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2011 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

Internal Reference Frame for the Representation and Storage of Visual Information during Standing Human Physiology, 2011, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 299–303.

2010 year
Authors: Smetanin B., Kozhina G., Popov A.

B. N. Smetanin, G. V. Kozhina, A. K. Popov. Postural Responses Evoked by Vibrational Stimulation of the Shin Muscles under Conditions of Virtual Visual Environment // Neurophysiology, July 2010, Volume 42, Issue 1, pp 50-56.
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2009 year
Authors: Talis V., Kazennikov O., Solopova I., Ioffe M.E.

Interhemispheric motor cortex influence during bimanual unloading, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 2009, 8(4): 409–416
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2009 year
Authors: Smetanin B., Kozhina G., Popov A.

Human upright posture control in a virtual visual environment // Human Physiology March 2009, Volume 35, Issue 2, pp 177–182
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2009 year
Authors: Kazennikov O., M.Wiesendanger

Bimanual coordination of bowing and fingering in violinists--effects of position changes and string changes. Motor Control. 2009 Jul;13(3):297-309.

2009 year
Authors: Selionov V., Ivanenko Yu., Solopova I., Gurfinkel V.

Tonic Central and Sensory Stimuli Facilitate Involuntary Air-Stepping in Humans J Neurophysiol 101: 2847–2858, 2009.
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2009 year
Authors: Kazennikov O., Shlykov V., Levik Y.

Relationship between postural oscillations on an unstable support and variations of the force of grip on a hand-held object. Human Physiology. 2009. vol. 35, No 3, pp. 386-388. Русский оригинал: Физиология человека, 2009, т. 35, № 3, с. 137-139.
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2008 year
Authors: Lipshits M., Kazennikov O.

Lipshits MI, Kazennikov OV. Relationship between the time of the beginning of the anticipatory postural components and the latent period of raising the arm in the vertical posture] Fiziol Cheloveka. 2008 Jul-Aug;34(4):88-96.

2008 year
Authors: McIntyre J., Lipshits M.

Central processes amplify and transform anisotropies of the visual system in a test of visual-haptic coordination. // J. Neuroscience, January 2008; 28(5): 1246-1261.

2008 year
Authors: Talis V., Kazennikov O., Solopova I.

Талис В.Л., Солопова И.А., Казенников О.В. Кортико-спинальная возбудимость при вибрационных реакциях предплечья человека. Журнал высшей нервной деятельности им. И. П. Павлова, 2008, 58(5):552-61.
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2008 year
Authors: Talis V., Kazennikov O., Solopova I., M.Ioffe

Anticipatory postural adjustment before bimanual unloading reactions: the role of the motor cortex in motor learning, Experimental Brain Research, 2008, 186,215-223
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2008 year
Authors: Talis V., Solopova I., Grishin A., Oskanyan T., Belen’kii V., Ivanenko Yu.

Asymmetric leg loading during sit-to-stand, walking and quiet standing in patients after unilateral total hip replacement surgery. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 2008, 23/4,424-433.
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2007 year
Authors: Talis V., Kazennikov O., Solopova I., M.Ioffe

Motor Cortex in the natural and learned bimanual unloading, Motor Control 2007, Vol.11 (Suppl), .47
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2007 year
Authors: Talis V., Solopova I.

Талис В.Л., Солопова И.А., Гришин АА, Осканян Т.Л., Беленький В.Е. Особенности координации вставания со стула и ходьбы у людей с замененным тазобедренным суставом. Физиология человека, 2007, N2, т.33 , с 19-26
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2006 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

Cheron G, Leroy A, Bengoetxea A, De Saedeleer C, Cebolla A, Lipshits M, McIntyre J. Les neurosciences spatiales: l"électroencéphalographie dans la navigation virtuelle..// Science Connection, 2006, N10, fevrier , pp. 25-29.

2006 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

Cheron G., Leroy A., De Saedeleer C., Bengoetxea A., Lipshits M. Cebolla A., Servalis L., Dan. B., Berthoz A., McIntyre J. Effect of gravity on human spontaneous 10-Hz electroencephalographic oscillations during the arrest reaction.// Brain Research, 2006, V. 1121, N 1, pp. 104-116

2006 year
Authors: Talis V.

Almeida GL, Corvalo RL, Talis VL, Postural strategy to keep balance on the seesaw, Gait & Posture, 2006, 23: 17-21.
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2005 year
Authors: Popov K., Smetanin B., Kozhina G.

Dependence of the Magnitude of Postural Reactions in Humans on the Strength of Unilateral Galvanic Anodal and Cathodal Vestibular Stimulations. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, 2005, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 169-176.

2005 year
Authors: Kazennikov O.

Baader AP, Kazennikov O, Wiesendanger M. Coordination of bowing and fingering in violin playing. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res. 2005 May;23(2-3):436-43.

2005 year
Authors: Kazennikov O.

Kazennikov OV, Wiesendanger M. Goal synchronization of bimanual skills depends on proprioception. Neurosci Lett. 2005 Nov 18;388(3):153-6.

2005 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

M. Lipshits, A. Bengoetxea, G. Cheron, J. McIntyre. Two reference frames for visual perception in two gravity conditions. // Perception. 2005, v.34, p. 545-555.

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