Knowledge-based approach to Winograd Schema Challenge / Igor Boguslavsky, Tatiana Frolova, Leonid Iomdin, Alexander Lazurski, Ivan Rygaev, Svetlana Timoshenko // Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference "Dialogue" (2019) Go to publication
Semantic analysis with inference: high-spots of the football match / Igor Boguslavsky, Tatiana Frolova, Leonid Iomdin, Alexander Lazurski, Ivan Rygaev, Svetlana Timoshenko // Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference “Dialogue” (2018) Download (459.4 KB)
Ontology to support semantic analysis of natural language texts (Ontologiya dlya podderzhki zadach izvlecheniya smysla iz teksta na estestvennom yazyke) // Proceedings of the 35-th conference "Information technologies and systems" (ITiS’12). Perozavodsk, 19 - 25 avgusta 2013
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Interfacing the Lexicon and the Ontology in a Semantic Analyzer // COLING 2010. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Resources (Ontolex 2010). Beijing, China. August 23-27, 2010. Beijing, 2010. Ð. 67–76.
Semantic Paraphrasing for Information Retrieval and Extraction // Flexible Query Answering Systems. 8th International Conference “FQAS 2009”. Roskilde, 2009. P. 512-523. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 3-642-04956-7.