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2016 year
Authors: Rozhkova G., Lebedev D., Gracheva M., Rychkova S.

Optimal optotype structure for monitoring visual acuity // 1st International Symposium on Visual Physiology, Environment, and Perception. Riga, Latvia. 6-8 october, 2016. Book of abstracts. P. 45.
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2014 year
Authors: Rozhkova G., Lebedev D., Gracheva M., Rychkova S.

Advantages of employing specially modified 3-bar stimuli for visual acuity monitoring in adults and children: Test-retest reliability// 37th European Conference on Visual Perception 2014. Belgrad, Serbia. 24-28 August. Perception. 2014. V. 43, Suppl. P.34.
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2013 year
Authors: Rozhkova G., Lebedev D.

Visual acuity measurement: Account of the optotype structure // 36th European Conference on Visual Perception 2013. Bremen, Germany. 25-29 August. Perception. 2013. V. 42, Suppl. P. 69.

2012 year
Authors: Rozhkova G., G.I. Rozhkova, Lebedev D.

Visual acuity measurement: uncertain effect of the low-frequency components of the optotype Fourier spectra // Sensory Systems, 2012, 26 (2), P. 160-171.
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2011 year
Authors: A. Belozerov, Lebedev D., Rozhkova G.

A slight modification can significantly improve a quality of the 3-bar resolution targets as the optotypes for measuring visual acuity // Abstracts of the 34th European Conference on Visual Perception. Toulouse, France. August 28th – September 1st 2011. Perception. 2011. V. 40. Suppl. P. 121.

2011 year
Authors: Rozhkova G., Lebedev D., A. Belozerov

Unexpected drawback of the 3-bar resolution targets as the optotypes for the expert assessment of visual acuity // Abstracts of the 34th European Conference on Visual Perception. Toulouse, France. August 28th – September 1st 2011. Perception. 2011. V. 40. Suppl. P. 122-123.

2010 year
Authors: Rozhkova G., Lebedev D.

Is it rational to use Landolt C and Snellen E as the optotypes in the modern-day visual acuity measurements for early diagnostics? // 1st World Congress on con-troversies in ophthalmology. Prague. Czech Republic. March 4-7, 2010. P. 16.

2010 year
Authors: Rozhkova G., A.E Belozerov, Lebedev D.

“Crowding” not always spoils identification: Surrounding stimuli can improve discriminability of the central ones // Perception. 2010. V. 39. Suppl. P. 28.

2009 year
Authors: Lebedev D., Rozhkova G., Bastakov V., Kim C.-Y., Lee S.-D.

Local contrast enhancement for improving screen images exposed to intensive external light // GraphiCon’2009. Conference Proceedings. P. 112-116. 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision. Moscow State University. Oct. 5-9.
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2007 year
Authors: Lebedev D., Marshak D.

Amacrine cell contributions to red-green color opponency in central primate retina: A model study. // Visual Neuroscience, 2007, 24(4), p. 535–547.

2006 year
Authors: Lebedev D., Rozhkova G., Bastakov V., Kim C., Lee S.

Method of, and apparatus for image enhancement taking ambient illuminance into account // US patent application No. 11/353955, Feb. 15, 2006
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2006 year
Authors: Lebedev D., Marshak D.

Amacrine cell contributions to red-green opponency in central primate retina: A model study. // Perception, 2006, v. 35, (Supplement), p. 21. (ECVP 2006)

2006 year
Authors: Maximov P., Lebedev D., Marshak D.

A role for the blue pathway in the development of red-green opponency. // Perception, 2006, v. 35, (Supplement), p. 195. (ECVP 2006)
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2003 year
Authors: Lebedev D.

Illusory Brewster"s colours and resolution in the red-green opponent channel // Perception, 2003 (Supplement). V. 32.P. 148.

2001 year
Authors: Lebedev D.

Model research of the output signals of the midget ganglion cells in the primate retina // Perception. 2001 (Supplement). V. 30. P. 4.

1998 year
Authors: Lebedev D., Byzov A., Govardovskii V.

Photoreceptor coupling & boundary detection // Vision Research. 1998. V. 38. P. 3161-3169.

1994 year
Authors: Lebedev D.

Non-linear noisy image filtering based on Multi-Mask Laplacian // Berichts des Instituts fur Informatik der Universitat Zurich. Zurich: 1994. N4. Ð 1-16.

1992 year
Authors: Lebedev D.

Laplacian Pyramid Code as a Representation for Low-Level Visual Information // Bericht des Instituts fur Informatik der Universitat Zurich. Zurich: 1992. N1. Ð. 1-16.

1990 year
Authors: Lebedev D., Ãóòíåð Ã.

Image Encoding Using a Difference Picture Pyramid // Abstr. of XXIII URSI General Assemble Prague. 1990. V. 2.

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