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Конференции >> Международная математическая конференция... >> Тезисы докладов

International Mathematical Conference

«50 Years of IPPI»

Talk abstracts

(pdf) Weakly symmetric homogeneous spaces and spherical stein manifolds. D. N. Akhiezer 

(pdf) On ergodicity of highly degenerate hybrid stochastic control systems. S. Anulova and A. Veretennikov 

(pdf) On mixture of two planar hamiltonian systems. Arnold M.D., Dinaburg E.I., Dobrushina G.B., Pirogov S.A., Rybko A.N. 

(pdf) Statistical RIP sampling matrices and robust recovery. Alexander Barg, Arya Mazumdar 

(pdf) Isomonodromic confluence of irregular singularities. Yu.P. Bibilo 

(pdf) Collective dynamics versus stability for self-consistent processes. Michael Blank 

(pdf) Another look at the exact bit error probability for Viterbi decoding of convolutional codes. Irina E. Bocharova, Florian Hug, Rolf Johannesson, and Boris D. Kudryashov 

(pdf) Ornstein-Zernike asymptotics and the local limit theorem. C. Boldrighini 

(pdf) On estimation of a gaussian random walk first-passage time from correlated observations. M. V. Burnashev, A. Tchamkerten 

(pdf) On asymptotics of Vaserstein"s coupling for a Markov chain. O.A.Butkovsky & A.Yu.Veretennikov 

(pdf) Strong trajectory attractors for 2D Euler equations with dissipation. V.V. Chepyzhov 

(pdf) Covering a sphere with caps: Rogers bound revisited. Ilya Dumer 

(pdf) The theory of fundamental operator-functions of degenerative integral-differential operators in banach spaces. Falaleev M.V. 

(pdf) About Hydrodynamic Limit of Some Exclusion Processes via Functional Integration. Guy Fayolle, Cyril Furtlehner 

(pdf) Density behavior of spatial birth-and-death stochastic evolution of mutating genotypes under selection rates. Dmitri Finkelshtein, Yuri Kondratiev, Oleksandr Kutoviy, Elena Zhizhina 

(pdf) Strongly consistent model order selection for estimating 2-D sinusoids in colored noise. Mark Kliger and Joseph M. Francos 

(pdf) New Multicomponent Network Codes Based on Block Designs. Ernst M. Gabidulin, Nina I. Pilipchuk 

(pdf) Rank-metric codes and applications. Ernst M. Gabidulin 

(pdf) Combinatorial Approach to the Interpolation Method and Scaling Limits in Sparse Random Graphs. Mohsen Bayati, David Gamarnik Prasad Tetali 

(doc) The conception of equilibrium of macrosystem and its application for the model of flow distribution. Gasnikov A.V., Gasnikova E.V., Kolesnikov A.V., Nagapetyan T.A. 

(pdf) Markov processes of infinitely many nonintersecting random walks. Vadim Gorin 

(pdf) Integral geometry and i.m. gelfand"s question. M.I. Graev, G.L. Litvinov 

(pdf) Thermodynamic Properties of Infinite Non-Negative Matrices and Loaded Graphs. B.M. Gurevich 

(pdf) Averaging and regularization mechanism for the periodic Korteweg-de Vries equation. Ilyin A.A. 

(pdf) On the infinitary pantachie of Du Bois Reymond. Vladimir Kanovei Vassily Lyubetsky 

(pdf) Gelfand-Zetlin polytopes and demazure characters. Valentina Kiritchenko, Evgeny Smirnov, and Vladlen Timorin 

(pdf) On Global Attractors of Nonlinear Hyperbolic PDEs. A.I. Komech 

(pdf) On geometric meaning of entropy in symbolic dynamics. S. Komech 

(pdf) Stabilization of statistical solutions for Dirac equations. E. Kopylova 

(pdf) How heavy-tailed distributions appear in different models in probability. Dmitry Korshunov 

(pdf) Finiteness in the Card Game of War. E.Lakshtanov, Vera Roshchina 

(doc) (pdf) Mathematical problems in biological evolution and molecular regulation. V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov (doc) 

(pdf) How to recover of functions from inaccurate information. G. G. Magaril-Il"yaev, K. Yu. Osipenko 

(pdf) Compression based homogeneity testing. Mikhail Malyutov 

(pdf) Infinite particle reaction models. Malyshev, Manita, Zamyatin 

(pdf) Emergence of sub-micro-scales in many particle Hamiltonian systems. V. A. Malyshev 

(pdf) Cramer-von Mises test and Durbin-Knott components. G. V. Martynov 

(pdf) Comparative renormalization group analysis of the Euclidean and hierarchical models. M.D. Missarov 

(pdf) Positive definite functions and spherical codes. Oleg R. Musin 

(pdf) On the Construction of point processes for classical and quantum gases. Benjamin Nehring, Hans Zessin 

(pdf) Complexity of the minimum-time damping of a pendulum. Alexander Ovseevich 

(pdf) A Markov process of tectonic plate motions. E. Pechersky, G. Sadowski, Y. Suhov, and A. Yambartsev 

(pdf) On measures on partitions arising in harmonic analysis for linear and projective characters of the infinite symmetric group. Leonid Petrov 

(pdf) On Interacting Brownian Loops. Suren Poghosyan 

(pdf) One problem on relationship between mutual information and variational distance. Viacheslav V. Prelov 

(pdf) On the Mt=Mt=Kt +Mt queue in heavy traffic. Anatolii A. Puhalskii 

(pdf) Two applications of pseudo-random graphs. Andrei Romashchenko 

(pdf) Reversible and irreversible random growth models. Vadim Shcherbakov 

(pdf) Non-ergodicity with unique stationary state: how come? Senya Shlosman 

(pdf) Decoding in Weighted Combinatorial Metrics. Vladimir R. Sidorenko, Christian Senger, Martin Bossert 

(pdf) Tiling by rectangles, discrete analytic functions, electrical networks. M. Skopenkov 

(pdf) Key Predistribution SchemeUsing Affine Planes and Blom"s Scheme. Alexey Urivskiy 

(pdf) The H-theorem for the discrete quantum kinetic equations and for its generalizations. Vedenyapin V.V., Adzhiev S.Z. 

(pdf) On the Vlasov-Maxwell equations, the Lagrange identity, Godunov’s double-divergence form and critical mass value. V.V.Vedenyapin, M.A.Negmatov 

(pdf) Persistent massive attractors of smooth maps. Denis Volk 

(pdf) Systems with dynamic routing. N.D. Vvedenskaya 

(pdf) Solutions of the Schlesinger equation in a neighborhood of a singular point. I.V. Vyugin 

(pdf) Calibration with Parameterized Selection Rules. Vladimir V"yugin 

(pdf) Analysis of thresholds for braided block codes in BEC. D.K.Zigangirov, K.Sh.Zigangirov 

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