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Periodical press >> Problems of Information Transmission >> Submission rules

Guidelines for Authors of Problems of Information Transmission

The editorial board of Problems of Information Transmission recommends authors adhere to these guidelines when preparing manuscripts for submission.

Since June 2024 ã. mauscripts should be submitted using the journal system at https://ppi.iitp.ru/. The site works in the test mode. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

If you encounter any difficulties while using the system, you can send the manuscript by email the editorial board at ppi@iitp.ru and nogin@iitp.ru.

Manuscripts must be prepared in LaTeX using any conventional style or class. A PDF file of the manuscript should also be submitted for peer review.

The manuscript should be accompanied by a brief abstract (no more than ten lines). The use of references to cited publications or formulas in the abstract is not advisable.

A list of keywords (3-10 terms) shoud follow the abstract in a separate paragraph.

Information about financial support of the work should be indicated as a footnote to the author"s name.

Numbered formulas should be on separate lines. Please number only those formulas that are referenced in the text.

Use independent numbering for each type of statements (theorems, lemmas, propositions, corollaries, etc.).

Figures should also be submitted in digital form as EPS files with a resolution ensuring readability of all parts (600 dpi).

The list of references is arranged in order of citation (not alphabetical) in compliance with the format adopted in the journal:

  • A reference to a journal article should contain the surname and initials of the author (or authors), full title, journal name, year, volume, number, and initial and final pages.
  • A reference to a book should contain the name and initials of the author (or authors), full title, place of publication, publisher, and year of publication.
  • A reference to an article in a book (abstracts of papers, etc.) should contain the surname and initials of the author (or authors), title of the article, full title of the book, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, and the initial and last pages of the article.

The text of the manuscript should be carefully copyedited.

Please provide the editorial board with the full names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of all authors. In addition, the postal address and phone number of the corresponding author should be specified.

Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors must send a signed and scanned copy of the copyright transfer agreement and license agreement to the editorial board.



© Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute), 2024
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