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Institute Structure >> Dissertation Councils >> D.002.077.03

D 002.077.03 - the Dissertation Council  for defending Candidate and Doctorate theses was established at RAS IITP by the Order of the Federal Supervision Service for education and science of the Russian Ministry of education and science ¹ 1110-146 dated May 18, 2011.

The Dissertation Council can accept Candidate and Doctorate theses in the following specialized areas:

  • 01.01.02-01- Differential equations, the dynamic systems and the optimal control;
  • 01.01.05-01- Probability theory and mathematical statistics;
  • 01.01.06-01- Mathematical logic, algebra and the theory of numbers;
  • 01.01.09-01- Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics (physical-mathematical sciences).








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