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2015 year
Authors: Belogaev A., Khorov E., Krasilov A., Lyakhov A.

Study of the group-based approach to disseminate control information in wireless networks // 12th Int. Symp. on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS 2015), 5–28 August 2015, Brussels, Belgium

2013 year
Authors: Khorov E., Krasilov A., Safonov A., Serrano P., Tinnirello I.

Making IEEE 802.11 Wireless Access Programmable // Proceedings of Future Network and Mobile Summit (FutureNetworkSummit)

2013 year
Authors: Krasilov A., Lyakhov A., Ostrovsky D., Khorov E.

A dynamic channel reservation method for multimedia streaming in Wi-Fi Mesh networks // Automation and Remote Control. 2013. Volume 74. Issue 9. pp. 1460-1473 (IF: 0.265)

2012 year
Authors: Lyakhov A., Ostrovsky D., Khorov E.

Analytical Study of the Quality of Links Established by Neighborhood Discovery Protocol//Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2012, Vol. 57, No 12 pp. 1314-1321

2012 year
Authors: Kiryanov A., Khorov E., Lyakhov A., Ostrovsky D.

Analytical Study of Neighborhood Discovery and Link Management in OLSR. //IFIP Wireless Days 2012, Dublin, 2012.

2012 year
Authors: Kiryanov A., Khorov E., Lyakhov A., Safonov A.

Analytical Study of Link Management in IEEE 802.11s Mesh Networks //International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS). France, 2012. P. 786-790

2012 year
Authors: Kiryanov A., Lyakhov A., Nekrasov P., 969, Safonov A., Feyzkhanov R., Khorov E., 369

Groupcast Routing Protocol for TDMA MANET// In Proc. of Information Technology and Systems - 2012. Petrozavodsk, Russia

2012 year
Authors: Kiryanov A., Khorov E., Ostrovsky D.

Comparative Analysis of Connections Offered by the Protocols NHDP and MPM // In Proc. of Information Technology and Systems - 2012. Petrozavodsk, Russia

2012 year
Authors: Kiryanov A., Lyakhov A., Safonov A., Khorov E.

A method to estimate efficiency of the connection control mechanisms in wireless self-organizing networks // Automation and Remote Control. Volume: 73 Issue: 5 Pages: 797-809, 2012

2010 year
Authors: Safonov A., Khorov E., Kiryanov A.

Методы исследования переходных характеристик протокола OLSR при включении/выключении узла сети. - Информационные технологии и системы, Геленжик, Россия, 2010
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2010 year
Authors: Khorov E., Safonov A.

Multiple metrics in MANET with end-to-end QoS support for unicast and multicast traffic, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6235, p. 251-262, Springer, 2010

2008 year
Authors: Safonov A., Lyakhov A., Khorov E.

”Channel Switch Time Distribution in ECMA-368 Networks”, Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC"08), France, 2008.

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