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About the IITP RAS >> Awards and Prizes >> Dobrushin International Award

Roland L’vovich Dobrushin (20.07.1929 - 12.11.1995) is one of the best mathematicians of the 20th century, whose main achievements lie in probability theory, statistical physics, information theory, mathematical and computer linguistics. Dobrushin was an outstanding teacher and research supervisor. He has successfully assisted the formation of young mathematicians, was one of the founders of the Independent University of Moscow. In the laboratory he established at the Institute for Information Transmission Problems - which now bears his name - there worked many world-wide known mathematicians, including three Fields medal winners.

Recently one of Dobrushin’s admirers found eligible funds, established Dobrushin Foundation and Dobrushin International Award.

The prize is awarded to outstanding researchers for the totality of their work in the domains of Dobrushin’s research interests, including probability theory, mathematical and computer linguistics, information theory and statistical physics.

Any researcher or a group of researchers can propose one or several candidates for the prize. Nominations should be sent before May 10 to  dobrushinawards@iitp.ru  and  include a list of significant publications of the candidate, a brief summary of several most important publications and a list of three experts who have agreed to endorse the nomination. The list of candidates is confidential and is not to be published anywhere.

The prize was awarded annually, starting from 2011 - once in two years. It is handed in on July 20, the birthday of Dobrushin. The winner receives a diploma and a prize of 3000 US dollars. Also he is invited to give a talk at the Institute for Information Transmission Problems.

The prize committee is designed for this particular competition and is independent of any organizations. A committee member cannot be considered as a candidate for the award.

The committee grants the award on the basis of independent emamination.


Dobrushin International Award Winners

2008 - professor Robert Adol’fovich Minlos,  a mathematician, the head of Dobrushin Mathematical Lab of the Institute. The corresponding ceremony took place on the 22th of July 2008 at the special Institute seminar honouring the memory of Roland Dobrushin.

2009 – professor Sinay Yakov Grigor’evich, a mathematician. The presentation ceremony was held at the International Dobrushin Conference in honour of his 80th birthday (July 19 2009).

2010 – professor Vezhbitskaya Anna, a linguist. The presentation ceremony was held at the International Mathematical Conference "50 Years of IITP", July 25 2011, Moscow.

2011 – professor Margulis Grigorii, a mathematician. The presentation ceremony was held at the International Mathematical Conference "50 Years of IITP", July 25 2011, Moscow.

2013- professor  Imre Csiszar,  a mathematician. The presentation ceremony was held at the International Conference  Information Technologies and Systems  (ITaS), September 2013, Kaliningrad.



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