
11:45 – 12:00. Coffee&Tea
12:00 – 13:00. Madhu Sudan (MIT)
Local algorithms & Error-correction.
13:00 – 14:00. Lunch
14:00 – 17:00.
Section 1
M.D. Arnold, E.I. Dinaburg, G.B. Dobrushina, S.A. Pirogov, A.N. Rybko
On mixture of two planar hamiltonian systems
M. Blank
Collective dynamics versus stability for self-consistent processes
B.M. Gurevich
Thermodynamic Properties of Infinite Non-Negative Matrices
and Loaded Graphs
V.A. Malyshev, A.D. Manita, A.A. Zamyatin
Infinite particle reaction models and random walks in the positive orthant
V.V. Vedenyapin, M.A. Negmatov
On the Vlasov-Maxwell equations, the Lagrange identity, Godunov’s double-divergence form and critical mass value.
V.V. Vedenyapin, S.Z. Adzhiev
The h-theorem for the discrete quantum kinetic equation and for its generalizations
Section 2
I.E. Bocharova, F. Hug, R. Johannesson, and B.D. Kudryashov
Another look at the exact bit error probability for Viterbi decoding of convolutional codes
D.K. Zigangirov, K.Sh. Zigangirov
Analysis of thresholds for braided block codes in BEC.
V.V. Prelov
One problem on relationship between mutual information and variational distance
S. Komech.
On geometric meaning of entropy in symbolic dynamics
V.R. Sidorenko, C. Senger, M. Bossert
Decoding in Weighted Combinatorial Metrics
Tuesday, July 26
9:15 – 9:30. Coffee&Tea
9:30 – 10:30. Grigorii Margulis (Yale University & IPPI)
Random Minkowski theorem
10:30 – 11:30. Grigori Olshanski (IPPI)
Orthogonal polynomials in infinitely many variables and Markov processes
11:30 – 11:50. Coffee&Tea
11:50 – 12:50. Ilya Shkredov (IPPI)
Roth"s theorem in many variables
12:50 – 14:00. Lunch
14:00 – 17:00.
Section 1
C. Boldrighini
Ornstein-Zernike asymptotics and the local limit theorem
V.A. Malyshev
Emergence of sub-micro-scales in many particle Hamiltonian systems
D. Finkelshtein, Y. Kondratiev, O. Kutoviy, E. Zhizhina
Density behavior of spatial birth-and-death stochastic evolution of mutating genotypes under selection rates
B. Nehring, H. Zessin
On the Construction of point processes for classical and quantum gases.
E. Pechersky, G. Sadowski, Y. Suhov, A. Yambartsev
A Markov process of tectonic plate motions
Section 2
I. Dumer
Covering a sphere with caps: Rogers bound revisited
O.R. Musin
Positive definite functions and spherical codes
A. Romashchenko
Two applications of pseudo-random graphs
E.M. Gabidulin
Rank-metric codes and applications
A. Urivskiy
Key Predistribution SchemeUsing Affine Planes and Blom"s Scheme
E.M. Gabidulin, N.I. Pilipchuk
New Multicomponent Network Codes Based on Block Designs
Wednesday, July 27
9:15 -9:30. Coffee&Tea
9:30 – 10:30. Sergiu Klainerman (Princeton University)
Myths, Facts and Dreams in General Relativity
10:30 – 11:30. Vladimir Tikhomirov (MSU)
Entropy in Information Theory and Functional Analysis – retrospect
11:30 – 11:50. Coffee&Tea
11:50 – 12:50. Robert Mackay (University of Warwick)
Dobrushin"s metric
12:50 – 14:00. Lunch
14:00 – 17:00.
Section 1
M. Bayati, D. Gamarnik, P. Tetali
Combinatorial Approach to the Interpolation Method and Scaling Limits in Sparse Random Graphs
A. Barg, A. Mazumda
Statistical RIP sampling matrices and robust recovery
D. Korshunov
How heavy-tailed distributions appear in different models in probability
M.V. Burnashev, A. Tchamkerten
On estimation of a Gaussian random walk first-passage time from correlated observation
V. V"yugin
Calibration with Parameterized Selection Rules
G.V. Martynov
Crammer - von Mises test and Durbin-Knott components
Section 2
A.I. Komech
On Global Attractors of Nonlinear Hyperbolic PDEs
V.V. Chepyzhov
Strong trajectory attractors for 2D Euler equations with dissipation
A.A. Ilyin
Averaging and regularization mechanism for the periodic Korteweg-de Vries equation
E. Kopylova
On asymptotic stability of kinks for nonlinear relativistic Ginzburg-Landau equation
M.V. Falaleev
On degenerative integral-differential operators in Banach spaces
I.V. Vyugin
Solutions of the Schlesinger equation in a neighborhood of a singular point
Thursday, July 28
9:15 -9:30. Coffee&Tea
9:30 – 10:30. Igor Krichever (Columbia University & IPPI)
10:30 – 11:30. Arkadi Nemirovski (Georgia Tech & CEMI RAS)
From estimating linear forms to efficiently computable Compressed Sensing
11:30 – 11:50. Coffee&Tea
11:50 – 12:50. Joseph Bernstein (Tel Aviv University).
Subconvexity bounds for automorphic periods and representation theory
12:50 – 14:00. Lunch
14:00 – 17:00.
Section 1
A.A. Puhalskii
On the Mt=Mt=Kt +Mt queue in heavy traffic
V. Shcherbakov
Reversible and irreversible random growth models
N.D. Vvedenskaya
Systems with dynamic routing
G.G. Magaril-Il’yaev, K.Yu. Osipenko
How to recover of functions from inaccurate information
M. Kliger, J.M. Francos
Strongly consistent model oder selection for estimating 2-D sinusoids in colored noise
M. Malyutov
Compression based homogeneity testing
Section 2
M. Skopenkov
Tiling by rectangles, discrete analytic functions, electrical networks
A. Ovseevich
Complexity of the minimum-time damping of a pendulum
Yu.P. Bibilo
Isomonodromic confluence of rregular singularities
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov
Mathematical problems in biological evolution and molecular regulation
E. Lakshtanov, V. Roshchina
Finiteness in the Card Game of War
V. Kanovei, V. Lyubetsky
On the infinitary pantachie of Du Bois Reymond
18:00. Conference dinner
Friday, July 29
9:15 – 9:30. Coffee&Tea
9:30 – 10:30. Konstantin Khanin (University of Toronto)
Intermediate disorder for directed polymers
10:30 – 11:30. Victor Dotsenko (Université Paris VI)
Universal randomness
11:30 – 11:50. Coffee&Tea
11:50 – 12:50. Alexander Holevo (Steklov Mathematical Institute).
Quantum Channel Capacities
12:50 – 14:00. Lunch
14:00 – 17:00.
Section 1
D.N. Akhiezer
Weakly symmetric homogeneous space and spherical Stein manifolds
M.I. Graev, G.L. Litvinov
Integral geometry and I.M. Gelfand’s question
D. Volk
Persistent massive attractors of smooth maps
V. Kirichenko, E. Smirnov, V. Timorin
Gelfand-Zetlin polytopes and demazure characters
L. Petrov
On measures on partitions arising in harmonic analysis for linear and projective characters of the infinite symmetric group.
V. Gorin
Markov processes of infinitely many nonintersecting random walks.
Section 2
S. Anulova, A. Veretennikov
On ergodicity of highly degenerate hybrid stochastic control systems
O.A. Butkovsky, A.Yu. Veretennikov
On asymptotics of Vaserstein"s coupling for a Markov chain
A.V. Gasnikov, E.V. Gasnikova, A.V. Kolesnikov, T.A. Nagapetyan
The conception of equilibrium of macrosystem and its application for the model of flow distribution
I.Csiszar, F. Matus
On minimization of entropic functionals given moment constraints
M. Rovinsky.
On the structure of the cohomology sheaves
17:00. Closing ceremony
Conference Poster Talk abstracts -