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Ïóáëèêàöèé íà ñòðàíèöå:    Page: 1 2345 ... 2728293031
2023 year
Authors: Gracheva M., Kazakova A.A., Manko O.M.

“Study of vascular density and retinal thickness by optical coherence tomography in experiments with anti-orthostatic hypokinesia (21 day head-down tilt bed rest study),” Hum Physiol 49, 625–634 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0362119723600224
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2023 year
Authors: Gracheva M., Alexander B., Timofeev V., Basova O., Maximov P., Nikolaev D.

Assessment of color discrimination thresholds by the strict substitution method, IEEE SPCN 2022, Yuri Shelepin, Ed., VVM Publishing llc, ISBN 978-59-65114-83-2, pp. 162-175, 2023.
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