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>> Last seminars


December 25 (Thursday), 1230, IITP RAS, room 615    

Andrei Okounkov (Columbia University, IITP)

Instanton moduli spaces and quantum groups

December 3 (Wednesday), 1630, IITP RAS, room 615

Nikita Nekrasov (Simons Center of Geometry and Physics, IITP)

qq-characters vs. (q,t)-characters and gauge theory

November 27

Boris Feygin  (HSE and Landau Institute)

Bethe ansatz for equations of quantum KdV type II

November 20

Boris Feygin  (HSE and Landau Institute)

Bethe ansatz for equations of quantum KdV type

November 13

Andrey Morozov (ITEP, MIPT)

Chern-Simons theory and knot theory

November 6 

Fedor Smirnov (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)

Freminic strucute of the sine-Gordon and sinh-Gordon models

November 5 

Aleksandr Zamolodchikov (Rutgers University, IITP)

Integrability of effective theories 

October 30

Alexandr Krikun 

Charge density wave instability in holographic d-wave superconductor

October 23 

Ruben Mkrtchyan, (Yerevan Physics Institute)

Universality in simple Lie algebras and Chern-Simons theory

October 16

Aleksandr Kamenshchik (INFN, Landau Institute)

Inflation in cosmology  

October 9 

Mikhail Lashkevich (Landau & Kharkevich Institutes)

Formfactors in Sh-Gordon model I 

October 2

Dmtriy Galakhov (ITEP)

Modular transformations and Stokes phenomenon

September 25 

Vasiliy Gorbunov

Yang-Baxter equation and equivariant quantum cohomology

September 11

Alexey Milekhin

RG-Whitham dynamics and complex Hamiltonian systems

September 4 

Vladimir Belavin

Unitary Minimal Liouville Gravity and Frobenius Manifolds

June 5

Pavel Gavrilenko (HSE) 

Residue Formulas for Prepotentials, Instanton Expansions and Conformal Blocks

April 24

Georgy Mutaphyan (HSE)

Characters of Quantum Toroidal gl_1 Representations

April 17 

Paul Wiegman

Fractional Quantom Hall Effect on Riemann Surfaces

April 10

Pavel Gavrilenko (HSE)

Tau-Function of sl_3 Isomonodromic Deformations and W_3 Conformal Blocks 

February 13 

Boris Feigin 

Ding-Iohara Algebra and Integrable Systems (con.)

February 6 

Nikolay Iorgov

Isomonodromic Tau-Functions from Liouville Conformal Blocks

It will be shown that the Riemann-Hilbert problem to find multivalued analytic functions with SL(2,C) -valued monodromy on Riemann surfaces of genus zero with n punctures can be solved by taking suitable linear combinations of the conformal blocks of Liouville theory at c = 1 . This implies a similar representation for the isomonodromic tau-function.
 The talk is based on the paper arXiv:1401.6104

January 23

Boris Feigin 

Ding-Iohara Algebra and Integrable Systems (con.)

January 16

Boris Feigin 

Ding-Iohara Algebra and Integrable Systems (con

January 9

Boris Feigin 

Ding-Iohara Algebra and Integrable Systems

Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: June 06, 2:30 pm, SIEE ...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: May 16, 2:30 pm, SIEE R...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: April 11, 2:30 pm, SIEE...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: March 28, 14:30, SIEE R...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: February 15, 2:30 pm. S.M. Nikiforov (GPI RAS). A dog and mass spectrometer in dise...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: February 8, 2:30 pm. Leo Schestacov. Prospects for using data on insect vibrational...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: January 25, 2:30 pm. Sergey L. Kondrashev (IITP RAS, NSCMB FEB RAS). Mysteries of c...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: December 14, 2:30 pm. Danila Gorunov (SIEE RAS). Information transmission in...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: December 07, 2:30 pm. Pavel Chochia. The history of research in the Laboratory for ...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: November 30, 2:30 pm. W.L. Dunin-Barkowski. On the mechanisms of small brain...
All news   


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