G. V. Martynov. Notes on the Cram´er–vonMises test with estimated parameters.
Theory of Probability & Its Applications2019, Vol. 64, No. 1, p. 148. (In " Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
Abstracts of Talks Given at the 3rd International Conference on Stochastic Methods) (Translated from Russian)
DOI. 10.1137/S0040585X97T989428
2018 year. G. V. Martynov. Goodness test for the Gaussianity conjecture of a random process. Theory of Probability & Its Applications, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp. 655--656, (In "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics" 2018, pp. 640–674) DOI.10.1137/S0040585X97T988861
Martynov G. A Cramer-von Mises test for Gaussian processes, in: Mathematical Statistics and Limit Theorems, Festschrift in honor of Paul Deheuvels. Springer Verlag, 2015, p 209-229
doi 10.1007/978-3-319-12442-1
Martynov G. Durbin–Knott Components and Transformations of the Cramer-von Mises Test, in: Statistical models and methods for reliability and survival analysis. In honor of M.S. Nikulin. Ch. 8. L. : ISTE, Wiley, 2014, 111-123. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118826805.ch8
Martynov G. V. (2013) Martynov G. V. Cramér–von Mises test for Gauss processes. Advanced Finance and Statistics. (International Conference “Advanced Finance and Stochastics” was held on June
24–28, 2013 at Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow, Russia.) pp. 65-66
Martynov G. Cramér-von-Mises test for and Durbin-Knott components. Conference on Stochastic Models and Their Applications, 22-24 August, 2011, Faculty of Informatics, University Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, 2011, P. 50
Gennadi Martynov. Multivariate version of the Cramer-von Mises statistics. 2010. Abstracts of “Workshop in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, 30 Nov.-1 Dec. 2010”, Wellington, Wellington University, New Zealand 1 p
G. V. Martynov, “Multivariable goodness tests and approximation of the residues of quadratic forms”, Autom. Remote Control, 71:7 (2010), 1346–1357 (isi scopus) .............................. ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ......... ....... ....
https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1134%2FS0005117910070088.pdf Go to publication
Cramér-von-Mises test for the Weibull and Pareto Distributions, Abstracts of the International Conference “Probability and Statistics with Applications”, 2009, Debrecen, Hungary, 43-44.
Goodness of fit test and latent distribution estimation in the mixed Rasch model. “Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods”, vol. 35, 2006, p. 921-935. (With Mesbah M.) ..................................... .............................. http://www.lsta.upmc.fr/mesbah/Articles/Martynov_Mesbah.pdf Go to publication
Deheuvels, P., Martynov G. Karhunen-Loève expansions for weighted Wiener processes and Brownian bridges via Bessel functions. Progress in Probability, 2003, V. 55, pp. 57-93. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel/Switzerland.
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Cramér-von Mises test for the Gauss process on [0,1]. " International Workshop GOF2000 on Goodness-of-fit Test and Validity of Models" , Paris, 2000, p. 102
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The generalization of omega square goodness-of-fit tests. "XXXIII Semester on Robustness and Nonparametric Statistics" , March 1-May 31, 1989, Stefan Banach International Center, Warsaw, Part II , pp. 144-146
Algorithms for the computing of probability distributions. "Reliability and Effectiveness in Technique. Handbook" , V. II , Chapter 6, 1987, "Mashinostroenie", pp. 251-273
Algorithms for the computing of probability distributions. "Reliability and Effectiveness in Technique. Handbook" , V. II , Chapter 6, 1987, "Mashinostroenie", pp. 251-273
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Computing of the distribution for the ratio of two quadratic forms in normal variates. "Statistical Methods for Estimation and hypotheses testing" , 1986, Perm, "Permian University"
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Computing of the normal, F-, T- and Chi- square distributions and their quantiles. "III Sci. and Tech. Conf. on Applications of the Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Econ. and Quality Prod.Estimation" , V. II , 1985, Tartu
The Gaussity test for random processes with estimated parameters. "Fourth international Vilnius conference on probability theory and mathematical statistics" , V. II , 1985, Vilnius, pp. 149-150
Estimating of an error arising in functionals with using the empirical distribution. "Random Analysis and Asymptotic Problems in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics" , 1984, Tbilisi,"Mezniereba"
Computing of the distribution for the ratio of two quadratic forms. "XVIII Colloquium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Bakuriani" , Tbilisi, "Tbilisian University", 1984
Programs for computing of the multivariate normal distribution. "Proc. of II School "Programs and Algorithms for the Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Zachkadzor" , 1983, Yerewan. (With coautor)