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1988 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

Kolmogorov"s ideas in the theory of operations on sets. Russian Math. Surveys, 1988, 43, 6, pp. 111--155.
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1988 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Uspensky V.A.

M.Ya.Souslin"s contribution to set-theoretic mathematics. Moscow Univ. Math. Bull., 1988, 43, 5, pp. 29--40.
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1988 year
Authors: Grishin V., Kanovei V.

On work in descriptive set theory carried out at the Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences. Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 1990, Issue 1, pp. 245--265.
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1988 year
Authors: Lyubetsky V.

“On some applications of Heyting-valued analysis II” Article in the book COLOG-88, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 417, Springer, 1990, P. 122–145, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Logic, Tallinn, USSR, December 12–16 1988

1987 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

N.N.Luzin"s problems on the existence of CA sets without perfect subsets. Math. Notes, 1987, 41, pp. 422--426.
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1987 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

``Nonstandard"" construction of power series. In: V. A. Uspensky, What is the nonstandard analysis, M.: Nauka, 1987, pp. 121--124.

1985 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

Some problems of descriptive set theory and type theory. Abstract of D.Sc. thesis in physics and mathematics. ÌÈÀÍ èì. Â.À.Ñòåêëîâà, 1985, 18 ñ.
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1985 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

Problem of the existence of nonborel AF_II sets. Math. Notes, 1985, 37, pp. 156--161
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1985 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

Development of descriptive set theory under the influence of N.N.Luzin"s work. Russian Math. Surveys, 1985, 40, 3, pp. 135--180.
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1985 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

The axiom of determinacy and the modern development of descriptive set theory. J. Soviet Math., 1988, 40, 3, pp. 257--287.
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1984 year
Authors: Uspensky V.A., Kanovei V.

N.N. Luzin, an outstanding mathematician and teacher. Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1984, 11, pp. 95--102. (Russian.)

1984 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

Undecidable and decidable properties of constituents. Math. USSR Sbornik, 1985, 52, 2, pp. 491--519.
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1984 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

The axiom of choice and the axiom of determinateness. Moscow, Nauka, 1984, 63 pp. Monograph
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1983 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

Some problems of descriptive set theory and definability in the theory of types. Studies in nonclassical logic and formal systems, work collect., Moscow, 1983, pp. 21--81

1983 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

The structure of constituents of CA sets. Siberian Math. J., 1983, 24, 2, pp. 198--215.

1983 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

Generalization of P.S.Novikov"s theorem on the crossections of Borel sets. Math. Notes, 1983, 33, 2, pp. 144--146
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1983 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

An answer on N. N. Luzin"s question about the separability of CA curves. Math. Notes, 1983, 33, 3, pp. 223--224.
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1983 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Uspensky V.A.

Luzin"s problems on constituents and their fate. Moscow Univ. Math. Bull. 1983, 38, 6, pp. 86--102
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1982 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

On N.N. Luzin"s problems on the embeddability and decomposability of projective sets. Math. Notes, 1982, 32, pp. 494--499.
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1982 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

Projective hierarchy of N.N. Luzin: the current state of the theory. Appendix to the Russian translation of Handbook of Mathematical Logic, part 2: Set Theory, Moscow, Nauka,1982, pp. 273--364.

1981 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

On uncountable sequences of sets given by the sieve operation, Soviet Math. Dokl., 1981, 23, 2, pp. 352--356.
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1981 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Ostrovsky A.V.

On non-Borel F_II sets, Soviet Math. Dokl., 1981, 24, 2, pp. 386--389.
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1981 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

Theory of Zermelo without the power set axiom and the theory of Zermelo -- Fraenkel without the power set axiom are relatively consistent, Math. Notes, 1981, 30, 3, pp. 695--702.
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1980 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

On some problems of descriptive set theory and the connection between constructibility and definability. Soviet Math. Dokl., 1980, 22, 1, pp. 163 - 167.
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1979 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

On the definability of forcing in analysis. Moscow Univ. Math. Bull, 1979, 34, 2, pp. 3--13.

1979 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

On descriptive forms of the countable axiom of choice. Studies in nonclassical logic and set theory, work collect., Moscow, 1979, pp. 3--136.

1979 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

The set of all analytically definable sets of natural numbers can be defined analytically. Math. USSR Izv., 1980, 15, pp. 469--500.
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1979 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

A consequence of the Martin Axiom. Math. Notes, 1980, 26, pp. 549--553.
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1978 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

The significance of the parameters and of the complexity of the basic formula in the comprehension schema for second order arithmetic. Soviet Math. Dokl. 1978, 19, pp. 1556--1559.
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1978 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

Proof of a theorem of N.N. Luzin. Math. Notes, 1978, 23, pp. 35--37.
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1978 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

The optimal strategy of distribution of resources in planning of railroad cargo transportation. Collected works of high school, 597, Moscow Transport Engineering Institute, 1978, pp. 86--107.
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1978 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

On the nonemptiness of classes in axiomatic set theory. Math USSR Izv., 1978, 12, pp. 507--535.
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1976 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

Definability using the degrees of constructibility. Studies in set theory and non-classical logic, work collect., M., Nauka, 1976, pp. 5--95.
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1976 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

Consistency of some propositiona of descriptive set theory which express the existence of objects with paradoxical properties. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis in physics and mathematics, ÌÃÓ, 1976, 16 ñ.
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1975 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

The majorization of initial segments of degrees of constructibility. Math. Notes, 1975, 5--6, pp. 563--567.
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1975 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

The independence of some propositions of descriptive set theory and second order arithmetic. Soviet Math. Dokl, 1975, 16, 4, pp. 937--940.
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