Institute Structure >> Public organizations >> The Council of young scientists and expe...
The Council of young scientists and experts (CYS&E)
The Council of young scientists and experts attached to IITP of RAS was created to help young scientists and specialists of the Institute to fulfill their creative potential, to unite their efforts in the exploration of most important research issues, to ensure intergenerational continuity of the Institute scientists, as well as to protect the interests of young scientists and experts of the Institute in the context of the RAS reformation.
The Council of young scientists and experts is a public body under the Academic Council, is regulated by the Academic Council, and operates under the regulations on the Council of young scientists and experts of IITP.
CYS&E represents the interests of the Group of young scientists and experts of the Institute which includes all categories of young researchers and specialists, postgraduate and doctoral students at the age of up to 33, working or studying in IITP, sharing the aims of CYS&E and accepting the terms of the regulations on the Council of young scientists and experts of IITP. Joining the Group is carried out upon written statement of the candidate.
Currently the Group of young scientists and experts of the Institute numbers 60 people. To make a prompt exchange of information all the Group members are subscribed to
If you are an employee, postgraduate or doctoral student of IITP at the age of up to 33, we invite you to join the Group of young scientists and experts of the Institute.
If you have any questions please write to
Young scientists and experts of IITP – to students (photos).
