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2005 year
Authors: Berkinblit M., Latash M.L.

Introduction to the first section. In: Feldman A.G. 1965-2005. Forty Years of the Equilibrium-Point Hypothesis, 2005, p. 1-2, Tristar Printing, Lachine, Canada

2003 year
Authors: Messier J., Adamovich S., Berkinblit M., Tunik E., Poizner H.

Influence of movement speed on accuracy and coordination of reaching movements to memorized targets in three-dimensional space in a deafferented subject. Exp Brain Res. 2003, 150 (4): 399-416.

2001 year
Authors: Adamovich S.V., Berkinblit M., Hening W., Sage J., Poizner H.

The interaction of visual and proprioceptive inputs in pointing to actual and remembered targets in Parkinson"s disease. Neuroscience, 2001, 104: 1027-1041.

2000 year
Authors: Poizner H., Feldman A., Levin M., Berkinblit M., Hening W., Patel A., Adamovich S.

The timing of arm-trunk coordination is deficient and vision-dependent in Parkinson"s patients during reaching movements, Experimental Brain Research, 2000,133: 279-292

1999 year
Authors: Adamovich S.V., Berkinblit M., Fookson O.I., Poizner H.

Pointing in 3d space to remembered targets II. Effects of movement speed toward kinesthetically defined targets. Exp. Brain Res., 1999, 125:200-210.

1998 year
Authors: Poizner H., Fookson O., Berkinblit M., Hening W., A.G.Feldman , S.V. Adamovich

Pointing to remembered targets in 3-D space in Parkinsons disease. Motor Control, 1998, 2, 251-277.

1998 year
Authors: Adamovich S.V., Berkinblit M., Fookson O., Poizner H.

Pointing in 3D space to remembered targets: I.Kinesthetic versus visual target presentation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 1998, 79, ðð.2833-2846.

1995 year
Authors: Berkinblit M., Fookson O.I., Smetanin B., Adamovich S.V., Poizner H.

The interaction of visual and proprioceptive inputs in pointing to actual and remembered targets. Exp.Br.Res., 1995, 107: 326-330.

1995 year
Authors: Fookson O., Berkinblit M., Hening W., Poizner H.

The similarity of accuracy and speed of 3d pointing movements in Parkinsons disease patients (PDP) and elderly controls. Neurology, 1995

1994 year
Authors: Smetanin B., Adamovich S.V., Berkinblit M., Fookson O.I., Poizner H.

Effects of Head position on errors in 3-D pointing to remembered locations. Neurophysiology, 1994,26, N 2, 98-105.

1994 year
Authors: Àdamovich S., Berkinblit M., Smetanin B., Fookson O., Poizner H.

Influence of movement speed on accurary of pointing to memorized targets in 3D space. Neuroscience Letters, 1994,172, 171-174.

1994 year
Authors: Fookson O.I., Smetanin B., Berkinblit M., Adamovich S., Feldman A.G., Poizner H.

Azimuth errors in pointing to remembered targets under extreme head rotations. Neuroreport, 1994, 5, 885-888.

1992 year
Authors: Berkinblit M., Sidorova V.Y., Smetanin B., Tkach T.V.

Afferent influence on central generators and the integration of proprioceptive input with afferent input from other modalities. Behavioral and brain sciences, 1992,15, N 4, 709-711.

1992 year
Authors: .Adamovich S.V, Berkinblit M., Fookson O.I., Poizner H.

Two Paradoxes of Pointing. Behavioral and brain sciences, 1992, 15, N 1, 101-105.

1989 year
Authors: Berkinblit M., Feldman A.G., Fookson O.I.

Wiping reflex in the frog: Movement pattern, receptive fields,and blends. In: Visuomotor coordination. Ed.: J-P.Ewert, M.A .Arbib. Plenum Press,N.Y. and London.1989. pp.615-630.

1988 year
Authors: Berkinblit M., Feldman A.G.

Some problems of motor control. J.Motor Bechavior, 1988, 20, N.3, 369-373.

1986 year
Authors: Berkinblit M., Gelfand I.M., Feldman A.G.

A model for the aiming phase of the wiping reflex. In: Neurobiology of vertebrate locomotion. Ed.:S.Grillner,P.Stein,D.Stuart,H.Forssberg, R.German. Macmillan press,1986,217-230.

1986 year
Authors: Berkinblit M., Feldman A.G., Fookson O.I.

In search of the theoretical basis of motor control. The bechavioral and brain scienses,1986, 9, N.4, ñòð.626-631.

1986 year
Authors: Berkinblit M., Feldman A.G., Fookson O.I.

Adaptability of innate motor patterns and motor control mechanisms. The bechavioral and brain scienses,1986,9,N.4,585-599.

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