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Scientific departments >> Laboratory ¹8 >> The main topics

The main topics of research

The main topics are mentioned below.

  • The studies of information transmission in visual systems

    We study 1) detectors of movement in fishes (silver Prussian carp) in retina and tectum; 2) color vision in animals. In particular, we study an influence of illumination of the receptive field periphery on response of the movement detectors in the fish retina during a selective and combined excitation of the different receptor types. We also investigate functions of contrast sensitivity, simultaneous color contrast, constant color perception in detectors of movement direction and detectors of oriented lines (E. Maximova, P. Maximov, I. Damjanovic, A. Aliper, A. Kasparson).

    We study the coding mechanisms of the vision scene depth in anurans. In particular, we try to elucidate how the frog vision system can evaluate external stimulus and trigger either feeding behaviour or avoidance behaviour. We also have a task to develop a model of neural network, which allows perceiving 3D space. We also investigate morphology of retina in animals with day and night mode of life. In particular, we study a tiny structure of the retinal pigment epithelium and phenomenon of the natural photoprotection in animals occurring under the high illumination conditions. We study the mechanisms of color coding in the frog vision system (V. Bastakov, O. Orlov)

    We develop the new treatment methods of amblyopia and other visual disturbances in children. In particular, we develop a model of visual screening, which allows detecting visual disturbances in children; we also develop a complex of diagnostic procedures to evaluate visual disturbances; we also examine the methods of developing of the visual functions and corrections of visual disturbances inhibiting successful learning (T. Podugolnikova).

  • The studies of information transmission in auditory systems

    In the lab, we study bioacoustics of sanguivorous mosquitoes. In particular, we are interested in functioning of the mosquito auditory system under the conditions of flight. We also study the frequency and spatial characteristics of the auditory receptors in mosquitoes, and try to reveal an importance of acoustic signals in females, and their behaviour during acoustic testing (D. Lapshin).

    We investigate bioacoustics in Orthoptera (crickets and grasshoppers) and Heteroptera (stick bugs). The main task of investigations is the study of evolution of acoustic and vibration signals in context of speciation. In particular, we study the role of various courtship parameters during the mate choice in behavioural experiments (V. Vedenina, L. Schestacov).

  • The studies of chemical communication

    In the lab, we investigate the capabilities of the macrosmatic animals to distinguish the odor-markers of oncologic diseases and metabolites of other diseases (associated with bleeding, inflammation, infection and necrosis, immune response of an organism). We develop the methods of marker identification at the early levels of the tumor development (E. Rodionova, M. Kochevalina).

  • The studies of the neurophysiologic mechanisms of interoceptive information transmission and analysis

    We study a hypothesis according to which all cortex zones analyzing exteroceptive information during the wake phase switch to an analysis of interoceptive information during sleep. We analyze interoceptive information transmission in spinal cord during the cycle sleep-wake, and reflection of the signals coming from gastrointestinal tract and heart in the single neuron activity of cortex and basal structures in the periods of slow-wave and fast sleep (I. Pigarev, V. Lavrova, E. Levichkina).

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Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: March 28, 14:30, SIEE R...
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Lab. ¹8 seminar: February 8, 2:30 pm. Leo Schestacov. Prospects for using data on insect vibrational...
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