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2011 year
Authors: Leonov A., Sorokin V.

Unique Determination of Vocal Tract Resonance Frequencies from a Speech Signal. Doklady Mathematics, v. 84, N2, 671–673.

2010 year
Authors: Sorokin V.

Redundancy of the control of speech production. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, v. 55, N12, 1442-1455.

2010 year
Authors: Sorokin V., Tananykin A.

Initial conditions in the problem of voice recognition. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, v. 55, N12, 1542-1549.

2010 year
Authors: Sorokin V., Tsyplikhin A.

Speaker verification using the spectral and time parameters of voice signal. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, v.55, N12, 1561-1574.

2008 year
Authors: Sorokin V.

Speech Inversion in Physiology and Technology. In: Speech Communication at the Leading Edge. Ed. Roger H. Yablonski. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 1 - 32.

2003 year
Authors: Sorokin V.

Some coding properties of speech. Speech Communication, v. 40, N3, pp. 409-423.

2000 year
Authors: Sorokin V., Leonov A., Trushkin A.

Estimation of stability and accuracy of inverse problem solution for the vocal tract, Speech Communication, v. 30, N1, 55-74.

2000 year
Authors: Sorokin V., A.S.Leonov

Inverse problem for the vocal tract: Identification of control forces from articulatory movements", Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 10, 110-126.

2000 year
Authors: Sorokin V., A.S.Leonov

Inversion from articulatory movements to control forces", Proc. 5th Seminar on Speech production, Kloster Seeon, 17-20.

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