>> The anniversary conference <50 years of ...
The anniversary conference "50 years of RAS IITP. Neurophysiology, biophysics and psychophysics at RAS IITP: origins and current state" was held at the RAS Institute for Information Transmission Problems on September 15, 2011.
The conference was opened by Bastakov V., candidate of biology and head of the laboratory "Processing of sensory information". The Director of RAS IITP professor A. Kuleshov gave a welcoming speech to the conference.
Conference proceedings
Associate professor O. Orlov and candidate of biology M. Berkinblit talked about the formation of biological department of the Institute for Information Transmission Problems.
The following speakers presented their reports at the conference: Maksimova, Lapshin, Levik, Bozhkova, Rozhkova, Aidu, Kalinin, Lubetskij, Kudina, Selionov, Seliverstov, Dunin-Barkovskij, Stefanuk, Samosudova.
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