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Institute Structure >> Scientific departments >> Laboratory №8


Sensory information processing

Head of the laboratory – Doctor of sciences (biol.) Varvara Yu. Vedenina

Tel: +7(495) 952-33-03

In 1963, a laboratory of transmission and processing of information in sensory organs (lab №8) was founded in the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Soviet Union’s academy of sciences. This laboratory has been originated from the laboratory of the biophysics of vision (Institute of biophysics). The heads of the laboratory №8: Nikolay Njuberg (1963-1967), Mikhail Bongard (1967-1971), Alexey Byzov (1971-1998), Vladimir Bastakov (1998-2013).

In the lab, we investigate the mechanisms of the sensory information processing in animals and humans at various levels: at the level of receptors, at the level of central nervous system, at the level of realization of behavioral programs.

The main topics of research

Subjects for students

Publications of the lab (will be opened in a separate window)

Laboratory seminar on the problems of sensory physiology (will be opened in a separate window)

Laboratory staff:

  1. Aliper Alexey
  2. Bastakov Vladimir
  3. Bibikov Nikolay
  4. Damjanovich Ilija
  5. Grebennikova Irina
  6. Kasparson Anna
  7. Kochevalina Marina
  8. Kondrashev Sergey
  9. Kovaleva Evgenia
  10. Lapshin Dmitry
  11. Levichkina Ekaterina
  12. Limanskaia Alexandra
  13. Maximov Paul
  14. Maximova Elena
  15. Orlov Oleg
  16. Podugolnikova Tatiana
  17. Rodionova Elena
  18. Schestacov Leo
  19. Sevastianov Nikita
  20. Shmelkova Lyubov
  21. Vedenina Varvara
  22. Zenkin Gary

Acting junior scientific researcher
Leading scientific researcher, PhD, senior researcher
Part-time leading researcher, Dr. Sc. (biol.), senior researcher
Senior scientific researcher, PhD
Category I assistant engineer
Acting scientific researcher
Scientific researcher, PhD
Part-time senior scientific researcher, PhD
Trainee researcher
Leading scientific researcher, Dr. Sc. (biol.), senior researcher
Acting scientific researcher, PhD
Acting junior scientific researcher
Senior scientific researcher, PhD
Acting leading scientific researcher, PhD, senior researcher
Senior scientific researcher, PhD, docent
Senior scientific researcher, PhD, senior researcher
Senior scientific researcher, PhD, senior researcher
Scientific researcher, PhD
Acting junior scientific researcher
Trainee researcher
Laboratory chief, acting chief scientific researcher, Dr. Sc. (biol.)
Part-time acting leading scientific researcher, PhD, senior researcher

Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: February 13, 4:00 pm, b...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: January 30, 4:00 pm, sm...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: January 23, 4:00 pm, sm...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: December 19, 2:30 pm, r...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: December 12, 2:30 pm, r...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: December 5, 2:30 pm, ro...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: November 21, 2:30 pm, s...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: November 7, 2:30 pm, ro...
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