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Institute Structure >> Scientific departments >> Laboratory ¹6

Laboratory 6
"Mathematic methods and models in bioinformatics"
Institute for Information Transmission Problems,
Russian Academy of Sciences


Head of the Laboratory - Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Math)
E-mail: lyubetsk@iitp.ru, tel. +7(495)299-8354, +7(495)413-4643

Find more info on the laboratory site: lab6.iitp.ru/en.

In 1998, the sector of "Computer logic in information processes" was established as a research branch of Laboratory 1. Research directions it was developing were conceived in the D.Sc. habilitation thesis of its head, Vassily Lyubetsky, and related to effective description of mathematical structures within the framework of model theory, intuitionistic and descriptive set theory, stochastic games theory, etc., as well as to developing models of information interaction, in the field of bioinformatics inclusive (jointly with the group of M. Gelfand at Integrated Genomics and, later, at the Institute"s Center for Bioinformatics). The latter projects focused mainly on signal detection and modeling metabolic regulation (gene expression) in bacteria (at the RNA secondary structure level in processes of transcription, translation and protein-DNA interaction), reconstruction of evolutionary events at molecular level and inferring species trees. In 2004 the sector has been transformed into the dedicated "Laboratory for mathematic methods and models in bioinformatics", Laboratory 6.

Scientific outcome in field of mathematics produced at the sector and the successor laboratory over past years is published in a number of established journals like "Progress in mathematic sciences" [Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk], "Proceedings of Steklov Mathematic Institute of the RAS" [Trudy matematicheskogo instituta RAN im. Steklova], "Information Transmission Problems of the RAS" [Problemy peredachi informatsii] and others, as well as contributed toward selected chapters in books "Topics in classical and intuitionistic model theory" and "Nonstandard Analysis: Axiomatically". Biological results are published in FEMS Microbiological letters, In Silico Biology, Bioinformatics, Biophysics, Molecular Biology [Molekulyarnaya Biologiya]. Currently in preparation is the book "Modern set theory".

Laboratory staff is involved in research and teaching activities at universities in Russia and abroad. The textbook "Fundamentals of elementary mathematics" has now been published in second edition. Two D.Sc. and six Ph.D. dissertation theses are defended under the supervision of Vassily Lyubetsky, two other Ph.D."s are currently submitted.

Leading research staff of the laboratory includes A.V. Chagrov, P.V. Golubtsov, K.Y. Gorbunov, V.G. Kanovey, L.Y. Rusin, A.V. Seliverstov, A.G. Vitreschak.
Close professional contacts are maintained with V.V. Aleshin, A.V. Chernavsky, M.S. Gelfand, E.V. Lyubetskaya, A.A. Mironov, S.A. Pirogov, L.I. Rubanov, N.K. Vereschagin, V.V. V"yugin.

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