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2009 year
Authors: Yashkov S.

On busy period and sojourn time distributions in the M/G/1---EPS queue with catastrophes. Automation and Remote Control, 2009, vol. 70, No. 12. ISSN (print) 0005--1179, ISSN (online) 1608--3032.

2009 year
Authors: Yashkov S.

Foreword to the special issue Queueing theory centennial. Automation and Remote Control, 2009, vol. 70, No. 12. ISSN (print) 0005--1179, ISSN (online) 1608--3032.

2009 year
Authors: Yashkov S.

The M/D/1—EPS queue revisited. Information Processes, 2009, vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 216--223. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/)
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2009 year
Authors: Yashkov S.

The M/D/1—EPS queue revisited. In: Dobrushin Int. Conf (Moscow, Yuly 15—20, 2009). Moscow: IITP, 2009, pp. 179--185. ISBN 978--5—90115—10--4. (Full paper in pdf--format is available on CD--ROM.)

2008 year
Authors: Yashkov S.

On differential equations arising in the theory of processor sharing queues. Automation and Remote Control, 2008, vol. 69, No. 12, pp. 2156--2160. ISSN (print) 0005--1179, ISSN (online) 1608--3032.

2008 year
Authors: Yashkov S.

A note on application of the method of supplementary variables to the analysis of a processor sharing system. Automation and Remote Control, 2008, vol. 69, No. 9, pp. 1622--1629. ISSN (print) 0005--1179, ISSN (online) 1608--3032

2008 year
Authors: Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A.

On asymptotics of the emptiness probability in the M/GI/1 queue. Automation and Remote Control, 2008, vol. 69, No. 3, pp. 525--528. ISSN (print) 0005-- 1179, ISSN (online) 1608--3032

2007 year
Authors: Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A.

Processor sharing: A survey of the mathematical theory. Automation and Remote Control, 2007, vol. 68, No. 9, pp. 1662--1731. ISSN (print) 0005--1179, ISSN (online) 1608--3032

2006 year
Authors: Yashkov S.

On asymptotic property of the sojourn time in the M/G/1---EPS queue. Information Processes, 2006, vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 256--257. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).

2006 year
Authors: Yashkov S.

Two special cases of the M/G/1---EPS queue. Information Processes, 2006, vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 250--255. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).

2006 year
Authors: Yashkov S.

The moments of the sojourn time in the M/G/1 processor sharing system. Information Processes, 2006, vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 237--249. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).

2006 year
Authors: Yashkov S.

On random order of service and processor sharing. Information Processes, 2006, vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 160--163. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).

2005 year
Authors: Yashkov S.

Explicit formulas for the moments of the sojourn time in the M/G/1 processor sharing queue with permanent jobs. ArXiv:math. PR/0512281 (13 Dec. 2005), 10 pages (available at http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/).

2005 year
Authors: Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A.

Some insight into the time--dependent properties of the queue length process in the M/G/1--EPS and LCFS--P queues. Information Processes, 2005, vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 173--176. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).

2004 year
Authors: Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A.

Some extension of the heavy traffic limit theorem for the M/G/1—EPS queue. Information Processes, 2004, vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 269--274. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).

2004 year
Authors: Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A.

A note on asymptotics associated with limit theorem for terminating renewal process in processor sharing queue. Information Processes, 2004, vol. 4, No.3, pp. 256--260. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).

2004 year
Authors: Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A.

A note on a heavy traffic limit theorem for the M/D/1--- FBPS queue. Information Processes, 2004, vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 251--255. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).

2004 year
Authors: Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A.

Time--dependent distribution of attained service times for the M/G/1 foreground--background processor--sharing queue. Transactions of XXIV Int. Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models (Jurmala, Latvia, Sept. 10--17, 2004). Riga: Transport and Telecommunication Inst., 2004, pp. 156--162. ISBN 9984-668-74-6.

2004 year
Authors: Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A.

The time--dependent solution of the M/G/1--FBPS queue. Information Processes, 2004, vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 175--187. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).

2003 year
Authors: Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A.

Distribution of the virtual sojourn time in the M/G/1 processor sharing queue. Information Processes, 2003, vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 128--137. ISSN 1819-5822 (available at http://www.jip.ru/).

2003 year
Authors: Yashkov S.

On sojourn time problem in processor sharing queue. In: Int. Conf. “Kolmogorov and Contemporary Mathematics”. Abstracts (Moscow, June 16--21). Moscow: Moscow State Univ., Mekhmath, 2003, pp. 594--595.

2001 year
Authors: Yashkov S., S. Yashkova A.

On the law of large numbers for the processor--sharing queue. Computer Sci. and Info. Technologies (CSIT"01). Proc. 3nd Int. Conf. (Yerevan, Sept. 17--21, 2001). Yerevan: Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Armenia, 2001, pp. 141--144.

2000 year
Authors: Yashkov S.

Modelling processor sharing queue. Proceedings of the 16th IMACS World Congress on Sci. Computation, Appl. Math. and Simulation. (Lausanne, Aug. 21--25, 2000), M.Deville and R.Owens (Eds.). New Brunswick: Rutgers Univ. (USA), 2000. Full paper (4 pages) in pdf format on CD--ROM. ISBN 3-9522075-1-9.

2000 year
Authors: Yashkov S.

Modelling processor sharing queue. 16th IMACS World Congress on Sci. Computation, Appl. Math. and Simulation. Book of abstracts (Lausanne, Aug. 21--25, 2000), M.Deville and R.Owens (Eds.). Lausanne: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 2000, pp.532--532. ISBN 3-9522075-0-0.

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