Gibbs Ensembles of Nonintersecting Paths,, Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 293, Number 1 / January, 2010 Go to publication
2009 year
Authors: Bellissard, Charles Radin Jean, Shlosman S.
The characterization of ground states, Go to publication
Spontaneous resonances and the coherent states of the queuing networks// Proc. of Dobrushin International Conference, Moscow. July 2009. ÈÏÏÈ ÐÀÍ, Ñ. 149-156.
Rybko, A. N.; Shlosman, S.B.: Phase transitions in the queuing networks and the violation of the Poisson hypothesis. Mosc. Math. J. 8 (2008), no. 1, 159--180.
Ioffe, D. and Shlosman, S.: Ising model fog drip: the first two droplets, In: "In and Out of Equilibrium 2", Progress in Probability 60, 365-382, eds. M.E. Vares, V. Sidoravicius, Birkhauser, 2008.
Rybko, A. N.; Shlosman, S.B. and Vladimirov A.: Spontaneous Resonances and the Coherent States of the Queuing Networks, J. Stat Phys (2008) 134: 67--104.
Absence of Breakdown of the Poisson Hypothesis I. Closed Networks at Low Load, 2008, submitted to Queueing Systems. Go to publication
A.C.D. van Enter, S.B.Shlosman: First-order transitions for very nonlinear sigma models. John Lewis memorial volume: Markov Processes Relat. Fields 13, 239--249 (2007)
Rybko, A. N.; Shlosman, S.B. and Vladimirov A. Self-averaging property of queuing systems,, Problems of Information Transmission, 42 , Issue 4 (December 2006) Pages: 344 - 355.
A.C.D. van Enter, S.B.Shlosman: Provable first-order transitions for liquid crystal and lattice gauge models with continuous symmetries,, Communications in Math. Physics, v. 255, n. 1, pp. 21 - 32, 2005.
Thierry Bodineau, Roberto H. Schonmann, Senya Shlosman. 3D crystal: how flat its flat facets are?, Communications in Math. Physics. v. 255, n. 3, pp. 747 - 766, 2005.