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2011 year
Authors: Lazarev V.N., Levitskii S.A., Basovskii Y.I., Chukin M.M., Akopian T.A., Vereshchagin V.V., Kostrjukova E.S., Kovaleva G., Kazanov M., Malko D.B., Vitreschak A., Sernova N.V., Gelfand M., Demina I.A., Serebryakova M.V., Galyamina M.A., Vtyurin N.N., Rogov S.I., Alexeev D.G., Ladygina V.G., Govorun V.M.

Complete genome and proteome of Acholeplasma laidlawii. Journal of Bacteriology 2011 Sep;193(18):4943-4953.
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2009 year
Authors: Gelfand M., 60, Korostelev Y., Laikova O., Mironov A., Rakhmaninova A., 170, Rodionov D., Vitreschak A.

Evolution of Regulatory Systems in Bacteria. Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics. 2009; 5542 (ISBRA 2009): 1-4.

2008 year
Authors: Vitreschak A., Mironov A., Lyubetsky V., Gelfand M.

“Comparative genomic analysis of T-box regulatory systems in bacteria” Ribonucleic acids molecular biology (RNA), V. 14, No. 4, April 2008, pp. 717-735. PMID: 18359782
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2007 year
Authors: Kazanov M., Vitreschak A., Gelfand M.

Abundance and functional diversity of riboswitches in microbial communities. BMC Genomics. 2007 Oct 1;8:347.
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2007 year
Authors: Vitreschak A., Lyubetsky V., Gelfand M.

“Analysis of evolution of T-box regulatory elements prediction of amino acid transporters and other amino acid related genes” Proceedings of the international scientific conference “Computational Phylogenetics and Molecular Systematics, CPMS’2007”, November 16–19 2007, KMK Scientific Press, Moscow, pp. 30–37.

2007 year
Authors: Vitreschak A., Mironov A., Lyubetsky V., Gelfand M.

“Function and evolutionary analysis of the T-box regulon in bacteria” Proceedings of International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: ÌÑÑÌÂ’07, November 2007, pp. 309–310.

2004 year
Authors: Vitreschak A., Lyubetskaya E., Shirshin M., Gelfand M., Lyubetsky V.

“Attenuation regulation of amino acid biosynthetic operons in proteobacteria: comparative genomics analysis” FEMS Microbiological Letters, 2004, 234(2), pp. 357–370. PMID: 15135544
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