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1997 year
Authors: Rozhkova G.

Neurophysiological correlates of perceptual constancy in the cercal system of insects // Abstr. of the 5th East European conference of the International Society for Invertebrate Neurobiology, 1997, Sept. 9-12, Moscow, P. 118-119.

1997 year
Authors: Rozhkova G., Rodionova E., A.K. Panjutin

Memory and binocular visual direction // Perception. 1997. V. 26, Suppl. P. 29-30.

1997 year
Authors: Podugolnikova T., Rozhkova G., I.Kondakova

Estimation of visual performance in children with and without binocular anomalies by means of a computerized coding test. European conference on visual perception, Finland, Helsinki, 25-29 Aug. 1997. Perception, 1997, V. 26, Suppl., P. 59.

1996 year
Authors: Vedenina V., Rozhkova G., A.L. Byzov, G. Kamper

Low-pass behavior of interneurons in the cricket cercal system // Proceedings of the 24th Gottingen Neurobiology Conference, Gottingen Germany, 1996.

1995 year
Authors: Rozhkova G., Panyutin A., Rodionova E.

Effects of interocular difference in brightness/contrast on binocularly perceived direction // Perception. 1995, Pion Ltd, London, P. 88.

1994 year
Authors: Rozhkova G., Vedenina V.

«What» and «where» cercal low-pass interneurons // 9th International Meeting on Insect Sound and Vibration. Seggau. Austria. 1994. P. 72.

1994 year
Authors: Vedenina V., G. Kamper, Rozhkova G.

Neurons in the thorax and brain of the cerci // 9th International Meeting on Insect Sound and Vibration. Seggau. Austria. 1994. P. 88.

1993 year
Authors: Vedenina V., Rozhkova G., Byzov A.

Medial giant interneuron of the ceicket nerve cord: directional sensitivity in adults and nymphs // Sensory systems of arthropods. Eds. K.Wiese et al. Basel-Boston-Berlin: Birkhauser Verl. 1993. P. 410-416.

1993 year
Authors: Rozhkova G., Byzov A., Vedenina V.

Complex morphophysiological characteristics of giant cercal interneurons // Sensory systems of arthropods Eds. K.Wiese et al. Basel-Boston-Berlin: Birkhauser Verl. 1993. P. 403-409.

1992 year
Authors: Rozhkova G., V.Yu Vedenina, A.L Byzov, A.N. Knyazev

Cricket cercal giant interneurons with unusual directional sensitivity to sound stimuli // 8th International meeting on insect sound and vibration. Pommersfelden. 1992. Abst. P. 61.

1990 year
Authors: Rozhkova G.

The cercal system: constancy of spatial localization and its mechanisms // First Soviet-West German Symp. «Sensory systems and communication in arthropods». Eds.: F.G.Gribakin et al. Basel etc.: Birkhauser, 1990. P. 324-328. (Adv. Life. Sci.)

1988 year
Authors: Rozhkova G.

Specific binocular functions // Proc. of the IV-th conf. of the International organization of psychophysiology / Eds.: T.Radil, Z.Bohdanesky. Prague, Sept. 12-17, 1988. P. 231.

1988 year
Authors: Ploskonos G., Rozhkova G.

Monocular and binocular vision during dark adaptation in patients with strabismus // Perception. 1988. V. 17. N 3. XI-th Eur. conf. on visual perception. Bristol, Aug.-Sept. 1988. Abstr. A34. P. 372.

1988 year
Authors: Nikolaev P., Rozhkova G.

Stereopsis: dependence of perceived color on interpretation of stabilized visual scenes // Perception. 1988. V. 17. N 3. XIth Eur. conf. on visual perception. Bristol, Aug.-Sept. 1988. Abstr. A81. P.49.

1988 year
Authors: Rozhkova G.

Autonomous mechanisms of binocular synthesis: rivalry of hypotheses at the level of perception // Perception. 1988. V. 17. N 3. XI-th Eur. conf. on visual perception. Bristol, Aug.-Sept. 1988. Abstr. A46. P. 384-385.

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