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Lab. ¹8 seminar: May 31, 2:30 pm at the SIEE (IPEE) small conference hall

The next joint seminar of SIEE (IPEE) RAS and IITP RAS
on the problems of sensory physiology
will be held on Thursday, May 31, 2:30 pm
at the SIEE (IPEE) small conference hall
(room 230, 2nd floor, Leninsky avenue, 33)

Seminar chairmen: Vladimir Baron and Elena Rodionova

The following talks will be presented:

Alexandara Limanskaia (trainee researcher, Lab. 8 of the IITP RAS)
Polysomnographic study of the phenomenon of central apnea in healthy cats

Ivan Pigarev (chief scientific researcher, Lab. 8 of the IITP RAS)
Sleep and the process of dark adaptation


Seminar page

29.05.2018 | Paul Maximov


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