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Integrable Structures in Statistical and Field Models

Seminar of Quantum Physics and Information Laboratory

June 2 (Thursday), 1400, IITP RAS, room 615 

Gor Sarkissian (YerPhI  and Yerevan University)

The light asymptotic limit of Conformal blocks in Toda field theory and the AGT correspondence

We compute the light asymptotic limit of $A_{n-1}$ Toda conformal blocks by using the AGT correspondence. We show that for certain class of CFT blocks the corresponding Nekrasov partition functions in this limit are simplified drastically being represented as a sum of a restricted class of Young diagrams. In the particular case of $A_{2}$ Toda we also compute the corresponding conformal blocks using conventional CFT techniques finding a perfect agreement with the results obtained from the Nekrasov partition functions.


page of seminar

31.05.2016 |


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