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>> Last seminars


December 12

Dmitry Shirokov 


Igor Krichever 

On systems of Caloger-Moser type 

December 5 

Andrey Zotov 

Quantum-Classical Dualiy in Integrable Systems and Related Problems

November 28

Andrey Losev

Pedagogical Computation of the Iinstanton Moduli Volume 

November 21 

Ian Marshall

A New Model in the Calogero-Ruijsenaars Family

November 14  

Michail Bershtein  

Darboux Coordinates on the Moduli Space of Flat Connections (based on the paper Nekrasov, Rosly, Shatashvili)  

November 7 

Mikhail Lashkevich

Form Factors in Sinh-Gordon Model  (continuation)

October 24 

Mikhail Lashkevich

Form Factors in Sinh-Gordon Model

October 17

Valery Rubakov

The Universe from a test-tube

October 10

A. Orlov

Tau functions, integrable models and free fermions (end)

October 3

A. Orlov

Tau functions, integrable models and free fermions (con.)

September 26

Boris Feigin 

Fermionic formulas for the Nekrasov tpe partition functions

September 19 

A. Orlov

Tau functions, integrable models and free fermions

July 17

Paul Wiegmann

Anomalous Hydrodynamics of Fractional Hall Effect and Vortex Flow

June 19

Alexey Roslyi (Lab.5 of IITP RAS) 

Hyperkahler Quotient and Instanton Moduli Spaces (fin.) 

June 12

Boris Dubrovin 

Frobenius Manifolds and Integrable Systems

May 29

A. Gerasimov

Two Dimensional Topological Gauge Theories and Integrable Many-particle Models

May 15

Boris Dubrovin

Frobenius manifolds

April 24

Aleksei Roslyi (IITP, lab.5)

Hyperkahler Quotient and Instanton Moduli Spaces

April 17

Alexandr Zamolodchikov

Classical conformal block and Penleve VI equation

April 10

O. Lisovoy 

Penleve Equations and Conformal Field Theory

April 3

Aleksandr Belavin 

Nekrasov Partition Function as Equivariant Integral Over Instanton Moduli Spaces

March 27

N. Nekrasov

Prepotentials, Superpotentials, and Topological Gauge Field Theories

March 20

Mikhail Finkel`berg

Macdonald polynomials, Laumon Spaces and Coherent Sheaves  

March 13

Andrei Losev 

Non abelian localisation and 2d gauge theories II (based on the Witten 1992 paper) 

March 6

Andrei Losev 

Non abelian localisation and 2d gauge theories (based on the Witten 1992 paper)

February 27

Boris Feygin

Comments to Nekrasov Talk

M. Lashkevich

O(N)-Model: Integrability and Exact Matrix (lecture)

February 20


Gauge theories and integrable models

M. Lashkevich

O(N)-model: 1/N-decomposition (lecture)

February 13

Aleksei Roslyi (IITP, lab.5)

Hyperkahler Metrics and Supersymmetry II

M. Lashkevich

Bosonization of the Thirring Model

February 6

Aleksei Roslyi (IITP, lab.5)

Hyperkahler Metrics and Supersymmetry

January 30 

Samson Shatashvili 

Supersymmetric Vacua and Bethe Ansatz 

January 23 

Vladimir Fateev 

AGT Conjecture and Integrability

January 16

Aleksei Roslyi

Integrable Structures and N=2 Supesymmetric Field Theories (after Nekrasov and Shatashvili)

January 9

Mikhail Finkel`berg

Cohomology of Instanton Moduli Spaces as the Representation of the Heiseinberg Algebra

January 4


BPS/CFT Correspondence and Quantum Integrability

Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: June 06, 2:30 pm, SIEE ...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: May 16, 2:30 pm, SIEE R...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: April 11, 2:30 pm, SIEE...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: March 28, 14:30, SIEE R...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: February 15, 2:30 pm. S.M. Nikiforov (GPI RAS). A dog and mass spectrometer in dise...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: February 8, 2:30 pm. Leo Schestacov. Prospects for using data on insect vibrational...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: January 25, 2:30 pm. Sergey L. Kondrashev (IITP RAS, NSCMB FEB RAS). Mysteries of c...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: December 14, 2:30 pm. Danila Gorunov (SIEE RAS). Information transmission in...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: December 07, 2:30 pm. Pavel Chochia. The history of research in the Laboratory for ...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: November 30, 2:30 pm. W.L. Dunin-Barkowski. On the mechanisms of small brain...
All news   


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