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Information Technology and Systems (ITaS`2014) - An IITP RAS Conference & School. September, 1-5, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Information Technology and Systems (ITaS`2013) - Conference for Young Scientists and Engineers September, 1-6, Kaliningrad, Russia

WiFlex - International Workshop on Wireless Access Flexibility. September 4-6, 2013, Kaliningrad, Russia

Israel Gelfand Centenary - International Conference. July 22–25, 2013, Moscow

Information Technology and Systems (ITaS`2012) - Conference for Young Scientists and Engineers August, 19-25, Karelia, Russia

Partial Differential Equations and Applications - International conference in Honour of Mark Vishik on the occasion of his 90th birthday. Moscow, Russia, June 4-7, 2012

International Seminar - December 16-17, 2011, IITP RAS, Moscow.

Scientific session - was held on the 7th of December 2011 and was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of RAS IITP

The anniversary conference <50 years of RAS IITP. Neurophysiology, biophysics and psychophysics at RAS IITP: origins and current state> - was held on September 15, 2011

International mathematical conference (50 years of IITP RAS) - on July 25 the conference dedicated to 50 years of IITP RAS was opened

The jubilee scientific conference - dedicated to the 80th birthday of professor R.A. Minlos took place on March 1, 2011 at RAS IITP

"Information Technologies and Systems (ITaS"10)" Conference - the 33rd conference of young scientists and experts of RAS IITP was held from 20 to 24 of September, 2010

Young scientists and experts of RAS IITP to schoolchildren - On June 9, 2010 the members of the Council of Young Scientists and Experts of RAS IITP gave lectures to the pupils of secondary school ¹ 1580 attached to Bauman MSTU.

Dobrushin International Conference - was held from 15 to 20 of July, 2009 at RAS IITP and was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Roland Dobrushin.

The 2nd Moscow International Conference on Molecular Phylogenetics MolPhy-2 - began its work on May 18, 2010

International linguistic conference “The Word and the Language” - from 2 to 4 of February 2010 was held in Moscow and was dedicated to the 80th birthday of RAS academician Yuriy Apresyan



© Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute), 2025
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