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Ïóáëèêàöèé íà ñòðàíèöå:    Page: 12 345 ... 7891011
2013 year
Authors: Burnaev E., Prikhodko P., Struzik A.

Surrogate Models for Helicopter Loads. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences. Germany, Munich, 1-4 July. 2013. 9 P.

2013 year
Authors: Burnaev E., Grihon S., Belyaev M., Prikhodko P.

Surrogate Modeling of Stability Constraints for Optimization of Composite Structures. Surrogate-Based Modeling and Optimization. Engineering applications. Eds. by S. Koziel, L. Leifsson. Springer, 2013. P. 359-391.

2013 year
Authors: Sobolevski A.

G. L. Litvinov, A. Ya. Rodionov, S. N. Sergeev, A. N. Sobolevski, “Universal algorithms for solving the matrix Bellman equations over semirings”, Soft Computing, 17:10 (2013), 1767–1785
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2013 year
Authors: Nechaev S., Sobolevski A., Valba O.

Planar diagrams form optimization. Preprint arXiv:1203.3248 (submitted).
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2013 year
Authors: Novaga M., Sobolevski A., Stepanov E.

Droplet condensation and isoperimetric towers, Pacific J. Math., in press (preprint: http://cvgmt.sns.it/paper/1784/).

2012 year
Authors: Rozhkova G., G.I. Rozhkova, Lebedev D.

Visual acuity measurement: uncertain effect of the low-frequency components of the optotype Fourier spectra // Sensory Systems, 2012, 26 (2), P. 160-171.
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2012 year
Authors: Kreshchuk A., Potapov V.

New Coded Modulation for the Frequency Hoping OFDMA System // Thirteenth InternationalWorkshop on Algebraic and Combinational Coding Theory, Pomorje, Bulgaria, 15 – 21 June 2012, 209–212.

2012 year
Authors: Kreshchuk A., Potapov V.

On some MIMO coded modulations based on hadamard matrices // Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems (RED), 2012 XIII International Symposium on Publication Year: 2012 , Page(s): 35 - 36
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2012 year
Authors: Savina M.I., Lukashevich I.

The Role of the Structural Organization of Knowledge in Analyzing Biochemical Data // Scientific and Technical Information Processing. 2012. V. 39. No. 5. P. 276–282. Original Russian Text © 2010, published in Iskusstvennyi Intellekt i Prinyatie Reshenii, 2010. ¹ 1. Ñ. 33-40. DOI 10.3103/S0147688212050048
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2012 year
Authors: V.M., Shklovsky, Lukashevich I.

Structural organization of medical knowledge in neurorehabilitation. Part 1. Chapter 3. Ð.37 // Advances in rehabilitation. V. 20. 2012. PI-ME Press. Pavia. Ð. 37-64

2012 year
Authors: R.Sh. Balugyan, A.S. Vorotyntsev, Lukashevich I., Stepanyan K.

Statistical methods for data analysis of blood tests // Information Processes, vol. 12, ¹ 4, 2012, pp.353–361
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2012 year
Authors: Bazykin G.

Bazykin GA, Kondrashov AS. Major role of positive selection in the evolution of conservative segments of Drosophila proteins. Proc Biol Sci. 2012. 279(1742):3409-17

2012 year
Authors: Bazykin G., Seplyarskiy V.B.

Seplyarskiy VB, Kharchenko P, Kondrashov AS, Bazykin GA. Heterogeneity of the Transition/Transversion Ratio in Drosophila and Hominidae Genomes. Mol Biol Evol. 2012. 29(8): 1943 - 1955.

2012 year
Authors: Bazykin G., Leushkin E.V.

Leushkin EV, Bazykin GA, Kondrashov AS. Insertions and deletions trigger adaptive walks in Drosophila proteins. Proc Biol Sci. 2012 Aug 7;279(1740):3075-82. Epub 2012 Mar 28.

2012 year
Authors: Litvinov G.L., Rodionov A.Ya., Sergeev S.N., Sobolevski A.

Universal algorithms for solving the matrix Bellman equations over semirings. Preprint arXiv:1209.5011
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2012 year
Authors: Kiryanov A., Khorov E., Lyakhov A., Safonov A.

Analytical Study of Link Management in IEEE 802.11s Mesh Networks //International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS). France, 2012. P. 786-790

2012 year
Authors: Kiryanov A., Lyakhov A., Nekrasov P., 969, Safonov A., Feyzkhanov R., Khorov E., 369

Groupcast Routing Protocol for TDMA MANET// In Proc. of Information Technology and Systems - 2012. Petrozavodsk, Russia

2012 year
Authors: Naumenko S., Bazykin G.

Naumenko S.A., Kondrashov A.S. and Bazykin G.A. (2012). Fitness conferred by replaced amino acids declines with time. Biology Letters. 2012 Oct 23;8(5):825-8. Epub 2012 May 23.

2012 year
Authors: Kiryanov A., Lyakhov A., Safonov A., Khorov E.

A method to estimate efficiency of the connection control mechanisms in wireless self-organizing networks // Automation and Remote Control. Volume: 73 Issue: 5 Pages: 797-809, 2012

2011 year
Authors: A. Belozerov, Lebedev D., Rozhkova G.

A slight modification can significantly improve a quality of the 3-bar resolution targets as the optotypes for measuring visual acuity // Abstracts of the 34th European Conference on Visual Perception. Toulouse, France. August 28th – September 1st 2011. Perception. 2011. V. 40. Suppl. P. 121.

2011 year
Authors: Rozhkova G., Lebedev D., A. Belozerov

Unexpected drawback of the 3-bar resolution targets as the optotypes for the expert assessment of visual acuity // Abstracts of the 34th European Conference on Visual Perception. Toulouse, France. August 28th – September 1st 2011. Perception. 2011. V. 40. Suppl. P. 122-123.

2011 year
Authors: Bazykin G.

Bazykin GA, Kondrashov AS. Detecting past positive selection through ongoing negative selection. Genome Biology and Evolution 2011;3:1006-13. Epub 2011 Aug 22.

2011 year
Authors: Bazykin G.

Kryazhimskiy S, Dushoff J, Bazykin G, Plotkin J. Prevalence of epistasis in the evolution of influenza A surface proteins. PLoS Genetics, 2011 Feb;7(2):e1001301. Epub 2011 Feb 17.

2011 year
Authors: Kreshchuk A., Davydov A., Zyablov V.

A.A. Kreshchuk, A.A. Davydov, and V.V. Zyablov, Codes for MIMO transmission based on orthogonal sequences, Problems of Information Transmission, vol. 47 (2011) 305--326.
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