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International conference «Computational Phylogenetics and Molecular Systematics»

16-19 November 2007, Moscow, Russia

Dear colleagues!

The Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University (FB MSU), Belozersky Institute for Physicochemical Biology of MSU (BIPB MSU), Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of MSU (FBB MSU) and Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IITP RAS) organize the international conference «Computational Phylogenetics and Molecular Systematics» (16-19 November 2007, Moscow, Russia).

This conference commemorates the 50 years since the first experimental study on molecular systematics was published in Russia, which marked the onset of contemporary molecular phylogenetics and a number of related disciplines, including molecular biology, evolutionary biology, biochemistry, computer science, and bioinformatics. The conference is aimed at gathering leading scientists from Russia and abroad in computational biology, genomics, theory and application of comparative analysis of genetic blueprints. The conference mission is to provide a stimulating platform for exchange of ideas and experiences, cross-disciplinary interactions, and long-term national and international collaborations. Participation of postgraduate and postdoctoral fellows is encouraged to foster development of the next generation professional network.

The conference scope includes but is not limited to:

  • computational analysis of DNA, RNA and protein sequences;
  • methods and algorithms of phylogenetic analysis;
  • oriented software development;
  • parallel and distributed computing in genetic data analysis, datamining;
  • evolution of genome, regulatory elements and genetic control systems;
  • dating evolutionary divergences with molecular data;
  • phylogenetics in hot topics of organismal evolution and systematics, phylogenomics;
  • applied molecular phylogenetics (barcoding, molecular anthropology, molecular epidemiology, forensic science, etc.).

Further details about the conference are available from the web: http://agora.guru.ru/cpms.
Should you have any particular inquiry, please contact us:

email: frontdesk@cpms.bio.msu.ru or rusin@iitp.ru

Dr. Leonid Rusin

Secretary Scientific CPMS 2007

Lab for mathematic methods and models in bioinformatics
Institute for Information Transmission Problems
Russian Academy of Sciences

Bol'shoi Karetnyi per., 19
127994 Moscow, Russian Federation

Phone +7-495-6998354 (ext. 149), 9391440, 9393193
Fax   +7-495-6500579, 9393181

08.08.2007 | Dmitry Matsnev


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