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Scientific activity >> Conferences >>  «Neurophysiology, Biophysics, and Psych...

The jubilee conference

 «Neurophysiology, Biophysics, and Psychophysics in IITP RAS: Background and Current State»

  “There is no information without its transmission”
V.V. Smolyaninov



1. Kuleshov A.P. Director of IITP RAS, RAS corresponding mem-ber, prof. Opening speech for a conference.
2. Orlov O.Y. Berkenblit M.B. On origins of bioinformatical re-search in the Kharkevich Institute for information transmission problems (IITP RAS).
3. Maximov V.V., Maximova E.M. In search of colour coding in the visual system of fish.
4. Lapshin D.N. Auditory processing in mosquitoes during flight simulation.
5. Levik Yu.S. The system of internal representation in postural control.
6. Bozhkova V.P. Molecular physiology of gap junction and related congenital auditory disorders in Russia.

Coffe break 15 min. 

7. Rozhkova G.I. Perception of 3D images: The conditions neces-sary for the absence of physiological discomfort.
8. Titomir L. I., Trunov V. G., Aidu E. A.-I., Sakhnova T. A., Blinova E. V. Diagnostic interpretation of dipole and multipole elec-trocardiotopograms.
9. Kalinin A. V., Kalinin V. V. Noninvasive reconstruction of elec-trograms on the epicardial surface: Results of computer experi-ments with the use of anatomically accurate individual models.
10. Lyubetsky V.A., Rubanov L.I., Seliverstov A.V. Tissue-specific transcription during ontogenesis in mitochondria of chor-dates.
11. Kudina L.P., Andreeva R.E. The study of synaptic entries and intrinsic properties of human motoneurons.
12. Selionov V.A., Kazennikov O.V., Solopova I.A., Levik Yu.S., Gurfinkel V.S. The activation of stepping movements automa-tism in animals and human.

Coffe break 15 min. 

13. Seliverstov A.V., Lyubetsky V.A. Evolution of RNA-polymerases and their promoters in plastids.
14. Dunin-Barkovski V.L. On Approaches to Brain Reverse Engi-neering.
15. Baron V.D. Current problems of electroichthyology.
16. Stefanyuk V.L., Zhozhikashvili A.V., Savinish L.V. Three criti-cal aspects of man-machine interactions in the process of prob-lem solving.
17. Samosudova N.V., Larionova N.P., Reutov V. P. Ultrastruc-tural changes of cerebellum neuronal network under high concen-tration of glutamate and nitric oxide (stroke model).

Round table





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