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2008 year
Authors: Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Sakhnova T., Blinova E., Kneppo P.

Electrocardiographic diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy on the basis of dipole electrocardio-topography method. – J. Electrocardiology, v. 41, 697.e1-697.e6, 2008.

2007 year
Authors: Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Sakhnova T., Blinova E.

New approaches to the diagnosis of left and right ventricular hypertrophy by means of dipolar electrocardiotopography. – Anatol. J. Cardiol. 2007, V. 7, Suppl. 1, p. 29-31.

2006 year
Authors: Blinova E., Sakhnova T., Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Samedova K., Chikhladze N., Litonova G., Chazova I.

Mapping of repolarization by DECARTO technique in hypertensive patients with electrolyte disturbances. – J. Hypertension, v. 24, Suppl. 4, p. S58, 2006.

1999 year
Authors: Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N.

Noninvasive mapping of the quasiepicardium potential using symmetry of the multipole fields. - In: Electrocardiology"98. World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1999, p . 31-34.

1999 year
Authors: T.Sakhnova, Romanchuk P., Blinova E., Aidu E., Trunov V., Barinova N., Titomir L.

DECARTO technique in differential diagnosis of inferior myocardial infraction and left anterior fascicular block. - In: Electrocardiology"98. World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1999, p . 113-116.

1998 year
Authors: Szathmary V., Regecova V., Trunov V., Barinova N., Titomir L.

Anthropometric substantiation of a technique for noninvasive mapping of the quasiepicardium potential. - In: Biomedical Measurement and Instrumentation (BMI"98). KOREMA, Zagreb, Croatia, 1998, p. 6.18-6.21.

1998 year
Authors: Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N., Poljakova I., Revishvili A.

Spherical-quasiepicardium potential mapping in estimation of surgical treatment for Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. - In: Electrocardiology"97. World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1998, p. 149-152.

1998 year
Authors: Sakhnova T.A., Kozhemyakina E., Barinova N., Trunov V., Aidu E., Titomir L.

Decarto technique in recognition of inferior myocardial infarction and localized LVH indistinguishable by standard criteria. - In: Electrocardiology"97. World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1998, p . 297-300.

1997 year
Authors: Titomir L., Muromtseva G., Trunov V., Zemtsova N., Barinova N.

Electrocardiographic visualization of left ventricular hypertrophy undetectable by standard criteria. - In: Electrocardiology"96 - "From the Cell to the Body Surface". World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1997, p. 507-510.

1997 year
Authors: Titomir L., Sakhnova T., Aidu E., Trunov V., Barinova N., Danilushkin M.

Decarto technique in observation of heart state evolution after the onset of myocardiaal infarction. - In: Electrocardiology"96 - "From the Cell to the Body Surface". World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1997, p. 531-534.

1997 year
Authors: Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N.

A telemetering system for noninvasive measurement and intelligible-pictorial imaging of the cardiac electrophysiological function. - In: Int. Conf. on Informatics and Control. St.Petersburg, June 1997, p. 874-880.

1997 year
Authors: Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N.

Dipole-quadrupole electrocardiotopography: A new approach to practical ECG-mapping. - In: Measurements"97. Polygraphy of SAS, Bratislava, 1997, p. 213-216.

1997 year
Authors: Titomir L., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N.

Functional imaging of the cardioelectric generator on the basis of Frank lead system. - Biomedizinische Technik, v. 42, No. 1, p.155-158, 1997.

1996 year
Authors: Titomir L., Sakhnova T.A., Chazova I.E., Barinova N., Kozhemyakina E.

Decarto technique in long term observation of patients treated for primary pulmonary hypertension. - Bratisl. Lek. Listy, v. 97, No. 9, p. 536-542, 1996.

1996 year
Authors: Titomir L., Blatov I.V., Trunov V., Aidu E., Barinova N.

Telemetering equipment and optimal lead system for electrocardiographic mapping. - Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., v. 34, Suppl. 1, Part 2, p. 99-100, 1996.

1996 year
Authors: Titomir L., Barinova N.

On observability of bioelectric generator from measured external fields. - Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., v. 34, Suppl. 1, Part 2, p. 95-96, 1996.

1995 year
Authors: Titomir L., Sakhnova T., Danilushkin M.G., Kozhemyakina E.Sh., Barinova N.

Decartographic analysis of orthogonal ECG signals in observation of heart recovery after treatment for ventricular overload. - In: Building Bridges in Electrocardiology. Univ. Press Nijmegen, Nijmegen, 1995, p. 202-203

1994 year
Authors: Titomir L., Barinova N., Nagornov V., Grigoryev K.G., Trunov V.

Spherical-quasiepicardium potential mapping: Theory and application. - Jap. Heart J., v. 35, Suppl.I., p. 523-524, 1994.

1994 year
Authors: Titomir L., Barinova N.

Equivalent dipole generators for electric and magnetic fields of anisotropic myocardium. - In: Electrocardiology"93. World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1994, p. 117-120.

1994 year
Authors: Titomir L., Barinova N., Nagornov V.S., Raptanova T.A., Trunov V.

Spherical- quasiepicardium potential mapping for clinical diagnostics based on the CARDIAG system. -In: Cardiag"94 (Int. Conf.). Praha, Czechia, 1994, p. 151-152.

1993 year
Authors: Titomir L., Barinova N.

An approach to analysis of extracellular electric and magnetic fields in the anisotropic myocardium. - In: The Cardiac Electric Field, Physiology - Measurement - Modelling (Sat. Symp.). Smolenice, Slovakia, 1993.

1990 year
Authors: Titomir L., P. Kneppo, Aidu E., Trunov V., Barinova N.

A practical system for non-invasive mapping of the heart electrophysiological states. - In: XVII Int. Congr. Electrocardiol., Abstracts. O.I.C. Medical Press, Florence, 1990, p. 227.

1990 year
Authors: G.Muromtseva, Trunov V., Barinova N., Titomir L.

Decarto technique in diagnostics of left ventricular hypertrophies, using orthogonal ECG leads. - In: Advances in Electrocardiology. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam etc., 1990, p. 47-50.

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