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Partial Differential Equations in Mathematical Physics


Conference in honour of Alexander Komech


IITP, B. Karetny, 19, Moscow, Russia

May 26-27, 2011





Invited speakers


Vladimir Chepyzhov
On the minimal approach in the theory of global attractors
Alexander Demidov
Inverse problem for Grad-Shafranov equation (plasma equilibrium in Tokamak)
Tatiana Dudnikova
Derivation of hydrodynamic equations for the lattice dynamics
Andrey Fursikov
Parabolic equations of normal type: structure of the phase flow and nonlocal feedback stabilization
Alexey Ilyin
On a regularizing mechanism for the periodic Korteweg-de Vries equation
Yavdat Ilyasov
Generalized Collatz-Wayland formula and finding bifurcations for equations with supercritical nonlinearity
Valery Imaikin
Development of the methods of derivation of solitary asymptotics in the field-particle systems by Alexander Komech
Andrey Komech
Titchmarsh theorem and nonlinear version of the Kato lemma in the papers by Alexander Komech on finding the attractor of nonlinear dispersive equations
Sergey Komech
Deformation of the boundary of the phase space of dynamical systems
Elena Kopylova
Weighted energy decay for Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations
Sergey Kuksin
Quantum versions of the averaging, Nekhoroshev and KAM theorems
Anatoly Merzon
Method of complex characteristics of Alexander Komech for solution of elliptic problems in flat angles
Evgeny Radkevich
On the spectrum of the Cauchy problem for systems of integro-differential equations in kinetic theory
Boris Vainberg
On the negative spectrum of the Schroedinger operator


Honorary head of the program committee: Mark Vishik

Organizing committee: Alexander Kuleshov (chair), Andrey Komech, Anatoly Merzon

The organizers can be reached at partial.differential.equations@gmail.com

This web page is located at: www.dynamics.iitp.ru/du-2011/du-2011.en.html


Supported by the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences



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