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Partial Differential Equations in Mathematical Physics
Conference in honour of Alexander Komech
IITP, B. Karetny, 19, Moscow, Russia
May 26-27, 2011
Invited speakers
- Vladimir Chepyzhov
- On the minimal approach in the theory of global attractors
- Alexander Demidov
- Inverse problem for Grad-Shafranov equation (plasma equilibrium in Tokamak)
- Tatiana Dudnikova
- Derivation of hydrodynamic equations for the lattice dynamics
- Andrey Fursikov
- Parabolic equations of normal type: structure of the phase flow and nonlocal feedback stabilization
- Alexey Ilyin
- On a regularizing mechanism for the periodic Korteweg-de Vries equation
- Yavdat Ilyasov
- Generalized Collatz-Wayland formula and finding bifurcations for equations with supercritical nonlinearity
- Valery Imaikin
- Development of the methods of derivation of solitary asymptotics in the field-particle systems by Alexander Komech
- Andrey Komech
- Titchmarsh theorem and nonlinear version of the Kato lemma in the papers by Alexander Komech on finding the attractor of nonlinear dispersive equations
- Sergey Komech
- Deformation of the boundary of the phase space of dynamical systems
- Elena Kopylova
- Weighted energy decay for Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations
- Sergey Kuksin
- Quantum versions of the averaging, Nekhoroshev and KAM theorems
- Anatoly Merzon
- Method of complex characteristics of Alexander Komech for solution of elliptic problems in flat angles
- Evgeny Radkevich
- On the spectrum of the Cauchy problem for systems of integro-differential equations in kinetic theory
- Boris Vainberg
- On the negative spectrum of the Schroedinger operator
Honorary head of the program committee: Mark Vishik
Organizing committee: Alexander Kuleshov (chair), Andrey Komech, Anatoly Merzon
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Supported by the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences